IC Engine - Lecture 1

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Internal Combustion Engines

Course Code: ME 402T

Instructor: Dr. Nanji J Hadia

PDPU, Gandhinagar - 382 007

Engine: It is a device which transforms one form of energy
into another form.

Heat Engine: It is a device which converts the chemical

energy of fuel into thermal energy and uses this
energy to produce mechanical work.

Examples: petrol engine, diesel engine, jet engine, steam

engine, etc.
Engine classifications
Two broad categories:
1. External combustion (EC) engines - the combustion of
fuel takes place outside the engine cylinder.
Example: Steam engine

Locomotive engine Jet Engine

Engine classifications
2. Internal combustion (IC) engines - either the combustion of fuel
takes place inside the engine cylinder or products of combustion
enter into the cylinder as a working fluid.
Examples: petrol engine, diesel engine, jet engine, etc.

2 Stroke Rotay Engine 4 Stroke

Engine Engine
IC engine classifications
IC engines are classified based on the following

1. Thermodynamic cycle
Otto cycle (constant volume heat supplied)
Diesel cycle (constant pressure heat supplied)
Dual cycle
Joule or Brayton cycle

2. Working cycle
Four-stroke cycle - naturally aspirated, supercharged, and
Two-stroke cycle - crankcase scavanged, supercharged, and
IC engine classifications
3. Fuel
Liquid fuel engines use kerosene, petrol, diesel, etc.
Gas engines use CNG, LPG, hydrogen, etc.
Bi-fuel engines use both gas and liquid fuels. Gas as a basic
fuel and liquid fuel is for starting the engine.

4. Method of fuel supply

Carburettor system used in petrol engines
Multi-point port injection (MPI) used in modern petrol
Single point throttle body injection used in petrol engines
High pressure fuel injection used in diesel engines
IC engine classifications
5. Method of ignition
Spark ignition (SI) used in petrol engines
Compression ignition (CI) used in diesel engines
Pilot injection of fuel oil in gas turbines

6. Method of cooling
Water-cooled engines
Air-cooled engines

7. Engine speed
Low speed engines
Medium speed engines
High speed engines
IC engine classifications
8. Field of application
Stationary engines for power generation
Marine engines for propulsion of ships
Automobile engines
Aero-engines for aircrafts
Locomotive engines for railways

9. Lubrication system
Wet sump lubrication
Dry sump lubrication
Pressure lubrication
IC engine classifications
10. Method of control under variable load
Quantity control engines - carburetor system
Quality control engines - fuel injector system
Combine control engines

11. Basic engine design

Reciprocation engines
Rotary engines

12. Number of cylinders

Single-cylinder engines
Multi-cylinder engines
IC engine classifications
13. Valve or port design
Valves overhead valves (I-head), underhead valves
(L-head), rotary valves
Ports cross scavenged, loop-scavenged, through- or

14. Combustion chamber design

Open chamber e.g. bath-tub, wedge, bowl-in-piston,
Divided chamber small and large auxiliary
chambers, e.g. swirl chambers, prechambers
IC engine classifications
Classifications based on cylinder arrangement

1. In-line engine
IC engine classifications
Classifications based on cylinder arrangement

2. V-engine
IC engine classifications
3. Opposed cylinder engine
IC engine classifications
3. Opposed piston engine
IC engine classifications
5. Radial engine
IC engine classifications
6. X-type engine
IC engine classifications
7. H-type engine - comprises of two opposed cylinder,
utilizing two separate but interconnected crankshafts.
Basic components of IC engine
Basic components of IC engine

Valves: Minimum two valves

pre cylinder

Exhaust Valve lets the exhaust gases escape the combustion chamber.
(Diameter is smaller then Intake valve)

Intake Valve lets the air or air fuel mixture to enter the combustion chamber.
(Diameter is larger than the exhaust valve)
Basic components of IC engine

Valve Springs: Keeps the valves closed.

Valve Lifters: Rides the cam lobe and helps in

opening the valves.
Basic components of IC engine
Different arrangement of valve and camshaft.
Basic components of IC engine

Cam Shaft: The shaft that has intake and

exhaust cams for operating the valves.

