Anatomy of Pharynx

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Anatomy Of Pharynx

Boundaries –

a. Superiorly-Base of skull including posterior part of body

of sphenoid and the basilar part of the occipital bone.
b. Inferiorly-pharynx continues with oesophagus at the level
of 6th cervical vertebra/ lower border of cricoid cartilage.
c. Posteriorly-Prevertebral fascia separating it from cervical
d. Anteriorly-Communication with Nasal cavity, Oral cavity,
and Larynx.
e. On each side-
i) It is attached to the
medial pterygoid plate
pterygo mandibular raphe
hyoid bone
thyroid and cricoid cartilages
ii) Communication with middle ear through
eustachian tube
iii) Styloid process and muscles attached to it
iv) Common, Internal and External Carotid Artery
Structure of Pharyngeal wall from within
1.Mucous membrane-lined by Stratified Squamous
2.Pharyngeal aponeurosis/ Pharyngobasilar fascia-it is a
fibrous layer lining the muscular coat.
3.Muscular coat-consist of-
a. Outer Circular Layer consist of 3 muscles-
>Superior constrictor >Middle constrictor >Inferior
b. Inner Longitudinal Layer consist of 3 muscles-
>Stylopharyngeus >Salpingopharyngeus >Palatopharyngeus
4.Buccopharyngeal fascia-covers the outer surface of
constrictor muscles.

Base of skull

Sinus of
Morgagni Eustachian tube

a. Mucous membrane
a. Superior Constrictor
Sub mucosa
Venous Plexus
b. Pharyngobasilar fascia
b. Middle Constrictor
c. Muscular coat

d. Buccopharyngeal fascia
c. Inferior Constrictor
Division of Pharynx
• The nasal part –
(extends from base of skull to soft
• The oral part – OROPHARYNX
(extends from hard palate to O
hyoid bone)
• The laryngeal part –
(extends from upper border
of epiglottis to lower
border of cricoid cartilage)
 It is the upper most part.
 It lies behind the nasal cavity
Roof- Basisphenoid and Basiocciput.
Posterior wall- Arch of Atlas vertebrae covered by
prevertebral muscles and fascia.
Anterior wall- Posterior nasal apertures (Choanae).
Lateral wall on both sides
- Opening of Eustachian Tube
-Tubal opening bounded by Tubal elevation/Torus tubarius
-Salpingopharyngeal fold raised by Salpingopharyngeus
-Fossa of Rosenmuller or Lateral/Pharyngeal Recess
Inferiorly- It communicates with oropharynx
1. Pharyngeal/ Nasopharyngeal Tonsil-it is a
subepithelial collection of lymphoid tissue
opposite the basiocciput.
2. Pharyngeal Bursa-it is the small median recess in
the mucosa covering the tonsil.
3. Rathke’s pouch-it is reminiscent of buccal mucosal
invagination, to form anterior lobe of pituitary.
4. Tubal tonsil-collection of subepithelial lymphoid
tissue situated at the tubal elevation.
5. Sinus of Morgagni-space between skull and upper
free border of superior constrictor muscle.
Structures passing through this gap-
-Levator veli palatini
-Ascending palatine artery
-Tensor veli palatini
-Eustachian tube
6. Passavant’s Ridge-mucosal ridge raised by fibres of
Palatopharyngeus. It encircles posterior and lateral walls
of nasopharyngeal isthmus. Soft palate during its
contraction makes firm contact with this ridge to cut off
nasopharynx from oropharynx during deglutition or
• Nasopharynx is lined by Pseudostratified
Ciliated Columnar epithelium.

• Lymphatic drainage-
Deep cervical nodes
Spinal accessory chain of nodes
Contralateral lymph nodes
It is the middle part of the pharynx situated behind
the oral cavity.

Soft Palate

Posterior Pillar or Anterior Pillar or

Palatopharyngeal Palatoglossal arch
Palatine Tonsil

Uvula Posterior
Pharyngeal Wall
• Above- communicates with nasopharynx through
nasopharyngeal isthmus.
• Below- opens into laryngopharynx.
• Anterior wall-
upper part- deficient, oropharynx communicates with oral
cavity through Oropharyngeal isthmus/ Isthmus of Fauces.
lower part- base of tongue
- lingual tonsils
- valleculae
• Posterior wall- Third cervical vertebrae.
• Lateral wall- Palatine/Faucial tonsil
- Anterior pillar (Palatoglossus muscle)
- Posterior pillar (Palatopharyngeus muscle)
Lymphatic drainage
Oropharynx- Into Upper Jugular chain
particularly Jugulodigastric (tonsillar) node.

Soft palate, Lateral and Posterior pharyngeal

walls and base of Tongue- into
retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal nodes.
In relation to Oropharyngeal Isthmus there are several
aggregations of Lymphoid Tissue that constitute
nodes Nasopharyngeal Tonsil

Jugulodigastric Tubal Tonsil


Jugular chain of Palatine Tonsil

Lingual Tonsil

Submandibular nodes Submental nodes

Lower part of pharynx situated behind and
partly on sides of the larynx.
Hypopharynx lies opposite to 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
cervical vertebrae.
Clinically it is divided into 3 regions-
1. Pyriform Sinus (fossa)
2. Post-cricoid region
3. Posterior Pharyngeal wall
Pyriform Sinus
• Lies on either side of larynx.
• Extends from Pharyngoepiglottic fold to upper end
of Oesophagus.
• Internal Laryngeal Nerve runs submucosally in the
lateral wall of sinus (local anaesthesia)
• Bounded by-
Laterally-thyrohyoid membrane and thyroid cartilage
Medially-Aryepiglottic fold, posterolateral surfaces of
arytenoid and cricoid.
Post-cricoid Region
It is a part of anterior wall of laryngopharynx.

Poterior Pharyngeal Wall

It extends from level of Hyoid bone to the level of
cricoarytenoid joint.
• Pyriform Sinus upper Jugular chain.
• Posterior wall Lateral nodes deep
cervical lymph nodes.
• Post-cricoid region Parapharyngeal nodes
nodes of supraclavicular and paratracheal
Nerve supply of Pharynx
Pharyngeal plexus of nerves formed by-
• pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
• pharyngeal branches of glossopharyngeal nerve.
• pharyngeal branches of superior cervical sympathetic

• Motor fibres-Vagus N. – supply all muscles of pharynx

except Stylopharyngeus (glossopharyngeal N.)
• Sensory fibres-Glossopharyngeal N. and Vagus N.
Killian’s Dehiscence
Inferior constrictor muscle has 2 parts:
1. Thyropharyngeus: has oblique fibres
2. Cricopharyngeus: has transverse fibres
Potential gap between these 2 parts is KILLIAN’S
DEHISCENCE or Gateway of Tears.
This is the site for herniation of pharyngeal
mucosa in cases of pharyngeal pouch.
Pharyngeal Spaces
Potential spaces in relation to pharynx where
abscess can form-
1. Retropharyngeal space- lies behind pharynx,
extend from base of skull to bifurcation of
2. Parapharyngeal space- present on side of
contains (a)Carotid vessels, (b)Jugular vein,
(c)last 4 Cranial Nerves (d)Sympathetic chain

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