Faculty of Informatics: Final Project Guide

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 This is a brief summary of the project work and

most likely to be widely published and read.
 It should have concise description of the
Problem(s) addressed, the Methods for the
solution, the Results and Conclusions.
 The whole abstract should be composed as one
 A maximum limit is set for half a page or 250
List of Tables, List of Figures and List of

 These should be on separate pages and included only as appropriate.

 Figure Page
 1.1 Login Form…………………………………………………………2
 1.2 System Setup……………………………………………………….8
 2.1 Payroll Report………………………………………………………9

 1.1 Introduction
 1.2 Background to Study
 1.3 Statement of the Problem
 1.4 Aim & Objectives
 1.5 Significance of the Study
 1.6 Scope And Limitation Of The Research Work
 1.7 Organization of the Study
1.1 Introduction

 Providea short overview or introduction of

the research in this section.
 Introduction is that part of a document that
tries to introduce the document in an
interesting manner to the reader.
1.2 Background to Study

 Thepurpose of a background/history
section is to give the reader the relevant
facts about the topic
 and/orresearch site so that they
understand the material or case in the
1.2 Statement of the Problem

 Logically, the first step in any research is to

provide a clear statement of the problem.
 A research problem is a definite or clear
expression about an area of concern, a system to
be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated that
exists in scholarly literature, or within practice
that points to meaningful investigation or
1.3 Aim & Objectives

 These need to be deduced from the problem

 Objectives of the research define how the aims
are going to be realised.
 In Informatics, Computer Science and related
disciplines they define what experimental results,
programs and that might be used to satisfy the
1.4 Significance of the Study

 Itis also necessary to specify why your

research is important and what new
insights may be found.
 What would be its net contribution to the
body of knowledge in the field, and/or
towards solving the problems humanity at
1.5 Scope And Limitation Of The
Research Work
 State the areas your research will cover and/or not cover.
 In other words, scoping a project means drawing boundaries
around it,
 So that everyone knows what will be done and what will not
be done.
1.6 Organization of the Study

 Research thesis also contain tentative chapter

 It indicates the number of chapters the thesis or
dissertation is expected to be composed of.
 It gives the tentative chapter headings with brief
annotations of expected chapter content.

 Literature review is a well-organized critical

appreciation of relevant literature related to the your
 The student should show whether other researchers
have studied the same or similar problems before,
from what perspectives have these studies been
conducted, and whether these researches have been

 Essentially, this part of your thesis document will

form the bulk of your citations [Refer to part two
for the Harvard referencing system guide].
 The literature review should reference only
publicly available material.
 The purpose of this section is to illuminate the
area of research not to reference “magic
documents” that are impossible to find.
Chapter Three: System
Specification and Design
 3.1 Software development methodology
 3.2 Functional Requirement
 3.3 Non Functional Requirements
 3.4 Use Cases
 3.5 System Architectural Design
3.1 Software development
 A software / system development methodology is a framework
that is used to structure, plan, and control the process of
developing an information system.
 Common methodologies include waterfall, prototyping,
incremental development, spiral development, rapid application
development, and extreme programming.
 This section should explain your choice of software development
methodology highlighting reasons for the choice and how the
methodology was used to achieve the set research objectives.
3.2 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements define a function of a system or its

component. A function is described as a set of inputs, the
behaviour, and outputs.
In developing the web application for the auto car shop, the
functional requirements include:
 The web application shall accept and process customer orders
 The web application shall produce a receipt detailing a
customers’ purchase information and include name of customer,
items purchased, cost of each item and total cost
 The web application shall be able to produce weekly, monthly
and yearly reports about sales
3.3 Non Functional Requirements

A non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies

criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system,
rather than specific behaviours.
Some non-functional requirements for the auto shop application
could include:
 The web application shall be easy to use by all employees
including sales representatives and managers
 The web application shall be available in several languages
 The web application shall allow several sales to be made at the
same time without downgrading performance
3.4 Use Cases
 Each use case
scenarios through
one or more
Non Functional vs Functional
 An example of a functional requirement would be:
 A system must send an email whenever a certain
condition is met (e.g. an order is placed, a customer
signs up, etc).
 A related non-functional requirement for the system
may be:
 Emails should be sent with a latency of no greater than
12 hours from such an activity.
Non Functional vs Functional
 Functional requirement: for example if the application is
a banking application that application should be able to
create a new account, update the account, delete an
account, etc.
 Non-functional requirement :for example for an banking
application a major non-functional requirement will be
availability the application should be available 24/7 with
no down time if possible.
3.5 System Architectural Design
Chapter Four: System
 4.1 Development tools and platform
 4.2 Database Design
 4.3 User Interface Design
4.1 Development tools and platform

 This section should indicate all tools,

programming languages, IDEs, frameworks and
platforms to be used in the development process.
Justify your choice for the tool or platform.
4.2 Database Design

 Design the system data structures and how these

are to be represented in a database.
 Explain how data integrity is ensured by your
design [ensure that the database is fully
 Depict the design using entity relationship
4.3 User Interface Design

 Describe the characteristics of each interface

between the product and its users (e.g., screen
formats/organization, report layouts, menu
structures, error and other messages, or function
Chapter Five: Conclusion and
 5.1 Summary
 5.2 Challenges
 5.3 Recommendations
5.1 Summary

 Refer back to problem posed, and describe the

conclusions that you reached from carrying out
this project, summarize new observations, new
interpretations, and new insights that have
resulted from the present work.
 Include the broader implications of your
5.2 Challenges

 Express challenges faced in the carrying out of the

 Should not be more than 10 sentences.
5.3 Recommendations

 Finally, it is very important that you present a roadmap for

continuing the research you have reported.
 You should present all questions/objectives that you did not
address in you work and discuss why they are significant.
 The most accepted way of acknowledging the work of
another author is to use a referencing system.
 At the Department of IT, you are required to use the
Harvard referencing system. While there are many
variations to the Harvard system, the one used in the
guide is the simplest.
 The following guide shows you how to insert references
in the text of your thesis, and shows you how to compile
a reference list.
 There are two components to referencing: in-
text citations in the main text and the reference list at
the end of your thesis.
INTEXT CITING (Referencing in the text)

 Harvard is an 'author/date' system, so your in-text

citation consists of author(s) and year of
 The objectives of the scheme were to increase
the proportion of the population receiving health
care from 25 to 66 percent, establish a health
care system best adapted to the local conditions
and to the level of health technology in this
information age (Sorungbe, 1989).
In-text examples

 Amponsah (2001) opined that

 Osei (2000) perceived ICT as …………………
 Computer compliance by people according to
Thompson (2000) has become the accelerator for
productivity and prosperity.
 According to Broadbent (1987), lack of
 Turkson (2006) acknowledged that………..
Examples of words for introducing in-text
citations  According to…
 In the words of…
 In a recent study by…
 Current research proves that…

 You can write that someone…

 acknowledges, adds, admits, or agrees
 argues, asserts, claims, or comments
 confirms, believes, declares, or implies
 insists, notes, observes, or points out,
 reports, states, theorizes, or writes

 Allin-text citations should be listed in the

reference list at the end of your thesis.
 Reference list entries contain all the
information that someone needs to follow
up your source.
 Reference lists in Harvard are arranged
alphabetically by author.
 Author of website SURNAME, Initials or WEBSITE name if no
author is available. (Year - in brackets) Title of the first
webpage where you find the information in italics. [Online in
square brackets] Available from: URL. [Accessed: followed by
date in square brackets].
 BBC NEWS. (2008) Factory gloom worst since 1980. [Online]
Available from:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7681569.stm. [Accessed:
19th June 2012].

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