Breast DR Banez

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The document discusses the anatomy, evaluation, and different conditions of the breast including benign and malignant lesions.

The document discusses the boundaries, arterial blood supply, and lymphatic drainage of the breast anatomically.

The document discusses clinical manifestation, physical examination, mammography, ultrasound, and biopsy as main evaluation methods for examining the breast.


James Taclin C. Banez M.D., FPSGS, FPCS

Arterial blood supply
Lymphatic drainage
A. Clinical Manifestation:
B. Physical Examination:
C. Radiological Examination:
A positive result is only suggestive of carcinoma
1. Mammography (Screening):
Uses low dose of radiation (0.1 rad), not proven to escalate breast CA
Complementary study, can not replace biopsy
(+) fine stippling of calcium suggestive of CA
Early detection of an occult CA before reaching 5 mm.
1. Indeterminate mass that presents as a solitary lesion suspicious of a
2. Indeterminate mass that can not be considered a dominant nodule, especially
when multiple cyst are present
3. Large, fatty breast that no nodules were palpated
4. Follow up of contra lateral breast after mastectomy
5. Follow up examination of breast CA treated with segmental mastectomy and
Recommended Program of Using Mammography:
1. Daily breast examination after 20y/o
2. Baseline mammography 35-40y/o
3. Annual mammography > 40 y/o
C. Radiological Examination:
2. Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonant
To expensive
For detection of vertebral metastasis
3. Ultrasonography
No radiation exposure
Can differentiate cystic lesions from solid mass
Can not detect less than 5mm.
4. Interventional Technique:
Inject radio-opaque contrast media into the mammary duct
D. Biopsy: positive result is diagnostic
1. Excision biopsy
2. Incision biopsy
3. True-cut or core biopsy (Vim-Silverman)
4. Fine needle biopsy
1. Non-proliferative lesions:
a. Chronic Cystic Mastitis (Fibrocystic disease, fibroadenosis,
Schimmelbuschs dse.)
most common breast lesion (30-40y/o)
Hormonal imbalance (exact etiology - ?)
Increase estrogen production producing exaggerated responses
Some parts of the breast is hyper-reacting
1. Unilateral / Bilateral
2. Rubbery in consistency, not encapsulated
3. Size changes / can be tender ---> related to menstrual cycle
4. 15% presents a nipple discharge
5. (-) risk factor of carcinoma degeneration
6. Co-exist w/ breast carcinoma (mammography is suggested)
Schmmelbusch disease: classic diffuse cystic disease
Bloodgood cyst: single, tense, large blue domed cyst
Conservative for small and not very painful and tender lesions
Danazol alleviate mod to severe painful & tender
- synthetic FSH and LH analog
- Suppresses FSH and LH
- 100 400mg
Surgery for Bloodgood cyst
2. Fibroadenoma:
Well circumscribed lesion, movable, smooth,
lobulated, encapsulated, painless, not
associated w/ nipple discharge
Etiology (?), could also be due to hormonal
Size does not regress after menstruation
Excision biopsy (rule out malignancy)
3. Intra-ductal Papilloma:
Proliferation of the ductal epithelium; 75% occurs
beneath the epithelium
Commonly causes Bloody Nipple Discharge
Palpable mass 95% is intra-ductal papilloma
Non-palpable mass possibility of malignancy is increased:
a. Paget disease of the nipple

