The document discusses leadership skills and qualities of effective leaders. It provides facts about geese flying in formation that teach lessons about teamwork, sharing leadership, and supporting others. The document also discusses different types of leaders including appointed, elected, emerged, democratic, authoritarian, and laissez faire leaders. It outlines qualities of effective leaders such as having a vision, being willing to act, treating people differently, making good decisions, taking risks, and making sacrifices.
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Leadership Skills: All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten
The document discusses leadership skills and qualities of effective leaders. It provides facts about geese flying in formation that teach lessons about teamwork, sharing leadership, and supporting others. The document also discusses different types of leaders including appointed, elected, emerged, democratic, authoritarian, and laissez faire leaders. It outlines qualities of effective leaders such as having a vision, being willing to act, treating people differently, making good decisions, taking risks, and making sacrifices.
The document discusses leadership skills and qualities of effective leaders. It provides facts about geese flying in formation that teach lessons about teamwork, sharing leadership, and supporting others. The document also discusses different types of leaders including appointed, elected, emerged, democratic, authoritarian, and laissez faire leaders. It outlines qualities of effective leaders such as having a vision, being willing to act, treating people differently, making good decisions, taking risks, and making sacrifices.
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Leadership Skills: All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten
The document discusses leadership skills and qualities of effective leaders. It provides facts about geese flying in formation that teach lessons about teamwork, sharing leadership, and supporting others. The document also discusses different types of leaders including appointed, elected, emerged, democratic, authoritarian, and laissez faire leaders. It outlines qualities of effective leaders such as having a vision, being willing to act, treating people differently, making good decisions, taking risks, and making sacrifices.
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All I really need to know I learned in
kindergarten. LESSONS FROM GEESE We can learn much from our flying friends Fact: as each goose flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the birds that follow. By flying in a “V” formation, each bird gains a 71% greater flying range.
Lesson:People who share a common goal can get
where they are going more quickly and easily when they rely on each other’s support and strength. Fact: When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flying alone. It quickly moves back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front of it.
Lesson:We would work with others who are
headed where we want to go, getting there will be easier only if we are willing to accept their help and give our help in return. Fact : When the lead goose tires, it moves back into the formation and allows another goose to fly to the point position.
Lesson: It pays to share leadership. People who
are interdependent and recognize each other’s skills, strengths and unique gifts have a greater opportunity of reaching their goals. Fact : The geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
Lesson: Productivity is much greater in groups
where there is encouragement. Leaders need to be encouraged by their followers and followers need the encouragement of their leaders. Fact: When a goose gets sick or wounded, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then they launch out with another formation or catch up with their original flock.
Lesson : If we have as much sense as geese, we
will stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong. THE VALUE OF LEADING
“Leadership is the very heart and soul of
“The quality of leadership is the single most
important ingredient in the recipe of business success” WHAT IS LEADERSHIP
“Leadership is the art of getting someone
else to do something you want done because he wants to do it” LEADERS ARE PEOPLE WHO…. Through their competence, charisma, vision and integrity make others want to follow. Effectively motivate themselves as well as uniting others to work together to accomplish a certain task. Are good listeners, are able to work well within a group, organized, are able to use logic and reasoning and are able to persuade others. HOW DO YOU BECOME A LEADER?
In his play “Twelfth Night” William
Shakespeare wrote, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” KINDS OF LEADERSHIP Appointed Leader: If a person or a group of people with the power to do so select you to a position of authority, you are an appointed leader. A business manager is hired or promoted by the CEO or the owner of the business. The Leader of a class discussion group may be selected by the teacher. The principal of a school is chosen by a hiring committee. All of these individuals are appointed leaders. Elected Leader: Elected leaders are chosen thorough a vote. The president of the United States. A Union Representative. The members of the student government at a college. All these are elected to their positions of leadership. Emerged Leader: Because of their ability and personality some leaders, rather than being formally chosen emerge naturally. Others look to these individuals for guidance whether or not they have a formal title or any real authority. The best student is often asked for help or expected to take charge on group projects. In business, the people who dot he finest work tend to garner more respect than their peers. TYPES OF LEADERS Democratic Leader: He provides direction but allows followers to determine the best way to achieve goals. He solicits input from group members, shares power, seeks consensus, and motivates group members to seek self – direction and self – actualization. This style of leadership is most appropriate when there is plenty of time available to make decisions and when all members have approximately the same level of knowledge or expertise. Authoritarian Leader: When one person is in charge of the group and makes all the decisions without consulting the members of the group, he or she is an authoritarian leader. This style of leadership is best when there is an emergency and it is necessary for the person with the most knowledge and expertise to take control. Also appropriate when group members remain unmotivated and unfocused despite efforts to accomplish goals in a democratic manner. Laissez Faire Leader: This term is used to describe the economic philosophy of LIMITED GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION, the term means “to let people do as they choose.” These leaders adopt a hands – off style by providing minimal direction and authority. They answer questions, but only when a group member actively seeks out the leader’s advice. This type of leadership is least effective for accomplishing group goals, because the group has no focus or direction. The leader is seen as completely nonthreatening. The only time this style is preferred is in social situations. At a party, the host might make some minimal preparations but then leave the guests alone to enjoy themselves unless asked for something specifically by one of the guests such as a drink refill or directions to the restroom. The best leader is one who knows how and when to apply each style of leadership. A high school principal would be expected to demonstrate The authoritarian style during a fire drill. The democratic style at a teacher’s meeting and The laissez faire style while chaperoning a school dance. QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS Effective Leaders have a vision. In 1978 childhood friends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield opened an ice cream shop in a renovated gas station in Burlington, Vermont. Since then, Ben and Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream has expanded into one of the largest and best- known brands in the world. Effective Leaders are willing to Act. Itis not enough to simply have a vision. You must also work to make that vision a reality. Nolan Bushell, the founder of Atari says “A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them.” LOTTERY TICKET STORY There is an old joke about a man who is so poor he prays to God to allow him to win the lottery. He continues to ask God every night for a year that he would have the winning ticket. Finally after a year he becomes frustrated, falls to his knees and prays, “I’ve prayed every night for a year to win the lottery, yet you have ignored my pleas.” Suddenly a big voice booms from the sky, “I’ve heard your prayers, but give me a break. The least you could do is buy a lottery ticket!” Effective Leaders Treat Different People Differently. Noteveryone learns the same way or is motivated in the same way. Effective leaders realize this and treat their followers differently. Effective Leaders make good decisions. To make good decisions, you must be prepared, knowledgeable about the issues and the people involved, able to prioritize and aware of the risks. Effective Leaders take risks. “The people who are really failures are the people who set their standards so low, keep the bar at such a safe level, that they never run the risk of failure” Henry Ford went broke five times before he found success. Abraham Lincoln lost five elections before he finally became President. Charles Darrow’s idea for a board game was initially rejected by Parker Brothers, who cited “52 fundamental errors” with the game. Eventually, Parker Brothers changed their minds and Monopoly went on to become the most popular board game ever. Thomas Edison tired over ten thousand different experiments before he finally demonstrated the first incandescent light bulb on October 21, 1879. when asked if he was frustrated by his failures, he replied, “I have not failed. “I’ve not just found 10k ways that wont work.” An Effective Leader makes Sacrifices. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.” Alexander the Great, Macedonian conqueror of Asia, slept on the ground with his troops, refused to eat if there was no food for his men. He realized his followers would not respect him if he put himself above them and asked for preferential treatment. Mother Teresa is know as one of the greatest religious leaders of all time, yet she lived in poverty and spent her life caring for others.
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