Netvault Training: Hal Yaman Apj Technical Manager Data Protection

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NetVault Training

Hal Yaman
APJ Technical Manager
Data Protection
Product Overview

3 Confidential Data Protection

Enterprise Backup & Recovery
NetVault Backup
Comprehensive platform and application support
– Windows, Linux, Mac OS, UNIX
– Exchange, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Oracle and many other

Simple yet scalable architecture

– 45-minute installation and setup
– Protect massive amount of servers and petabytes of data

Flexible storage options

– Back up to disk or tape
– Powerful deduplication
– Supports SAN / NAS
– Best-in-class NetApp options

LAN-free backups
– Back up directly to storage target

Bare Metal Recovery

– Dramatically improve recovery times

Flexible licensing
– Choose component or capacity-based licensing

4 Confidential Data Protection

Benefits and advantages
Customer Benefit NetVault Advantage

Cost Effective • Simple administration reduces operating costs

• Deduplication saves on storage costs

• Modular architecture
Easy to Use • Tailor the configuration
• User interface is easy to master

• Automatically address the needs of all

Comprehensive systems
• A heterogeneous solution

• Highly concurrent, client-server

Cross-Platform Data
Scalable • Protect massive amountBackup and Data
of servers
petabytes of data with oneRecovery

5 Confidential Data Protection

What are Companies Challenged With?

• IT Environments Are Becoming More Complex

• Capital & Operating Expenses
• Lack of Capabilities

According to Gartner, by 2014, at least 30% of

organizations will have changed their primary
backup vendor due to Cost, Complexity, and/or
Lack of Capabilities.

6 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Backup: Customer Demographic
Customer Profile
 Large, complex environments  Uses disk and tape as backup targets
 Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac OSX,  Data Stored on NAS appliances
NetWare  100s – 1000s of file and application
 MSFT and non-MSFT applications servers

Decision Makers System, Backup and Storage

 CIOs Administrators
 Managers/Directors of IT  Minimize data loss and
 Data Center Managers / downtime
Operations Managers  Have the confidence that
restore data correctly and as
quickly as possible

7 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform
& Application support

Back up to disk and tape

Data deduplication

storage (NAS) support

Flexible storage attachment

Enterprise-wide control

Bare metal recovery

Data encryption

8 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform
& Application support
Operating Systems Applications
Back up to disk and tape
• Windows Oracle
• Linux Oracle RAC
Data deduplication • Solaris (SPARC and x86) SQL Server
• Mac OS X Exchange
Network-attached • AIX (PowerPC and X86) SharePoint
storage (NAS) support • HP-UX (IA64 and PA- DB2
RISC) Informix
• FreeBSD Lotus Notes/Domino
Flexible storage attachment
Virtualization PostgreSQL
Enterprise-wide control
Platforms SAP
• VMware Sybase
Bare metal recovery • Hyper-V Teradata

Data encryption

9 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform Backup to disk and tape
& Application support
• Physical tape libraries
Back up to disk and tape • Autoloaders
• Tape drives
Data deduplication • Virtual Tape Libraries (VTLs)
• Shared virtual tape libraries (SVTLs)
Network-attached • NetVault SmartDisk
storage (NAS) support • Software-based deduplication
• Byte-level, variable block deduplication
Flexible storage attachment engine reduces data storage footprints by
up to 90%
Enterprise-wide control
• Deduplication appliances (i.e. Dell DR4000,
EMC Data Domain)
Bare metal recovery

Data encryption

10 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform Disk-Based Backup & Data Deduplication
& Application support
NetVault SmartDisk software-based
Back up to disk and tape deduplication

Data deduplication • Byte-level, variable-block size deduplication

• Supports NetApp & NDMP
• Post-process deduplication
Network-attached • Avoid backup windows
storage (NAS) support • Hardware agnostic
• Preserve existing hardware investments or run on
Flexible storage attachment low-cost hardware to reduce TCO
• Seamlessly integrates with NetVault Backup and
Enterprise-wide control

Bare metal recovery

Data encryption

11 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform Network - Attached Storage (NAS) Protection
& Application support
Back up over NDMP to minimize impact to network
Back up to disk and tape and backup server

