Word Formation (English Language)
Word Formation (English Language)
Word Formation (English Language)
If a student knows that spring is the name of a season, but he doesnt know that it also
means the place where water comes out of the earth, or to leap, or a part of a
watch, does he know the meaning of spring, or only one of several different meanings of the
word ?
Another difficulty is in the definition of the word to know ? A person may recognize the
meaning of a particular word when he reads it, but he may never use it in his daily speech or
writing . Can he be said to know the word ?
The size of ones native language vocabulary reflects his education, reading and range of
interests. There is a very clear relationship between vocabulary size and professional
success. To a certain extent, the same is probably true for foreign students of English. A
students vocabulary will reflect his experience of the language.
If he has no contact with English except through his school books, he will know only the
words in his books. But if he has the chance to meet English-speaking people, or to read
English magazines, or to see English motion pictures without subtitles, he will be able to
extend his vocabulary into areas that are not included in his books. Obviously, the more
students hears, speaks, reads, and writes English, the more opportunity he has to increase
his vocabulary.
Learning the use and meaning of words in English can be made
easier, and even enjoyable, if you understand something
about one way in which many English words are formed.