Cam Lobe: Changes rotary motion into

reciprocating motion.
Basic components of IC engine
Spark Plug

It provides the means of ignition when the

gasoline engines piston is at the end of
compression stroke, close to Top Dead
Center (TDC)

The difference between a "hot"

and a "cold" spark plug is that
the ceramic tip is longer on the
hotter plug.
Basic components of IC engine


A movable part fitted into a cylinder,

which can receive and transmit power.

Through connecting rod, the piston

forces the crank shaft to rotate.
Basic components of IC engine

Cylinder head

Part that covers and encloses the cylinder.

It contains cooling fins or water jackets

and the valves.

Some engines contains the cam shaft

in the cylinder head.
Basic components of IC engine
Engine Block
Foundation of the engine and contains pistons, crank shaft, cylinders, timing
sprockets and sometimes the cam shaft. In an internal combustion engine,
the cylinder head (often informally abbreviated to just head) sits above
the cylinders on top of the cylinder block
Basic components of IC engine
Connecting Rod

Connects piston to the crank shaft

Basic components of IC engine
Crank Shaft

Converts reciprocating motion into

rotary motion.
Basic components of IC engine
Piston Rings

Four stroke engine:

Three rings - top two are compression rings

(sealing the compression pressure in the
Third is an oil ring (scrapes excessive oil from
the cylinder walls)

Two Stroke engine:

Two Rings - both the rings are Compression

Basic components of IC engine

Attached to the crankshaft

Reduces vibration

Cools the engine (air cooled)

Used during initial start-up

Transfers power from engine to

Basic components of IC engine
IC engine terminology
Bore: The inside Diameter of the Cylinder is known as the Bore and it is
measured, generally in millimetre (mm).

Stroke: It is the distance travelled by the Piston from one of its dead centre
position to the other dead centre position.

Dead Centre: They corresponds to the positions occupied by the piston at

the end of its stroke where the centre line of the connecting rod and crank
are in the same straight line. For vertical engines these are known as Top
Dead Centre (T.D.C) and Bottom Dead Centre (B.D.C) position. In
horizontal engines, these are known as Inner Dead Centre (I.D.C) and Outer
Dead Centre (O.D.C) position.

Top Dead Centre (TDC): In vertical engines, the top most position of the
Piston towards the cover end side of the cylinder is known as Top Dead
IC engine terminology
Bottom Dead Centre (BDC): In Vertical Engines, the lower position of
the Piston towards the Crank end side of the cylinder is known as
Bottom Dead Centre.

Piston Displacement: It is also known as Swept Volume or

Displacement Volume. It is the volume through which the Piston sweeps
for its one Stroke. It is equal to the Area of cross section of the Piston
multiplied by its Stroke Length.

Clearance Volume: It is the Volume included between the Piston and

the Cylinder Head when the Piston is at its Top Dead Centre in Vertical
Engines and inner Dead Centre in Horizontal Engines. The Clearance
Volume is generally expressed as percentages of Swept Volume.

Compression ratio: it is a ratio of the cylinder volume to the clearance

IC engine terminology
Working principle of IC engines
Four basic processes are involved in any IC engine

1. Suction (intake): either air-fuel mixture (in case of petrol

engines) or only air (in case of diesel engines) is taken into the
combustion chamber.
2. Compression: either air-fuel mixture or air is compressed.
3. Combustion: compressed fuel-air mixture is burned either by
providing spark (in case of petrol engines) or diesel injection (in
case of diesel engines).
4. Exhaust: gases generated during combustion are expelled out of
the combustion chamber.
Working principle of IC engines
2-stroke IC engine
In 2-stroke engines, all four processes are completed in one
revolution of the crankshaft. Some processes are overlapping.

The filling process by the charge

compression in crankcase or by a blower
Induction of compressed charges pushes the
burnet fuel products through the exhaust port
No piston movement needed for suction and
Two strokes one for compressing the fresh
charge and the other is for expansion
2-stroke IC engine

2-stroke IC engine

2-stroke IC engine

In 2-stroke IC engines, combustion

and exhaust processes are taking
place almost together.
2-stroke IC engine

2-stroke IC engine
Simple construction and easy to design as number of components
are few.
Less expensive.
Light in weight.
High power-to-weight ratio.
Uniform power production.