• Only solution today to support Block Level

Data deduplication Incremental (BLI) technology for BlueArc and
NetApp Appliances
storage (NAS) support • Automatic discovery and configuration

Flexible storage attachment • File-, directory-, or volume-level granular


Enterprise-wide control • Support for all NDMP data transfer models

• File recovery with Direct Access Restore (DAR)

Bare metal recovery

Data encryption

12 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform LAN-free Backup and Recovery
& Application support
Move data directly from the client to locally
Back up to disk and tape attached or SAN-attached storage device

Data deduplication • Target disk and tape

• Share storage devices
• Low network impact
Network-attached • Fast data transfers
storage (NAS) support
• Backup copies created over the SAN

Flexible storage attachment

Enterprise-wide control

Bare metal recovery

Data encryption

13 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform
& Application support

Back up to disk and tape

Data deduplication

storage (NAS) support

Flexible storage attachment

Enterprise-wide control

Bare metal recovery

Data encryption

14 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform Bare Metal Recovery
& Application support
Quickly rebuild the server
Back up to disk and tape • Operating system
• Network configuration
• System settings
Data deduplication
• Application binaries
• Disk partitions
Network-attached • Data
storage (NAS) support
• Servers are back online quickly
Flexible storage attachment • Online full partition backups
• Offline block-level backups
• Windows VSS-based backups
Enterprise-wide control • Recover servers from bare metal
• Similar hardware
• Dissimilar hardware
Bare metal recovery
• Virtual machine

Data encryption

15 Confidential Data Protection

Key Features
Comprehensive Platform Data Encryption
& Application support

Back up to disk and tape

Meets regulatory requirements without sacrificing
Data deduplication backup windows or deduplication performance

• Supports CAST-128, AES-256 or CAST-256

Network-attached encryption
storage (NAS) support
• Flexible job-level encryption allows the user to
Flexible storage attachment easily select which data to encrypt

Enterprise-wide control

Bare metal recovery

Data encryption

16 Confidential Data Protection

Proof Point: NetVault Is Easy to Deploy

of NetVault users installed the
software and configured their
first backup in 3 hours or less.

Source: Survey of 219 NetVault users

17 Confidential Data Protection

Proof Point: NetVault Is Easy to Use

of NetVault users spend 2
hours or less per week
monitoring and managing
their backups.

Source: Survey of 217 NetVault users

18 Confidential Data Protection

Ask the prospect about their environment.

Environment How many servers and operating systems do you have?

Questions How much data do you need to protect?

What is your backup strategy?

What are your data deduplication plans?

Tell me about your Recovery Objectives: RPO and RTO.

What is your job management strategy?

What are your key databases and applications?

What is your storage strategy: Network Attached Storage

(NAS) or Storage Area Network (SAN)?

How many remote locations do you need to protect?

19 Confidential Data Protection

Two Models to Choose from

Capacity Based Component Based

• Based on the total amount of data • Licensed is based on the
being protected components required to meet the
• Allows customers unlimited use of customers needs
all product components included in • Minimum requirements are one
each capacity offering NetVault Backup Server package
• As their requirements grow, they and one license for each client
can add additional clients, plug-ins, connected to the server
etc. • Additional licenses may be required
for tape / disk target support,
optional configuration components
and application integration support
• Customers can buy exactly what
they need to meet their

21 Confidential Data Protection

When to Sell NetVault
If the organization…

• Has outgrown its existing solution

• Operating a heterogeneous environment with enterprise

platforms and/or non-Microsoft applications (Oracle,
DB2, MySQL, SAP, etc)

• Must protect its Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices

• Needs tape backup support

• Is operating a SAN environment

…Then sell NetVault.