b. Adenoma of the nipple

c. Deep lying carcinoma w/ ductal invasion

Excision of a palpable mass by biopsy
Non-palpable mass --> do wedge resection of the
nipple/areola based on ductographic result or PE (+)
bloody discharge
4. Phyllodes Tumor
Diagnostic problem separating it from fibroadenoma and its
rare variant that is malignant, sarcoma
Bulk of the mass is made up of connective tissue, with mixed
areas of gelatinous, edematous areas. Cystic areas are due to
necrosis and infarct degenerations
Phyllodes has greater activity and cellular component than
fibroadenoma (3mitoses/hpf); while malignant component has
mitotic figure.
80% are benign, usually large bulky lesions (tear drop
Malignant component is dependent on:
a. Number of mitotic figures/hpf
b. Vascular invasion
c. Lymphatic invasions
d. Distant metastasis
Excision biopsy:
Benign no further treatment, observe
Malignant total mastectomy / MRM
5. Mammary Duct Ectasia (Plasma cell mastitis,
Comedomasttitis & Chronic mastitis)
Sub-acute inflammation of the ductal system usually
beginning in the subareolar area w/ ductal
Usually present as a hard mass beneath or near
areola w/ either nipple or skin retraction due to
increase fibrosis
Appears during or after menopausal period w/ hx.
Of difficulty of nursing
Histologically, the duct are dilated and filled w/
debris and fatty material w/ atrophic epithelium.
Sheets of plasma cells in the periductal area.
Excision biopsy
6. Galactocele:
Cystic or solid mass w/ or w/o tenderness
Occurs during or after lactation
Due to obstruction of a duct distended w/ milk
w/ abscess ---> incision and drain
Solid mass ---> excison biopsy
7. Fat necrosis:
Present as a solid mass, usually asymptomatic
w/ or w/o history of trauma
Excison biopsy
8. Acute Mastitis / Abscess:
Bacterial infection usually during 1st week of
s/sx of inflammation
Proper hygiene

Cellulitis ----> antibiotis / analgesic

Abscess ----> incision and drain

9. Gynecomastia:
Development of female type of breast in male
Usually unilateral, if bilateral look for systemic causes:
a. Hepatic cirrhosis (for elderly alcoholic)
b. Estrogen medication for prostatic CA
c. Tumor producing estrogen/progesterone
Pituitary / Adrenal / Testes
CT scan / PE
Subcutaneous mastectomy (if other lesions, producing
estrogen/progesterone, present)
Tumor secreting estrogen ---> tx primary cause
10. Developmental Abnormality:
a. Amastia
b. Polymastia
c. Athelia
d. Polythelia

- plastic surgery
Malignant Lesions of the Breast
One of the leading cause of death from CA
Etiology: - multifactorial
1. Sex: male : female ratio (1 : 100)
2. Age: almost unknown for pre-pubertal age
20 40 y/o steady increase incidence
40 50 y/o (menopausal) plateau
> 50 y/o higher incidence
3. Genetic:
Mother with carcinoma ---> (2 3x) daughter
(+) family history ----> younger, bilateral
4. Dietary influence:
Increase in developed countries (except) Japan
Increase in upper class society
Dietary: Increase in animal fat
Malignant Lesions of the Breast
5. Hormonal Usage:
Oral contraceptive has adverse effect if taken for
prolonged time at early age or when before the 1st full
term pregnancy
No effect if taken 25 39y/o
Slight increase risk if estrogen usage by peri-
menopausal for hormonal replacement

6. Physical Stature:
Obesity ---> increase fat cells ----> increase tissue
Malignant Lesions of the Breast
6. Multiple primary neoplasm:
Hx of primary breast CA ---> 4x fold increase of
primary CA
Hx of primary CA of uterus and ovary ----> 1-1.5 risk

7. Irradiation:
Multiple exposure
Had radiotherapy for breast CA of contralateral breast
Malignant Lesions of the Breast
8. Other factors
a. 1st pregnancy due to estrogen

