Amity Business School
Module I: Introduction
• Modern Management Practices and Issues
Involved, Outsourcing Management Services
and Evolution of Management Consultancy,
Skills-set Required for Management
Consultants. Consulting and performance
Amity Business School
Management Consultancy
• "The services provided by an independent and
qualified person or persons in identifying and
investigating problems concerned with policy,
organization, procedures and methods,
recommending appropriate action and
assistance in implementation".
Amity Business School
Outside Consultants
• Watch the Bull not the man.
-Donald R. Keough
• Separate the product from the
• Consultants are con artists.
• The problem with many of them is that
they address the wrong questions.
Amity Business School
Industry A Industry B
Broker Industry C
Industry E
Industry D
Management Consultants
• Known as Evolutionary rather than
• Application must be Collaborative and
• Doctors of Management.
Amity Business School
• Quality has many dimensions. It can be discussed in
terms of :
– Quality of goods
– Quality of services
– Quality of actions
– Quality of encounters
– Quality of life.
• Likewise, quality can have many definitions based on
what needs to be emphasized in a given situation. For
example, quality can be defined as conformance to
requirements from a product control viewpoint, as fitness
for use from the marketing viewpoint, or uniformity
around target from the producer’s viewpoint.
Amity Business School
Walter A Shewart
• Father of Statistical Quality Control
– Successfully brought together the
disciplines of Statistics, Engineering and
– Most widely known for Control Charts
– Professional career:
• Western Electric: 1918-1924
• Bell Telephone Lab : 1925 - 1956
Amity Business School
Joseph M. Juran
• "It is most important that top
management be quality-minded. In the
absence of sincere manifestation of
interest at the top, little will happen
• Started Career at Bell Lab in1924
• Prepared what may have been the first
text on statistical quality control—and
perhaps the ancestor of today's widely
used Western Electric Statistical Quality
Control Handbook.
Amity Business School
Joseph M. Juran
• Second Career at New York University
• Reputation in quality management led the Union of
Japanese Scientists and Engineers to invite him to Japan
in 1954.
• Juran gave more credit to the Japanese than to
Americans for what transpired over the next 30 years.
What would have happened if no American experts had
lectured in Japan in the 1950s? About the same that did,
Juran believes: "It might have taken them two or three
years longer to arrive at the same place," he said.
Indeed, by the 1960s, Juran began to report to Americans
on the new ideas on quality coming out of Japan—ideas
like quality circles.
Amity Business School
W. Edward Deming
• Received ASQ’s Shewart Medal for
• He has been described variously as a
national folk hero in Japan, where he
was influential in the spectacular rise of
Japanese industry after World War II;
as the high prophet of quality control; as
an imperious old man; and as founder
of the third wave of the Industrial
Amity Business School
W. Edward Deming
• While working as a mathematical physicist at
the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1938,
Deming was responsible for courses in math
and statistics at the Graduate School of the
USDA, and he invited Walter Shewhart to
lecture there.
• Later in I938, Deming moved to the Bureau of
the Census, where he was an adviser in
sampling. In what is probably the first
application of statistical quality control
principles to a non-manufacturing problem,
Deming brought Shewhart's principles into use
on clerical operations for the 1940 census.
Amity Business School
W. Edward Deming
• Deming and Juran Introduced SQC to Japanese
workers after world war II.
• In recognition of Deming's efforts in Japan, JUSE
created the Deming Prize in 1951. He was
awarded the Second Order Medal of the Sacred
Treasure by Emperor Hirohito in 1960.
• 1980 TV aired a documentry "If Japan Can, Why
Can't We?" in which he was featured prominently.
• Ford Motor company was among the first to invite
Deming to help transform its operations.
• In 1992 Ford Taurus outsold the Hona Accord and
became the leader in domestic sales.
Amity Business School
Total Quality
• The birth of total quality in the United States was in direct
response to a quality revolution in Japan following World
War II, as major Japanese manufacturers converted
from producing military goods for internal use to
producing civilian goods for trade.
Amity Business School
Total Quality
• Deming, Juran and Japan
• The Japanese welcomed input from foreign companies and
lecturers, including two American quality experts:
• W. Edwards Deming, who had become frustrated with
American managers when most programs for statistical quality
control were terminated once the war and government
contracts came to and end.
• Joseph M. Juran, who predicted the quality of Japanese goods
would overtake the qualiy of goods produced in the United
States by the mid-1970s because of Japan’s revolutionary rate
of quality improvement.
• Japan’s strategies represented the new “total quality”
approach. Rather than relying purely on product inspection.
Amity Business School
Total Quality
• The American Response
• At first, U.S. manufacturers held onto to their assumption
that Japanese success was price-related.
• As years passed, price competition declined while quality
competition continued to increase. A 1980 NBC-TV
News special report, “If Japan Can… Why Can’t We?”
highlighted how Japan had captured the world auto and
electronics markets
Amity Business School
Total Quality
• The American Response
• The chief executive officers of major U.S. corporations
stepped forward to provide personal leadership in the
quality movement. The U.S. response, emphasizing not
only statistics but approaches that embraced the entire
organization, became known as Total Quality Management
• Several other quality initiatives followed. The ISO 9000
series of quality-management standards, were published in
1987. The Baldrige National Quality Program and Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award were established by the
U.S. Congress the same year.
Amity Business School