Intraop & Postop
Intraop & Postop
he/she is
prepared physically, psychosocially, spiritually and legally for the surgical procedure, until he/she is transported
into the operating room.
Follow-up Care
Intraoperative Nursing Care
Goals of Care During Intraoperative Period
Asepsis and Infection Control
Safe Administration of Anesthesia
Surgical conscience
Preparation for Surgery
The intraoperative phase extends from the time the client is admitted to the operating room, to the time of anesthesia administration,
performance of the surgical procedure and until the client is transported to the recovery room or postanesthesia care unit (PACU).
Throughout the surgical experience the nurse functions as the patients chief advocate. The nurses care and concern extend from the time the
patient is prepared for and instructed about the forthcoming surgical procedure to the immediate preoperative period and into the operative
phase and recovery from anesthesia. The patient needs the security of knowing that someone is providing protection during the procedure and
while he is anesthetized because surgery is usually a stressful experience.
Promote the principle of asepsis asepsis.
Safe administration of anesthesia
Fair Mild to moderate systemic disturbance Mild cardiac (I and II) disease, mild diabetes
General Anesthesia
This type of anesthesia promotes total loss of consciousness and sensation. General anesthesia is commonly achieved when
the anesthetic is inhaled or administered intravenously. It affects the brain as well as the entire body. Types of general
anesthesia administration:
Volatile liquid anesthetics this type of anesthetic produces anesthesia when their vapors are inhaled. Included in this
group are the following:
Halothane (Fluothane)
Methoxyflurane (Penthrane)
Enflurane (Ethrane)
Isoflurane (Forane)
Cocaine Volatile agents are specially formulated organic liquids that evaporate readily into
vapors, and are given by inhalation for induction and/or maintenance of general
General anesthetics anesthesia. Nitrous oxide and xenon are gases at room temperature rather than
liquids, so they are not considered volatile agents. The ideal anesthetic vapor or gas
should be non-flammable, non-explosive, and lipid-soluble. It should possess low
Inhaled agents blood gas solubility, have no end-organ (heart, liver, kidney) toxicity or side-effects,
should not be metabolized, and should not be an irritant to the respiratory pathways
of the patient.
No anaesthetic agent currently in use meets all these requirements, nor can any
Desflurane anaesthetic agent be considered safe. There are inherent risks and drug interactions
Enflurane that are specific to each and every patient.The agents in widespread current use
are isoflurane,desflurane, sevoflurane, and nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is a
Halothane common adjuvant gas, making it one of the most long-lived drugs still in current use.
Isoflurane Because of its low potency, it cannot produce anesthesia on its own but is frequently
Methoxyflurane combined with other agents. Halothane, an agent introduced in the 1950s, has been
almost completely replaced in modern anesthesia practice by newer agents because of
Nitrous oxide its shortcomings. Partly because of its side effects, enflurane never gained widespread
Sevoflurane popularity.
Xenon (rarely used) In theory, any inhaled anesthetic agent can be used for induction of general anesthesia.
However, most of the halogenated anesthetics are irritating to the airway, perhaps
leading to coughing, laryngospasm and overall difficult inductions. For this reason, the
most frequently used agent for inhalational induction is sevoflurane. All of the volatile
agents can be used alone or in combination with other medications to maintain
anesthesia (nitrous oxide is not potent enough to be used as a sole agent).
Volatile agents are frequently compared in terms of potency, which is inversely
proportional to the minimum alveolar concentration. Potency is directly related to
lipid solubility. This is known as the Meyer-Overton hypothesis. However, certain
pharmacokinetic properties of volatile agents have become another point of
comparison. Most important of those properties is known as the blood/gas partition
coefficient. This concept refers to the relative solubility of a given agent in blood.
Those agents with a lower blood solubility (i.e., a lower bloodgas partition
coefficient; e.g., desflurane) give the anesthesia provider greater rapidity in titrating
the depth of anesthesia, and permit a more rapid emergence from the anesthetic state
upon discontinuing their administration. In fact, newer volatile agents (e.g.,
sevoflurane, desflurane) have been popular not due to their potency (minimum
alveolar concentration), but due to their versatility for a faster emergence from
anesthesia, thanks to their lower bloodgas partition coefficient.
