ITIL® Version 3 Foundation

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ITIL® Version 3

Level Upgrade

Novice Basic Understanding Hands on Exp Extensive Exp SME


Section 1 Setting the Context

Section 2 What is ITIL ?

Section 3 ITIL V2

Section 4 ITIL V3

Section 5 ITIL Processes & Functions


Acronym Expansion

ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library

ITSCM IT Service Continuity Management

RFC Request for Change

SLA Service Level Agreement

SLR Service Level Requirement

SLM Service Level Management

Pre / Post Test

Section 1 Setting the Context

Section 2 What is ITIL ?

Section 3 ITIL V2

Section 4 ITIL V3

Section 5 ITIL Processes & Functions

Setting the Context

Regular and common issues faced by the IT Service industry


§ How much planned service downtime can the business

§ What will be the total cost of ownership?
§ How critical is preventing data loss?
§ How do we truly create value for our customers?
§ How much IT skill and time that is required to
maintain and administer the system?
§ Can troubleshooting and administration be handled
§ When downtime occurs, or troubleshooting and repair
is needed, how much recovery time is acceptable?
Challenges Faced

Maintaini Prevention of data

ng high loss

•Running Integrated Service

•Service Strategy
•Effective Capacity
•Maintaining IT Service
Total cost of Continuity
ownership •Continual Service
Section 1 Setting the Context

Section 2 What is ITIL ?

Section 3 ITIL V2

Section 4 ITIL V3

Section 5 ITIL Processes & Functions

What is ITIL?

ITIL is a set of Best Practice guidance for

IT Service Management. ITIL is owned by the
OGC and consists of a series of publications
giving guidance on the provision of Quality
IT Services, and on the Processes and
facilities needed to support them.

I nformation T echnology I nfrastructure

What is ITIL?
•IT Infrastructure Library
•Was gathered from Users, Suppliers, Consultants
•Proven in practice
•Is under constant development
•Is supported by tools
•Has been the world wide de facto standard for IT
Service Management
•Offers certification of consultants and practitioners
•Has its own international user group (IT Service
Management Forum)
•ITIL Wave
IT IL H isto ry

 ITIL V1 - Published between

1989 & 1995 by OGC (Office of
Government Commerce)
• 31 associated books covering all aspects of IT
service provision.
• Significant contributions from HP, IBM and
 ITIL V2 – Published between
2000 & 2004
• 8, more closely connected and consistent
books consolidated by an overall framework.
 ITIL V3 – Published in 2007
• Enhanced and consolidated, consisting of 5
IT IL C o n ce p ts
 Service: A ‘service’ is a means of delivering value to customers by
facilitating outcomes customers want to achieve without the
ownership of specific costs and risks.
 Service Management: Service Management is a set of specialized
organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the
form of services. Service Management can also be defined as a set
of Functions and Processes for managing services over their
• Function: A team or group of people and the tools they use to
carry out one or more processes or activities.
• Role: A set of responsibilities, activities and authorities granted to
a person or team
• Process: A set of activities designed to accomplish a specific
objective. A process takes defined inputs and turns them into
defined outputs. A process may include roles, responsibilities,
tools and management controls required to deliver the
User: A person who uses the IT Service on a day-to-day basis.

ITIL Philosophy

§Capture ‘ Best Practices ’ from the

§Adopt to Adapt
ITIL §No ‘ Standard ’ mandate
§Scalability – organization size
and need
§Platform independent
§Continuously evolving
IT S e rvice M a n a g e m e n t
m e a n s……
Going from a technology
focus – to a customer
service focus.
Managing service levels
from the customers’
perspective instead of
insular technology or
infrastructure perspective
Going beyond reactive
break/fix – to proactive
management of service
IT IL O b je ctive s

Reduce Costs
Tune Capacity

Improve Availability

Optimize resource Utilization

Increase Throughput

Improve Scalability
B e n e fits o f IT S e rvice
M anagem ent
 Improved quality of service – more reliable business support
 Clearer view of current IT capability & better information on
current services
 Enhanced Customer Satisfaction as service providers know
and deliver what is expected of them
 System led benefits in terms of security, accuracy, speed &
availability, cycle time, success rate, operating cost
 Profit margin will improve
 Efficiency will improve – as staff will work more effectively
as teams.\
 IT department will become more effective at supporting the
needs of the business and will be more responsive to
changes in business direction
IT IL B e n e fits

