Food Packaging

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What is the lesson about?
The lesson deals with selecting packaging
appropriate to different food items.

What will you learn?

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Perform safe packaging within food safety
requirements and regulations; and
2. Select and use suitable packaging materials and
methods for different food items.
Compatible – capable of existing of functioning
well with another.

Lump – an irregularly shaped mass or piece

Impermeable – impossible to spread or pass

Requirements for packaging

There are a number of packaging materials

available to the manufacturer. In choosing, it would
be wise to consider the requirement for packaging of
1. It must be simple and expensive. Packaging is and
added cost to the product; hence, its cost should be
compatible with the product. Also, bear in mind that
the consumer is usually interested only in the product
and not in its package.

2. It must preferably and have glossy surfaces attract

consumer. Consumers prefer to see what they are
buying, otherwise, they would think that being
cheated. Hence, products which are sensitive to light
should be packed in transparent material. Foods which
are rich in fat may be wrapped or contained in
materials which is not transparent.

3. It must have control over transfer or moisture.

Flour mixes or soup mixes must be packed in a
material does not allow entry of water vapor
from the atmosphere to prevent lumping or
caking. Some foods are allowed to escape
their moisture to avoid sweating
and condensation of water vapor.

4. It must have control over transfer of other

gases/ vapors. Fruit and vegetables continue to
respire after harvest a process where they give
up oxygen may result to fermentation and too
high carbon dioxide may injure fruits. In some
instances, where the packaging
material does not allow adequate gas transfer,
it may be perforated.

5. It must be protect the food from crushing.

This is particularly important for the shipping of
secondary container.

6. It must not contain any toxic constituents.

This is especially important
To the material comes in direct contact with the

7. It must be able to withstand a wide

temperature range in storage and use. Frozen
foods must be packed in material that can
tolerate storage temperature of 18% or lower.
“Characteristics of different
packaging material”
1. Flexible packaging
a) Cellophane – a thin and transparent material
that is made cellulose and contains variable
amount of water and softener, Cellophane is
used to wrap baked good confectionary, snack
foods, processed meats, coffee and tea, pasta
products and wet produce

b) Plastics – are man made polymers of very

high molecular weight. Because of their
excellent physical properties (e.g. strength and
toughness), flexibility light weight and resistance
to cracking, plastics have found wide
applications in the food industry. The basic
Material with the necessary additives can be
converted into various forms; films, trays, tubs,
pouches, sachets, blister packs and shrink wraps.

C) Paper and paperboard – are materials made

from from wood pulp. The former is usually
thinner than the latter, possesses less rigidity and
strength, and is more
flexible. Initially, paper was only used for dry foods
because it could not retain its strength under wet
conditions. Nowadays, has improved its
manufacture which made it resistance to
moisture, gases and grease.

2. Rigid packaging materials – The world rigid

connotes hardness and inflexibility. This describes
those packaging materials which are pre-formed,
generally cannot be folded and has a definite
volume for its content. They are classified.
A. Glass – made from limestone, sand, soda,
and ash. These components are melted
together at room temperature of about 1527.8
degrees Celsius (2800 degrees Fahrenheit in a
very large surface. Glass is chemically insert
that is does not react with the food. Once
sealed, it is impermeable to moisture and
gases. It may also be reclosed after opening.
B. Metal – tinplate and aluminum belong to this
group. Tin cans are not as chemically insert as glass
containers. They can corrode with time and impart a
“thinning flavor and an off-color to food. Tin cans are
lighter than glass containers. They are not prone to
thermal shock. Upon sealing, it is imposible to gases
and moisture. Aluminum in the other hand, is widely
used as cans, as foil wrapper fo dairy products (butter ,
cheese) and chocolate, as a component of laminates
and as tubes. An aluminum is non toxic and is a good
barrier to light, gas moisture and odors.

When packaging food products, the

type of packaging materials and its
characteristics must be considered.
Different food products need different
type of packaging materials.

1. Present different types of
packaging materials.
2. Identify the characteristics of each
Supplies and materials
- boxes
- cellophane
- aluminum foil
- plastic containers

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