Construction Hazards and Standards

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Construction Hazards and

Construction vs. General
 “Construction, alteration and/or repair,
including painting and decorating” is
under 29 CFR 1926 – 29 CFR 1910.12
 Repair of existing facilities; replacement
of structures and their components
 Interpretation: Construction vs.

2 ©2006 TEEX
29 CFR 1926 Organization
A. General
B. General Interpretations
C. General Safety and Health Provisions
D. Occupational Health and Environmental
E. Personal Protective and Life Saving
F. Fire Protection and Prevention
G. Signs, Signals, and Barricades
H. Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and
I. Tools – Hand and Power ©2006 TEEX
29 CFR 1926 Organization

J. Welding and Cutting

K. Electrical
L. Scaffolds
M. Fall Protection
N. Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, and Conveyors
O. Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and
Marine Operations
P. Excavations
Q. Concrete and Masonry Construction
R. Steel Erection

4 ©2006 TEEX
29 CFR 1926 Organization

S. Underground Construction, Caissons,

Cofferdams, and Compressed Air
T. Demolition
U. Blasting and the Use of Explosives
V. Power Transmission and Distribution
W. Rollover Protective Structures; Overhead
X. Ladders
Y. Commercial Diving Operations
Z. Toxic and Hazardous Substances

5 ©2006 TEEX
Hazards and Standards

 What hazards are employees exposed to:

 When they set up a drilling site?
 When they grade land or excavate?
 When they clear a site for use?
 Regulations in 29 CFR 1926:
 Subpart P – Excavations
 Subpart O – Motor Vehicles, Mechanized
Equipment, and Marine Operations
 If blasting: Subpart O
6 ©2006 TEEX
29 CFR 1926 Subpart P
Excavation Hazards

 Excavating is
recognized as one of
the most hazardous
construction operations
 Fatality rate for
excavations is twice
that of construction as a
 Cave-ins: More likely to
result in fatalities than
other excavation
8 ©2006 TEEX
Hazards of Excavation Work

 Cave-ins
 Underground utilities
 Materials/equipment falling into
excavation sites
 Asphyxiation
 Explosion
 Falls
 Drowning
9 ©2006 TEEX
Soil Mechanics

 Unit weight of soils:

 Varies with type and moisture content
 1 cubic foot can weigh 100 to >140 lbs
 1 cubic meter can weigh >3000 lbs

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Types of excavation collapse

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Heaving or Boiling

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 Excavation: any man-made cut, cavity,

trench, or depression in an earth
surface, formed by earth removal.
 Trench (Trench excavation): a narrow
excavation (in relation to its length)
made below the surface of the ground.
 Depth>width; width <15 feet
 <15 feet between structure and side
13 ©2006 TEEX
Definition – Competent Person

 Training, experience, and knowledge of:

 Soil analysis
 Use of protective systems
 Requirements of 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart P
 Ability to detect:
 Conditions that could result in cave-ins
 Failures in protective systems
 Hazardous atmospheres
 Other hazards including those associated with confined
 Authority to take prompt corrective measures to
eliminate existing and predictable hazards and to
stop work when required
14 ©2006 TEEX
1926.651 Specific Excavation
a. Remove or support surface
encumbrances (competent person)
b. Determine location of all underground
utilities before opening excavation
 OneCall system / 811
 Use safe means to determine exact
locations & protect underground utilities

15 ©2006 TEEX
1926.651(c) Access & Egress

 Structural ramps for access and egress

designed by competent person &
constructed according to design
 Bar is higher for equipment ramps
 Access & egress ramps designed to
avoid slipping or tripping

16 ©2006 TEEX
1926.651(c) Access & Egress
 Stairway, ladder, ramp, other safe
egress within 25 feet of employees in
trenches >4 feet deep
 Ladder requirements apply, including
extending 3 feet above top surface

4' or greater

Every 25'
17 ©2006 TEEX
1926.651 Specific Excavation
d. In traffic areas, reflective
vests required
e. No workers underneath
loads handled by lifting or
digging equipment.
f. Barricades, stop logs or
hand signals for mobile
equipment operating near

18 ©2006 TEEX
1926.651(g) Hazardous
 In excavations 4 feet or more where
hazardous atmospheres are likely to
exist must test atmosphere before
entering and retest as necessary
 Unsafe below 19.5% oxygen
 Stay below 20% of lower flammable limits
 Ventilation or PPE must be used as
 Rescue equipment available
19 ©2006 TEEX
1926.651(h) Water Accumulation

 Precautions required
before working for water
in excavations
 Competent Person must
monitor control measures
 If diverting surface water,
must take steps to
prevent water from
entering trench

20 ©2006 TEEX
1926.651(i) Stability of adjacent
 Structures adjacent to excavations must
be supported if stability is affected
 No excavation below adjacent footings
unless underpinned, or stable rock, or
approved by PE
 No undermining pavements unless

