Japan During The Age of Imperialism

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Japan During the

Age of Imperialism
From Victim to Imperial
Geographic Review
Japan is a
chain of
islands in the
pacific ocean.
Located East
of Korea and
Setting the Stage
In the early 1600’s, Japan shut itself off
from the world (isolationism)
Under the rule of the Tokugawa
shoguns, Japan remained strictly
ordered by following a system of
feudalism (strict class distinctions
and land ownership)
Samurai warriors kept Japan
protected and fairly peaceful for two
Demand for Trade
Other than occasional contact/trade
with Korea and China, Japan had
little to no contact with other nations
before the 1800’s.
By the early 1800’s, many western
nations tried to convince the Japanese
to open their ports to trade.
Much like ethnocentric and isolationist
neighbor China, Japan often refused to
receive these nations.
End to Isolation
In 1853, American
president Millard
Fillmore sent naval
Commodore Mathew
Perry to deliver a letter
to the Japanese
This letter urged Japan
to open up its ports to
western trade or be
destroyed in one years
Treaty of Kanagawa-1854
The Japanese reply came in the form
of the Treaty of Kanagawa.
Fearing the military and
technological superiority of the
United States, Japan agreed to
open 2 ports for the U.S. to take
on supplies.
Once this door was opened, many
other European nations followed to
get a piece of the action.
Meiji Reform and Modernization
When unpopular Tokugawa Shogun
stepped down in 1867, the young
Emperor Mutsuhito brought a new
sense of national pride to Japan.
Mutsuhito felt that the best way to
counter Western influence in Japan was
to quickly modernize, industrialize,
and militarize.
This began the Meiji Era (1867-1913)
(Meiji = “enlightened rule” )
Little Nation, Big Power
Japan modeled their navy after
Great Britain, their government
and army after Germany, and
their educational system after the
United States.
In a matter of only 30 years, Japan
transformed from a weak isolated
nation to a powerful, industrial
Quick Acrostic/Mnemonic Device

M = Meiji
E = Ends
I = Isolation
J = Japan
I = Industrializes
From Nationalism to Imperialism
Feeling proud of their new strength,
Japan's feelings of Nationalism grew.
Japan looked to compete with Europe
and build their own imperial empire.
Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)

With their new and improved military,

Japan looked to defeat their biggest
Asian competitors: China
The Sino-Japanese war was fought
between Japan and China for trading
rights in Korea.
Lasted just a few months, Japan drove
China out of Korea, destroyed the
Chinese navy, and gained a foothold in
Russo-Japanese War (1904)
War fought between
Japan and Russia for
control over
Manchuria, a region
rich in resources in
North Eastern China
(borders Korea).
Ends in an
embarrassing defeat
for the much larger
Russo-Japanese War Cartoons
Japanese Annexation of Korea
After defeating Russia, Japan attacked
Korea with a vengeance.
In 1905 Korea became a Japanese
By 1910, Japan took over, or annexed
all of Korea.
Japan then set out on a brutal
campaign to destroy Korean culture,
and take over their businesses and
International Reaction
Witnessing the brutal nature of
Japan’s conquests, European
nations began to fear Japan’s
growing power and harsh,
repressive rule over Korea.
However, many of these nations
failed to act due to their own
imperialistic goals and actions
(fear of being hypocritical)
Japan Between the World Wars
Poor economic times caused by the Great
Depression led people in Japan to blame
their Government for a lack of action and
During this time, Military leaders gained
support and began to run Japan behind
Emperor Hirohito as figure head.
Nationalism grew and so did their
empire! Japan’s military leaders looked to
solve their economic problems through
expansion and imperialism.
Japan Invades Manchuria
After withdrawing from the League of
Nations in 1933, Japan proceeded to Invade
Northern China.
Despite their superior numbers, China’s army
was no match for Japan’s forces who were
better trained.
Northern cities such as Beijing and Nanjing
were seized and tens of thousands of
captured soldiers, woman, and children were
These brutal acts were known as the “Rape of
Nanjing” (1937-1938)
Images of the “Rape of Nanjing”
End to Imperialism
Japan continued their harsh expansion
through WWII.
Following the dropping of the Atomic
bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in 1945, Japan finally surrendered to
the U.S. (V-J Day)
This marked the end of Japanese
Imperialism and the start of American
Japan was demilitarized according to
their new constitution.

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