a. Long term nursing

> 36 months
No ovulation for 9 mos.
Decrease estrogen

b. Age of menopause
Late menopause (55y/o) higher risk

c. Infertility
Higher risk
Established Risk factors For Breast cancer in Females:
Risk factor High risk Low risk Relative risk
Age old young >4.0
Socioeconomic status high low 2.0 4.0
Marital status Never married Ever married 1.1 1.9
Place of residence urban rural 1.1 1.9
Race > 45 years white black 1.1 1.9
< 40 years black white 1.1 1.9
Nulliparity yes no 1.1 1.9
Age of first full-term pregnancy > 30 y/o < 20 y/o 2.0 4.0
Oophorectomy premenopausally no yes 2.0 4.0
Age at menopause late early 1.1 1.9
Age at menarchy early late 1.1 - 1.9
Weight, postmenopausal women heavy thin 1.1 1.9
Hx of benign or cancer in one breast yes no 2.0 4.0
Hx of breast Ca 1st degree relative yes no 2.0 4.0
Mother or sister w/ hx. Of breast CA yes no > 4.0
Hx. Of primary ovarian or endometrial yes no 1.1 9.0
Mammographic parenchymal patterns Dysplastic Normal parenchyma 2.0 4.0
Radiation to chest Large doses Minimal doses 2.0 4.0
Malignant Lesions of the Breast
Natural history (Schirrhous adenocarcinoma)
Doubling time (2-9mos)
1 cell ---> 30DT/5 yrs ---> 1cm. Mass/20DT
---> increase size & fibrosis ----> dimpling
(retraction) ---> invade the lymphatics --->
edema ----> invade regional LN/venous ---->
Successful implantation depends on:
1. Number of cells
2. Character of cell
3. Host resistance
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
Cancers of the Mammary Gland can be Classified:
1. Histogenesis duct, lobule (acini)
2. Histologic Characteristic adenocarecinoma, epidermoid CA, etc.
3. Gross Characteristic Scirrhous, colloid, medullary, papillary, tubular
4. Invasive Criteria Infiltrating, in-situ

Non-infiltrating (In-situ) Carcinoma of duct and lobules:

Increase diagnosis due to mammography
DCIS : LCIS (3:1)


Considered as a risk factor
Observed only in females, premenopousal
No involvement of the basement membrane
Tx: 1. Closed observation
2. Hormonal treatment (Tamoxifen/aromatase inhibitor) for 5 years
3. Surgery (bilateral mastectomy) w/ immediate reconstruction
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer

Non-infiltrating (In-situ) Carcinoma of duct and lobules:

2. Tubular Carcinoma In Situ:
Absence of invasion of surrounding stroma hence confined w/in the basement
Duct epithelium are thrown into papillae with loss of cohesiveness,
loss of cohesiveness, disorientation of cells with pleomorphism and
increase mitotic figure
Hyperplasia is more extreme choking the entire duct w/ masses of
cells developing central necrosis of cells
Most aggressive

Treatment: treated as an early cancer

Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
Non-infiltrating (In-situ) Carcinoma of duct and lobules:
Age 44 - 47 54 58
Incidence 2 - 5% 5 - 10%
Clinical Signs None Mass, Pain, Nipple discharge
Mammographic signs None Microcalcification
Incidence of Synchronous 5% 2 46%
Invasive CA
Multicentricity 60 90% 40 80%
Bilaterality 50 70% 10 20%
Axillary metastasis 1% 1 2%
Subsequent carcinomas:
Incidence 25 35% 25 70%
Laterality Bilateral Ipsilateral
Interval to diagnosis 15 20 yrs 5 10 yrs
Histology ductal ductal
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
Infiltrating Carcinoma of the Breast:
1. Pagets disease of the nipple (1%):
Primary carcinoma of mammary duct that invaded the skin
Chronic eczematoid lesion of the nipple
Tenderness, itching, burning and intermittent bleeding
Palpable mass in the subareolar area
PAGET cells:
Characterictic cells
Large cell w/ clear cytoplasm and binucleated
80% non-infiltrating CA
100% 5yr survival
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
2. Scirrhous carcinoma: (fibrocarcinoma, sclerosing CA):
78% (most common)
Increased Desmoplastic response to invading CA cells (protective)
Neoplastic cells are arranged in small clusters or in single rows
occupyning a space between collagen bundles
Originate in the myoepithelial cells of the mammary duct
Desmoplastic ---> shortend Coopers ligament ---> dimpling over
the tumor

3. Medullary carcinoma:
Large round cancer cells arranged in broad plexiform mass
surrounded by lymphocytes and lymphatic follicles
Soft, bulky and large tumors w/ necrotic areas
5 year survival = 85 90%
Good prognosis
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
4. Mucinous (Colloid) carcinoma:
Soft, bulky w/ ill defined borders
Cancer cells floats in large mucinous lakes
Cut surface is glistening, glaring and gelatinous

5. Tubular carcinoma
Well differentiated
Ducts lined by a single layer of well differentiated cancer cells
Absence of myoepithelial w/ well defined basement membrane
Common in premenopausal and detected w/ mammography
5 yr survival ---> 100% if the CA contain 90% or more of tubular
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
6. Papillary carcinoma:
2 %; present in 7th decade
Thrown into papilla w/ well defined fibrovascular stalks and
multilayered epithelium
Has the lowest frequency of axillary nodal involvement;
has the best 5 and 10 yrs survival rates
Even if w/ axillary metastases, it is still indolent and slowly
progressive disease than the common adenocarcinoma

