Perfect Tense

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The key takeaways are that the present perfect tense is used to talk about experiences, actions that started in the past and continue to the present, and past actions that have present results. It is formed using the auxiliary verb 'have' and the past participle of the main verb. Words like 'for', 'since', 'already' and 'yet' are often used with the present perfect tense.

The three main uses of the present perfect tense are: 1) To talk about experiences 2) To talk about actions that started in the past and continue to the present 3) To talk about past actions that have present results

The present perfect tense is formed using the auxiliary verb 'have' or 'has' and the past participle of the main verb. For regular verbs, the past participle is formed by adding '-ed' to the infinitive form of the verb.


Ha v e
e ve r .. .

Julfika Febrian Hendra

Muhammad Adam
Mutia Endira P.
When to use Present Perfect
1)We use the Present Perfect Tense to talk
about experiences. It is important if we have
done it in our lives or not. It is not
important when we did it.
I have been abroad two times.
Anna has never broken a leg.
Have you ever eaten sushi?
Tip! We often use never and ever with the
Present Perfect Tense to talk about
2)We use the Present Perfect Tense to talk
about an action which started in the past
and continuous up to now.
I have been a teacher for more than ten
We haven't seen Janine since Friday.
How long have you been at this school?
Tip! We often use since and for to say
how long the action has lasted.
3)We also use the Present Perfect Tense to
talk about a past action that has the result in
the present.
I have lost my wallet. = I don't have it now.
Jimmy has gone to South America. = He isn't
here now.
Have you finished your homework? = Is your
homework ready?
Tip! We often use just, already and yet
with the Present Perfect Tense for an action
in the past with the result in the present.
How to form Present Perfect
We make the Present Perfect tense with the correct
form of the auxiliary verb have (have/has) and the
third form (past participle) of the mail verb.
To form the past participle of the regular verbs, we
add ed to the infinitive.
I have worked as a secretary for two years.
Have you ever visited the Disneyland?
The film hasn't started yet.
Tip! You may want to visit The English Irregular Verbs
pages to learn how we form the past simple (second
form) and past participles (third form) of some
English verbs.
Present Perfect - Positive

I have = ve been to Moscow.

You have = ve finished the exercise.
He Has = s just gone home.
She Has = s already had a holiday this
It Has = s broken!
We have = ve seen this film before.
They have = ve bought a new car.
Present Perfect - Negative
I Have not = been abroad yet.
You Have not = answered my
haven't question.
He Has not = hasn't been home for five
She Has not = hasn't found a new job.
It Has not = hasn't finished yet.
We Have not = worked on a farm.
They Have not = seen each other for
haven't ages.
Present Perfect - Yes/No

Have I ever done it before?

Have you been to the cinema
Has he worked here long?
Has she already sent the fax?
Has it ever been in a crash?
Have we done it right?
Have they gone home yet?
Present Perfect - Information

What have I done?

How long have you been here?
How many has he been married?
What countries has she visited?
Where has it been?
How long have we been together?
Where have they worked?
Already and Yet
Already means that something Yet means that something that we
happened earlier than we expected. expected has happened or hasn't
With Present Perfect already usually happened. We usually put it at the end
goes after have or has and before the of a sentence.
main verb.
Examples Examples

- We've already had our breakfast. - Has the post arrived yet?

- When are you going to do your - Have you done your homework?
homework? - Not yet.
- But I've already done it!
- Haven't you got ready yet? Look at
- Do you want a cup of coffee? the time!
- No, thanks. I've already had one."
For and Since
We use Present Perfect tense to talk about action
which started in the past and continues up to the
We use for with a period We use since with the
of time, for example: a time when the action
few days, half an hour, two started, for example: last
years. year, June 8, I met you.

I have had this computer for about a year.
How long have you been at this school?
I haven't seen Julia since September.

1. Akbar and Windra .. Sintang
A. Has visit
B. Has visited
C. Have visited
2. They are studying perfect tense right now

A. They has studied perfect tense

B. They have studied perfect tense
C. They have studied perfect tense right now
3. We buy bakwan

A. We has bought bakwan

B. We have buyed bakwan
C. We have bought bakwan
4. Dental Morfologi is the most interesting subject

A. Dental Morfologi has been the most interesting subject

B. Dental Morfologi have been the most interesting subject
C. Dental Morfologi is have the most interesting subject
5. I .. in the dormitorium
A. Have been
B. Have
C. Has
6. She will have finished my report
A. She will has finished my report
B. She have finished my report
C. She has finished my report
7. A beautiful girl has .. Me a cake
A. Make
B. Made
C. Meant
8. Julfika .. in Pontianak since 1999
A. Has live
B. Has lived
C. Have lived
9... have studied English
A. Boni
B. Adam and Agung
C. Windra friend
I am going to paint my bedroom
A. I have painted my bedroom
B. I am have painted my bedroom
C. I am have to painted my bedroom

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