Real Time System Lect10 A

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Lecture 10

Hardware & Real time System


Many real-time systems are embedded systems

Embedded systems interact closely with specialize input and output devices
including sensors and actuators
Hardware structure can affect timing and require special software design
Real-time systems engineers must have some familiarity with hardware and
do some low level programming

Processor Architectures
Von Neumann Architecture
Harvard Architecture

Von Neumann Architecture
Described in 1945 by the mathematician and physicist John von
Neumann and others in the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC.
Also known as Princeton Architecture.
CPU is connected to Memory and I/O through the System Bus.
In a Von Neumann Architecture, I/O is Memory Mapped.
Bus System Bus constitutes:
CPU Memory
Unidirectional Address Bus
Bidirectional Data Bus
Control Bus, which is a
heterogeneous collection of
I/O independent lines such as
control, status and power lines.

Harvard Architecture
The name Harvard Architecture comes from the Harvard Mark I relay-based
Separate data and address bus
It is possible to access program memory and data memory simultaneously.
Typically, code (or program) memory is read-only and data memory is read-
write. Therefore, it is impossible for program contents to be modified by the
program itself.
But the price paid is increase in chip area (therefore power consumption)
Many modern CPUs comprises both Harvard and von Neumann
characteristics: the separate on-chip instruction and data caches have a
Harvard type interface, while the common off-chip cache memory is
interfaced through a single system bus.

CPU Internal Architecture
Instruction processing takes place inside the CPU Control Unit
It has 3 parts: Control Unit, Internal Bus and Data Interfaces to the system bus through Program
Path Counter Register (PCR)
PC points to the address from which the next
CPU instruction to be fetched.
Instruction fetched is stored in the Instruction
Control Unit Register (IR)
PCR Instruction is then decoded, desired operands
Instruction Address
Access Bus are fetched from memory and appropriate
IR command is given to the ALU of the Data Path
Data Path
Internal ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit), performs the
Bus desired operation.
Data path The output of ALU is either stored in Registers of
Memory depending upon the Instructions
ALU Data
Data Bus Also various status flags such as Carry/Borrorw,
Access Zero etc are updated in the status registers
Registers depending upon the state of the CPU. These flags
are used for implementing conditional
instructions. 6
Instruction Processing
Instruction processing requires multiple consecutive stages.
Typical instruction processing stages constitute: Fetch, Decode and
But these stages can be further divided into multiple sub-stages.
For example, we can have 5 stages for instruction processing:
Fetch, Decode, Load, Execute and Store.
The duration of each instruction may vary, because each of these
stages may take different amount of clock cycles.

Decode Load

Clock Cycles Clock Cycles

Instruction Processing
Each Instruction consists of an Opcode and zero, one or more Operands.
Example: MOV AX, BX
Here, MOV is the Opcode and AX and BX are the Operands
Addressing modes are the way CPU accesses the Operands
Immediate: ADD AX, 5 ; AX = AX + 5
Register Direct: SUB AX, BX ; AX = AX - BX
Register Indirect: ADD AX, [BX]; AX = AX + *BX

Two principal techniques for implementing the control unit

Every instruction consists of a sequence of primitive hardware commands, microinstructions for activating he
data path.

Suitable when the number of instructions is large

Instruction processing is slower

Hardwired Logic
Each instruction is mapped to some combinational and sequential logic hardware.

Suitable when the number of instructions is small

Results in fast instruction processing

In order to conserve power, modern processors implements slowdown modes.
Specific instructions enable such modes, where the voltage and/or frequency are lowered, reducing the power consumption.


Example of a 3-stage pipeline:

Fetch, Decode, Execute
3 cycle latency

t i Fetch Decode Execute
u Fetch Decode Execute
i i+2 Fetch Decode Execute
o cycl
n e
t t+1 t+2 t+3 9 t+4
Pipeline Hazards
Structural Hazards
o These occur when a single piece of hardware is used in more than one stage of the pipeline, so it's possible
for two instructions to need it at the same time.
o Example: One memory unit being shared by subsequent instructions)

Data Hazards
o This is when reads and writes of data occur in a different order in the pipeline than in the program code.
o RAW (Read After Write): Occurs when, one instruction reads a location after an earlier instruction writes new
data to it, but in the pipeline the write occurs after the read.
o WAR (Write After Read): A write occurs after a read, but the pipeline causes write to happen first.
o WAW (Write After Write): Two writes occur out of order.

In order to resolve these hazards, pipeline stall happens.

Control Hazards
o This is when a decision needs to be made, but the information needed to make the decision is not available
o Example: Branch instruction in a pipeline.

In some RISC architectures, the instruction following the branch is executed whether or not the
branch is taken. It is called delayed branch.
Where do Processors Spend Time ?

