SE Lectures

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Second Semester
AY 2017-2018

Industrial Engineering
An Introduction

Leoven A. Austria, CIE, AAE, MSIEM

 What is “SE”?
 Why “SE”?
 Where it can be?

 How “SE”?(A big question)

 A Generic SE process
What is a ‘System’?
What is a ‘System’?
 A group of components that work together for
a specified purpose
• Components - products (hardware,
software, firmware), processes, people,
information, techniques, facilities, services
and other support elements
• Together – integration of many
• Purpose – is achieved by implementing
many functions
In other words…..
 A system is an assemblage or
combination of functionally related
elements or parts forming a unitary
whole, such as a river system or a
transportation system.
Elements of a System
1. Components are the parts of a system
2. Attributes are the properties of the components
and of the system as a whole
3. Relationships between pairs of linked
components are the result of engineering the
attributes of both components so that the pair
operates together effectively in contributing to
the system’s purpose(s)


Natural Man made

Technical Non – Technical

Aircraft Economic system
Missile Societal systems
… …

Emphasis on Technical systems

Technical Systems
 Human-made artifacts
 Result of engineering activities with the
processes of engineering design
 Difficult to classify systems based on
technology like electrical system, mechanical
• Most present day systems are hybrids of simple
systems of the past
 An indication of the need to use inter-
disciplinary approach
What is “Engineering”?
 Knowledge of mathematical and natural
sciences applied to utilize limited
resources economically for the benefit of
• Scientific approach
• Optimize resources
• User/customer in focus

Classical Engineering focused mainly on

product design
Systems Engineering (SE)
 SE is an interdisciplinary approach
and means to enable realization of
successful systems
• It is very quantitative including tradeoff,
optimization, selection and integration of
products from various engineering
• It is more of an engineering discipline.
Why “SE” is needed


Technical Project
Why “SE”?

Wright Brothers

Designed, Built and Flew the world’s first

powered, controlled, heavier-than-air flight
Why “SE”?

ONE Chief Designer – TOTAL knowledge

 High
 Multidisciplinary
 Cost & Time

“SE” is needed due to Technical complexity

Why “SE”?
% Commitment to technology,
configuration, cost etc

Cost incurred

System specific knowledge


Ease of change

Concept & Detail design & Production Use, phase-out

prelim. design development disposal
Why SE (cont..)
 More systematic way of development
 Better control of System Development incl.
management of risk, changes, configuration
 Traceability at all levels
 Operational & supportability aspects
 Effectiveness Analysis
 Risk management

 Operational - Maintainability, Availability, Safety


Ensures FINAL PRODUCT Fully Meets All User

Where “SE”?
 All levels
 Organization level – for a project
• Full fledged SE
 Subsystem level
• We aim at this level!!
 Individual level
• Systems thinking
Systems Engineering (SE)
 Emphasis on
• Top-down approach
• Interdisciplinary approach
• Effort on more complete definition of
system requirements
• Life cycle engineering approach
Emphasis in SE
 Top-down approach
• Look at system from top
• Decide inputs/outputs taking into account the
• Decide subsystems
… down to lower levels
 Interdisciplinary approach
• Analytical approach is inadequate
• Capture the interactions between disciplines
• Exploit the synergism of these interactions
Emphasis in SE
 More complete definition of needs
• Complete definition of needs facilitates verification
of system performance
• Minimize surprises at later stages

 Life cycle engineering approach

• Initial approach was Design cycle
• Later with Design for Manufacture (DFM) approach
Manufacturing cycle also included
• Present thinking is to consider three life cycles i.e.
Design, Manufacturing and Supportability
• Leading to Concurrent Engineering (CE)
Product life cycle
Identification of need Research Input

Conceptual design
System concept
Preliminary Design
Subsystem design
Detailed Design & Development
Component design
Development phasing
Utilization & Support

Phase-out and Disposal

Systems Engineering process
Basic steps
 Define system objectives (user’s needs)
 Establish performance requirements
(requirements analysis)
 Establish functionality (functional analysis)
 Evolve design and operation concepts (design
 Select a baseline (thro’ trade-off studies)
 Verify the baseline meets requirements
 Iterate the process through lower level trades
INPUT Requirements Functional
analysis R analysis


System Analysis &

OUTPUT Control

Concept studies
System studies
Prelim. Design
Detailed Design
Conceptual design
Preliminary design
Detailed design &
Functional analysis
Design Synthesis
System analysis
and control