Benefits realisation
itSMF survey - 70% achieving “tangible & measurable” benefits
Meta - 85% resolution on target
- cost per call down 30%
- 50% reduction in new product cycle

IDC survey - 79% reduction in downtime & other factors

- total savings per user $800 p.a.
- ROI up 1300%

Barclays - Downtime reduced from 60 to 15 mins

Proctor & Gamble - 6-8% cut in operating costs
- $125 million p.a. savings (10% of IT Budget)

Gartner - 10% reduction

- 48% reduction in IT
in cost of ITSD calls

Shell Oil - $5 million savings (6000 man days) due to fa ster

Software upgrades in less than 72 hours.
IT IL B e n e fits

Benefits realisation

Utilities - 50% reduction in Incident resolution time

Provider - 30% reduction in Change implementation time

- 50% resource reduction for same throughput

European - Customer Satisfaction Index increased from

IS Organization 6.8 to 7.6
- Reduced handling time
- 3.5m Euros savings p.a (7% of IS operating
Section 1 Setting the Context

Section 2 What is ITSM & ITIL ?

Section 3 ITIL V2

Section 4 ITIL V3

Section 5 ITIL Processes & Functions

ITIL V2 – IT Service

Service Desk
Service Support
Incident Management

Service Level Management Problem Management

Capacity Management Configuration Management

Availability Management Change Management

Service Continuity Management Release Management

Financial Management Service Delivery

Q u e stio n a n d A n sw e r

1.Which of the following is True ?

 1) ITIL is NOT a Standard
 2) ITIL V2 has only 2 books called
Red book and Blue book
 3) ITIL V3 ensure Business IT
 4) The concepts of ITIL V3 can
only be applied to Infrastructure

Section 1 Setting the Context

Section 2 What is ITSM & ITIL ?

Section 3 ITIL V2

Section 4 ITIL V3

Section 5 ITIL Processes & Functions


 ITIL is no more plain ITIL – it is

 ITIL Service Management


 A Holistic, Inclusive, Value Based, Business – focused,

Services Practice
 Evolved from operationally focused processes to mature
service management practice guidance
 More prescriptive (What & How) and Industry directed –
provides implementation guidelines by firm size or
industry, outsourcing & co-sourcing models
 Provides guidance for governance (like COBIT – SOX),
methodologies like Six Sigma etc. – adding Business
 Interaction with other Best Practices and Standards
W h a t is d iffe re n t V 3 ?

 Adopts a Service Life Cycle approach

 Core Guidance / Publications

 Introduction to ITIL Service

Management Practices
 Service Strategy
 Service Design
 Service Transition
 Service Operation
 Continual Service

IT IL V 3 – T h e S e rvice life cycle

Five sta g e s o f IT se rvice

life cycle a re
qS e rvice S tra te g y
qS e rvice D e sig n
qS e rvice Tra n sitio n
qS e rvice O p e ra tio n
qC o n tin u a lS e rvice
Im p ro ve m e n t
W h a t is d iffe re n t V 3 ? ..... C o n td

 26 Processes and 4 Functions (Service Desk, Technical

Management, IT Operations Management, Application

 10 New Topics added, like Knowledge Management,

Supplier Management, Service Measurement,
Application Design & Management

 What Hasn’t Changed ?

 ITIL Processes
IT IL V 3 – Pro ce ss A rch ite ctu re

IT Operations

Service Catalogue Transition Planning & Incident

Management Support Management

Service Level Request Fulfillment

Change Management
Service Asset &
Capacity Problem Management
Availability Release & Deployment Access Management
Strategy Generation
Management Management
IT Service Continuity Service Validation Applications
Demand Management
Management & Testing Management
Service Portfolio Information Security
Evaluation Technical Management
Management Management
Supplier Knowledge
Financial Management Service Desk
Management Management

Service Service Service Service

Strategy Design Transition Operation

Continual Service Improvement

7-step Improvement s
Service Reporting Service Measurement
Section 1 What is ITIL ?

Section 2 Why ITIL ?

Section 3 ITIL V2

Section 4 ITIL V3

Section 5 ITIL V3 Processes & Functions

IT IL Pro ce ss Flo w

S e rvice S tra te g y Pro ce sse s

 Focuses on the identification of market opportunities for which

services could be developed in order to meet a requirement
on the part of internal or external customers. The output is a
strategy for the design, implementation, maintenance and
continual improvement of the service as an organizational
capability and a strategic asset.

