- The document is a medical report from an emergency department covering October 5-9, 2017.
- It lists 8 patients seen during the Wednesday morning shift on October 11, 2017 under the care of 3 doctors.
- The patients' names, diagnoses, consulting specialists, and rooms are provided. The diagnoses include conditions such as mioma uteri, appendicitis, CKD, cancer metastases, and more.
- The document is a medical report from an emergency department covering October 5-9, 2017.
- It lists 8 patients seen during the Wednesday morning shift on October 11, 2017 under the care of 3 doctors.
- The patients' names, diagnoses, consulting specialists, and rooms are provided. The diagnoses include conditions such as mioma uteri, appendicitis, CKD, cancer metastases, and more.
- The document is a medical report from an emergency department covering October 5-9, 2017.
- It lists 8 patients seen during the Wednesday morning shift on October 11, 2017 under the care of 3 doctors.
- The patients' names, diagnoses, consulting specialists, and rooms are provided. The diagnoses include conditions such as mioma uteri, appendicitis, CKD, cancer metastases, and more.
- The document is a medical report from an emergency department covering October 5-9, 2017.
- It lists 8 patients seen during the Wednesday morning shift on October 11, 2017 under the care of 3 doctors.
- The patients' names, diagnoses, consulting specialists, and rooms are provided. The diagnoses include conditions such as mioma uteri, appendicitis, CKD, cancer metastases, and more.
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Laporan Jaga IGD
5 Oktober 2017 9 Oktober 2017
Jaga rabu pagi 11/10/2017 dr. mario/ dr tarigan / dr. adigama NO Nama Diagnosa Konsul Ruang Penunj ang 1. Ny hajariah/ 49th Mioma uteri Kir Sp.OG Mawar 2. Ny mulyani/ 36th ILO pasca SC Kir Sp.OG Mawar 3. An. Venny/ 12th Appendicitis akut Kir Sp.B VIP 4. Ny triwanti/ CKD St V + Anemia related CKD Kir Sp.PD HD 43th Sp.AN ASOKA 5. tn suriadi/ 45th SOL metastase Hemisfere (s) + Ca paru Sp.S DHL Sp.P 6. tn ambar/ 64th Vertigo perifer+ Dispepsia fungsional Sp.S Asoka
7. tn m ali yahya/ Appendicitis kronis eksaserbasi akut + Sp.B DAHLIA
54th STEMI anterior undetermined onset Sp.JP tanpa revaskularisasi 8. Ny arbaya/ 51th Obs feb h2 + Hiperglikemi pd DM tp 2+ Sp.PD Asoka CKD ST IV + Anemia related CKD + HT St II