22 Confidential Data Protection

23 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Components

Backup Server



Management Console

Target Storage Device

24 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Components

Backup Server Clients Plug-ins

Serves as scheduler, media Managed by NetVault Backup Installed on the client or

manager, and log manager Server NetVault Backup Server
(depending on the type of
Keeps a database for tracking Transfers data over LAN plug-in)
stored data
Can be any number of Enables functionality specific
Responsible for administering Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, to that particular application,
data transfers for all NetVault and UNIX machines database, or storage device
Can have one or more Eliminate the need to create
May have stand-alone application plug-ins installed complex scripts to protect
devices or libraries attached, databases and applications
including NetVault SmartDisk

NetVault Backup Server

software installation is

25 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Components

Management Console Target Storage Device

Remote administration of a The destination of the

NetVault Backup Server backup data
from any Windows or Linux
workstation on your Disk, VTL, physical tape, or
network. deduplication solution

Provides access to the Can be attached to the

NetVault Backup Server on NetVault Backup Server or a
your local machine NetVault SmartClient
somewhere on the backup
Allows users to perform domain
NetVault operations in the
same way they would while
accessing the NetVault
Backup Server locally

26 Confidential Data Protection

Application Solution Stack

Recovery Manager for Exchange

• Forensic level email recovery - Mailbox, email, attachment,
folder, conversation Supported
• Integration with NetVault Backup and vRanger Applications

Recovery Manager for SharePoint

• Site-to-object level recovery
• Integration with NetVault Backup and vRanger

Recovery Manager Active Directory

• Automated recovery of Microsoft AD Forest/Tree/Domain

NetVault LiteSpeed for SQL Server

• Granular backup and recovery for SQL Server
• Adaptive compression for high-performance full backup with up to
80%+ reduction in backup sizes and 3x faster than native utilities

27 Confidential Data Protection

Deployment and

28 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Backup – Basic Configuration

VMware HyperV Generic Exchange Databse File

Infrastructure Infrastructure Server Server Server Server

NetVault Server with local VTL

PowerVault TL4000 Data Backup Traffic

NetVault Server Management Traffic

29 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Backup – Backup to SmartDisk to Tape

VMware HyperV Generic Exchange Databse File

Infrastructure Infrastructure Server Server Server Server

NetVault SmartDisk &

NetVault SmartClient

NetVault Server
PowerVault TL4000

Data Backup Traffic

NetVault Server Management Traffic

30 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Backup – Backup to SmartDisk with
Replication to a DR site

HyperV Generic Exchange Databse File

Infrastructure Server Server Server Server

NetVault SmartDisk

NetVault SmartDisk NetVault Server

31 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Backup – VMware LAN Free Backup


Server NetVault SmartClient
VMware VMware
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure


NetVault Server Management Traffic

Data Backup Traffic

VMWare PowerVault TL4000

Connection to Vmware DataStore

32 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Backup – Remote Office Backup


Generic Exchange Databse File

Server Server Server Server


VMware HyperV
Infrastructure Infrastructure
NetVault SmartClient

NetVault Server with local VTL

PowerVault TL4000

NetVault Server Management Traffic

NetVault Server Management & Data

PowerVault TL4000
Site Data Backup Traffic

33 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Smartdisk

34 Confidential Data Protection

Disk-Based Backup & Deduplication

• Software-based deduplication
 Byte-level, variable-block size deduplication
 Seamless integration with NetVault Backup and vRanger
 Supports NDMP
 Post-process deduplication can be scheduled to avoid backup windows
 Optimized data transfer to secondary SmartDisk Server

• Hardware agnostic
 Preserve existing hardware investments or run on low-cost hardware to
reduce TCO

• Supports NetVault Backup & vRanger

35 Confidential Data Protection

The Deduplication Option


Standard Hardware Integrated Solution

Variable Byte Level

Cost effective

36 Confidential Data Protection

What is Deduplication?

Backup Data Source


First Full Backup Incr 1 Incr 2 Second Full Backup



Unique variable segments (4Kb – 12Kb) Redundant data segments Compressed unique segments

37 Confidential Data Protection

De-duplication – Once around the block.
Fixed Block

Call me Ishmael. Some Years ago – never mind how long precisely – having …

Call me Ish. Some Years ago – never mind how long precisely – having little …

Call me Izzy. Some Years ago – never mind how long precisely – having little …

Variable Block

Call me Izzy. Some Years ago – never mind how long precisely – having little …

Unique Data -
Redundant Data -
38 Confidential Data Protection
Sizing and configuration – Part 1

Currently Supported on multiple OS’s

Mac OS X
** vRanger version of SmartDisk – Windows only **
32bit OS – 5Tb of unique data
64bit OS – 15Tb of unique data
Linux FLR – Limited to Ext 2, 3.
Currently not supported on a VM

Memory requirements
2Gb base then add 400Mb per Tb of unique data NVSD loads chunk index
into RAM for operational reads.