21 ©2006 TEEX
1926.651 Specific Excavation
j. Protect employees from falling rock,
soil, or materials/equipment falling into
 Keep materials 2 feet from edge
 Retaining devices/barricades
k. Inspections by competent person,
daily and as needed during shift
l. Walkways to cross excavations
22 ©2006 TEEX
1926.652 Requirements for
protective systems
 Protection of employees in
 Design of sloping and
benching systems
 Design of support
systems, shield systems,
and other protective
 Materials and equipment
 Installation and removal
23 ©2006 TEEX
1926.652(a) Protection of
employees in excavations
 Use adequate protective system, except
 Excavations entirely in stable rock
 <5 feet and competent person sees no
potential for cave-in
 Capacity for all reasonably
expected loads

24 ©2006 TEEX
1926.652(b) and (c) Design of
sloping and benching systems
 Four choices for sloping:
 Slope for type ‘C’, no steeper than 34°
 Use sloping choices from Appendices A, B
 Tabulated data determined by a PE
 Designed by a PE
 For support systems, shield systems, other:
 Design using Appendices A, C, D
 Manufacturer’s tabulated data
 Other tabulated data determined by a PE
 Designed by a PE

25 ©2006 TEEX
1926.652(d) Materials and
 Materials for protective systems free
from damage & defects
 Used according to manufacturer’s
 If damaged,
competent person
must determine
suitability for
continued use
26 ©2006 TEEX
1926.652(e) Installation and
removal of support
 Support system members securely
connected together
 Installed & removed to assure employee
 Keep within design
 Remove from bottom
first, and backfill as
you remove
27 ©2006 TEEX
1926.652(f) Sloping and
benching systems
 No working on sloped or benched faces
unless employees below are protected

28 ©2006 TEEX
1926.652(g) Shield systems

 Shield systems not subject to loads

exceeding their capacity
 Installed to restrict lateral movement
 Employee protection provided while
entering/exiting shields
 No employees in trench during installation or
removal of shields
 May excavate up to 2 feet below shield with
proper conditions
29 ©2006 TEEX
FOR box
EXAMPLE… Shoring

Subtitles & Transitions

1926 Subpart P Appendix A -
Soil Classification
 A method of categorizing soil and rock
deposits in a hierarchy:
 Stable Rock
 Type A – cohesive soil >1.5 tsf – with
 Type B – cohesive soil >.5-1.5 tsf or
granular, disturbed, vibrated, fissured,
 Type C – cohesive soil <.5 tsf or granular,
submerged, layered…
31 ©2006 TEEX
32 ©2006 TEEX
Soils - Types & Particle Size

 Gravel
 larger than 2 millimeters .
 Sand
 Between 0.075 and 2 millimeters
 Silt
 Between 0.002 and 0.075 millimeters
 Clay
 Smaller than 0.002 millimeters
33 ©2006 TEEX
Additional soil classification

 Layered geological strata: based on

weakest layer
 May be classified individually if weaker
is on top of stronger

34 ©2006 TEEX
35 ©2006 TEEX
1926 Subpart P Appendix A -
Soil Classification
 Each soil and rock deposit shall be
classified by a competent person
 Classification made based on at least
one visual and one manual analysis

36 ©2006 TEEX
Visual tests: Particle size

37 ©2006 TEEX
Visual tests

 Clumping
 Cracks or spalling
 Existing utilities/previously disturbed soil
 Layers and slope
 Water in surface, seeping, water table
 Vibration sources

38 ©2006 TEEX
Manual tests
 Plasticity
 Dry strength
 Thumb penetration
 Pocket penetrometer or shearvane
 Drying test

39 ©2006 TEEX
29 CFR 1926 Subpart O

Motor Vehicles, Mechanized

Equipment, and Marine Operations
Organization of Subpart O

 1926.600 - Equipment.
 1926.601 - Motor vehicles.
 1926.602 - Material handling equipment.
 1926.603 - Pile driving equipment.
 1926.604 - Site clearing.
 1926.605 - Marine operations and equipment.
 1926.606 - Definitions applicable to this

41 ©2006 TEEX
1926.600(a) Equipment - General
 Lights/reflectors on unattended equipment
next to highway
 Protection for tire changes on split rims
 Elevated equipment: protect from falling
 Parking brake, plus chocks for inclines
 Batteries: by Subpart K
 Cab glass: safety glass with no visible
 Movement around power lines or transmitters
 Stops for railroad cars on spurs

42 ©2006 TEEX
1926.601 – Motor Vehicles

a. Coverage.
 Motor vehicles that operate within an off-
highway jobsite, not open to public traffic
 Not for material handling equipment
covered under 1926.602.