7. Adenoid cystic carcinoma:

Indestinguishable from adenoid cystic carcinoma of the
salivary gland
Rare axillary involvement.
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
8. Carcinoma of Lobular origin:
10% of breast CA; LCIS 3%
Small cell w/ round nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli and
scant, indistinct cytoplasm.
Arises from the terminal ducts and acini
Similar to colloid CA were mucin displaced the nucleus,
resembling signet-ring carcinoma of the GIT.
High propensity for bilaterality (35-60%), multicentricity
(88%) and multifocality

9. Squamous Carcinoma:
Metaplasia w/in the lactiferous duct system
Similar to epidermoid CA of the skin
Metastasize thru the lymphatic
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
10. Sarcoma of the Breast: (Fibrosarcoma,
liposarcom, leiomyosarcoma, malignant fibrous
histiocytoma, etc.)
Large, painless breast mass w/ rapid growth
Mammography ---> false (-)
Grossly: --> it lacks the cut gabbage surface of
Spindle cell neoplasm that grows expansile and its
margin either pushes or infiltrate adjacent
It invades the fat and tend to intervene between
the glandular aspect of the breast parenchyma and
expands the lobules and intralobular spaces
Treatment: --> total mastectomy
Histological Classification of Breast Cancer
11. Lymphoma of the Breast:
Similar to other malignant lymphoma
Mastectomy w/ axillary LN sampling
Tx: radiotherapy / chemotherapy

12. Inflammatory Carcinoma of the Breast

1.5 3%
Clinically: erythema, Peau-d orange, skin ridging w/ or
w/o a mass. Skin is warm sometimes scaly and indurated
(cellulitis), nipple retract.
Diagnosis: biopsy
Histologically: ---> no predominant histological type.
Subdermal lymphatic and vascular channels are
permeated w/ highly undifferentiated tumor
Characteristically: ---> absence of PMN and lymphocyte
near the tumor
Rapid growth and majority has (+) cervical LN and distant
TNM Staging System for Breast Carcinoma
Primary Tumor (T)
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
Tis CA in situ (LCIS / DCIS), Pagets dse of the nipple w/o tumor
T1 2 cm or less
T1a 0.5 cm. or less
T1b - > 0.5 cm. to 1 cm.
T1c - > 1cm. to 2 cm.
T2 2 to 5 cm.
T3 - > 5 cm.
T4 any size w/ direct extension to chest wall or skin
T4a extension to chest wall
T4b edema / ulceration of the skin / satelite nodule
T4c both T4a and T4b
T4d Inflammatory carcinoma
TNM Staging System for Breast Carcinoma
Regional Lymph Nodes (N)
NX Not assessed (previously removed)
N0 No regional LN metastasis
N1 (+) movable ipsilateral axillary LN
N2 (+) LN fixed to one another
N3 (+) Ipsilateral INTERNAL MAMMARY LN

Pathological Classification LN (pN):

pNX not assessed
pNO (-)
pN1 (+) movable ipsilateral axillary LN
pN1a (+) micrometastasis (0.2 cm or less)
pN1b any larger than 0.2 cm but less than 2 cm
pN1bi - (+) 1-3 LN
pN1bii - (+) 4 or more LN
pN1biii extension of tumor beyond the capsule
pN1biv (+) LN > than 2 cm
pN2 Axillary LN fixed with each other
pN3 (+) internal mammary LN
TNM Staging System for Breast Carcinoma
Distant Metastasis (M):
MX not assessed
M0 (-)
M1 (+) including metastasis to ipsilateral supraclavicular LN

