Session 1: Data Is Power: The Role of Data Analysis in Research

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Session 1: Data is Power

The Role of Data Analysis in Research

Video Presentation

 Watch the video: “Data is Power”

 What is the most significant information
that you learned from the video? Why?
Research Data

 data that is collected, observed, or

created, for purposes of analysis to produce
original research results” (Boston University
Libraries, n.d.a).
Data Analysis

a process used to transform, remodel and

revise certain information (data) with a
view to reach to a certain conclusion for a
given situation or problem.
Importance of Data and Data Analysis in
 Assists researchers with discovering answers to
their research questions and hypotheses.
 In some cases, it even predicts future outcomes
(Office of Research Integrity, n.d.a).
 The results of research and its methods are
directly dependent on the collected data and its
Importance of Data Analysis in Research
 Data analysis, in a research supports the researcher to
reach to a conclusion.
 Data analysis helps in structuring the findings from
different sources of data collection like survey research.
 Data analysis acts like a filter when it comes to acquiring
meaningful insights out of huge data-set.
 It provides a meaningful base to critical decisions.
 It helps in keeping human bias away from research
conclusion with the help of proper statistical treatment.
Integrity (Accuracy and Completeness)
of Data Collection
Accurately collecting data ensures that:
 Research questions are answered correctly.
 Research/experiments are repeatable and validated.
 Research resources are not destroyed or wasted.
 Other researchers are not misled about results and can benefit
from your research findings.
 Human subjects and animals are not harmed while collecting
 Public policy decisions are not compromised (Office of Research
Integrity, n.d.a).

 Boston University Libraries (n.d.a). What is research data? Retrieved from
 Office of Research Integrity (n.d.a) Responsible conduct in data management.
Retrieved from
 University of California, Los Angeles (n.d.). Data Mining: What is data mining?
Retrieved from

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