Pakistan Engagement Full Slide Deck 2012 v6

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A Case Study


SPS Proprietary 1
• Who is Soft Power Solutions?
• Soft Power Engineering® Overview
• Soft Power Engineering® Proof of Concept in Pakistan
• Pol-Mil Topics and Issues
• Findings
• Way Ahead

SPS Proprietary 2
Who is Soft Power Solutions?
Soft Power Solutions
A Native Hawaiian Organization owned SBA 8a

Develop Public/Private partnerships for government, community, and
industry to build capacities to advance our nation’s interest in the
geopolitical realm of Soft Power.
Such interests include Security Cooperation events or Disaster
Response Risk Reduction (DRRR)

A leadership team of scientists, engineers, and business leaders
distinguished by their successful military and civilian accomplishments.

SPS Proprietary 3
Soft Power Engineering®
• Definition
– “The repeatable scientific method for delivering
predictable, quantifiable factors and elements to support
community stability and security” – Dr. Dan Tolley, Soft
Power Solutions LLC

• Case Study
– Soft Power Engineering effort between Pakistan and US to
derive needs and solutions through interaction and co-
creation with government officials, local leaders and

SPS Proprietary 4
Soft Power Engineering®
- Scientific Methodology - ABCDE

Assess Build Capacity Desired


SPS Proprietary 5
Soft Power Engineering®
- Defining Soft Power Measures
• CREW™ – defining a community’s natural capacity
– Climate
– Resources
– Energy/Environment
– Water
• PRIME™ – defining a community’s modifiable capacity
– Perception and education
– Religion and Ideology
– Improved energy and environment
– Medical and health
– Economics

SPS Proprietary 6
Soft Power Engineering®
- The Case Study

• The Goal was to determine how Soft Power

Engineering could be used to assess and define
cooperative steps that can effectively engage Pakistan
communities affected by recent floods.

• Additionally, our visit is to explore factors that affect the

U.S. – Pakistan relationships and provide focused
insights to interested U.S. government organizations

SPS Proprietary 7
Soft Power Engineering®
- Engagement Strategy
• Identify locally knowledgeable businessmen, with connections
to both local people and high level politicians
• Use our scientific methodology, local businessmen, and
leaders at all levels for engagements
– Meet with locals to determine their situation and goals
– Meet with politicians to determine their situation and
– Meet with businessmen and educators who can help drive
the derived needs to reality
• Derive needs, requirements, and priorities
• Repeat meetings until we reach level of achievable consensus

SPS Proprietary 8
Soft Power Engineering®
– Identify key businessman
• Brig (R) Azam Effendi
Chairman Effendi Consolidated Ltd
– Former Pakistan Army Flag Officer
– Heads a Pakistani NGO
– Land owner and farmer
– Well connected business man
– Security Specialist and Analyst
– Family: Afghan ruling class
– Popular with both poor, working
class, as well as elite
– Well connected with national
government, military, religious,
and community leaders
– Has the pulse of the nation
– True humanitarian

SPS Proprietary 9
Soft Power Engineering®
- Engagement Strategy
Soft Power Engineering Day 6-
• requires several months 12
of planning
• requires application of
local wisdom
• requires use of religion
and culture
• is process based
• is interactive
• is iterative
• must focus on winning
hearts & minds Day 1
• must produce outcomes
• requires open minds
• takes time
• takes experience

SPS Proprietary 10
Soft Power Engineering®
- Engagement Strategy – Day 1

• Broad
• Culture

SPS Proprietary 11
Soft Power Engineering®
- Engagement Strategy – Day 2-5

• Working with locals

• Understanding their
• Disaster relief plans
• Meeting with the
universities, religious
leaders and businessmen

SPS Proprietary 12
Soft Power Engineering®
-Days 2-5
• Sindh region – Flooded areas
• Hyderabad
– Community & religious centers
– Welfare hospital
– Local chiefs
– Press club interview for local television
• Shah Sab
– Major land owner
• FM 91 radio interview
• Food distribution
• Sindh Agricultural University

SPS Proprietary 13
Soft Power Engineering®
- Engagement Strategy – Days 6-12

• Meetings with
government leaders,
religious leaders
• Second round of
concepts presented
• MOUs prepared

SPS Proprietary 14
Soft Power Engineering®
- Days 6-12

• Islamabad
– Pakistan National Planning Commission
– Pakistan National Disaster Management Authority
– International Peace conference
– U.S. Embassy (Dept. of Commerce, USAID, Defense Attaché)
– Press Club interview (Televised)
– Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC)
– Religious leaders
– Islamabad Club (secure, informal venue)

