Ans Best Practices - SII

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- teachers and staff - teachers and staff work

conduct their duties together harmoniously,
with the highest rendering service for the
degree of integrity and good of many.

- teachers and staff
work for the best.

97 96.12

96 95.19



92 91.16




2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012



7 6.46


3 2.35

2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
300 280

250 232 235

207 207
200 185
150 Saved



1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
120 113 114


68 68
58 Male
47 Female
45 46
40 33
28 30


1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
120 113 114


68 68
58 Male
47 Female
45 46
40 33
28 30


1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year




250 Male
200 178
150 130


46 48 48
50 37
16 11
2 1 3
11-13 14-16 17-19 20-22 23-up
- a procedural habit of doing things
which has been adopted by several
people because it achieves intended
It is a success story which is effective,
ethically sounds relevant, efficient
and sustainable.
There is no single best practice for all
Our challenges
Before-programme status
The School Situation
High school Dropout Rate
977 Students at Risk of Dropping Out
Limited number of stakeholders who are
investing for scholarship of the students and
other programs of the school
What we have done so far
Initiated Funding/
Interventions Funding Results
(SII)/SBM Sources
CP-TLE Problem: The T.L.E. & H.E. At present it has
Showcase There was no venue Department had the generated an
Center to display students opportunity to income of P12,
projects after they manage/sponsor an 995.00 from
SBM have submitted it to acrobatic show which September 2011 to
Principle: their TLE & HE generated almost a March 2012.
Leadership & teachers, hence they hundred thousand
Governance lost the appreciation pesos as share from
& pride of their work. sales of tickets. The
amount was used for
the construction of the
Display Center of
students output in
CPTLE Subjects
What we have done so far
Initiated Funding/
Interventions Funding Results
(SII)/SBM Sources
YOUTH Problem: Students have a As of March
SAVINGS Savings consciousness & maintaining 2012,a total of
PROGRAM thrift are not included in the balance of 2,562 student
minds of the students w/c P10.00 in their savers deposited
SBM lead to their inability to savings deposit total savings
Principle: finance their needs for amounting to
Curriculum & school projects & activities. Php1,267,418.41
Establish and institutionalize
entrepreneurship and
savings program with the
goal of inculcating the
positive value of savings to
its beneficiaries
What we have done so far
YEM interventions were coupled with or gave birth
to other School Initiated Interventions (SII)
School Initiated
Interventions Problems/
Funding Results
(SII)/SBM Descriptions
YOUTH The program was
SAVINGS enhanced by the
PROGRAM learning from the
Financial Literacy
SBM Principle: Training attended by a
Curriculum & CPTLE Teacher and
Instruction the Division Supervisor
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
PAGKAIN Problem: Operation of Records show
MO, Students have inadequate, the ANS that for 4 years
SAGOT KO unsafe & less nutritious managed of
foods resulting to their canteen implementation,
SBM severely wasted nutritional PTA - P 187 first year
Principle: status. They have not 40,000.00 malnourished
Leadership & developed desirable eating LGU of San students have
Governance habits. These resulted to Jose de benefited from
poor academic performance Buenavista - the program.
& sickness, & lead them to P120,000.00
become truant & eventually
drop from school.
Feeding Program for
malnourished 1st year school
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
SAKAY Problem: LGU of San For the past 2
NA, One of the major causes why Jose de years of
TRIP KITA students become truant & Buenavista implementation,
later decide to drop from P40, 000.00 128 students
SBM school is the inability of ANS PTA have availed
Principle: parents to provide the daily P50, 000.00 while at present
Leadership needs of their children Let Us Care there are 41
& particularly the transportation Foundation, students who
Governance fees from their residence to Inc. enjoy this
school & food for their lunch. P17, 150.00 program
Assist poor but deserving
students who are at risk of
dropping out due to their
financial needs specifically for
transportation and meals.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Kahit may Problem: Php All identified
K, OK Persons w/ disabilities have 100,000.00 PWDs who
Inclusive been excluded from school /LGU are at risk of
Education because teaching them poses a Liliane dropping out
big challenge; the learners have Foundation were saved.
SBM special needs; some parents Phil., 2 Education
Principle: dont like their children to be ADP- Subsidy
Leadership combined w/ special learners; & Antique, Inc, recipients
& the fear that the performance of MDG F JP availed this
Governance special learners will bring down YEM program
the overall class grades.
Inclusive education to persons
with disabilities in the community
and programs and services
wherein they can be
mainstreamed in society.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
ANS Problem: Alumni and For SY 2011 2012,
SCHOLARSHIP Poor but deserving their families the school has 27
PROGRAM students are at risk NGOs and scholarship
of dropping out. other programs serving
SBM Principle: Their parents are institutions 405 students from
Leadership & unable to finance first year to fourth
Governance their projects, year levels.
miscellaneous fees
& school supplies.
Scholarship for poor
but deserving
students who are at
risk of dropping out
due to poverty.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Principles Descriptions
LAGOT KA, Problem: The number of
NAG-DotA KA? Students go to the computer shops students caught in the
in order to play online games during computer shops during
SBM Principle: class hours w/c results to: class hours was
Accountability & 1. Non-attendance in their class reduced. Eighty-nine
