Unit-2 &4
Unit-4 : CAD modeling
Geometric modeling techniques: Wireframe, surface and solid modeling
data formats
Data interfacing
UNIT-2 :Computer aided Modeling (fully praccal!
Modern features-based modeling system, including Curves & surfaces modeling, Solid modeling and assembly of arts, for the uroses of designing an assembly and uses this geometry as the basis for analysis and simula!on, u!li"ing available data e#change mechanisms$
Unit-4 : "e#er$e engineering
%asic concet- Digi!"a!on techniquesModel reconstruc!on Data 'rocessing for (aid 'rototying: C)D model reara!on,
Data requirements 'art orienta!on and suort genera!on
Suort structure design, Model Slicing, *ool ath genera!on
So+are for )M Case studies$
%eometric modeling
ire frame Modelling