Secret Life of Walter Mitty

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The Secret Life of

Walter Mitty
A Media Study Guide
By Karina Zanrosso and
Paige McClelland

This study guide is intended for students who are in grades 7-9 and
contains information and activities suitable for cross-curricular studies.
Teachers are encouraged to use this guide “make your own adventure” style
and modify existing activities when appropriate.

The guide targets the Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies section of
the B.C. curriculum. By completing the guided activities and discussions,
students will

• identify the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including

unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about
technology use
• select, and as needed learn about, appropriate tools and technologies to
extend their capability to complete a task
• showcase digital literacy skills, including digital self-image, citizenship,
and ethical considerations of technology use
Movie Synopsis
Based on a short story, this movie explores
the protagonist Walter Mitty’s dissatisfaction
with his job at a magazine called LIFE, which
is a reflection of a far greater discontent in
his personal life.

To escape the seemingly mundane and

disconnect from the world around him,
Walter daydreams--a lot--interfering with
his relationships and responsibilities.

Through the support of others and assistance

of technology, he begins a journey of self-
discovery and connection to what is most
important in his life.

Key Concepts
Personal connection to technology: When Walter daydreams, he visualizes
using technology in order to appear invincible. This film explores how society often
uses technology to dissociate and create extreme constructions of reality (similar to
how media constructs reality).

Moral responsibility: Walter has a distorted self-image because he “zones out”

and fails to connect with the world around him. He struggles to handle his
responsibilities and instead makes questionable decisions because he is not fully
aware of how his present inaction influences his future.

Identity: Walter explores how his identity has been shaped by external forces
seemingly out of his control. As LIFE magazine moves online, Walter struggles to
conceptualize his identity in the dawn of the technological age, knowing that he must
change how he lives his life if he is to become seen and heard.

Odyssey: Walter’s sister, Odessa, symbolizes his journey or awakening. He learns

how to take charge of his life by seeking greater balance with the natural and
technological world, leading to a way of living he never thought possible.


What do you daydream about

most often? What might this
tell you about yourself?
Get Creative!

How does technology help you

connect with the world around
you? How does it hinder you
from making connections? View

Use the Graffiti Art Maker app

to showcase words that come to Watch this Sherry Turkle clip:
mind. Then share your
creations on the class website.

Do you agree with her main

argument that we are “alone

In groups of 4, each student will select a minimum of 2 of the

following questions to answer during the film. Afterwards, discuss the
answers as a group.

1. Is technology the reason that Walter disengages from reality?

2. How does Walter adapt to changes in his personal and
professional life through technology?
3. What are the main inspirations for Walter’s daydreams?
4. How do people respond to Walter’s daydreaming?
5. Is the evolution of LIFE magazine good or bad?
6. What does Sean O’Connell represent?
7. How does Walter’s decisions in his own life mirror or challenge
LIFE’s motto?
8. Does Walter embark on an odyssey by himself? How do other
people as well as technology help or hinder his journey?
9. How do other people help Walter construct his self-image?
10. What is the significance of Walter realizing he had photo #25
all along?
11. Are all of Walter’s daydreams problematic? Do they ever help
him connect to reality?

Guiding question: Can technology make us feel more alone? Can it also
help bring us together?

In groups of 2, students will select one of the following articles and

connect them to Walter’s life and their own lives about the potential
negative aspects of technology and disconnection:

Discussion prompts: Do you always use technology responsibly? Have

you ever gotten into trouble for not “connecting” with the world around
you? What were the consequences?

Students select an opposing article that argues technology helps connect

us with each other. Thinking of the pros and cons, students will then
create challenging questions about healthy connections to technology and
then pose those questions to the class through the Four Corners activity:
strategies/four-corners .
Media Production

Class Discussion
Music, landscape, and photography are key elements of this film; they are also media
constructions. Read the following article and then with a partner, create a mind map
outlining the key elements of media literacy:
fundamentals .

First Task Second Task

Many of the film’s scenes are As we saw in the film, sometimes
visually captivating, similar to how media distorts reality. Select an
photos are displayed in LIFE article/story of interest from a social
magazine. Reflect on how media media platform. Take note of the way
(including sound) influences how the story has been constructed (e.g.,
a story is told. Then select a piece graphics, data, anecdotes) and
of technology you can’t live determine how the story portrays or
without. Use the language from distorts reality. After doing research
the Media Smarts article to on the topic, construct your own
construct a PSA about the media construction to represent the
benefits/implications of using the story. Take part in a peer analysis to
technology. Demonstrate discuss what you’re learned from the
strategies for how to use tasks!
Extended Activities

Using a social media

platform of your choice,
design a character sketch
of Walter Mitty.

What active steps can you take to be more aware

of your own digital image online? Come up with
your own strategy and post it on Twitter using
#medialiteracy. Search relevant hashtags for
further inspiration!

Watch/listen/read a news story and try to

identify unethical constructions of the way
information is portrayed. Why is it
unethical? What would make it ethical?

Adkins, K. (2015, July 31). “Walter Mitty quotation” [Image]. Retrieved from

Art’s Camera Plus. (n.d.). “Camera Roll” [Image]. Retrieved from

Art Post Gallery. (n.d.). “Antique Map” [Image]. Retrieved from

Calm Sea Raging Undertow. (n.d.). “Walter in Black and White” [Image]. Retrieved from

“Facebook Logo.” (n.d.). Retrieved from


Forbes. (n.d.). “Walter and Cheryl” [Image]. Retrieved from https://b-

Jentis, M. (n.d.). “Newspaper” [Image].

Media Smarts. (2017). Media literacy fundamentals [Article]. Retrieved from

Plugged In. (n.d.). “Walter on the Wing” [Image]. Retrieved from

Qyer. (n.d.). “Walter Longboarding” [Image]. Retrieved from


Rolling Stone. (2013, December 24). “Walter Mitty and Cake” [Image].Retrieved from

“Snapchat Logo.” (n.d.). Retrieved from

“Twitter Logo.” (n.d.). Retrieved from

YouTube. (2013). “Walker Biking” [Image]. Retrieved from

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