Continuous 2. Low or failing grades (89) students were
Improvement 3. Tardiness in their class given counseling
4. Dropping out from school. services which
improved their
attendance and were
An intervention to improve
saved from dropping
attendance of students who usually
play computer games during class
hours in order to save them from
dropping out
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Principles Descriptions
GUIDANCE & Students need to be guided as they grow For SY 2011 2012,
COUNSELING into adulthood. At times the home is not 647 cases were
SERVICES enough to provide them the necessary addressed
directions. This leads them to develop
SBM Principle: psycho-social problems w/c affect their
Accountability studies. Many of them become trouble
& Continuous makers, vandals, breakers of school rules
Improvement & regulations, takers of alcohol &
prohibited drugs, absentees , sexually
abused & teen-age pregnancy.
For the students to gain a better
understanding of self, improve their
interpersonal skills and provide
opportunities for them to become
empowered & independent through
individual and group counseling.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Cyber Club Problem: P25.00/month for 1. Students were
Computer Inadequate school each student able to finish
Laboratory funds to maintain the taking computer required outputs
Sustainability repair & maintenance of lesson. on time because
Project computer units inside Computer computers were
the laboratory rooms. Services: functional.
SBM Students take turns in Encoding 2. Teachers &
Principle: using the functional short size @ students used the
Management computers w/c causes P10.00 & long lab room in doing
of Resources delay of submission of size @ P15.00 school-related
requirements during Printing black work/requirements
laboratory activity P1.00, - colored
Students go out of the minimum of
campus to work on their P10.00
requirements hence depending on
skip classes the graphics
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Cyber Club Description: Scanning 3. 3. Students were
Computer It is a project of the P3.00/pictures able to garner
Laboratory ANS Cyber Club in lay outing awards in IT
Sustainability order to manage the certificates related contests in
Project sustainability of the P10.00, - the Div., Regional,
computer laboratories invitation National &
SBM under the supervision of P30.00/page, - International levels.
Principle: the computer teachers. program
Management It is a venue where P20.00/page, 4. 3 new computers
of Resources students could put into CD writing were procured &
practice the theories & P50.00/CD 52 computer units
skills they learned in the Internet were
classroom P10.00/hr. upgraded/repaired
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Sa Gulay Problem: Seed capital was 1. From 2008-2012,
Ko, Hahaba High garden inputs to provided by the project has
ang Buhay produce vegetables is students & generated a net
Mo happening in the ANS teachers & the income of
farm w/c results to low sharing system of P51,715.75 out of
SBM return of investment the income is as the different crops it
Principle: because of the use of follows: has raised like
Curriculum inorganic fertilizers & - Student share tomato, cabbage,
& pesticides. Moreover, 40% cauliflower,
Instruction vegetables are loaded w/ - Manager ampalaya, eggplant,
chemicals because of share 40% cucumber.
the effects of inorganic - Dept. share 2. Students were able
spray w/c could be 10% to earn income
detrimental to health. - Admin share
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Sa Gulay Description: 3. Organic farming
Ko, Hahaba The project is launched by was practiced in
ang Buhay the Agri Fisheries Dept. school w/c led to
Mo using vermicast & vermitea the production of
as fertilizers to the better eating quality
SBM vegetable crops. Crop vegetables.
Principle: rotation was practiced to
Curriculum allow the plant debris to
& decay for the pathogens to
Instruction die out before planting
another crop
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Producto Problem: P2,000.00 1. Students were able to
at Serbisyo Parents of some students from 6 HE prepare their projects
Ko, Ibenta are unable to finance the teachers was without bothering their
Mo projects/laboratory needs, used as seed parents as to finances.
food & transportation capital 2. Students enjoyed their
SBM allowance of their children, IGP since they were
Principle: thus losing interest in earning while learning.
Curriculum livelihood skills & in the 3. From 2010-2012, a
& end, dropping out from total net income of
Instruction school. P58,331.68 was
No entrepreneurial activity generated.
hence it was difficult to 4. Savings deposit by
teach entrepreneurship to students in the school
students. cooperative amounting
to P113,887.77
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Producto Description: 5. 1,028 students were
at Serbisyo Income Generating Project involved in the IGP
Ko, Ibenta of the school w/c caters to 6. Students gained first
Mo the entrepreneurial skills of hand experience in
its students & prepare entrepreneurial
SBM them to become productive activity.
Principle: & responsible citizens.
Food preparation & sewing
of garments were done by
the students in the HE
Laboratory under the
supervision of the
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Producto Foods are sold in the P2,000.00
at Serbisyo canteen & ready to wear from 6 HE
Ko, Ibenta items are sold in the TLE teachers was
Mo Showcase Center. Capital used as seed
is returned to the teachers capital
SBM & profit sharing is made
Principle: using the following
Curriculum scheme:
& - Student share 50%
Instruction - Class fund 30%
- Dept. share 20%
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
ANS Beauty Problem: Let Us Care 1. Out of139 Beauty Care
Salon & Spa Students Foundation students under the
Beauty Mo, specializing in P19,000.00 supervision of 2 teachers,
Care Ko Beauty Care find a LGU San Jose they have generated an
hard time to P20,000.00 income of P18,446.00