43 Confidential Data Protection

Sizing and configuration – Part 2

Staging disk space

As large as the amount of data being backed up at any one time.
Ensure it has capacity to hold data while it moves from Staging to Store.
Multiple streams in and out of SmartDisk.
Store disk space
As large as required to hold de-duplicated data.
This is variable depending on the data set type and the retention period of
data. Commonality of data set type These three items will drive the de-
duplication ratio.
CPU requirements
More cores will allow the use of more de-duplicators.
Multiple streams in and out of SmartDisk.

44 Confidential Data Protection

Sizing and configuration – Part 3

Supported storage
Locally attached disk
SAN Attached Disk (FC/iSCSI etc.)
All storage pools need to have the relevant file system created before adding into

*While NAS shares are supported for storage pools, locally or SAN attached storage
is recommended for performance where SmartDisk will be de-duplicating data.

45 Confidential Data Protection

Field Observations

De-duplication speed
Appears to be linked to the speed of disk, especially where the chunk index is kept.
SSD has been used effectively to reduce the time taken for de-duplication.

Garbage Collection
If not run regularly will impact the performance of smartdisk and increase the disk
space usage in the chunk store.
If left too long, it can take a significant amount of time to run and complete.

** Garbage Collection and De-duplication are mutually exclusive **

CPU requirements
More cores will allow the use of more de-duplicators, reducing the time to de-
duplicate SmartDisk is capable of Multiple streams in and out of SmartDisk

46 Confidential Data Protection


47 Confidential Data Protection


Complex and expensive

Limited capabilities and poor

customer support

Older technology that can be slow

and difficult to manage

48 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Strengths
• NetVault offers a Lower Cost of Ownership
– Uses less hardware infrastructure
– Remarkably easy to use, lowering the administrative overhead
– User interface is a proven design that clearly displays complex backup management concepts

• Addresses SMB to SME Data Protection Requirements

– Realistic packages with only the features you actually need

• Market Leading MySQL Enterprise protection

– Support for both mysqldump and mysqlenterprise
– Support for mysql replication

• Heterogeneous Support
– Native Linux, Mac OS X, and UNIX in addition to Windows
– Any platform can be setup as a backup server or SmartClient
– Complete flexibility in how to configure a solution to meet customer requirements

• Linux Leadership
– Support for 12 different distributions of Linux—more than anyone in the market
– Attach storage device to any client – supports all Linux distributions
– A comprehensive CLI gives users added flexibility. Most tasks can be initiated using CLI commands

49 Confidential Data Protection

Simpana Weaknesses (1 of 2)
• Expensive
– Requires a lot of hardware
– Licensing fees and maintenance generally higher cost
– Zero compensation for Dell reps

• Extremely Complex Management Console

– An overwhelming amount of options for scheduling, tracking, data streaming options
– Requires admins to define every minute detail of the backup process

• Non-Windows Backup Server Support

– Backup servers can ONLY be installed on Windows operating systems; also requires SQL Server instance

• Complex Backup Control

– Multiple layers of abstractions used to build a backup policies complicate setup and ongoing management.
PSO required with most installs

50 Confidential Data Protection

Simpana Weaknesses (2 of 2)
• Content Indexing Can Impact Performance
– Also requires multiple dedicated servers, up to 14 per CommCell

• Limited Support for SMBs

– Express version available through OEMs for SMBs. Express packages are very limited
– Customers are forced up to upgrade to the full Enterprise Edition if they have anything beyond entry-level

• Scaling / Hardware Requirements

– Very complex hardware topology with multiple servers required for a full deployment and many variations.
– Large deployments require multiple dedicated Windows Servers for management platform and to control
most solution operations