SPS Proprietary 15
Soft Power Engineering®
- Days 6-12

• Lahore
– Pakistan Technology Park
– Kashmiri leadership
– Punjab University
– Board of Investment and Trade

SPS Proprietary 16
Soft Power Engineering®
- Engagements lead to engagements

Soft Power Engineering® enables the multiplicity of dynamic communication paths

SPS Proprietary 17
Soft Power Engineering®
-Identified Opportunities Driving PRIME™
Islam web site for better GIFT for planning commission Biodiesel feedstock planting
Kashmir web site for better GIFT for antiterrorism police Pictometry for planning
understanding commission
SilverDYNE for human disaster Nano Technology in agriculture Pictometry for flood response
GeoCOP for flood response SilverDYNE for livestock disaster Pictometry for military
Geodetic information Fusion SilverDYNE for poultry Bank security for internet
Technology (GIFT) for
GIFT for DRRR SilverDYNE for vegetables Pictometry for revenue/tax
GIFT for agriculture Crystal Ball for flood response Software training for Pakistani
GIFT for Armed Forces and SilverDYNE for general water Lease-to-own boats with flood
Security Forces purification relief access
GIFT for US Embassy and Lease-to-own buffalos Microsoft Pakistani license
consulates in Pakistan negotiation
SPS Proprietary 18
Soft Power Engineering®
- Example Outcome
• Identified needs in the agricultural and economic community
• Identified organizations and individuals wanting to be responsible
for change
• Identified actions to be taken by all parties
• On-going work to identify funding, personnel, and activities
– Research on the use of Nano colloidal silver to support
• Clean water
• Uses against infection
• Sanitization of fruits and vegetables
– Educational information exchange needs
– Graduate student education goals for Pakistan to utilize US
• Agreement with PARC
• Affects Perception, Education, Medical/Health, and Economics

SPS Proprietary 19
Pol-Mil Topics and Issues

• Islam and Kashmir

• Pakistan – Afghanistan Strategy
• AF-PAK-US Relations
• November 26, 2012 friendly fire
• Questions from PAK military that affect
regional stability

• Soft Power Engineering® resulted in success
– CREW: Effectively defined engagement
– PRIME: Produced situational awareness and positive outcomes
– Family & custom makes Pakistan communities highly productive &
powerful influencers
– Won the support of critics and detractors
• The Kerry – Lugar Bill (KLB): Pakistan views are mixed
– Sovereignty issues and conditional provisions
– Perception that Pakistani communities are not engaged
– Creating potential rift between Army and CIV government
• What Soft Power Engineering® can do
– Create impactful public – private partnerships
– Allow the Pakistan people/communities a voice to be heard
– Increase community support and stability
– Address political and operational engagement challenges
– Affect mutually acceptable modifications to KLB
Findings – SPS Experience
• Cultural immersion & fact finding produced mutual
• Trust earned in communities opened access to stakeholder
leadership and exclusive venues
– Senior levels of Pakistan government
– National level industry, academia, community, & religious leaders
– Political leaders (Parliament and PM of Independent Kashmir)
– National TV and radio broadcasts
– Unencumbered and open discussion
• Gained level of understanding that facilitated engagement

The Way Ahead
Soft Power Engineering®

• Keep the momentum: Continue with Soft Power Engineering®

–PRIME: Situational awareness and positive outcomes
–Public-private partnerships
–“Win over” critics and detractors
–Provide measures for strategy and monitoring reports
• Promote intent of the Kerry – Lugar Bill (KLB)
– Strengthen the long-term people-to-people relationship by investing
directly in the needs of the Pakistani people
– Forge a closer collaborative relationship between USA and Pakistan
• Leverage this experience to advance KLB provisions
– Economic assistance
– Security Assistance
– Accounting and monitoring
• Engage SPS under contract
– Employ Soft Power Engineering® as a collaborative strategy
Back Up Slides
- Pol-Mil Topics and Issues
- Summary of Outcomes
- Contacts Made (People and Places)

SPS Proprietary 24
Pol-Mil Topics and Issues

SPS Proprietary 25
Pol-Mil Topics and Issues
Islam and Kashmir Discussions

• Islamabad-Lahore-Karachi (Discussion on Islam). Interacted

liberally engaging with religious leaders, preachers, sufis to
develop better understanding of Islam and interfaith
manifestations related to the present situation. Taliban model of
Islam and its cross border affects on AF-PAK affairs present and
future Pak-US engagement as related to religion (Islam) and the