SBM sustain their needs ANS Home 2. Students have enhanced
Principle: in learning the Economics Dept. their knowledge & skills in
Curriculum & subject due to their P10,000.00 beauty care services
Instruction low financial Sharing Scheme: 3. Ninety One students have
capabilities. They Student Share total savings deposit in
cannot buy the 50% the school cooperative
materials to use in Revolving fund (ANSTEC) in the amount
their projects. So 20% of P12,101.74
this situation HE Dept. 20% 4. There was no drop out in
became the push Lets Care, Home class
factor in dropping for Girls 10%
from school.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
ANS Beauty Description:
Salon & Spa This is an income
Beauty Mo, generating project
Care Ko of Beauty Care
students which
SBM provide them the
Principle: opportunity to
Curriculum & acquire first hand
Instruction experience in
managing a small
beauty parlor &
generate income to
augment their
financial resources
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Mata Mo, Problem: P100,000.00 Eighty students who are
Care Ko Another cause of poor from at risk of dropping out
Vision 2020performance in school by Cataract due to poor visual
students is having reading Foundation condition were saved.
SBM problems due to poor
Principle: eyesight or visual
Leadership impairment. Many of their
& parents cannot afford to buy
Governance eyeglasses.
This intervention addresses
students w/ visual
problems. It is geared
towards providing students
w/ services through free
reading glasses
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Campus Problem: P2,000.00 1. Contributed to
Police Students of ANS come from almost per month the reduction of
all parts of the province & from all is given to dropout rate
SBM walks of life. The diverse personality the brgy. from 10.17% to
Principle: of students at times lead to tanod. 2.35%.
Leadership minor/major conflicts inside the Free lunch 2. Reduced
& classrooms. Added to this situation is provided number of cases
Governance are the conflicts among the members to the of misbehavior
of gangs & fraternities. police among students
Description: officers 3. No reported
1. Police officers render full-time incident of
service during day time violence & major
2. Barangay tanod reports during conflicts related
night time. to fraternities &
3. Financial assistance given to brgy. gang
Tanod by the PTA. 4. Peace & order
4. Police visibility is evident in the were maintained
campus in school
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Mobilizing Problem: Funds from 30 spans of
Many of the needs of the school Alumni, perimeter fence
Resources based on physical inventory LGU, PTA costing P510.000.00
through a cannot be addressed by the from alumni
Wish List school MOOE. These needs 2 study sheds w/ the
are important in order to cost of P150,000.00
SBM proceed to the total devt of the from alumni
Principle: school & these are contained in Concrete pavement
Management the School Improvement Plan in front of the
of (SIP) gabaldon bldg. w/
Resources the total cost of
A Wish List is an inventory of
1 guard house
the physical needs of the
costing P100,000.00
school w/ plan specifications &
from class `59
program of works reflecting the
cost of the project.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Mobilizing These are presented to the 2 waiting sheds
stakeholders & enable them donated by alumni &
Resources to choose the Project they concerned politician
through a like to fund based on their 2 main gates each
Wish List available resources. After costing P50,000.00
choosing the project, they donated by alumni
SBM manage the construction 350 steel tablet arm
Principle: based on the plan. chairs costing
Management Supervision is done by the P175,000.00
of physical facilities coordinator donated by Provl
Resources of the school. The project is LGU & alumni
turned-over to the school
after its construction.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Learning in Problem: Donations 1. It has improved
a Park Poor cleanliness & physical from the physical
appearance of the different areas stakeholders appearance &
SBM in the school (parents, cleanliness of the
Principle: alumni, civic school.
Curriculum minded 2. It encouraged
An area is assigned to each
& citizens), teachers to
subject department to develop &
Instruction contribution mobilize the
beautify. The teachers of the
from alumni & parents
department design & build
teachers & for support.
structures & post lesson concepts
in order to enable students to learn
even without the teacher.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Learning in It comes in the form of replica of Donations 3. It lured students
a Park tourist spots, geometric figures, from to stay instead
word problems, vegetable garden, stakeholders of going outside
SBM quotations, medicinal plants & (parents, the campus
Principle: study sheds. It has become a alumni, civic during vacant
Curriculum haven for students during their minded periods.
& vacant periods. citizens), 4. It fostered pride
Instruction contribution among the
from teachers of the
teachers & department.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Award Problem: PTA, School It build pride among
System Students, teachers, parents Administration, the awardees
feel that they are not given Alumni It created sense of
SBM due recognition for their recognition to the
Principle: achievement hence low awardees for their
Leadership morale to perform have performance
& developed among them. It encouraged
Governance internal & external
stakeholders to work
Award system is a program
& achieve high
of giving importance &
recognition to teachers,
students, parents, alumni &
LGU officials for their
achievement & contribution
to the development of the
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Award It is based on criteria. Awards
System are given such as:
1. Model Teacher of the year.
SBM 2. Model Parent of the year
Principle: 3. Most Beautiful Learning
Leadership Park
& 4. Certificates of Recognition
Governance to Students, Alumni, LGU
officials & NGOs
