4body Fluids

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Body Fluids:

Urine and Blood

Body Fluids:
Excretion of Waste Material

Waste products of the body are excreted

through the:
-lungs (air)
-skin (perspiration)
-intestines (feces)
-liver (bile pigments, cholesterol)
-kidney (H2O, water-soluble compounds)
Formation of Urine
Formation of Urine
Formation of Urine
Formation of Urine

~ 1L of blood/min, most water is reabsorbed

< 1% of total amount if liquid
filtered-- urine excreted/ day
Formation of Urine
General Properties of Urine

1. Volume
2. Density
3. pH
4. Color
5. Odor
General Properties of Urine

1. Volume
Normal adult: 600-2500 mL urine/day
*Amount depends on:
-liquid intake (*Diuretic effect)
-weather conditions
General Properties of Urine

1. Volume
*Oliguria- decreased flow of urine
*Anuria- total lack of urine excretion
*Polyuria- amount of urine excreted
is much greater than normal
-Diuretics (alcohol, caffeine, urea)
-Diabetes insipidus (lack vasopressin) ~30L/day
General Properties of Urine

2. Density
Normal range- 1.003 to 1.030 g/mL
*depends on the concentration
of the solutes (Directly proportional)
*Diabetes mellitus
High density; high conc. of sugar in urine
*Diabetes insipidus
Very low density (~1g/mL); Large amount
of water being excreted
General Properties of Urine

3. pH
-slightly acidic (pH range: 4.6 to 8.0; Ave. pH: ~6.3)
*varies with the diet
*Lowers pH
-Protein foods
-Acidosis, with fever
*Increases pH
-High vegetable diet
-Alkalosis (may be caused by excess vomitting)
General Properties of Urine
4. Color
Normal urine: Pale yellow or amber

*varies with the:

-amount of urine produced
(Larger amount, lighter)
-concentration of solutes in urine
( > concentration, darker)
-urobilin and urobilinogen
General Properties of Urine
4. Color
Normal urine: Pale yellow or amber

*varies with the:

-presence of blood (reddish)
-eating beets/ rhubarb (reddish)
-Homogentisic acid (brown)
-Methylene blue drug (green)
General Properties of Urine
4. Color
Normal urine: Pale yellow or amber

*Freshly voided urine- clear, no sediment

*When it stands for a while, it may become
cloudy and develop sediments because of
precipitation of calcium phosphate
General Properties of Urine
5. Odor
*Freshly voided- aromatic

*Diet can also modify urine odor

-Sulfur-like odor (when asparagus is eaten)
Normal constituents

Average person:
~50-60g of dissolved solid
material is excreted in urine/ day

Organic Inorganic
constituents constituents
(55%) (45%)
Normal constituents

Organic Inorganic
constituents constituents

-Urea -Chloride ions

-Uric acid -sodium ions
-Creatinine -phosphates
In small amounts -sulfates
(Organic): -ammonium ions
-amino acids, allantoin,
urobilin, urobiinogen, -Other ions
vitamins, other
hormones, and enzymes
Normal constituents
Normal constituents
Normal constituents

Abnormal amounts of creatine
occur in urine
Normal constituents

Organic Inorganic
constituents constituents

-Urea -Chloride ions

-Uric acid -sodium ions
-Creatinine -phosphates
In small amounts: -sulfates
-amino acids, allantoin, -ammonium ions
urobilin, urobiinogen,
vitamins, other -Other ions
hormones, and enzymes (Ca, K, Mg)
Normal constituents

Organic Inorganic
constituents constituents

-Urea -Chloride ions

-Uric acid -sodium ions
-Creatinine -phosphates
In small amounts: -sulfates
-amino acids, allantoin, -ammonium ions
urobilin, urobiinogen,
vitamins, other -Other ions
hormones, and enzymes
Abnormal constituents

-Protein -Phenylpyruvic acid

-Glucose -Bilirubin
-Other sugars -Urobilinogen
-Ketone bodies -Creatine
-Blood -Uric acid
Abnormal constituents

*Proteinuria- presence of protein in urine
Albuminuria (albumin is the protein
frequently found in urine)
-resulting from kidney disease
(nephritis/ nephrosis) and severe
heart disease
Abnormal constituents

*Glycosuria-presence of glucose in the
- may be caused by diabetes
mellitus/ renal diabetes/ liver
Abnormal constituents

*Ketonuria-presence of ketone bodies in urine
-during diabetes mellitus/
starvation/ inadequate
carbohydrate intake
Abnormal constituents

*Hematuria-presence blood in urine
-may result from lesions or stones
in the kidneys or urinary tracts
Abnormal constituents

Abnormal constituents

-presence in urine indicates obstruction to the
flow of bile to the intestines
-greenish-brown color in urine/
yellow foam in urine when shaken
Abnormal constituents

-presence in urine indicates
obstruction to the flow of
bile to the intestines
-greenish-brown color in urine/
yellow foam in urine when
Abnormal constituents

Phenylpyruvic acid
-intermediate product in the
metabolism of the essential
amino acid phenylalanine

Abnormal constituents
-in patients with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
-caused by:
a. Dubin-Johnson syndrome (genetic defect in
the hepatic secretion of bilirubin into the bile)
b. Blocking of the hepatic or common bile ducts
Abnormal constituents

-increased levels indicates
hemolytic jaundice/ pernicious
Abnormal constituents

-elevated levels:
-muscular dystrophy
-myesthenia gravis
Abnormal constituents
Uric acid
-Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Body Fluids:
Circulating tissue

-carries oxygen, minerals, and food to the cells

-carries carbon dioxide and other waste
products from the cells
-carries hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and
blood cells
Blood Composition

2 parts:
1. Suspended particles
-red blood cells
-white blood cells
2. Suspending liquid
Blood Composition
General properties of Blood

Oxygenated blood bright red

Deoxygenated blood dark purplish
General properties of Blood

*pH range= 7.35 to 7.45

pH below 7.35 acidosis

pH above 7.45 alkalosis

*Blood volume in the body

5 to 7 L
Blood Analysis

5mL blood is collected before patient Is

given breakfast
*Blood plasma
use anti-clotting agent
(Potassium oxalate)
*Blood serum
-- blood is allowed to clot and
serum is poured off

-conjugated protein
containing iron
-if content in blood
falls below normal,
condition is called
Plasma Poteins

3 groups:
1. Albumin
2. Globulins
3. Fibrinogen
Plasma Poteins
3 groups:

1. Albumin- regulates osmotic pressure of the

blood and controls the water balance of the body
*Edema (fluid accumulation in tissues; decreased plasma proteins)
Plasma Poteins
3 groups:

1. Albumin- regulates osmotic pressure of the

blood and controls the water balance of the body
*Edema (fluid accumulation in tissues; decreased plasma proteins)
2. Globulins- combines with carbohydrates,
metal ions and lipids to transport these substances to
the body; contain antibodies
3. Fibrinogen- involved in blood clotting
Plasma Poteins
Blood clotting
Blood clotting
Acid-Base Balance

Blood Buffers:
1. Bicarbonate buffers
2. Phosphate buffers
3. Hemoglobin buffers
4. Proteins
Fluid- Electrolyte Balance

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