OPTIMIZATION-Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm

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Leaping Algorithm
What is optimization....?
Its a procedure to make a system or
design more effective, especially
involving the mathematical techniques.

To minimize the cost of production or

to maximize the efficiency of
Its a technique to:
Find Best Solution
Minimal Cost
Minimal Error
Maximal Profit
Maximal Utility

Optimization problems are solved by using

rigorous or approximate mathematical search
Methods of Optimization
Mathematical optimization
1) Linear Programming
2) Dynamic Programming

Evolutionary algorithms- That mimic

the metaphor of natural biological
evolution and the social behaviour of
Types of Evolutionary algorithms
Genetic algorithms - Survival of the
genetically fittest
Memetic algorithms- Survival of the
genetically fittest and most experienced
Particle swarm- Flock migration
Ant colony- Shortest path to food
Shuffled frog leaping- Group search of frogs
for food
What is shuffled
frog leaping

The SFLA is a method which is based on observing,

imitating, and modelling the behaviour of a group of
frogs when searching for the location that has the
maximum amount of available food .

Oh...! Simple..They are

just observing our food
searching nature.
Process of SFLA

Population consists of a set of frogs

Partitioned into subsets referred to as memeplexes
Each memeplexes performing a local search
After a defined number of evolution steps, ideas
are passed among memeplexes in a shuffling
The local search and the shuffling processes
continue until defined convergence criteria are
Analytical Process

1. Population of P frogs is created randomly

2. A frog i is represented as xi (xi1, xi2,., Xi)
3. Sorted in a descending order according to
their fitness.
4. Population is divided into m memeplexes,
each containing n frogs.
P=m n
5. Frogs with the best and the worst fitnesse
are identified as xb and xw
Change in frog position (Di) = rand( ) (Xb-Xw)
Previous position Xw
New position= Xw + Di;

If no improvement becomes possible in this case,

then a new solution is randomly generated to
replace that frog.
The calculations then continue for a specific
number of iterations.
Application of SFLA

Ac-dc optimal power flow

Scheduling of construction projects
Computer-aided design activities
Water distribution network design
Comparison among different
Evolutionary Algorithms

SFLA has been used as appropriate tools to

obtain the best solutions with the least total
time and cost by evaluating unlimited possible

Implementation of evolutionary algorithms in

various field because of their reliability and
simple implementation
Eusuff M. M., Lansey K.E. ,Shuffled Frog
Leaping Algorithm: A Memetic Metaheuristic
for Discrete Optimization, J. Eng.
Optimization, 2006.
Eusuff, M.M. and Lansey, K.E., Optimization
using shuffled frog leaping algorithm. , 2003
Elbeltag , T. and Grierson Comparison among
five evolutionary-based optimization
algorithms. J. Adv. Engg. Informatics, 2005.

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