 Processes
 Strategy Generation
 Service Portfolio Management
 Demand Management
 Financial Management

S e rvice Po rtfo lio M a n a g e m e n t

§S e rv ice P o rtfo lio M a n a g e m e n t: To decide on a strategy to

se rve cu sto m e rs, a n d to d e ve lo p th e se rvice p ro vid e r's
o ffe rin g s a n d ca p a b ilitie s.
It is re sp o n sib le fo r d e fin in g a n d m a n a g in g se rvice
p o rtfo lio o ve r th e ir e n tire life cycle fro m co n ce p t to
re tire m e n t th ro u g h d e sig n , tra n sitio n a n d o p e ra tio n . A lso
re sp o n sib le fo r a ssig n in g in ve stm e n ts to d e ve lo p n e w
se rvice s, m o d ify existin g se rvice s o r re tire o ld se rvice s.
S e rvice Po rtfo lio M a n a g e m e n t

Demand Management

§Demand Management : Demand Management is responsible to understand

and influence customer demand for services and the provision of
capacity to meet these demands. At a strategic level Demand
Management can involve analysis of Patterns of Business Activity and
User Profiles. At a tactical level it can involve use of
differential charging to encourage customers to use IT services at
less busy times.
§ To ensure that the service provider meet agreed demands of
customer’s business needs.
§ To eliminate excess capacity needs.
§ To ensure the provision of appropriate levels of service.
§ To understand and influence customer demand for services and
provide capacity to meet that demand.
§ To make certain that the warranty and utility offered by
service provider matches customer needs.
Financial Management

§Financial Management : It is responsible for the management of

service investments, accounting and charging to ensure financial
visibility and accountability.
§To ensure financial visibility and accountability.
§To budget and account for the cost of service provision.
§To facilitate accurate budgeting.
§To account for running IT.
§To provide basis for business decisions.
§Balancing cost, capacity and Service Level Requirement.
§To recover costs where required (Charging).
§To understand the value of IT services.
§To establish Financial compliance and control.
§To enable value capture and creation.
§To ensure enhanced decision making.
Prov ide
mana gem ent
info rma tion on
the cos t of
prov idi ng IT
serv ice s
services supp ort ing
busi nes s need s
service, activity
Bill customer for customer,
Charging Identify Cost by
IT Accounting
Provid e sound
busin ess method of
balanc ing shape and
quanti ty of IT IT spend
servic e with needs
and resour ces of Predict and control
the custom ers
Ensur e that
busin ess
provi des
suffi cien t fund s
to ru n the IT
servi ces it
requi res
Financial Management
Question and Answer

1. During the Service Strategy,

which of the following are


a) Resource and Components

b) Requirements and Resources

c) Components and Requirements

d) Requirements, Resources and


Question and Answer

2. Demand Management is

primarily used to?

a) Increase customer value

b) Eliminate excess capacity

c) Increase the value of IT

d) Align business with IT cost

Service Design

§Service Design focuses on the activities that take place in

order to develop the strategy into a design which
addresses all aspects of the proposed service, as well as
the processes intended to support it
§ Service Catalogue Management
§ Service Level Management
§ Capacity Management
§ Availability Management
§ IT Service Continuity Management
§ Information Security Management
§ Supplier Management
S e rvice C a ta lo g u e
M anagem ent

 Service Catalogue Management:

To ensure that a Service Catalogue
is produced and maintained,
containing accurate information on
all operational services and those
being prepared to be run
§ To create and manage Service Catalogue

§ A single source of information of all services

§ To ensure that information provided in service catalogue is

Service Catalogue Management

The Service Catalogue

Business Business Business

Process 1 Process 2 Process 3

Business Service Catalogue


Service A Service B Service C Service D Service E

Technical Service Catalogue

Support Data
Services Hardware Software Applications
S e rvice Le ve lM a n a g e m e n t

 Service Level Management: To negotiate Service Level

Agreements with the customers and to design services in
accordance with the agreed service level targets. Service Level
Management is also responsible for ensuring that all Operational
Level Agreements and Underpinning Contracts are appropriate, and
to monitor and report on service levels.