System Development
Engineering Production
Management Deployment
System Operation
Life cycle Support
process approach

This interaction shows how to apply SE process to

develop systems in life cycle approach
Aids to SE Management
Functional baseline
Allocated baseline
(‘Design to’ specs.)
Drawing inputs from
Product baseline
all the life cycle
(‘Build to’ specs.)
activities for various
Development development phases

Engineering Life cycle
Integrated approach

Integrated team from

Systems engineering
and discipline
SE process overview
SE process mapped to Life cycle
What we have seen

 What is a System
 What is Systems Engineering

 Why Systems Engineering is needed?

 Life cycle engineering approach leading to

Concurrent Engineering
 Product cycle & development phasing

 Steps in System engineering process

 Functional baseline :
 Top level (system) functions, performance & interfaces.
 System level technical description
 Allocated baseline :
 System requirements flowed down to items below
 Item performance specification, interface definitions,
process description and drawings
 ‘Design to’ specifications
 Product baseline :
 Defining system from top to bottom in terms of physical
 ‘Build to’ specifications
System classification
 Natural & manmade systems
 River system, Bridges
 Physical & conceptual systems
 Airline system, economic system
 Open & closed systems
 Chemical equilibrium in closed vessel,
business organization
 Static & Dynamic systems
 Bridge, Aircraft
What is a system?
 A group of components that work together for a
specified purpose e.g. Aircraft
• Purpose is achieved by implementing many functions
• System is made up of components, attributes and
• Components are the operating parts consisting of
input, process and output e.g. Wing
• Components may be structural, flow or operating
• Attributes are the properties that characterize the
system e.g. Lift generated
• Relationships are links between components and
• The purposeful action by system is its function.

Bringing Systems Into Being
Systems Engineering
To bring products and systems into
being that meet customer
expectations cost effectively.
Engineering For Product
1) Improving methods for defining
product and system requirements,
including determination of
performance, effectiveness, and
essential system characteristics.

2) Addressing the total system with all of

its elements from a life – cycle
Engineering For Product
3) Considering the overall system
hierarchy and interactions between
various levels in the hierarchy.

4) Organizing and integrating the

necessary engineering and related
disciplines into the main systems
engineering effort in a timely
concurrent manner.
Engineering For Product
5) Establishing a disciplined approach
with appropriate review, evaluation, and
feedback provisions to insure orderly
and efficient progress from the initial
identification of need through phase out
and disposal.
System Engineering -
An interdisciplinary approach encompassing the
entire technical effort to evolve and verify an
integrated and life-cycle balanced set of system,
people, product, and process solutions that
satisfy customer needs. Systems engineering
System Engineering -
a) the technical efforts related to the
development, manufacturing, verification,
deployment, operations, support, disposal
of, and user training for system products
and processes;
b) the definition and management of the
system configuration;
c) the translation of the system definition into
work breakdown structures;
d) development of information for management
decision making.
The Engineered System

1. Engineered systems have functional purposes in

response to identified needs and have ability to
achieve stated operational objectives
2. Engineered systems are brought into being and
operate over life cycle, beginning with
identification of needs and ending with phase out
and disposal
3. Engineered systems have design momentum that
steadily increases throughout design, production
and deployment, and then decreases throughout
phase-out, retirement, and disposal
The Engineered System
4. Engineered systems are composed of a
harmonized combination of resources, such as
facilities, equipment, materials, people,
information, software and money.
5. Engineered systems are composed of
subsystems and related components that
interact with each other to produce a desired
system response or behavior.
6. Engineered systems are part of hierarchy and
are influenced by external factors from larger
systems of which they are a part and from
sibling systems from which they are composed.
Key Words
 Top-down
 Lifecycle
 Interdisciplinary
 Definition of System Requirements
System Lifecycle Process
 Definition of Need
 Conceptual Design
 Preliminary Design
 Detail Design and Development
 Production/Acquisition
 Utilization and Support
 Phaseout and Disposal
System Lifecycle
E Conceptual Detail Production
E Design Design

Product Use, Phase Out, Disposal

Life-cycle engineering approach
Development phase Utilization phase

Conceptual & Detail Design Production Product use

Design Preliminary & and/or Phase out and
Design Development Construction Disposal