Intravenous opioid analgesic agents
While opioids can produce unconsciousness, they do so unreliably and with significant side effects. So, while they are rarely used to
induce anesthesia, they are frequently used along with other agents such as intravenous non-opioid anesthetics or inhalational
anesthetics. Furthermore, they are used to relieve pain of patients before, during, or after surgery. The following opioids have short
onset and duration of action and are frequently used during general anesthesia:
Sufentanil, which is not available in Australia.
The following agents have longer onset and duration of action and are frequently used for post-operative
pain relief:
Diamorphine, also known as heroin, not available for use as an analgesic in any country but the UK.
Pethidine, also called meperidine in North America.
Oxycodone, not available intravenously in U.S.
The two barbiturates mentioned above, thiopental and methohexital, are ultra-short-
acting, and are used to induce and maintain anesthesia. However, though they
produce unconsciousness, they provide no analgesia (pain relief) and must be used
with other agents. Benzodiazepines can be used for sedation before or after surgery
and can be used to induce and maintain general anesthesia. When benzodiazepines
Intravenous agents (non-opioid) are used to induce general anesthesia, midazolam is preferred. Benzodiazepines are
While there are many drugs that can be used also used for sedation during procedures that do not require general anesthesia. Like
intravenously to produce anesthesia or sedation, barbiturates, benzodiazepines have no pain-relieving properties. Propofol is one of
the most common are: the most commonly used intravenous drugs employed to induce and maintain
general anesthesia. It can also be used for sedation during procedures or in
the ICU. Like the other agents mentioned above, it renders patients unconscious
Barbiturates without producing pain relief. Because of its favorable physiological effects,
Amobarbital (trade name: "etomidate has been primarily used in sick patients". Ketamine is infrequently used
Amytal) in anesthesia because of the unpleasant experiences that sometimes occur on
emergence from anesthesia, which include "vivid dreaming, extracorporeal
Methohexital (trade name: experiences, and illusions. However, like etomidate it is frequently used in
Brevital) emergency settings and with sick patients because it produces fewer adverse
Thiamylal (trade name: physiological effects.[5] Unlike the intravenous anesthetic drugs previously
mentioned, ketamine produces profound pain relief, even in doses lower than those
Surital) that induce general anesthesia.[5] Also unlike the other anesthetic agents in this
Thiopental (trade name: section, patients who receive ketamine alone appear to be in a cataleptic state,
Penthothal, referred to unlike other states of anesthesia that resemble normal sleep. Ketamine-anesthetized
patients have profound analgesia but keep their eyes open and maintain many
as thiopentone in the UK)
Benzodiazepines Neonatal and infant neurotoxicity concerns
Diazepam Concerns have been raised as to the safety of general anesthetics, in
particular ketamine and isoflurane in neonates and young children due to
Lorazepam significant neurodegeneration. The risk of neurodegeneration is increased in
Midazolam combination of these agents with nitrous oxide and benzodiazepines such as
midazolam. This has led to the FDA and other bodies to take steps to investigate
these concerns. These concerns have arisen from animal studies involving rats and
Ketamine non-human primates. Research has found that anesthetics which enhance GABA or
Propofol block NMDA can precipitate neuronal cell death in these animals. The developing
central nervous system is most vulnerable to these potential neurotoxic effects
during the last trimester of pregnancy and shortly after birth. Melatonin, a free
oxygen radical scavenger and indirect antioxidant is known to reduce the toxicity of
a range of drugs has been found in a rat study to reduce the neurotoxicity of
anesthetic agents to the early developing brain. Recent research in animals has
found that all sedatives and anesthetics cause extensive neurodegeneration in the
developing brain. There is also some evidence in humans that surgery and exposure
to anesthetics in the early developmental stages causes persisting learning deficits.
Muscle relaxants
Muscle relaxants do not render patients unconscious or relieve pain. Instead, they are sometimes used after a patient is rendered
unconscious (induction of anesthesia) to facilitate intubation or surgery by paralyzing skeletal muscle.