5. Most Outstanding Alumni
6. Mr. & Miss ANS
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Remedial Problem: The Local As of December
Reading Reading is a tool in all Government of 2012. Among 75
Program subjects. A non-reader has a San Jose, students, who are
possibility of having a problem Antique donated beneficiaries of
SBM in moving from one year level P 30, 000 for theRemedial Reading
Principle: to the next year level if he cant Remedial Program, only 7
Curriculum attain the passing mark in all Reading fund. students showed no
& subjects. It is surprising that progress because of
There is an
Instruction many Grade 7 students their poor
existing fund of
especially in the lower sections attendance. This
P 20, 000.00 for
have not attained the reading result was based on
the classroom
level that is required from an the Practice Tests
which was
incoming high school student. given by the
donated by
This is revealed by the Phil IRI teachers as the
Engr. & Mrs.
which was given to the Grade Remedial Classes
Maxnell Sentina.
7 students every opening of go on.
the school year.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Remedial Description: Letters were sent to
Reading The RRC Program aims to develop parents to inform
Program the four fundamental or major about their sons or
reading skills namely: Vocabulary daughters progress
SBM Skills, Comprehension Skills, through the Guidance
Principle: Literary Appreciation Skills, and Office. Some parents
Curriculum Study Skills. personally inquired
& Exercises given to Remedial the performance of
Instruction Reading beneficiaries are designed their children.
to strengthen and extend the Teachers and parents
reading skills so that they can read made possible
effectively, accurately, and solutions about the
independently. problem encountered
for the improvement
Each skill is designed based on the of the students
three designated areas: school standing.
1. Starter easy exercises for
initiating or developing a basic skill.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Remedial 2. Reinforcer exercises of moderate
Reading difficulty to strengthen the skill.
Program 3. Challenger exercises that test the
mastery and application of the skill
SBM and are meant for the more advanced
Principle: students.
The following activities are used in
the Remedial Reading Class:
Word Recognition and Vocabulary
1. Progressive Anagram
2. Double Alphabet Game
3. Scavenger Hunt
4. Pair Off Game
5. Password
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Remedial 6. Drawing Pictures
Reading 7. Act Out/ Pantomime
Comprehension, Literary
Appreciation, and Study Skills
Principle: 1. Guided Reading Procedures
Curriculum 2. Directed Reading Activity (DRA)
& 3. K-W-L
Instruction The K-W-L strategy was designed to
overcome some of the shortcomings
of the DRA and allow students to
work more independently with
expository test. Students identify
what they know (K), what they want
to learn (W), and what they learned
(L). Three columns are used to
structure this activity.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Multi-Media Problem: The The difference
Math Made Incoming First Year implementation between the scores in
Easy students have no Mastery and the Pre-test and Post-
Through on the Four Fundamental sustainability of test shows that the
Remediation Operations in this project was project achieved its
Mathematics. made possible goal in improving the
SBM through the fund Mathematical level of
Principle: from the HSIF the student
The Math Made Easy
Curriculum & amounting to beneficiaries.
Through Remediation
Instruction P100, 000 and
Project aims to improve
the mathematical level of
support of the
the first year students who
have not mastered the
amounting to
Four Fundamental
P6, 000.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Multi-Media A 40-item teacher-made test Since Math Made
Math Made was given to the incoming Easy Through
Easy first year students upon Remediation
Through admission to determine the successfully attained
Remediation 100 students with the least its goal, it has now
scores who will be the become a part and
SBM beneficiaries of this project. parcel of the Antique
Principle: National Schools
Three teachers from the
Curriculum & structure and will
Mathematics department
Instruction continually serve
were assigned to handle the
through the years.
classes in a form of game,
use of notebooks or exercise
cards and educational CDs
aided by television or
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Plastic Bottle Problem: None Beautification of
Blocks Accumulation of non- (Bottle school grounds using
biodegradable wastes such blocks are trash as one of the
PBB/Bottle as plastics, junk food trash-based; raw materials
Bricks wrappers, cellophanes, bottles filled especially plastics.
(Waste candy wrappers, plastic bags, with dry Minimized the
Management etc. which pose a great threat inorganic amount of scattered
& to health & sanitation like garbage.) plastic wrappers
Segregation) clogging the drainages. (which usually
contributes to
SBM clogging of
Students collected non-
Principle: drainages during
biodegradable wastes (such
Curriculum & rainy season) in the
as those which cannot be
Instruction school vicinity.
sold to junk shops like food
wrappers, plastic bags,
straws, styrofoam, etc)
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Plastic Bottle and compressed them Helped in preventing
Blocks inside a plastic bottle. further damage to
Plastics have our environment
PBB/Bottle decomposition rates through recycling.
Bricks ranging from 20-450 years Reduced the cost for
(Waste and were proven to be 20 construction
Management times stronger than ordinary materials.
& bricks. These trash-filled
Segregation) plastic bottles were utilized
as substitute for hollow
SBM blocks in building concrete
Principle: structures in school, like
Curriculum & benches.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Plastic Bottle
Blocks References:
PBB/Bottle ploads/7/5/2/6/7526161/ho
Bricks w-to_bottle_brick.pdf
& Making_%E2%80%9Ceco-
Segregation) bricks%E2%80%9D