• Lahore (Visit Pak-India Border). Visited Wagah Border to feel the

sentiment of the civil society between Pakistan-India and
Kashmir issues. Discussed the affects in relation to US and
Afghan policy for the future.
Pol-Mil Topics and Issues
Pakistan Afghanistan Strategy
• Taliban is neither friend or foe – they are a reality
• Do not engage sectors of Afghan society, engage the issues
• Address issues that win the hearts and minds (affecting
• Do not disrupt livelihood
• Focus on collaborative and cooperative capacity building
• Aid agencies come & go – trust issues tend to develop

Pol-Mil Topics and Issues
AF-PAK-US Relations – BG(ret) Effendi

• AF-Pak relations - Discussed AF-Pak current relations vis-a-vis

cross border tensions, future role of US in Afghanistan.
• Pakistan role in the future peace process and analysis of the US
exist strategy and logistics vis-a-vis Pakistan.
• US options to win hearts and minds and Pakistan's actions to
regain US trust.
• Effect of Drone operations
• Counter terrorism effects and negative media role in creating
hardships between the people and government of US-Pakistan
and Afghanistan- Pakistan and India.
• Love of the ordinary Pakistani's, retired servicemen, and
professor's of universities for US help in the last 60 years to
Pol-Mil Topics and Issues
November 26 Friendly Fire – BG(ret) Effendi

• Pakistan saw no benefit from participation in investigation

• Soldiers believed that they were under attack
• Some believe NATO attack was deliberate
• Revenge for attack on US embassy
• Fueled trust deficit
• ISI strengthening its position
• Direct confrontation will not diffuse
• Seen and discussed in pol-mil circles as a failure in US
policy due to poor execution

Pol-Mil Topics and Issues
From Pakistan Military Leaders
• Pakistan: What does the US need from Pakistan?
• What does the US want the people of Pakistan to influence?
• What counties can Pakistan influence and how can that be done wrt
to mutual interests?
• Is the US going to stay until 2014? If so, strengthened relationships,
logistical burdens, and alignment of interests are a must
• Pakistan perceives that both the US & Pakistan are in a corner.
• Military leadership of Pakistan is discredited & embarrassed
• Current HADR situation...Massive flooding. Need help now with
agriculture and water. E.g., specific request for SilverDYNE to USAID
denied because of US lack of information.

Summary of Outcomes

SPS Proprietary 31
Summary of Outcomes
• Identified disaster response needs focused on agriculture
and livestock, health and IT
• Developed a roadmap for (DRR) recovery with Pakistan
National Disaster Management Agency
• Memorandum of Agreement with Pakistan Agriculture
Research Council (PARC) to introduce Geodetic Information
Fusion Technology (GIFT)
• Developed roadmap adopted by the PARC to introduce
Nano Technology for agriculture, livestock & poultry.
• Proposal to develop and execute Lahore Technology Park
Concept of Operations, establish IT University.

Summary of Outcomes
• Conducted two video taped interviews aired on Pakistani
television to discuss our assessment of the stricken areas
• Conducted nation-wide radio interview and
question/answer session on Pakistan radio related to
peace and US – Pakistan relations.
• Conducted high level discussions and demonstration of
capabilities that we have access to
• Director of Pakistan’s Planning Commission, Dir NDMA,
senior military officials, academia, community leaders
• Guest lecturer at Sindh Agriculture University regarding
practicums of community resilience

Summary of Outcomes
• Distributed food and supplies with NGOs to flood affected
• Distributed water purification colloidal silver (SilverDYNE)
to flood affected human and livestock population Sindh
Agricultural University and Pakistan Agricultural Research
• Entering into formal discussion with Punjab University,
Sindh Agricultural University, and University of Virginia to
validate roadmap execution
• Engaged with Department of Commerce foreign service
officers and Minority Business Development Agency to
structure business transactions

Summary of Outcomes
• Leading a round table discussion regarding Pakistan
engagement with Department of State, Defense, and
USAID to discuss success.
• Participated in Peace Conference in Islamabad based on
Interfaith harmony, ethnic cooperation and inter
provincial/community conflict resolution.
• Held free and frank discussion with Kashmiri leadership to
discuss problems and solutions especially related to US
efforts and present perceptions.

Summary of Outcomes
• Identified eight (8) firms and Oak Ridge National Labs to
deploy needed capacities. Planning in progress
• Jointly publishing findings with both US and Pakistan
• Publishing findings with the National Defense University.
Because of our success, NDU requests that we draft an
executive memo that they intend to send to National
Security Council