§ Negotiate, agree and document

service levels
§ Measure, report and improve
service levels
§ Communicate with business and
Service Level Management

Service Level Management

LOI, Service Baseline
Proposal, Set up activities for SLM Report
Service Catalogue
Create Project Service Catalogue


Develop Draft SLA UC

Pilot Feedback
Pilot Draft SLA

Customer Sign-off SLA

C a p a city M a n a g e m e n t

 Capacity Management: To ensure that the capacity of IT services

and the IT infrastructure is able to deliver the agreed service
level targets in a cost effective and timely manner. Capacity
Management considers all resources required to deliver the IT
service, and plans for short, medium and long term business

Capacity Management Focus
Business requirement focus Current Services delivery focus

Business Capacity Mgmt Service Capacity Mgmt

Resource Capacity Mgmt

Technology component focus
A va ila b ility M a n a g e m e n t

 Availability Management: To ensure that the level of service availability delivered in all
services is matched to, or exceeds, the current and future agreed needs of the
business, in a cost-effective manner.

§ Ensure agreed levels of availability is

§ Continually optimize and improve
availability of IT Services,
Infrastructure and supporting
§ Provide cost effective availability
§ To produce and maintain an
A va ila b ility M a n a g e m e n t
IT S e rvice C o n tin u ity
M anagem ent
 IT Service Continuity Management : To manage risks that could
seriously impact IT services. ITSCM ensures that the IT service
provider can always provide minimum agreed Service Levels, by
reducing the risk from disaster events to an acceptable level and
planning for the recovery of IT services. ITSCM should be designed
to support Business Continuity Management.

§ Maintain a set of IT Service Continuity Plans and IT recovery

plans that support the overall Business Continuity Plans

§ To complete regular Business Impact Analysis exercises to

ensure that plans are current and relevant.

§ To conduct regular risk assessment and management


§ To provide advice and guidance on issues related to Service

In fo rm a tio n S e cu rity
M anagem ent
 Information Security Management: To
align IT security with business
security, and ensure that information
security is effectively managed in all
service and Service Management
§ To protect the interests of those relying on information

§ To protect the systems and communications that deliver


§ To maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability of

S u p p lie r M a n a g e m e n t

 Supplier Management: To manage suppliers and the services

they supply, to provide seamless quality of IT service to the
business, ensuring value for money is obtained.
§ Manage supplier relationship and
§ Negotiate and agree contracts
§ In conjunction with SLM
§ Ensure contracts are aligned to business needs and
support SLAs
§ Manage contracts throughout
§ Maintain a supplier policy and a
supporting Supplier and Contract
Database (SCD)
Supplier Management

Inputs Outputs

Supplier Management
Business information Supplier and Contracts
Supplier and contracts Database
strategy ( SCD )
Supplier plans and Supplier and contract
performance information
Supplier contracts ,
agreements and reports
and targets Supplier and contract
Supplier and contract
meeting minutes
performance information
Supplier Service
IT information Improvement
Performance issues Plans
Financial information
Supplier survey repor ts
Service information
Q u e stio n a n d A n sw e r

1.What document will list the

Services currently provided
to the Customers?

 a) Service Level Agreement

 b) Service Level Requirements
 c) Services Catalogue
 d) Services Contract
Question and Answer

2. Which of the following best describes the goal of the

Service Level Management?

 a) To maintain and improve IT service quality in line with

business requirements
 b) To provide IT services at the lowest possible cost by
agreeing with Customers their minimum requirements for
service availability and ensuring performance does not
exceed these targets
 c) To provide the highest possible level of service to
Customers and continuously improve on this through
ensuring all services operate at maximum availability
 d) To ensure that IT delivers the same standard of service at
the least cost
Question and Answer

3. Which process reviews Operational Level Agreements

(OLAs) on a regular basis?

 a) Supplier Management
 b) Service Level Management
c) Service Portfolio Management
d) IT Service Continuity Management
Question and Answer

4.“A steel company merges with a competitor. The IT

departments, along with the IT infrastructures of both
companies will be combined. “ Which process is
responsible for determining the required disk and
memory space required for applications running in the
combined IT infrastructure?

 a) Application Management
 b) Capacity Management
 c) Computer Operations
 d) Release Management
Question and Answer

5.“Availability Management is responsible for availability


 a) Services and Resources

 b) Services and Business
 c) Resources and Business
 d) Services, Resources and
Business Processes
S e rvice Tra n sitio n Pro ce sse s

