Roles of Primary School Teacher

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Durga Devi
Prithi Usha Rao
Knowledge & Skill Practitioner
• Must always be willing to improve their
• Use or apply knowledge in various aspects of
• Willing to share their knowledge without any
• Adopts the attitude to ‘learn to teach’.
• Become lifelong learners as knowledge is
constantly evolving and changing.
Guidance teacher
• Teacher’s role not only includes T&L activities
but also covers a person’s entire moral
• Ensure that pupils master the skills needed to
address the problems and challenges that may
be faced in life.
• Teachers must serve as a guide, working with
schools and parents to guide pupils.
Reflective Practitioner
• Help teachers structure their thinking toward
mastery of pedagogical content knowledge
and general pedagogy.
• Allows teachers to evaluate, understand and
learn from experience.
• Should always question the practice itself.
• Plan and act with full awareness based on the
theory and principles of teaching and learning.
• Helps overcome areas of weakness.
• To understand the culture and practice of the
learning environment and the actions
themselves to improves the quality of
• Daily activities are recorded or documented in
a systematic manner.
• Action research
Social Agent
• Able to serve up individual socialization and have
high emotional intelligence to be able to adapt to
the working world.
• Teachers who are in tune with their emotions and
feelings will showcase an empathetic nature.
• Able to help the pupils develop emotionally
• Should be involved in community activities.
• Practices moral values.
Agent of Change
• Plays a role as a reformer and innovative
modernization of society.
• Must be able to manage the transition from the
old to the new.
• Be dynamically responsive and strive to lead the
change in line with the aspirations of the country
through his teaching duties in accordance with
current demands.
• Adopt the concept of lifelong learning.
• Change must be generative, that is a new idea to
generate ideas and innovation or progressive.
Taking Over Parents’ Role
• Teachers need to understand the pupils, their
family structure, family function in the culture
and practices of different customs.
• Awareness and sensitization of teacher on several
issues faced by the pupils.
– Poverty
– Child abuse
– Child labor
– Drug abuse
• Demonstrate love, warmth and provide learning
experiences that are meaningful.
Shaping Behaviour
• Teachers deliver values, beliefs, philosophies
and attitudes to their pupils.
• Teachers are very influential in moulding the
behaviour of a pupil.
• Formation approach behaviour used should
support the goals and purposes of education.
Learning Manager
• Must be able to create a conducive learning
• Create a learning environment that encourages
collaboration among students to ensure meaningful
and productive learning process.
• Plan, organize, direct and control the activities of T & L.
• Mange the process of assessment.
• Manage the psychological environment of the
• Manage the physical environment of the classroom.

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