Stage Grouping:
Stage 0 Tis N0 M0
Stage I T1 N0 M0

Stage IIA T0 N1 M0
T1 N1a M0
T2 N0 M0

Stage IIB T2 N1 M0
T3 N0 M0

Stage IIIA T0 T2 N2 M0
T3 N1-2 M0

Stage IIIB T4 Any N M0

Any T N3 M0
Stage IV Any T Any N M1
Survival Rates for patients w/ Breast Cancer
Relative to Clinical Stage
Clinical staging Crude 5-yr Range
survival Survival
(American Joint Committee) (%) (%)
STAGE I Tumor < 2cm in diameter 85 82 - 94
Nodes, if present, not felt to contain metastases
w/o distant metastases
STAGE II Tumors > 5 cm in diameter 66 47 74
Nodes, if palpable, not fixed
w/o distant metastasis
STAGE III Tumor > 5cm in diameter 41 7 80
Tumor any size w/ invasion of skin attached to
chest wall
Nodes in supraclavicular area
Without distant metastases
STAGE IV With distant metastases 10 -
Survival Rates for patients w/ Breast Cancer
Relative to Histologic Stage

Histologic Staging Crude survival 5-yr Disease-

(%) free survival
(NSABP) 5yr 10yr (%)
All patients 63.5 45.9 60.3

Negative axillary lymph nodes 78.1 64.9 82.3

Positive axillary lymph nodes 46.5 24.9 34.9

1 - 3 positive axillary lymph nodes 62.2 37.5 50.0

> 4 positive axillary lymph nodes 32.0 13.4 21.1

Relationship Between Morphologic Types of Invasive
Breast Cancer, Lymph Node Involvement, and Patient

Type Frequency % w/ nodal % Survival

involvement 5 yr 10 yr
Ductal w/ productive 78 60 54 38
Lobular 9 60 50 32

Medullary 4 44 63 50

Comedo 5 32 73 58

Colloid 3 32 73 59

Papillary 1 17 83 56
1. Benign: hormonal, surgery (excision biopsy), antibiotics
2. Malignant:
Selection of patients a. stage of lesion
b. medical condition of pt
Criteria of Inoperability / Incurability (Haangensen)
a) extensive edema of the skin over the breast
b) satellite nodule in the skin over the breast
c) inflammatory carcinoma of the breast
d) parasternal tumor nodule
e) supraclavicular metastasis
f) edema of the arm
g) distant metastasis
h) Any 2 or more of the following locally advances cancer
i. ulceration of skin
ii. Edema of skin less 1/3
iii. Solid fixation of tumor to the chest wall
iv. Axillary LN 2 cm or more
v. Fixation of axillary LN to skin and dep structure
Surgical Management:
1. Radical Mastectomy (Willi Meyer, Halsted)
Stage III, IV
2. Extended Radical Mastectomy
Hardley 21% of outer quadrant and 44% inner quadrant
tumor has (+) internal mammary nodal involvement.
1. Wangesteen (Classical RM + Internal mammary mediastinal
and supraclavicular LN)
2. Urban (CRM + ipsilateral half of sternum, part of 2nd to 5th rib
and pleura and internal mammary LN)
3. Modified Radical Mastectomy:
1. Patey preserved pectoralis major
2. Madden / Auchincloss preserved both the pectoralis major
and minor
4. Total mastectomy w/ or w/o radiation:
1. Crile Total mastectomy
2. Mc Whirter Total mastectomy and radiation (Axilla,
supraclavicular and internal mammary nodes)
Surgical Management:
5. Subcutaneous Mastectomy:
Nipple is retained / for T1s
6. Quandrantectomy, axillary, radiotherapy (QUART)
Quadrant of the breast that has the CA is resected
(quadrant of breast tissue, skin and superficial pectoralis fascia)
Unacceptable cosmetic result
7. Partial Mastectomy and Radiation:
Lumpectomy, segmental resection or tylectomy
Histologically free margin of breast CA (1cm)
Advent of supervoltage radiotherapy with skin sparing effect
Frozen section evaluation of margin
To determine adjuvant chemotherapy adequate sampling of axillary LN (level
I), curvilinear incision should be done
If LN (+) ----> adjuvant chemotherapy

Indications for Conservative Surgery:

1. Small breast CA < 4cm
2. Clinically (-) axillary LN
3. Breast volume adequate size to allow uniform dosage of irradiation
4. Radiation therapist experience to avoid damage of retained breast
Local control
Pre-operative / post-operative radiation