43 ©2006 TEEX
1926.601(b) General
 Brake system in operable condition:
 Service brake system
 Emergency brake system
 Parking brake system
 2 headlights & 2 taillights if needed,
depending on visibility
 Brake lights regardless of visibility

44 ©2006 TEEX
1926.601(b) General
 Audible warning device (horn)
 Obstructed rear view: must have
 Reverse signal alarm audible above
surrounding noise level or
 Backed up only when observer signals that
it is safe
 Windshields & powered wipers on cabs
 Fix cracked glass
 Defogger/defroster where necessary
45 ©2006 TEEX
1926.601(b) General
 Haulage vehicles: cab shield and/or
canopy adequate to protect the operator
from shifting or falling materials
 Secure tools and material from
movement in compartments with
 Seats firmly secured and adequate for
employees being carried
46 ©2006 TEEX
1926.601(b) General
 Seat belts and anchorages meeting 49
CFR Part 571
 Dump bodies supported, locked into
position for maintenance or inspection
 Latch on hoisting/dumping devices to
prevent accidental operation
 Trip handle of dump truck tailgate:
operator must be clear when dumping
47 ©2006 TEEX
1926.601(b) General
 Rubber-tired equipment must have
fenders or mud flaps
 Vehicles checked at beginning of shift:
 All brake systems Controls
 Tires Safety devices
 Horn Lights/reflectors
 Steering Wipers/defrosters
 Coupling Fire extinguishers
 Seat belt
48 ©2006 TEEX
1926.602 – Material Handling
 Application:
 Scrapers, loaders, crawler or wheel
tractors, bulldozers, off-highway trucks,
graders, agricultural and industrial tractors,
and similar equipment
 Compactors and rubber-tired "skid-steer"
equipment: reserved

49 ©2006 TEEX
1926.602(a)(2) Seat belts

 Provided and must meet standards

 Not necessary for standup operations
 Not necessary for equipment without
roll-over protective structure (ROPS) or
canopy protection
 ROPS: See 1926 Subpart W

50 ©2006 TEEX
1926.602(a) Earthmoving
equipment; General
 Access roadways and grades
 Must be constructed and maintained for
safe movement of equipment involved
 Emergency access ramps or berms to
restrain and control runaway vehicles
 Service braking system
 Capable of stopping and holding fully
loaded equipment
 SAE standards apply

51 ©2006 TEEX
1926.602(a) Earthmoving
equipment; General
 Fenders on pneumatic-tired earth-
moving equipment >15 mph
 Suspended pending reevaluation
 ROPS and overhead protection:
Subpart W
 Horns for bidirectional machines
 Reverse signal alarm
 Guard all scissor points
52 ©2006 TEEX
1926.602(b) Excavating and
other equipment
 Seatbelts for tractor operation
 Power Crane and Shovel Associations
Standards No. 1 and No. 2 of 1968, and
No. 3 of 1969 adopted

53 ©2006 TEEX
1926.602(c) Lifting and hauling
 Other than that covered by Subpart N
 1926.600 and:
 Ratings clearly visible and not exceeded
 No modifications or additions without
manufacturer’s written approval
 Multiple trucks together: proportion of load
must not exceed capacity
 Steering knobs not attached unless
spinning prevented

54 ©2006 TEEX
1926.602(c) Lifting and hauling
 Overhead guards for high lift rider
industrial trucks
 ANSI B56.1-1969
 Riding on industrial trucks:
 No unauthorized personnel
 Safe place to ride

55 ©2006 TEEX
1926.602(c)(1)(viii) Lifting
 Only where designed for that purpose
by manufacturer! (interpretation)
 Safety platform secured to lifting
carriage or forks
 Riding personnel must be able to shut
off power to truck
 Falling object protection

56 ©2006 TEEX
Powered industrial truck
 Identical to 1910.178

57 ©2006 TEEX
1926.603 Pile driving equipment

 General requirements
 Barges or floats: 1926.605
 Pile driving equipment

58 ©2006 TEEX
1926.604 Site clearing

 Protect from toxic/irritant plants

 Instruct in first aid treatment
 Rollover guards
 Overhead and rear canopy guards:
 At least 1/8” steel plate or 1/4” wire mesh
with up to 1” openings
 Rear of canopy: at least 1/4” wire mesh
with up to 1” openings
59 ©2006 TEEX
1926.605 Marine operations and
 Material handling: 1918, Longshoring
 Access to barges
 Working surfaces of barges
 First-aid and lifesaving equipment
 Commercial diving operations: 1926
Subpart T

60 ©2006 TEEX
1926 Subpart W: Rollover
Protective Structures (ROPS)
 This construction equipment must have
ROPS meeting minimum performance
 Rubber-tired, self-propelled scrapers
 Rubber-tired front-end loaders
 Rubber-tired dozers
 Wheel-type agricultural and industrial tractors
 Crawler tractors
 Crawler-type loaders
 Motor graders, with or without attachments
 NOT sideboom pipe laying tractors

61 ©2006 TEEX
Rollover Protective Structures

 Purpose: Prevent complete overturn;

minimize possibility of crushed operator
 Driver could still be crushed if not
wearing a seatbelt!
 Also in subpart W:
 Testing provisions
 Rule for overhead protection

62 ©2006 TEEX
29 CFR 1926 Subpart L
Application of Scaffold
 What is a scaffold?
 What is covered by 29 CFR 1926
Subpart L?
 Where are scaffolds used in oil and

64 ©2006 TEEX

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