Introductory Lectures On Fluid Dynamics

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Analysis of
Fluid Flow
References : Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics-Wiley (Young and
Okiishis , 2015)
Fluid Element Kinematics
Learning Objectives
In this chapter we will provide an introduction to the differential
equations that describe (in detail) the motion of fluids.
Unfortunately, we will also find that these equations are complicated,
nonlinear partial differential equations that cannot be solved exactly
except in a few simple cases.
this approach provides a fundamental basis for the study of fluid
In a flowing fluid, friction is associated with shear stress, and shear
stress is associated with viscosity.
The simplest way to assure a frictionless flow is to imagine that the
fluid has no viscosity inviscid fluid and the resulting flow an
inviscid flow .
The description of a fluid flow requires a
specification or determination of the
velocity field a specification of the fluid
velocity at every point in the region.
A vector field of position and time, u = u(x, t)
Steady flow occurs when u is independent of
time (i.e., u/t 0), otherwise the flow is
Streamlines are lines which at a given
instant are everywhere in the direction of
the velocity (analogous to electric or
magnetic field lines)
In steady flow the streamlines are
independent of time, but the velocity can
vary in magnitude along a streamline (as in
flow through a constriction in a pipe)
Fluid Element Kinematics
In this section we will be concerned with the mathematical
description of the motion of fluid elements moving in a flow field
Review Eulerian and Lagrangian Flow
There are two general approaches for analyzing fluid mechanics
problems (or problems in other branches of the physical sciences, for
that matter) Eulerian and Lagrangian
Velocity and Acceleration Fields Revisited
the velocity field can be described
by specifying the velocity
V at all points, and at all times,
within the flow field of interest.
V (x, y, z, t) means that the velocity
of a fluid particle depends on where
it is located within the flow field (as
determined by its coordinates, x, y,
and z) and when it occupies the
particular point (as determined by
the time, t) Eulerian Method.
Velocity and Acceleration Fields Revisited
The velocity in terms of three rectangular components

where u, , and w are the velocity components in the x, y,

and z directions, respectively, and i, j, and k are the
corresponding unit vectors

The acceleration of fluid particle

Velocity and Acceleration Fields Revisited
Linear Motion and Dilatation
Angular Motion and Deformation
Rate of Angular Deformation
Conservation of Mass
Conservation of Mass
Conservation of mass requires that the mass, M, of a system remain
constant as the system moves through the flow field .
Differential Form of Continuity Equation
Differential Form of Continuity Equation

The continuity equation is one of the

fundamental equations of fluid
mechanics and valid for steady or
unsteady flow, and compressible or
incompressible flow
Differential Form of Continuity Equation
For incompressible flow the fluid
For steady compressible
flow density, , is a constant throughout the
flow field

applies to both steady and unsteady

incompressible flow
The Stream Function

lines along which is constant are

The Linear Momentum Equation
Linear Momentum Equation
Body Forces and Surface Forces
Surface Forces

Body Forces

Resultant Forces
Equation of Motion Resultant Forces = Surfaces Forces + Body Forces

Velocity Vector
Surfaces Forces Body Forces

Acceleration Vector
Mass Element

Acceleration Vector Components

Equation of Motion
Inviscid Flow
Eulers Equations of Motion
The Bernoulli Equation
Flow fields in which the shearing stresses are
assumed to be negligible are said to be
inviscid, nonviscous, or frictionless.
for fluids in which there are no shearing
stresses the normal stress at a point is
independent of directionthat is, xx = yy
= zz.
-p = xx = yy = zz
The negative sign is used so that a
compressive normal stress (which is what we
expect in a fluid) will give a positive value for
Review Equation of Motion
Eulers Equations of Motion
The Bernoulli Equation
Bernoulli equation was derived by a direct application of Newtons second law to a fluid
particle moving along a streamline.
Eulers equations simply represent a statement of Newtons second law expressed in a
general form that maintains the restriction of zero viscosity (shearing stresses are zero).
restrict our attention to steady flow
The Bernoulli Equation for Irrotational Flow
Viscous Flow
StressDeformation Relationships
For incompressible Newtonian fluids it is known that the stresses are
linearly related to the rates of deformation and can be expressed in
Cartesian coordinates.
For normal stresses For normal stresses
StressDeformation Relationships

For normal stresses For normal stresses

The NavierStokes Equations
Equation of Motion

incompressible flow
Stress Deformation Relationship
Some Simple Solutions for Laminar, Viscous,
Incompressible Flows
Steady, Laminar Flow between Fixed Parallel Plates

For this geometry the fluid particles move in

the x direction parallel to the plates, and Max
there is no velocity in the y or z direction Mean Velocity Displacement
that is, = 0 and w = 0.
u/x = 0 Volume
rate flow
Laminar Flow and Reynolds Number
As a general rule for pipe flow, the value of the Reynolds number
must be less than approximately 2100 for laminar flow and greater
than approximately 4000 for turbulent flow.

Answer :
Dimensional Analysis,
Similitude and Modelling
An obvious goal of any experiment is to make the results as widely
applicable as possible.
The concept of similitude is often used so that measurements made
on one system (for example, in the laboratory) can be used to
describe the behavior of other similar systems (outside the
Dimensional analysis is a packaging or compacting technique used to
reduce the complexity of experimental programs and at the
same time increase the generality of experimental information.
Dimensional Analysis
Basic Theorem of Dimensional Analysis.

The dimensionless products are frequently referred to as pi terms,

and the theorem is called the Buckingham pi theorem.
Edgar Buckingham used the symbol to represent a dimensionless
product, and this notation is commonly used.
Dimensional Analysis
we do not want to use the dependent variable as one of
the repeating variables

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