Principle: 2011/11/16/plastic-bottles-
Curriculum & 20-times-stronger-than-
Instruction bricks/
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/ /
Principles Descriptions Funding
Pera sa Problem: None 1. Beautification of
Basura Garbage left unattended can cause surroundings within
a lot of problems. Improper waste the assigned areas
SBM disposal could be a source of of the
Principle: diseases and pollution in the Science Department
Curriculum community. 2. Augmented finances
& -Accumulation of non- of participants in
Instruction biodegradable wastes such as local & national
plastics posed a great threat to science competitions
health & sanitation like clogging the and activities.
drainages. 3. Awareness among
students regarding
waste management,
1. Students were tasked to collect
segregation &
garbage such as plastic bottles,
tin cans & caps, aluminum cans
& caps, scraps, etc. to be sold to
junk shops.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Pera sa 2. Canvassing was done 4. Minimized scattered
Basura every grading period. garbage within the
3. Teachers were assigned to schools
SBM monitor the canvassing surroundings as well
Principle: and grade the students for as at home since
Curriculum the project component. students have
& 4. The amount generated was developed the habit
Instruction deposited on the account of segregating
of the Science Department wastes.
and was subjected to the 5. The generated
usual auditing rules income from this
and procedures. activity from
5. Liquidation of funds was September, 2008 to
done at the end of the September, 2012
school year. amounted to:
Sept. 11 & 27, 2008
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Pera sa Sept. 19, 2009 P19,327.45
Basura October 9, 2009 P21,570.20
October 23, 2009 P6,913.30
SBM November 27, 2009
Principle: P3,037.85
Curriculum January 22, 2010 P18,503.75
& March 5-6, 2010 P36,417.45
Instruction August 21, 2010 P33,332.55
October 15-20, 2010
Jan. 13,14 & 17, 2011
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
March 1-7, 2011
Pera sa P37,246.55
Basura August 4-6, 2011
SBM September 14, 2012
Principle: P7,83.40
Curriculum September 26, 2012
& P15,428.20
TOTAL P336,856.60
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Problem: None Improved levels of
Physics Monotonous activity, noisy student
Olympics classmates and unholy hours participation and
Inter- (siesta) of the day which makes attendance in
Section the class less conducive for class. - 7 out of 10
learning. frequent tardy
SBM Special conditions and personal students in a
Principle: problems of the child which leads section improved
Curriculum to low attention span of students. their attendance. -
& 12 out of 15
Instruction students (those
1. Students were tasked to
who are non-
participate in outdoor activities
participative in
like games and competitions
class activities) in a
against students from other
section became
sections with the same class
responsive &
interested in class.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
2. This was done anytime during Minimized
Physics every grading period as the hyperactivity and
Olympics need arises depending on the restlessness of
Inter- topics discussed. students. - 4 out
Section 3. Students from selected sections of 5 students in a
get to compete with one another section were able
SBM through the series of games or to divert their
Principle: activities. In this way, learning hyperactivity from
Curriculum was less boring & became more annoying their
& challenging & exciting. classmates in class
Instruction 4. Students were required to have to doing meaningful
post-activity discussions and work and tasks.
made to present their insights to
class about the activity.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
5. Teachers were assigned to
Physics monitor the activities and
Olympics prepare the appropriate rubrics
Inter- in grading the students.

