Nursing Process For Elderly With The Changes/ Disorder of Endocrine System

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Nursing Process

for Elderly
with The Changes/ Disorder
of Endocrine System

Sheizi Prista Sari, S.Kep., Ners., M.Kep

Team Teaching in Endocrine System
Review of Endocrine System

What do you remember about the

of the endocrine system?

What do you already know about

the physiological endocrine
≥ 60 years old

Intrinsic aging
“changes caused by the
Extrinsic aging
normal aging process that
“results from influences
are genetically programmed
outside the person”
and essentially universal
within a species”

Many chronic conditions commonly found

among older people can be managed,
limited, and even prevented.
changes of
Endocrine System
In the Elderly

• Measurable changes in shape and body

• A total assessment includes an evaluation of
all major body systems, social and mental
status, and the ability of the person to
function independently despite a chronic
Integumentary System

• The skin becomes drier and susceptible to

irritations because of decreased activity of the
sebaceous and sweat glands.
• These changes in the integument reduce
tolerance to extremes of temperature and to
exposure to the sun.
Strategies to promote healthy skin
function include avoiding exposure
to the sun, using a lubricating skin
cream, avoiding long soaks in the
tub, and maintaining adequate
intake of water (8 to 10 eight-ounce
glasses per day).
Female Reproductive System
• Ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone
ceases with menopause.
• Changes occurring in the female reproductive system
include thinning of the vaginal wall, along with a
narrowing in size and a loss of elasticity; decreased
vaginal secretions, resulting in vaginal dryness, itching,
and decreased acidity; involution (atrophy) of the
uterus and ovaries; and decreased pubococcygeal
muscle tone, resulting in a relaxed vagina and
• These changes contribute to vaginal bleeding and
painful intercourse.
Male Reproductive System
• penis and testes decrease in size, and
levels of androgens diminish.
• Erectile dysfunction may develop with
concomitant cardiovascular disease,
neurologic disorders, diabetes, or even
respiratory disease, which limits exercise
• Sexual desire and activity decline but do
not disappear :
 The use of water-based lubricants
can help prevent painful
 Local estrogen intravaginally
Genitourinary System
• As menopause approaches  the pelvic floor
is deprived of its needed blood supply and
nutrients. This causes increasing stress and
urge incontinence.
biofeedback-assisted pelvic muscle
Genitourinary System
• Benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate gland)
Produksi testosteron menurun dan terjadi konversi
testosteron menjadi estrogen pada jaringan adiposa di
perifer dengan pertolongan enzim aromatase, dimana
sifat estrogen ini akan merangsang terjadinya
hiperplasia pada stroma.

Penurunan yang progresif dari sekresi androgen 

hormon gonadotropin akan sangat merangsang
produksi hormon estrogen oleh sel sertoli.
decreased estrogen  shortens
the urethral length  easier
passage of bacteria into the
Bladder  Urinary tract
infections are prevalent in older
Gastrointestinal System
• Salivary flow diminishes, and the older person
may experience a dry mouth.
Receiving regular dental care
ingesting an adequate amount of fluids
• The incidence of gallstones and common bile
duct stones increases progressively with
advancing years
Reducing fat intake.
Musculoskeletal System

• Excessive loss of bone density results in

Calcium supplements, vitamin D, fluoride,
estrogens, and weight-bearing exercises
Program of regular exercise
Nervous System

• The loss of nerve cells

• synthesis and metabolism of the
major neurotransmitters are also
Life Care Plan Components
• Medical history
• Social history
• Family issues
• Vocational/educational history
• Projected medical evaluations
• Projected physical and occupational therapy needs
• Future medical care and medications
• Therapeutic supplies
• Personal items
• Diagnostic testing
• Medical equipment and supply needs
• Recreational equipment
• Aids for independent function
• Home/facility care
• Transportation needs
• Architectural renovations
• Potential medical complications
• Compromised financial status

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