• MySQL support is limited to mysqldump support only; NetVault supports mysqldump and

• Oracle Support is limited to RMAN only; does not include support all RMAN capabilities

51 Confidential Data Protection

Silver bullets against CommVault

• CommVault POCs can take days and require dedicated

Proof of concept Windows server + SQL instance
• CommVault charges for POC

• Accounts with a growing Linux, UNIX and/or Mac OS

True heterogeneity presence

Get what you need • Why pay for extra features that aren’t really needed

Cost of ownership • Focus on ease of use and lower costs of ownership

Feature checkbox • Avoid the feature checkbox war

52 Confidential Data Protection

NetBackup Weaknesses
• Time-Consuming
– NetBackup is very difficult to deploy. There are many components with complicated data flows
– The user interface is not intuitive; some have even said it’s overwhelming
– NetBackup is very complex with 10,000 pages of documentation and an arcane Unix-based management

• Performance Bottleneck
– In internal tests, NetVault Backup was 30% faster on backup and 50% faster on restore
– NDMP backups must pass through a media server

• Poor Customer Service

– Symantec has a very poor reputation for service
– Symantec billing is a frequent sore point with their customers often saying that they cannot track their
renewal charges

53 Confidential Data Protection

NetVault Backup Strengths Over NetBackup
• Easy to Install and Upgrade
– NVBU’s modular architecture makes it easy to upgrade to meet your growing environment and changing
recovery objectives.
– NVBU architecture allows users to take advantage of their existing network topology and storage hardware.

• Easier to Manage
– A straight-forward user interface gets users up and running quickly
– NVBU requires minimal training to become an expert
– NVBU can be installed on Windows, Linux, UNIX, or Mac, allowing administrators to manage in the
environment of their choice.

• Lower Total Cost of Ownership

– NVBU is easier to install and configure with most environments being operational in less than a day.
– NVBU’s operational ease of use and ability to easily integrate with existing networks and storage devices
allows many customers to realize a rapid return on their investment.

• Broadest Linux Expertise

– NVBU offers the broadest Linux capabilities in the storage management market, supporting more leading
Linux distributions and applications than any other backup software vendor.

54 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind
the Claims

55 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind the Claims

Claim True or The Truth


Most of Dell’s DP NetVault Backup offers backup, recovery, and replication with integrated
products have little to
FALSE deduplication, centralized management and extensive reporting capabilities.
no integration and
represent standalone It does NOT offer integrated archiving, search and eDiscovery since these
features are peripheral to core data protection. Instead, Dell takes a
modular approach to non-core data protection features, offering solutions
that work with NetVault to solve the customer’s challenges.

NetVault cannot scale NetVault Backup does not set any limits on the number of objects that can
False be included in a backup job.

It works with a wide range of NAS systems and can take advantage of its
NDMP support to protect filers with millions of files.

For example, Yahoo, Inc. is one of our larger customers, protecting

~400PBs of data on thousands of servers and NetApp storage systems.

56 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind the Claims

Claim True or The Truth

NetVault does not NetVault offers integrated deduplication using SmartDisk. This
offer global
FALSE software-based deduplication solution is capable of deduplicating
deduplication data across all of your clients and backup servers.
NetVault does not NetVault provides customers multiple choices for deduplication. First,
offer source-side and
False NetVault supports all major deduplication purpose-built appliances such as
target-side EMC Data Domain, Quantum DXi and Dell’s own DR4x00.
NetVault will soon support the DR4x00 RDA (Rapid Data Access) API. Once
this occurs, NetVault will support source-side and inline dedupe.

NetVault currently supports the EMC Data Domain DD Boost API. This
support allows for client side and inline dedupe

Customers have the option to deploy NetVault SmartDisk, a software

solution that is a cost effective. NetVault SmartDisk uses byte-level,
variable-block-size deduplication at the target (post process). This
eliminates any possible performance impact on the client.

