Pluralization of Irregular Nouns

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Most nouns ending in f or fe form their plural
by changing f or fe to v and adding es.

Example: loaf - loaves knife - knives

Write the plural form.

1. life 2 thief 3. wife 4. elf

5. wolf 6. leaf

7 shelf 8. self

9. loaf 10. wharf

Some nouns ending in f or fe form their plural by adding
s only to their plural form

Example: chief - chiefs

brief - briefs
roof - roofs
handkerchief -
Some nouns form their plural in different ways.
They form their plural by changing the vowel or
vowels within the word
Study these words.

Singular Plural

child children
man men

woman women

mouse mice

tooth teeth
1. There are (man, men) working in the factory.

2. There are three (policeman, policemen) in the police station.

3. I bought two (loaf, loaves) of bread this morning.

4. All the (daisy, daisies) in the vase are lovely.

5. I brush my (teeth, tooth) three times a day.

6. My baby brother has many (toy, toys).

7. There are four (knife, knives) on the table.

8. Are (elf, elves) small people?

9. Ana hurt both her (foot, feet).

10. Are the (goose, geese) swimming in the pool?

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