Hyperkalemia A small rise of 0.5 mmol/l occurs normally, this is of little consequence unless
potassium is already raised such as in renal failure
Hyperkalemia Exaggerated potassium release in burn patients (occurs from 24 hours after injury,
lasting for up to 2 years), neuromuscular disease and paralyzed (quadraplegic, paraplegic) patients. The
mechanism is reported to be through upregulation ofacetylcholine receptors in those patient
populations with increased efflux of potassium from inside muscle cells. May cause life-threatening
Muscle aches, commoner in young muscular patients who mobilize soon after surgery
Bradycardia, especially if repeat doses are given
Malignant hyperthermia, a potentially life-threatening condition in susceptible patients
Suxamethonium Apnea, a rare genetic condition leading to prolonged duration of neuromuscular
blockade, this can range from 20 minutes to a number of hours. Not dangerous as long as it is recognized
and the patient remains intubated and sedated, there is the potential for awareness if this does not
Non-depolarizing Muscle Relaxants
Histamine release e.g. Atracurium & Mivacurium
Another potentially disturbing complication where neuromuscular blockade is employed is 'anesthesia
awareness'. In this situation, patients paralyzed may awaken during their anesthesia, due to an inappropriate
decrease in the level of drugs providing sedation and/or pain relief. If this fact is missed by the anesthesia
provider, the patient may be aware of their surroundings, but be incapable of moving or communicating that
fact. Neurological monitors are increasingly available that may help decrease the incidence of awareness.
Most of these monitors use proprietary algorithms monitoring brain activity via evoked potentials. Despite
the widespread marketing of these devices many case reports exist in which awareness under anesthesia has
occurred despite apparently adequate anesthesia as measured by the neurologic monitor.
Intravenous reversal agents
Gas Anesthetics anesthetics administered by inhalation and are ALWAYS combined with oxygen. Included in
this group are the following:
Nitrous Oxide
General anesthesia consists of four stages, each of which presents a definite group of signs and
Each of the local anesthetics have the suffix "-caine" in their names.
lidocaine (also known as lignocaine)
Local anesthetics are agents that prevent transmission of nerve impulses without causing unconsciousness. They act by binding to
fast sodium channels from within (in an open state). Local anesthetics can be either ester- or amide-based.
Ester local anesthetics (e.g., procaine, amethocaine, cocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine) are generally unstable in solution and fast-
acting, and allergic reactions are common.
Amide local anesthetics (e.g., lidocaine, prilocaine, bupivicaine, levobupivacaine, ropivacaine, mepivacaine, dibucaine
and etidocaine) are generally heat-stable, with a long shelf life (around 2 years). They have a slower onset and longer half-life
than ester anesthetics, and are usually racemic mixtures, with the exception of levobupivacaine (which is S(-) -bupivacaine) and
ropivacaine (S(-)-ropivacaine). These agents are generally used within regional and epidural or spinal techniques, due to their
longer duration of action, which provides adequate analgesia for surgery, labor, and symptomatic relief.
Only preservative-free local anesthetic agents may be injected intrathecally.
Pethidine also has local anesthetic properties, in addition to its opioid effects.
Regional anesthesia
Regional anesthesia blocks pain to a larger part of the
body. Anesthetic is injected around major nerves or
the spinal cord. Medications may be administered to
help the patient relax or sleep. Major types of regional
anesthesia include:
Observe patient and record the time when motion and sensation of the legs and the toes return.
Side Effects
The nurse should have an idea which patient position is required for a certain surgical procedure to be performed.
There are lots of factors to consider in positioning the patient which includes the following:
1. Patient should be in a comfortable position as possible whether he or she is awake or asleep.
2. The operative area must be adequately exposed.
3. The vascular supply should not be obstructed by an awkward position or undue pressure on a part.
4. There should be no interference with the patients respiration as a result of pressure of the arms on the chest
or constriction of the neck or chest caused by a gown.
5. The nerves of the client must be protected from undue pressure. Serious injury or paralysis may result from
improper positioning of the arms, hands, legs or feet.
6. Shoulder braces must be well padded to prevent irreparable nerve injury.
7. Patient safety must be observed at all times.
8. In case of excitement, the patient needs gentle restraint before induction.
Nursing Responsibilities
Here are the nursing responsibilities during intraoperative phase:
The person in shock appears nervous and apprehensive at first, but later
become apathetic.
The skin is cold and moist, and the lips are somewhat cyanotic.
The pulse is rapid and thready, respirations are rapid and shallow, and the
temperature subnormal.
1. Urinary Retention may occur following any operation, but it occurs most
frequently after operations on the rectum, anus, vagina or lower abdomen. The
cause is thought to be a spasm of the bladder sphincter. Treatment depends on
the individual patient but may include diuretics or increasing intravenous fluids.