What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Problem: Out of 27
Student Students in the lower sections have students who
Adopt A difficulty in Integrated Science, they have are being
Student poor comprehension & low scores mentored by
Program resulting to low grades. Grade 7
(Mentoring) Waling Waling
20 of them who
Students in the Special Science class
SBM are always
pick one student in the lower section of
Principle: attending their
which they have the same Science
Curriculum tutorial have
teacher to be mentored in the Science
& improved their
subject. They meet at least twice a week
Instruction scores during
during lunchtime or after five in the
daily quizzes
and periodic
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Sometimes if the learner finds his/her
Student subject difficult they have to look for their
Adopt A tutor. The tutor and the learner
Student accomplish an attendance paper where
Program the learner signs the paper as proof that
(Mentoring) they have met.

What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Problem: None 1. Several recorded
Values The time for Values Education incidence of
Formation of subject is not enough in the respect shown by
the PTA curriculum to enable the teacher to students were
inculcate desirable values to the observed by the
SBM students. Moreover, other factors in PTA president.
Principle: the community are not available to 2. Recorded
Accountability assist teachers in molding students instances of
& Continuous so that they can be more useful in dishonesty during
Improvement the country now & in the future. It the test made by
has been noted that due to these the students
circumstances many students were investigated
remained less respectful, by teachers &
dishonest, breakers of school rules students made
& regulation, polluters, absentees, rectification of
late comers, etc., w/c are not their errors.
positive signs of good behavior.
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
Description: None 3. Number of
Values Values Formation of the PTA is a parents who
Formation of program designed to assist the follow-up their
the PTA school, particularly the teachers, in children with
helping students & even their problems in
SBM parents to learn & embrace school have
Principle: desirable values. This consists of increased.
Accountability parents, doing the role of a teacher 4. Number of
& Continuous of values, & teaching students for children violating
Improvement 15 min. in any of their classes. The school rules &
parent teachers are assisted by regulation is
the guidance dept. of ANS in decreasing.
getting literature on values
concepts & topics w/c help them to
What we have done so far
SII / SBM Problems/
Funding Results
Principles Descriptions
The parent-teachers likewise None
Values speak to their fellow parents about
Formation of how to support their childs
the PTA education during PTA homeroom &
general assembly meetings. No
SBM less than Dr. Fritz Casalan, PTA
Principle: president is doing this role in
Accountability school for at least four times a
& Continuous week. The school principal is
Improvement joining this endeavor.
The Open High School Program (OHSP) is an
alternative mode of secondary education that
uses distance learning. It caters to learners
who are unable to attend the regular class
program due to physical impairment, work,
financial difficulties, distance of home to
school, and other justifiable and legitimate
For SY 2011-2012, two (2) students enrolled in
the OHSP, one (1) First Year and one (1) Fourth
Year Student. The Fourth Year Student is a
Person with Disability (Deaf/Mute) who
graduated last March 2012.
Thank You!!!

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