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Diffusion: Material transport by atomic
Self diffusion: For pure metals, atoms (of the
same type) exchange positions.
Impurity diffusion (interdiffusion): Atoms
of one metal diffuse in another.
Diffusion phenomena (1)
Self-diffusion: In an elemental solid, atoms
also migrate.

Label some atoms After some time

Diffusion phenomena (2)
Interdiffusion: In an alloy, atoms tend to migrate
from regions of large concentration.
Initially After some time


Concentration Profiles
Processing using diffusion (1)
Case Hardening:
--Diffuse carbon atoms
into the host iron atoms
at the surface.
--Example of interstitial
diffusion is a case
hardened gear.

Result: The "Case" is

--hard to deform: C atoms
"lock" planes from shearing.
--hard to crack: C atoms put
the surface in compression.
Diffusion mechanisms
Conditions for an atom to diffuse:
There must be empty neighboring site.
Atom must have sufficient energy to break bonds
with its neighbor atoms and then cause some
lattice distortion during the displacement.
Diffusion mechanisms
(a) Substitutional (vacancy) Diffusion:
Applies to substitutional impurities (or self diffusion
Atoms exchange with vacancies
Rate depends on:
--number of vacancies
--activation energy to exchange.
Vacancy diffusion
Simulation of
across an interface:

Rate of substitutional
diffusion depends on:
--vacancy concentration
--frequency of jumping.

(Courtesy P.M. Anderson)

Diffusion mechanisms
(b) Interstitial Diffusion:
Applies to interstitial
More rapid than
vacancy diffusion.
--shows the jumping of a
smaller atom (gray) from
one interstitial site to
another in a BCC
structure. The
interstitial sites
considered here are
at midpoints along the
(Courtesy P.M. Anderson)
unit cell edges.
Modeling diffusion: Flux

Directional Quantity

Flux can be measured for:

--host (A) atoms
--impurity (B) atoms
Concentration profiles and flux
Concentration Profile: C(x): [kg/m3]
Cu flux Ni flux

Concentration Concentration
of Cu [kg/m3] of Ni [kg/m3]

Position, x
Fick's First Law:

The steeper the concentration profile,

the greater the flux!
Steady state diffusion
Steady State: the concentration profile doesn't
change with time.

Apply Fick's First Law: J x D
dC dC
If Jx)left = Jx)right , then
dx left dx right

Result: the slope, dC/dx, must be constant

(i.e., slope doesn't vary with position)!
Steady state diffusion (example)
Steel plate at
700C with

Q: How much
carbon transfers
from the rich to
the deficient side?
Diffusion and temperature
Diffusivity increases with T.

Experimental Data:

D has exp. dependence on T

Recall: Vacancy does also!
Dinterstitial >> Dsubstitutional
C in -Fe Cu in Cu
C in -Fe Al in Al
Fe in -Fe
Fe in -Fe
Zn in Cu
Diffusion data

BTE 2210 Dr. M. Hassan

Diffusion FASTER for... Diffusion SLOWER for...

open crystal structures close-packed structures

lower melting T materials higher melting T materials

materials w/secondary materials w/covalent

bonding bonding

smaller diffusing atoms larger diffusing atoms

cations anions

lower density materials higher density materials

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