The document defines gender and discusses gender relations, roles, and stereotypes. It defines gender as both a biological and social construct that refers to the differences between men and women. Gender relations are characterized by unequal power and norms that assign responsibilities to each gender. Gender roles and stereotypes influence how people perceive themselves and others as masculine or feminine. The study of gender, known as gender studies, analyzes how gender interacts with other social and cultural factors and helps broaden understanding of identity.
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The document defines gender and discusses gender relations, roles, and stereotypes. It defines gender as both a biological and social construct that refers to the differences between men and women. Gender relations are characterized by unequal power and norms that assign responsibilities to each gender. Gender roles and stereotypes influence how people perceive themselves and others as masculine or feminine. The study of gender, known as gender studies, analyzes how gender interacts with other social and cultural factors and helps broaden understanding of identity.
The document defines gender and discusses gender relations, roles, and stereotypes. It defines gender as both a biological and social construct that refers to the differences between men and women. Gender relations are characterized by unequal power and norms that assign responsibilities to each gender. Gender roles and stereotypes influence how people perceive themselves and others as masculine or feminine. The study of gender, known as gender studies, analyzes how gender interacts with other social and cultural factors and helps broaden understanding of identity.
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The document defines gender and discusses gender relations, roles, and stereotypes. It defines gender as both a biological and social construct that refers to the differences between men and women. Gender relations are characterized by unequal power and norms that assign responsibilities to each gender. Gender roles and stereotypes influence how people perceive themselves and others as masculine or feminine. The study of gender, known as gender studies, analyzes how gender interacts with other social and cultural factors and helps broaden understanding of identity.
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Outline Of the Discussion
Definition of gender Gender relation
Gender role identity and Gender
stereotype Gender study Definition of Gender Gender is sociological concept. Gender issue has long been an important theme in the fields of sociology. In the literature, gender usually focuses on women. But gender refers to both men and women. it focuses relation and differences between men and women. Definition of Gender As a concept, gender can be defined two ways in which maleness and femaleness are perceived, evaluated and stratified in a society :
The term ‘gender’ refers to the social
construction of female and male identity. It can be defined as biological and social differences between men and women. Gender from biological • Gender from biological difference is observable. It is the sum of the observable differences between men and women. Gender comprises a range of differences between men and women. At the biological level, men and women are typically distinguished by the presence of a Y-chromosome in male cells, and its absence in female cells. It is a construction organized around biological sex. Individual are born male or female, but they acquire a gender identity , that is what it means to be male or female Gender from Social Perspective
From social perspective, Gender’ can be
referred to the behaviors and cognitive processes that are more or less distinctive for women and men in a particular society.
From the social point of view gender is also a
belief system. It is a belief system about the characteristic of men and women. Gender from Social Perspective (continue….)
It is the belief about our own. These beliefs may
or may not accurate, but they are powerful tool influencing how we perceive women and men, how we interpret what they do and how we interact with members of both groups. These beliefs even influence how we perceive and evaluate ourselves. How we think about others. Gender from Social Perspective(Continue)
Gender is a core aspect of internal self-
identity. This term refer to our inner sense of who we are. Being a man and women is a central aspect of how we experience our self to be in the world. Gender is a social category and social identity. Gender represents the first and most basic social learning about what the people are. Gender theories Max Weber theories on Gender : Max Weber’s contribution to the study of gender is the concept of patriarchy . According to Weber, in traditional patriarchal societies the power traditionally vested in male heads of households gave them authority not only over women and children but also over younger men , servants, slave and other household dependents. Weber’s work has had a limited impact on modern approaches to gender. Gender theories (continue) Georg Simmel : Georg Simmel, shared the common perception that the differences between men and women are natural He took it for granted that men’s orientation to the public world and women to the domestic sphere. He was aware of the imbalance of power between men and women. Gender Relation Gender relation defines the relation between men and women. Gender relations’ are characterized by unequal power. ‘Gender norms’ assign specific entitlements and responsibilities to men and women - for example, women might be expected to take on caring or domestic duties and remain close to home, while men may be expected to be the main breadwinner, working outside the home, with greater freedom to move around in public places. Gender Relation (continue) The nature of gender relations—relations of power between women and men Gender relations (like all social relations) embody both the material and the ideological. These are not only in the division of labor and resources between women and men, but also in ideas and representations, women and men of different abilities, attitudes, desires, personality traits, behavior patterns, and so on Gender role identity and Stereotype Gender identity can be defined as how one perceives the self in terms of masculine or feminine traits. Cender identity starts when a baby s born. Gender identity starts with the knowledge and awareness, whether consciousness and unconsciousness Gender roles are ‘’socially and culturally defined prescriptions and beliefs about the behavior and emotions of men and women” Gender role identity and Stereotype (continue…) Gender stereotype consists of beliefs about the psychological traits and characteristics and the activities that are appropriate to, men or women. Gender roles are defined by behaviors, but gender stereotypes are beliefs and attitudes about masculinity and femininity. Gender stereotypes affect how women and men think of themselves and how they evaluate their own behaviors as well as the behaviors of others What is Gender Studies Gender studies is a field of interdisciplinary study which analyzes the phenomenon of gender. It is the study of human behavior .Gender studies focuses on both gender and their relation to each other. It is related to studies of class, race, ethnicity, sexuality and location. It also takes into account how gender interact to social, ethical cultural differences. Importance of Gender Studies
If we want to understand more about us then
the study of gender is a grate place to start. The study of gender helps to broaden our understanding of culture and identity, the intersection of gender with ‘race’ and ethnicity, class and sexuality. Gender study is everywhere especially the place where we need to deal with people and people behavior. Importance of Gender Studies (continue…)
Gender study is necessary:
- research - critical thinking - writing skills, - the ability to speak with confidence, - understanding of the meaning and - importance of the politics of knowledge Conclusions
Overall , it can be said that gender is a term
used to explain the relationship between men and women and how society constructs the differences between women and men. Gender does not focus primarily on women or men, but also identify the relationship between men and women, their different roles, responsibilities, opportunities, and needs. Conclusions (continue…..)
Gender relation can be defined as the relation
between men and women. From the western perspective, gender relations’ are characterized by unequal power. Gender identity can be defined as how one perceives the self and it may starts when someone borns. Gender stereotype consists of beliefs about the psychological traits and characteristics and the activities that are appropriate to, men or women Terima Kasih
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