 Focuses on the implementation of the output of the service design activities

and the creation of a production service or modification of an existing

 Understanding all services, their utility & warranties

 Establishing a formal policy and common framework for implementation of all

required changes

 Supporting knowledge transfer, decision support and re-use of processes,

systems and other elements

 Anticipating and managing ‘course corrections’

 Ensuring involvement of Service transition and Service transition

requirements throughout the service lifecycle
S e rvice Tra n sitio n Pro ce sse s

 Transitioning Planning & Support

 Release and Deployment Management
 Service Validation & Testing
 Change Management
 Service Asset & Configuration Management
 Evaluation
 Knowledge Management

Tra n sitio n P la n n in g a n d
S u p p o rt

 Transition Planning and Support: To plan and coordinate

the resources to deploy a major Release within the predicted
cost, time and quality estimates

§ Plan and co-ordinate the resource to establish

successfully a new or changed service into
production within predicted cost, quality and time

§ Adopt common framework of standards, re-usable

processes & supporting systems.

§ Provide clear and comprehensive plans that enable

the customer and business change projects to align
their activities with the service transition plans.
Transition Planning and Support

Inputs &


Transition Planning &

ng Planning &

Support - Inputs suppor

suppor Support –
activi Outputs
Authorized RFC
Service Design package Transition
Release Package
definition and design Integrated set
specification of Service
Transition plans
Service Acceptance
Criteria (SAC)

Configuration, Change and
Release Management

Change Management

 Change Management: To ensure standardized procedures are used for efficient and
prompt handling of changes.

§ All changes to service assets and

configuration items are recorded
in the configuration
§ To ensure that changes are
recorded and evaluated.
§ To ensure all changes are
assessed, approved,
implemented and reviewed in a
controlled manner.
Change Management
Inputs Outputs

Change policy and Rejected and

strategy approved RFCs
RFCs Activities
Changes to services
Change proposals and CIs
- Change
Service management Initiation Updated change
plans schedule & Projected
Assets and configuration service outage (PSO)
items -Filtering
Existing change
management documents
 Change Schedule -Analysis &
 Projected Service Scheduling
Outage (PSO) Change plans,
decisions, actions and
- Change records

- Change Review Test plan and back-out

- Release
Management reports
Service Asset and Configuration

 Service Asset and Configuration Management: Identify, control, record,

report, audit and verify service assets and configuration items, including
versions, baselines, constituent components, their attributes, and

§ To maintain information about

Configuration Items required to
deliver an IT service, including
their relationships
§ Establish and maintain a
configuration Management
§ As a part of an overall Service Knowledge Management system

§ To identify configuration items

(CIs) & their relationships and
Service Asset and Configuration



Analyze and define Identify Configuration Ensure change Ensure that every Ensures that
Item management process is status change a CI information in the
•Strategy followed before goes through is CMDB is accurate
Determine CM Tool and changes are entered
•Scope establish library recorded
into CMDB
•Objectives structure Manage information for
Ensure that the CI before and Conduct periodic
•Roles and Define attributes to appropriate document reviews and audits
CI such as owner, after each status
responsibilities for accompanies the CI in change. e.g.:
CM version, status etc the CMDB
Define the inter- •Ordered
Define Configuration Control the
Management relationships between information pertaining •Received
CI and CI structures to
•Activities •Under test
Record all the •Access,
•Procedure information into CMDB •Under repair
Define CMDB structure •Changes & •Withdrawn
and their •Addition of New items
relationships •For disposal
Manage & Control CM Record and communicate
Identify the Tools and Environment
other resources CI changes to users
required Exercise physical Record and Report
•Current data
•Historical data
Release and Deployment

 Release and Deployment Management: Define and agree

release and deployment plans with customers and stakeholders

§ To ensure clear and comprehensive Release and

Deployment plans that enable the customer and
business projects to align their activities with these
§ Release packages can be built, installed, tested and
§ Skills and knowledge transfer to enable.
§ To protect the live environment by using right procedures
& checks.
§ To validate delivery of services is maintained consistently
between application and live environments.
§ To ensure that releases have back-out plans.