57 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind the Claims

Claim True or The Truth

NetVault does not NetVault enables transfer of deduplicated data directly from one
support deduplicated
FALSE device to another device of the same type during a Data Copy or
replication Duplicate operation. It provides an efficient method to create
secondary copies for offsite storage. Copies remain in their
deduplicated form, which greatly reduces the amount for data
transferred over the network. And the data is copied directly from
the primary target to the destination target without using any
resources on the NetVault Backup Server.

NetVault supports optimized replication between the following

devices: NetVault SmartDisk instances, Dell DR4000 appliances, and
EMC Data Domain Systems enabled with DD Boost.

58 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind the Claims

Claim True or The Truth

NetVault does not NetVault protects data stored on NAS using NDMP. Backup data can
offer integrated
FALSE be sent directly to a locally attached SCSI device, a SAN-attached
hardware snapshot storage device, or a storage device elsewhere on the network.
capabilities NetVault also integrates seamlessly with NetApp’s snapshot
technologies (Snapshots, SnapVault, and SnapMirror), allowing users
to manage snapshots through the NetVault GUI.
NetVault does not NetVault Backup offers specialized plug-ins for SharePoint and
offer support for
FALSE Sybase.
SharePoint or Sybase
NetVault’s VMware NetVault Backup’s plug-in for VMware supports file-level recovery
plug-in does not
FALSE from with Windows and Linux guests
support granular
recovery from
Windows and Linux

59 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind the Claims

Claim True or The Truth

NetVault cannot NetVault protects VMware VMs using the VMware API—specifically
protect 1000s of VMs
FALSE VADP. NetVault’s ability to scale is only limited by the VMware API’s
ability to scale.

NetVault cannot If a VM is added to the host after the job has been defined,
automatically discover
FALSE it will be automatically included in the backup job. The job definition
and protect new VMs does not have to be modified each time a VM is added to or
with predefined removed from the host when you select the parent ESX/ESXi Server.
NetVault’s VMware When backing up a Windows Guest OS, NetVault Backup uses VSS to
plug-in does not
FALSE perform application-level quiescing before generating a snapshot.
perform application- The application-consistent snapshots reduce the amount of
consistent snapshots application crash recovery that needs to be performed for VSS-
enabled applications, like SQL Server, Exchange, and SharePoint,
after restoring an image-level backup.

60 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind the Claims

Claim True or The Truth

NetVault does not With NetVault Backup, administrators can run predefined reports
offer detailed
FALSE designed to outline detailed information about VMware backup and
reporting on virtual restore jobs. Reports can be scheduled and emailed out in recurring
environments intervals.

NetVault does not With NetVault Backup, administrators can create a report to show the
offer file-level
FALSE age of the data under protection, allowing them to make informed
reporting on data age decisions regarding storage policies.
and usage

61 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind the Claims

Claim True or The Truth

NetVault Backup does This couldn’t be more false. NetVault Backup provides a simple check
not offer simple
FALSE box to switch on/off deduplication
management for

Deduplication to tape Dell does not advise deduplicating data and storing it on tape since it
TRUE will significantly prolong the recovery process
Deduplication to NetVault Backup does not support the cloud as a storage target at
TRUE this time.

62 Confidential Data Protection

The Truth Behind the Claims

Claim True or The Truth

NetVault does not Dell takes a modular approach to non-core data protection features
offer integrated
TRUE such as archive, search and eDiscovery. Instead, Dell offers solutions
archiving that complement NetVault to solve the customer’s challenges.

These include Dell’s Recovery Manager for Exchange, Active

Directory , and SharePoint, as well as Archive Manager for email

These solutions represent the best-in-breed in their category.

NetVault does not NetVault offers protection for workstations. But for laptops and
offer laptop and
TRUE mobile devices, Dell recommends SonicWALL, which can be
mobile device purchased as a software, appliance, or as a SaaS

63 Confidential Data Protection

Additional Documents and Resources

• NetVault Licensing & Configuration Guide

– Provides details on NetVault licensing

• Product Compatibility Matrices

– Supported Operating Systems
– Supported VTL Libraries and Tape Drives
– Supported Applications
– Supported NAS and NDMP

64 Confidential Data Protection

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