Manufacturing Manufacturing
Manufacture Configuration Operations

Product support Product support

Deployment configuration design and maintenance
and development

Product/System Retirement,
Phase-out and Disposal
Conceptual Design
• Finalized Need Statement
• Feasibility Analysis
• High Level Requirements Analysis
- Operational Requirements
- Maintenance and Support
- Technical Performance Measures
• Functional Analysis and Allocation
• Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation
Preliminary Design
 System Functional Analysis
 Preliminary Synthesis and Allocation of
Design Criteria
 System Optimization
 System Synthesis and Definition
Detail Design
 System/Product Design
 Prototype Development
 System Prototype Test and Evaluation
Production & Product Use
 System Assessment and Evaluation
 Modifications
- Corrective Action
- Product Improvement
 Utilization and Support
- Assessment, Analysis and Evaluation
- Modifications
Phase Out And Disposal
 Design for Disposability
 Green Engineering
Other Process Models
• Waterfall Model
• Spiral Model
• V Model

Note: Most models must be tailored!

Other Models

Waterfall Process Model

Other Model
Spiral Model
Other Model
V Process Model
System Design Evaluation/Feedback
Development of Design
 Design considerations – full range of attributes and
characteristics that could be exhibited by an
engineered system, product, or service.
 Design-dependent parameters (DDP) – attributes or
characteristics inherent in the design for which
predicted or estimated measures are required or
 Design-independent parameters (DIP) – factors
external to the design that must be estimated
 Technical Performance Measures (TPM)- predicted
and estimated values for DDPs.
 Design Criteria – customer specified or negotiated
target values for technical performance measures.
System Design Criteria
Requirements Analysis
• Feasibility Analysis
• Operational Requirements
• Maintenance and Support Concept
• Measures of Effectiveness
(Technical Performance Measures,
System Level
System Design Evaluation
Design Evaluation
• Identification of Design-Dependent
Parameters (DDP)
• Analysis and Trade-off Studies
• Synthesis and Evaluation

System Level
System Design Criteria
Requirements Analysis
• Functional Analysis and Allocation

• Measures of Effectiveness
(Technical Performance Measures,

Subsystem Level
System Design Evaluation
Design Evaluation
• Decomposition of DDP

• Analysis and Trade-off Studies

• Synthesis and Evaluation

Subsystem Level
Evaluation of Multiple
System Attributes


Design Dependent
Multiple Criteria
 System Attributes
- arise from/in need statement
 Technical Performance Measures (TPM)
- must be specified in terms of some level
of importance, as determined by the
customer and the criticality of the
functions to be performed
 Design Dependent Parameters(DDP)
- tradeoffs must be made
Generating Alternatives



(Adapted From: Blanchard and Fabrycky, “System Engineering and Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1998)
Design Alternatives
C Need, Functions, and Systems Requirements E E

U Top- C E
1 2 Down R
S Design Design
Approach H
Design Team Feasibility Synthesis N
T Decision O
Candidate Design
O Schema 4 3 L

Design Estimation/ D
M Evaluation
Prediction O E

Bottom- G E

Preferred 5 Up I O
R Candidate Physical and Economical Databases Approach
Existing Components, S T

Parts, and Subsystems

(Adapted From: Blanchard and Fabrycky, “System Engineering and Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1998)
Implementing Systems

 Applications for Systems Engineering

 Management of Systems Engineering
 Potential Benefits

Conceptual System Design
Conceptual System Design
 CSD is the first step in system
design and development
 Design criteria to be established
which meets/satisfy customer’s

Identification of Need
 System engineering process being
with the identification of need, want
or desire with
few/new/more/improved capabilities
with the system
 A system may not be adequate,
supportive, rigid and costly to
Feasibility Analysis
 Identify possible system level
design approach that can be
pursued to meet the need
 Evaluate the most likely approach
in terms of performance,
effectiveness and economical
 Recommend a preferred course of
 ROI, longevity etc. 69
Advanced System Planning

 Communicate with user

 Completion of feasibility analysis
 Definition of the system
 Identification and prioritization of
technology and performance measure
 Completion of top level analysis
 Preparation of system specification
 Conduct of a conceptual design review

Definition of Operational
 Operational distribution or deployment
 Customer sites where the system will be used,
geographical distribution, deployment schedule
 Mission profile
 Identification of the prime mission for the
system and its alternative (routing etc.)
 Performance and related parameter
 Basic operational characteristic/function of the
system parameter (range, accuracy, rate,
 Utilization report
 Anticipated usage of the system in
accomplishing mission, % usage days/night/hrs
etc. 71
Definition of Operational