Less fuel efficient as combustion and exhaust processes are
More pollutant.
Lower thermal and volumetric efficiency.
Lubricant requirement is more.
4-stroke IC engine
In 4-stroke engines, all four processes are completed two
revolutions of the crankshaft. All the processes take place one by
4-stroke IC engine
Fuel efficiency is high.
Less pollutant emission.
High thermal and volumetric efficiency.
Lubricant requirement is less.

Complex construction and design, hence more expensive.
Small power-to-weight ratio.
Non-uniform power production.
Comparison of SI and CI engines
SI engine CI engine
It works on Otto cycle. It works on diesel or dual cycle.
Fuel should have higher self-ignition Fuel should have comparatively lower
temperature, e.g. petrol self-ignition temperature, e.g. diesel.
During suction, air-fuel mixture enters During suction, only air enters into the
into the combustion chamber. combustion chamber.
Carburetor is required to form air-fuel Fuel pump and injector are required for
mixture. diesel injection.
Throttle controls the quantity of air fuel Quantity of fuel is regulated in pump, air
mixture quantity is not controlled.
Spark is required for combustion. Combustion happens on its own.
Operating compression ratio is 6 - 10.5. Operating compression ratio is 14 - 22.
Due to light weight and homogeneous Due to heavy weight and heterogeneous
combustion high speed engines combustion low speed engines
Less expensive. More expensive
Fuel cost is more. Fuel cost is less.
Low thermal efficiency low comp. rat. High thermal efficiency low comp. rat.
IC engine performance parameters
Fuel power: the rate of energy liberated during the combustion
process may be termed fuel power.
Fuel power = m f CV (kW )

Indicated power (ip) : the power developed inside the engine

IC engine performance parameters
Brake power (bp): the actual power available at the crankshaft
(power output of the engine) for useful purpose.

where, T = torque (N-m)

N = engine speed (RPM)

Friction power (fp): difference between indicated power and brake

fp = ip bp

Indicated thermal efficiency (i)

i .
m f CV
IC engine performance parameters
Brake thermal efficiency (b)
b .
m f CV

Mechanical efficiency (m)

Combustion efficiency (c)

Relative efficiency or Efficiency ratio (rel)

Volumetric efficiency (v)

IC engine performance parameters

Relative efficiency or Efficiency ratio (rel)

b .
m f CV

Volumetric efficiency (v)

IC engine performance parameters
Indicated mean effective pressure (imep)

Brake mean effective pressure (bmep)

Specific fuel consumption (sfc)

Specific power

Output per displacement (OPD)

Engine specific volume

Engine specific weight

Air/fuel ratio
Air-standard cycles
The accurate analysis of IC engine is very complicated. Hence,
it is advantageous to analyze the performance of an idealized
closed cycle that closely approximates the real cycle.

Two commonly employed approximations of an actual engine


1. The air-standard cycles.

2. The air-fuel cycles.

These cycles provide an insight into some of the important

parameters that influence engine performance.
Air-standard cycles (contd)

1. The working fluid is an ideal gas (air) with constant

specific heats.

2. A fixed mass of air is taken as the working fluid throughout

the cycle. The cycle is considered to be a closed loop and
hence intake and exhaust processes are not considered.

3. The combustion process is replaced by heat transfer process.

Air-standard cycles (contd)

4. The combustion process is replaced by heat transfer process.

5. The cycle is completed by heat rejection to the surrounding
and the working fluid comes to the initial condition.
6. All the processes are reversible.
7. The compression and expansion processes are isentropic.
8. Working fluid does not go under any chemical changes.
9. The operation of the engine is frictionless.
Air-standard cycles (contd)
Following air-standard cycles are the most common ones.

1. Carnot cycle
2. Stirling cycle
3. Ericsson cycle
4. Otto cycle
5. Diesel cycle
6. Dual cycle
7. Atkinson cycle
Carnot cycle

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