Zakat and Its Role in Poverty Eradication Bangladesh Perspective
Zakat and Its Role in Poverty Eradication Bangladesh Perspective
Zakat and Its Role in Poverty Eradication Bangladesh Perspective
Poverty Eradication:
Bangladesh Perspective
Islam does not want that the poor class of the society shall have no
right over the wealth of rich class of the society. It has rather declared
that the poor class of the society has a legitimate right on the wealth
of the well to do class of the society.
The philosophy and objectives of
Not to allow the wealth be circulated among
a few hands (rich class).
Purification of wealth and the souls.
To let the wealth increase naturally.
To protect the wealth from calamities.
To gain Allahs pleasure.
To ensure that Zakat is not a charity towards the poor,it is
rather their right.
Al-Quran declares