Instruction Type Dynamic Usage

Data movement 43%
Control flow 23%
Arithmetic operations 15%
Comparisons 13%
Logical operations 5%
Others 1%

Source: Steve Furber, ARM System-on-chip Architecture, Second Edition, Pearson, 2007
CISC Processor Architecture
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer
Instructions are of variable format and length
Large number of instructions
Practically any instruction can reference memory
Single set of work registers
Micro-programmed instruction decode logic. Complexity of
instruction is handled at this level
Great variety of addressing modes
No instruction pipelines
Programmers coding effort is simplified
Example: x86 Architecture
RISC Processor Architecture
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
Fixed 32-bit instruction size
Load-store architecture Instructions operating on data
operates only on registers.
Large register bank of thirty-two 32-bit registers
Hard-wired instruction decode logic (CISC processors
use large microcode ROMs)
Pipelined execution
Single-cycle execution (most of the instructions)
Performance is enhanced
Example: ARM Architecture
Multi-core Processor
CPU architecture is evolving, with higher frequencies, longer pipelines.
As clock frequencies increases, power consumption increases.
Cooling such high speed processors is an costly affair.
Then why not have processors with multiple cores, operating in parallel ?
Multi-core processors
Have individual cores with private cache memory, separate instruction and
data caches.
These small on-chip caches are interfaced to larger on-chip common cache

Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4

Caches Caches Caches Caches

System Bus
Common I & D Caches
Multi-core Processor System

From HW Perspective:
Homogenous: If all CPU cores are of same architecture
Heterogeneous: If all CPU cores are of different architecture
From SW Perspective:
AMP: Asymmetric Multi-processing
SMP: Symmetric Multi-processing
Multi-core Processor System - AMP
CPU cores can be of homogenous or Application 1 Application 2
heterogeneous architectures

Thread m
Thread 1

Thread 1
Thread k
Each core has own address space
Used when different architectures are
Android Middleware
optimal for specific activities, such
as: one is for DSP and other one is for Linux Nucleus


Core n
Core 1
There is an opportunity to deploy
different O/Ses on different cores AMP Multi-core processor
Multi-core Processor System - SMP
CPU cores are of homogenous architecture Application
CPU cores share the memory space

Thread 1

Thread k
A single O/S runs on all the cores
Some kind of communication facility
Android 3.0 or later
between the CPUs is provided this is
normally through shared memory, but SMP Linux

accessed through the API of the OS

Typically, SMP is used when an embedded

Core n
Core 1
application simply needs more CPU power
SMP Multi-core processor
to manage its workload
ARM11MPCore Architecture
SMP Architecture
Shared L1 cache is managed by Snoop
Control Unit:
Each CPUs snooping unit looks at
writes from other processors
If a write modifies a location in this
CPUs level 1 cache, the snoop unit
modifies the locally cached value
Interrupt Distributer
Masks and prioritizes the interrupts
as in standard interrupt system
Identifies the set of CPUs that can
handle the interrupts
Sends each CPU its highest priority
pending interrupt

Common DSP Processor features
Harvard architecture
Needed for accessing multiple memory locations simultaneously

Dedicated single-cycle Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) instruction (hardware MAC units)

Required for processing arithmetic operations like
Y = an * xn
n = 1
Single-Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
Very Large Instruction Word (VLIW) architecture
Saturation arithmetic
Special Execution Units with
Minimum overhead looping
Low interrupt and branch latency
Fast context switching
Register banking / stacking
SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data

One instruction operates on multiple data simultaneously.

Example: Addition of two row vectors:

a 0 b0
a1 b1

a 2 b 2

a 3 b3
Same ADD operation on 4
separate data in parallel
VLIW Architecture

VLIW - Very Long Instruction Word

Exploits instruction level parallelism
Has multiple execution units executing in parallel
Hence has multiple register files to help parallel execution of instructions
Instruction word is a combination of multiple instructions, hence it is very long
Compiler reorders the instructions in order to achieve maximum parallel
execution possible. Hence VLIW compiler is very complex.
VLIW Architecture

Internal Program Memory (Cache)

Inst fetch, decode & dispatch

L1 S1 M1 D1 L2 S2 M2 D2
Register File A Register File B

Data RAM
VLIW Architecture

Instruction Fetch


Register File
Superscalar Architecture

Instruction Dispatch
Fetch unit


Register File
Difference between VLIW and
Superscalar Architectures
VLIW Superscalar

Single and very long Multiple instructions are

instruction word containing issued separately
multiple instructions

Compiler does instruction Hardware does instruction

reordering (Static instruction reordering (Dynamic
scheduling) instruction scheduling)

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