Release and Deployment Management


Define roles and Develop Release Design and build the Involve relevant groups
responsibilities Management Plan release package during acceptance
Define Levels of Identifying scope and Test the release package
Authority content of approved in line with Business performs key
changes requirements functionality user
Release Frequency and acceptance tests as per
Type Prioritizing, planning, Baseline tested version requirements
and scheduling release of release package in
Approach to grouping activities DML Conduct pilot testing in
changes into a release the production
Perform a risk environment (if
assessment for the required)
Evaluate acceptance
Prepare communication testing results
and roll back plans
UAT sign off
Define roles and
Release and Deployment Management



Develop Rollout strategy Communicate changes to Move the release package

for the release all stakeholders and to the target locations
mentioning: affected groups

Deploy release package

• Success criteria Publish the release into production
mechanism environment

Locations of
Training to release
• Effort team, end users and
and Schedule support team


Publish Roll Out plan

Service Validation and Testing

 Service Validation and Testing: Provide Confidence that a release

will create a new or changed services or service offerings that
delivers the expected outcomes and value for the customers within
the projected costs, capacity and constrains.
§ Validate that a service is ‘fit for
§ Assure a service is ‘fit for use’.
§ Confirm that the customer and
stakeholders requirements for the new
or changed service are correctly

Service Validation and Testing

Configuration Baseline
Service Package (Testing Environment)
Service Level Packages (SLPs) Testing carried out & Test
Service Provider’s Interface Definition Results
Analysis of Results
Service Design Package (Operation Models, (comparison of Actual Vs
Capacity/resource model & Plans, Service
Service Expected Results, Risks
Financial/economic/cost models [with validati
validati identified during test activities
TCO,TCU], service management model, on
on etc.)
Design & Interface specification) && Test Incidents, Test
Testing problems, Test error records
Release and deployment Plans es
es Reports delivered to service
evaluation and inputs to CSI
Acceptance Criteria
Request for Change (RFCs)


 Evaluation: To provide a consistent and standardized means of

determining the performance of a service change in the context
of existing and proposed services and IT Infrastructure.
§ Assess the actual performance of a
changes against its predicted
performance and manage the
deviations between actual and
predicted performance.
§ Evaluate the intended effects of a
service change and as much of
the unintended effects as is
reasonably practical given
capacity, resource and
organizational constraints.

Inputs Outputs
Service Package Evaluation
Service Design Package (SDP) & Evalua
Evalua Report for
Service Acceptance criteria Change
(SAC) ties
ties management
Test Results and report
Knowledge Management

 Knowledge Management: The purpose of Knowledge management is to

ensure that the right information is delivered to the appropriate place or
competent person at the right time to enable informed decision. The primary
purpose of knowledge management is to improve efficiency by reducing the
need to rediscover knowledge.

§ Enabling the service provider to be

more efficient and improve quality
of service, increase satisfaction and
reduce the cost of service .
§ Ensuring staff have a clear and
common understanding of the value
that their services provide to
customers and the ways in which
Knowledge Management

Service Knowledge
Management System


Configuration Management system

Configuration Management
Question and Answer

1. The goal of Service Asset and Configuration

Management is to?
a) Account for all financial assets of the organization
b) Provide a logical model of the IT infrastructure,
correlating IT services and different IT components
needed to deliver the services
c) Build service models to justify the ITIL implementations
d) Implement ITIL across the organization

Question and Answer

2. The objective of the Change Management process is

most accurately described as?

 a) Ensuring that all changes are recorded, managed,

tested and implemented in a controlled manner
 b) Ensuring that changes to IT infrastructure are
managed efficiently and effectively
 c) Ensuring that all changes have appropriate back-
out plans in the event of failure
 d) Protecting services by not allowing changes to be

Question and Answer

3. “Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

 a) The Configuration Management System (CMS) is part of the

Known Error Data Base (KEDB)
 b) The Service Knowledge Management System (SKMS) is part of
the CMS
 c) The KEDB and the CMS form part of the larger SKMS
 d) The CMS is part of the Configuration Management Data Base
Question and Answer

4. What is the first activity when implementing a release?

 a) Designing and building a release

 b) Testing a release
 c) Compiling the release schedule
 d) Communicating and preparing the release
Question and Answer

 5. Which of the following are objectives of the Release and Deployment

Management process?
 1. To ensure there are clear release and
deployment plans
 2. To ensure that skills and knowledge are
transferred to operations and support staff
 3. To ensure there is minimal unpredicted impact
on production services
 4. To provide cost justifiable IT capacity that is
matched to the needs of the business

 a) 1, 2 and 3 only
 b) 1 and 3 only
 c) 1, 3 and 4 only
 d) All of the above
Service Operation
Service Operation Process and
Event Incident Request Fulfillment Problem Management Access Management
Management Management