 Effective requirements: cost/system effectiveness,

operational availability, dependability, reliability,
mean time between failure (MTBF), failure rate,
maintenance downtime (MDT), personnel etc.
 Operational life cycle: Anticipated time duration
that he system will be operational
 how long will the system be use by the
consumer, total inventory for units of the
system and its components, inventory location
 Environment: The environment in which the
system is expected to operate in a effective
manner example, temp, shock, noise, humidity
Operational Requirement
(geographical distribution)

Maintenance and Support

Level of Maintenance
 Repair policies:( responsible, partial, repairable,
unrepairable etc)
 Organizational responsibility:(maintenance by the
customer, produce, third party etc)
 Logic support elements:(supply support, test
support equipment, personnel, training, handling,
self test etc.
 Effective requirement: support capability,
probability of available part, economics with parts
 Environment: Shock, vibration, temp, noise etc.

Functional Analysis &

 FA is the process of translating system

requirement into detailed design criteria along
with the identification of specific resources
requirement at subsystems.
 A function refers to a specific or discrete
action that is necessary to achieve a given
 FA is the iterative process of breaking down or
decomposing requirement from the system
level to the sub system level and as for down
the hierarchical structure as necessary
Functional Flow Block

 FFBD are developed for the primary purpose

of structuring system requirements into
functional terms
 FFBD illustrate system organization and to
identify major functional interfaces
 all facets of system design and development,
production, operation are considered
 all elements of the system are fully recognized
 a mean is provided for relating system
packaging concepts and support requirement
 the proper sequence of activity and design
relationship are established 76
System Requirements
System Top Level Functions

1 2 4
Function A Function B Function C Function D
Function E Function F

Second Level Functions

5.1 5.5


Third Level Functions


Functional Allocation
An open architecture approach is used when the
functions are well defined
Save time “what” converted into “how”

System XYX

System Operator Equipment Computer

Resources (SW) Facility

Unit A Unit B Unit C

Assembly 1 Assembly 2 Assembly 3

System Specification

 The technical requirements for the

system & its elements are documented
through a series of specification
System specification (type A): includes the
technical, performance, operational & support
characteristic for the system as an entity
 information derived from feasibility analysis,
operational requirement, maintenance concepts
Development specification (type B): includes the
technical requirement for any item below the
system level where R&D are accomplished
 this may cover equipment's, assembly,
computer program etc. 79
System Specification

 Product specification (type C): this

includes computer programs, a spare
part, tool etc
 Process specification (type D): covers
service that is performed on any
components of the system (welding,
plating, heat treating etc.)
 material specification ( type E) pertains
to raw material (paints, chemical, cable,
pipe etc.) 80

Preliminary System Design
Preliminary Design
 Preliminary design requirements evolve from
system design requirements, which are
determined through the definition of system
operational requirements, the maintenance
and support concept, and the identification and
prioritization of TPMs.
 The whats in conceptual design is translated to
Development, Product, Process,
and Material Specifications

 The technical requirements for the

system & its elements are documented
through a series of specification
System specification (type A): includes the
technical, performance, operational & support
characteristic for the system as an entity
 information derived from feasibility analysis,
operational requirement, maintenance concepts
Development specification (type B): includes the
technical requirement for any item below the
system level where R&D are accomplished
 this may cover equipment's, assembly,
computer program etc. 83
System Specification