CMF, CAF, CA, AV, doxorubicin
Side effect: nausea, vomiting, myelosuppression, alopecia,
thrombocytopenia, exercise intolerance

Hormonal Therapy:
Receptor Assay (ER/PR):
1 gm of fresh tissue obtained by using cold scalpel and should be
determined w/in 20-30 min.
ER (-) < 10% respond to endocrine ablation or exogenous estrogen
ER (+) > 60% responds
premenopausal 30% (only due to masking effect of endogenous estrogen)
Menopausal 60%
PR (+) 15% of premenopausal benefit from 15%
Hormonal Therapy:
1. Ablation:
Oophorectomy, adrenalectomy, hypophysectomy
Replaced by medical adrenelectomy, etc.
2. Anti-estrogen:
a. Tamoxifen a non-steroidal anti-estrogenic
compound that compete w/ estrogen at receptor site.
Estrogen receptor assay should be determined; if negative
chance of success is very low
b. Aromasin
c. Aminogluthethimide it interferes with conversion
of androstinedione to estrone and estradiol in the
peripheral tissue and inhibit the conversion of
cholesterol to pregnanolone
Hydrocortisone should be added
Hormonal Therapy:

Receptor Status Premenopausal Postmenopausal

ER + / PR + O, T T, CT
T + CT
ER + / PR - O T
T---> T + CT T + CT
ER - / PR - CT CT
ER - / PR + O, T CT
? T + CT T + CT
Therapeutic Approach for Breast Cancer

A. Carcinoma in Situ:
1. DCIS:
a. Breast conserving surgery + radiation therapy w/ or w/o tamoxifen
b. Total mastectomy w/ or w/o tamoxifen
c. Breast-conserving surgery w/o radiation therapy

2. Lobular Carcinoma in Situ:

a. Observation after diagnostic biopsy
b. Tamoxifen to decrease the incidence of subsequent breast cancer
c. Study, Tamoxifen versus raloxifene in high-risk postmenopausal
d. Bilateral prophylactic total mastectomy, w/o axillary dissection
Therapeutic Approach for Breast Cancer
B. Stage I & II

Modified radical mastectomy

(+) LN (-) LN (-) LN

Low risk High risk

Hormonal / observe chemotherapy

High Risk Patients (Stage I):
A. Histologic criteria: 1. Poor cytologic differentiation
2. Lymphatic permeation
3. Blood vessel invasion
4. Poor circumscritption
B. Rapid growth rate, by clinical history or thymidine labeling index
C. Youth of the patient
D. Estrogen receptor negative
Therapeutic Approach for Breast Cancer
3. Advance Breast Cancer (III / IV):

Palliative Mastectomy

(+) Estrogen (-) Estrogen

Chemotherapy/Hormonal/ Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy
Therapeutic Approach for Breast Cancer
4. Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma:
3 5% 5 year survival
Main role of surgery is in the diagnosis
Primary therapy is chemotherapy and radiotherapy and if possible
surgery (mastectomy).
CAF ----- regression ------> extended mastectomy (level I) ---------->
irradiation of axillary and skin flap (30% - 5 yr survival)

5. Breast Cancer and Pregnancy/Lactation:

The risk of aggressive and distant metastasis is profound due to high
level of estrogen and progesterone secreted from the placenta and
corpus luteum.
Treat patient as if she is not pregnant
Lactation should be suppressed promptly, even if biopsy was benign
because milk from transected lactiferous will drain via the biopsy site
If patient is undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy for breast
CA, advice patient not to get pregnant. ( advice not to use
contraceptive pills).
MRM / Segmental resection + radiation (after delivery)
(+) axillary ---> chemotherapy is delayed on the 2nd trimester (single
agent) 11 12% teratogenicity on 1st trimester.
Therapeutic Approach for Breast Cancer
6. Breast Cancer in Men:
a. Klinefelter syndrome
b. Estrogen therapy
c. Testicular feminizing syndromes
d. Irradiation
e. Trauma
Age: 60-70y/o
s/sx: breast mass, nipple retraction and/or discharge,
ulceration and pain.
Commonly ER positive and well differentiated
Prognosis is similar w/ female
MRM + radiation if with ulceration and high grade
Orchiectomy / chemotherapy

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