Focuses on the activities required to operate the services and maintain

their functionality as defined in the Service Level Agreements with the


Common activities in addition to processes

 Monitoring and Control

 Console management / Operations bridge
 Management of the Infrastructure
 Operational aspects of processes from other lifecycle stages
Key Functions

 Service Desk Function

 Technical Management Function
 Application Management Function
 IT Operations Management Function
Service Desk

 Service Desk: To restore ‘normal

service’ to the users as quickly as

§ To act as the single point of contact (SPOC) between

users and IT organization. The service desk also
acts as a first line support to the user.
§ To log and categorize Incidents, Service Requests
and some standard categories of change.
§ To perform the first line investigation and diagnosis.
§ To communication with users and IT staff.
§ To ensure closure of incidents.
§ To contribute to an continuous increase in Overall
Customer Satisfaction.
§ To update the Configuration Management (if so
agreed) Database with incident, requests, standard
changes information
IT Service Management – L1, L2
Types of Service Desks

LOCAL SERVICE DESK : To meet local business needs – Desk is co-located

within or physically close to the user community it serves

Service Desk

Technical Application 3rd Party Request
Management Management Support Fulfillment
Types of Service Desks

CENTRALIZED SERVICE DESK: For organizations having multiple locations -

reduces operational costs and improves usage of available resources

Customer Site Customer Site Customer Site

1 2 3

Service Desk

Second Line

Applicatio IT Request
Technical 3rd Party
n Operations
Management Support Fulfillmen
Management Management t
Types of Service Desks

VIRTUAL SERVICE DESK: For organizations having multi-country locations -

can be situated and accessed from anywhere in the world due to advances in
network performance and telecommunications

San Francisco
Service Desk

Beijing Service
Paris Service Desk

Service Desk

London Service Sydney Service

Desk Service Desk
Types of Service Desks


 For organizations having multiple

locations – Handling the call during the
standard working hours of a country and
gets transferred to another country to
provide a 24 hour follow-the-sun service.
 This can give 24 hour coverage
generates relatively low cost, as no desk
has to work more than a single shift.
However, the same safeguards of
common processes, tools, shared
database of information and culture must
be addressed for this approach to
proceed - and well-controlled escalation
Service Management Functions

Technical Management Function

Provides technical expertise and overall management of the

IT Infrastructure

Application Management Function

Supports and maintains operational applications and plays

an important role in the design, testing and improvement of
applications that form part of IT services

IT Operations Management Function

Function responsible for ongoing management and maintenance

of the IT infrastructure to ensure delivery of the agreed
level of IT services to the business
E ve n t M a n a g e m e n t

Event Management: The ability

to detect events, make sense of

them and determine appropriate
control action is provided by Event
§ Event management is the basis for operational
monitoring and control.
§ To be focused on generating and detecting
meaningful notifications about the status of
the IT Infrastructure and service.
§ To work with occurrences that are specifically
generated to be monitored.
§ To monitor occurrences, and look for conditions
that do not generate events.
Event Management


Filter Warning

Event Management


Incident Management

t/ Problem
Exception Proble Problem Management

R e q u e st Fu lfillm e n t

Request Fulfillment:

§ To provide a channel for users to request and

receive standard services for which approval
and qualification process exists.
§ To provide right information to users and
customers about the availability of existing
services and the procedure for obtaining
§ To source and deliver the components of
requested standard services (e.g. licenses
and software media).
§ To assist with general information, complaints
or comments.
Request Fulfillment

Request Fulfillment
Requests Recording of requests
Service Request
Video/Fax Obtain formal approval

Assign request to concern group Coordinate

Browser with other
Requests support groups
on Service request resolution

Closure Info
Closure and
RFC verification
In cid e n t M a n a g e m e n t

 Incident Management:

§ To restore the normalcy of service

as quickly as possible (definitely
with in the SLAs) with minimal
effect on business operations.
§ To deal with resolution of
incidents consistently.
§ To provide information for
improvement of processes and
systems, so that the overall
occurrence or recurrence of
incidents are reduced.
In cid e n t M a n a g e m e n t -
C o n ce p ts
 Incident: An unplanned interruption to an IT service or
reduction in the quality of an IT service.
 Impact: A measure of the effect of an Incident, Problem
or Change on Business process.
 Urgency: A measure of how long it will be until an
incident, Problem or change has a significant impact
on the business.
 Priority: A category used to identify the relative
importance of an incident and is based on Impact and
 Known Error: A problem for which the root cause is
known and a temporary workaround has been
 Problem: Cause of one or more incidents

