KM in Telecom 1
KM in Telecom 1
KM in Telecom 1
Having a rapid business expansion in the
telecommunication industry, organizations have
adopted systems in managing good knowledge so as to
maintain as the competitive enterprises in the global
With best practice of KM research, we make focus on
the study of human resources and technology as the
major solutions to the KM issues.
Knowledge management is critical to all kinds of industry
which can help the organizations to consider how to
capture the knowledge resident in the organization.
Especially for the telecommunications industry in which its
operation rely on hundreds of or thousands of knowledge
workers all over the world, it is important for them to
communicate and share their knowledge.
Therefore, telecom companies nowadays are willing to
make investments to capture as much knowledge as
possible from their customers and their most experienced
workers .
Many large telecommunications service provides start to
create a senior-level management position to ensure that
KM activities operate effectively
Role of Knowledge Management In the Telecommunication