Contacts Made

SPS Proprietary 37
People & Places
Day 1-3 Meetings
• Government of Sindh
Dr. A.Q. Mughal, Vice Chancellor Sindh Agriculture University
S– S.S. Farooq Kazi, Director General of Works
• Business and community leaders
Tariq Mahmood, CEO, Business & Engineering Trends (Boats
& GRP)
S. Yusuf Imam, Builder, Developer, Planner and Contractor
Mr. Arif Usmani, MD Citibank*
• Tando Mohammad Khan
Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah, Chairman Sindh Hunting Club and
• Religious Leaders
His Holiness Al Syed Al sheikh Hashim-Ud - Din - Al Qadri AL
Gaylani AL Bagdadi (Pir Shab)
People & Places
Day 6-8
• Lahore IT Park
-- Dr. Bokhari
-- Brig Gen Usman Saeed, IT & Mining.
• Religious Leaders (Tablighi)
-- Talha Zubair, Director Preacher and American Lycetuff
School, Lahore
• Other
-- Dr. Khalid, Plastic Surgeon
-- Sqn Ldr (R) Usman, Pakistan Air Force

People & Places
Day 6-8
• International Peace Conference, Islamabad
• Punjab University
--Prof. Dr. M. Ehsan Malik, Dean of Economics & Mgt Science
• Board of Investment and Trade
-- Dr. Imran Ahmed Hashmi, Agriculture & Livestock
-- Waqas Bin Najeeb, Energy & Mines
• Fiber Glass Water Pipes and Tanks Factory
• Ittefaq Steel Mills
--Mohammad Usman Rangooni US Citizen
--Abdul Qadeer Khawaja, Financial Advisor
• Colossys LLC Empowering business worldwide
--Dr. Mahmud Bokhari
People & Places
Day 9-12 Meetings
• US Embassy, Islamabad
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Munter, Ambassador
Brian McCleary, Commercial Counselor
Tariq Sayeed, Commercial Specialist
Col Scott Hill, Air Attaché
Lt Col Jean Havens, Assistant Air Attaché
Andy Sisson, Director USAID Pakistan
Katharina Zaver, USAID, Pakistan
Thomas Miller, Public Affairs *
Aroosha Rana, Press Officer *
Jimmy Mauldine, Economic Affairs*

• US Consulate General, Lahore

Ted Gehr, Director USAID Lahore Field Office

People & Places
Day 9-12 Meetings (Cont.)
• Pakistan Planning Commission
Lt Gen (R) Shahid Niaz, Implementation & Monitoring
• National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA)
Zafar Iqbal Qadir, Chairman NDMA
Anjum Shikoh Qazi, Director General
Abdullah Butt – Advisor Technology Innovation
• Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir
Sardar Attque Ahmed Khan, Prime Minister
Sardar Usman Ali Khan President All Jammu and Kashmir
Muslim Conference

People & Places
Day 9-12 Meetings (Cont.)

• Energy
Brig (R) Azam Effendi, Chairman, Green Global Technologies,
Col (R) Farooq – Promotion of Jatropha cultivation for Bio-
diesel production and Poverty Alleviation in AJ&K and arid
lands in Pakistan through private-public partnership in
collaboration with Green Global Technologies USA.
• Water
Brig (R) Azam Effendi: Special Director and Global Advisor for
World Health Alliance Intl USA for purifying water especially
in Disaster hit areas.
People & Places
Day 9-12 Meetings (Cont.)

• National Agricultural Research Council
Dr. Javed Iqbal – Director Incharge MOU

• Pakistan Agricultural Research Council

Dr. Khalid Naeem, Member Incharge (Animal Sciences)
Engr. Muhammad Yasin, Principal Science Officer
Dr. Nadeem Amjad, Plant Sciences
Dr. M. Ehsan Akhtar, Land Research Institute

People & Places
Day 9-12 Meetings (Cont.)

• Business relevant to engagement
Zeeshan Khlid, CEO, United SOL Ltd, Islamabad
Mr. Moinuddin Khan, CEO Computers & Communication
System, Islamabad
Farid Uddin, Managing Director, Magnetic Technologies
Muhammad Razzaq Tiwana, Consultant, Magnetic
Col Farooq Magnetology, Kashmir Cause Biodiesel

People & Places
Day 9-12 Meetings (Cont.)
• Kashmiri Leaders
Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan
President Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference,
Former Prime Minister Azad Government of State of Jammu
& Kashmir
Sardar Usman Ali Khan, Central Coordinator youth wing
Col (R) Farooq former Military Secretary to President’s of
AJ&K and Prime Minister of AJ&K.
People and Places
Follow up contacts made
• Business relevant to engagement
Shahid Ahmad Khan, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Board of
• Business, military, and government leadership
Lt Gen Asad Durrani, Former Director General, ISI
Air Vice Marshall Sajid Habid, Pakistan Air Force
Dr. Farooq Satter, Minister for Overseas Pakistan
• Non Government Organizations (NGO)
Canon Yaqub Masih, Bright Future Pakistan (UK)
Samuel Payara, Bright Future Pakistan


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