In cid e n t M a n a g e m e n t
In cid e n t M a n a g e m e n t
Pro b le m M a n a g e m e n t

 Problem Management:

 Problem Management is the process responsible for

 the lifecycle of all problems. The primary objectives
are of
 Problem Management are to prevents problems and
 incidents from happening, to eliminate recurring
incidents and
 to minimize the impact of incidents that cannot be
Pro b le m M a n a g e m e n t
Pro b le m M a n a g e m e n t
A cce ss M a n a g e m e n t

Access Management:
Access Management provides
the right for users to be able
to use a service or group of

1.To enable users to use a

service or group of services
while protecting
 against unauthorized
Access Management

Access Management

Requesting Access Assigning

RFC’s User
Verify request for Access
Provide Access Rights Coordinate
Service Monitoring Identity Status with other
support groups

Logging and Tracking Access

Removing and Restricting Rights
Security and Monitoring
Data protection Info
policies and
C o n tin u a lS e rvice
Im p ro ve m e n t
 Review, analyze and make recommendations on
improvement opportunities in each lifecycle phase –
Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition
and Service Operation.
 Review and analyze Service Level Achievement results.
 Identify and implement individual activities that will
improve IT service quality and improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of the enabling IT service
management processes.
 Improve cost effectiveness of delivering IT Services
without sacrificing customer satisfaction.
 Ensure applicable Quality management methods are used
to support continual improvement activities.

CSI Model

Business Vision,
What is the
Mission, Goals &
Vision? Obj

Where are we Baseline

Now? Assessments
How do we
Keep the Where do we Measurable
momentum Want to be? Targets
Service and
How do we
get there? improvement

Did we Measurement
Get there? And metrics
7 – Step Continuous Improvement
4 . Processing 5 . Analyzing
the data the data
6 . Presenting
3 . Gathering and using the
the data information
2 . Define Implementing
what you can corrective
Measure? action
Identify :
– Vision
1 . Define – Strategy
what you – Tactical Goals
should – Operational
Measure? Goals
Continual Service Improvement
IT IL B e n e fits

 Increased user and Customer satisfaction with

IT services.
 Improved service availability, leading to
increased business profits and revenue.
 Financial savings from reduced rework,
improved resource management and usage.
 Improved time to market for new products and
 Improved decision making and risk
Q u e stio n a n d A n sw e r

1. Which are the missing Service Operation processes

from the following?

 1. Incident Management
 2. Problem Management
 3. Access Management
 4. ?
 5. ?

 a) Event management and Request

 b) Event Management and Service
 c) Facilities Management and Event
Q u e stio n a n d A n sw e r

2. The BEST definition of an EVENT is?

 a) An occurrence where a
performance threshold has been
exceeded and an agreed Service
Level has already been impacted
 b) An occurrence that is significant
for the management of the IT
infrastructure or delivery of
 c) A known system defect that
generates multiple incident reports
 d) A planned meeting of customers
and IT staff to announce a new
Q u e stio n a n d A n sw e r

 3. An Incident occurs when:

a)A user is unable to access a

service during service hours
b)An authorized IT staff member is
unable to access a service
during service hours
c)A redundant network segment
fails, and the user is not aware
of any disruption to service
d)A user contacts the Service Desk
about slow performance of an
Q u e stio n a n d A n sw e r

4. Which of the above statements is CORRECT?

 a) All of the above

 b) 1 and 4 only
 c) 2 and 3 only
 d) None of the above
IS O 2 0 0 0 0 Pro ce sse s

Service delivery processes

Capacity Service-level Security
management management management

Service continuity Service reporting Budgeting &

& availability accounting
management for IT
Control processes
Configuration management
Release Change management Relationship
processes Resolution processes
Release processes relationship
management Incident management
management Supplier
Problem management management

Section 1 Setting the Context

Section 2 What is ITIL ?

Section 3 ITIL V2

Section 4 ITIL V3

Section 5 ITIL Processes & Functions

Thank You

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