 Product specification (type C): this

includes computer programs, a spare
part, tool etc
 Process specification (type D): covers
service that is performed on any
components of the system (welding,
plating, heat treating etc.)
 material specification ( type E) pertains
to raw material (paints, chemical, cable,
pipe etc.) 84
Functional Analysis and Allocation
 A structured approach for describing how a system might
be used
 Defines a functional architecture for which system
products and services can be designed
 Performed to a depth needed to support synthesis
 Identifies and arranges lower-level functions needed to
accomplish parent requirements
 Arranges function in a traceable, logical sequence
 Includes all contractually specified usage modes
 Includes functions necessary for the product or service to
operate properly
 Used to analyze time-critical requirements
 Involves iterations
Preliminary Design Criteria
 Design for Functional Capability- Functional capability
derives from the characteristics of design that relate to the
technical performance of the system; that is, the technical
characteristics that are required for the system to
accomplish its intended mission.
 Design for Interoperability- Interoperability pertains to the
ability of the system to operate successfully in an
environment where there are many other operating
systems already in existence. An objective is to minimize
the interaction effects between the new system and those
other systems already in the operational inventory; that is,
the impact of this new system on others as well as the
external impact of other systems on this new system
Preliminary Design Criteria
 Design for Sustainability – Sustainability applies to
the sustaining operation and support of systems
throughout their respective lifecycles without
causing any degradation to the environment or the
earth’s natural resources.
 Design for reliability – Reliability is that characteristic
of design and installation concerned with the
successful operation of the system throughout its
planned mission and for the duration of its life cycle.
 Design for Maintainability – Maintainability is that
characteristic of design and installation that reflects
the ease, accuracy, safety, and economy of
performing maintenance actions.
Preliminary Design Criteria
 Design for Usability and Safety- Usability is that
characteristics of design concerned with the interfaces
between the human and hardware, the human and
software, the human and facilities, the human and
information/data, and so on; that is, ensuring the
compatibility between, and safety of, system physical and
functional design features and the human element in the
operation, maintenance and support of the system.
 Design for Security- Security, in this instance, pertains to
those characteristics of design that will prevent one or
more individuals from intentionally inducing faults that will
destroy the system, cause harm to personnel, and/or have
an impact that will endanger society and the associated
Preliminary Design Criteria
 Design for Supportability and Serviceability -
Supportability and serviceability refer to the characteristics
of design that ensure that the system can ultimately be
serviced and supported effectively and efficiently
throughout its planned lifecycle.
 Design for Producibility and Disposability- Producibility is
that characteristic of design that pertains to the ease and
economy with which a system or product can be produced.
The objective is to design an entity that can be produced
easily and economically using conventional and flexible
manufacturing methods and processes without sacrificing
function, performance, effectiveness, or quality.
 Design for Affordability- It refers to the characteristics of
design and installation that impact total system cost and
overall budgetary constraints.
The integration of engineering disciplines

Design Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Reliability Structural Engineering Reliability
Engineering Engineering
Maintainability Maintainability
Engineering Engineering
Human Factors ENGINEERING Human Factors
Engineering INTEGRATION Engineering
Safety/Security Safety/Security
Engineering Engineering
Logistics Logistics
Engineering Engineering Tech Support Engineering
Non Technical Support

Detail Design and Development
Detail Design & Development
 The detailed design and development phase begins
with the concept and configuration derived through
preliminary system design: that is, a system
configuration with performance, effectiveness,
logistic support, cost and other requirements.
 An overall system design configuration has been
established, and now it is necessary to convert that
configuration to the definition and subsequent
realization of hardware, software, data, and specific
items of support.
Detail Design & Development

 1. Definition of system elements. Subsystems, units,

assemblies, lower-level component parts, software,
data, and the elements of logistics support.
 2. Preparation of design data. Specification, drawing,
databases and electronics data files, trade-off study
reports, analysis results, predictions, and so on,
describing all facets of the system.
Detail Design &
Development Process

 3. Development of physical models of the system or

major system component. Engineering laboratory
models, service test models. mock-ups, and
prototype models for the purpose of test and
 4. Conductance of system integration and test. The
verification of system characteristics and that the
requirements have been met. Deficiencies are noted
and corrected through redesign, system modification,
and retest as necessary.
Design Review
 Conceptual design review
The conceptual design review may be scheduled during
the early part of a program when operational
requirements and the maintenance concepts have been
Feasibility studies justifying preliminary design concepts
should be reviewed.
Logistics support requirements at this point are
generally included in the specification of supportability
constraints and goals and in the maintenance concept
definition, generally contained in the system
Design Review
 System Design Review
System design review are generally scheduled during
the preliminary system design phase when preliminary
system layouts and specifications have been prepared.
These review are oriented to the overall system
configuration in lieu of individual equipment items.
Design Review
 Equipment/software design review
Equipment/software design review are scheduled during the
detailed design and development phase when layouts,
preliminary mechanical electrical drawings, functional and
logical diagrams, design data bases, and component part lists
are available.
 Critical Design review
The critical design review is scheduled after detailed design
has been completed but prior to the release of firm design
data to production. Such a review is conducted to verify the
adequacy and feasibility of the design.
Design is essentially frozen at this point, and manufacturing
methods, schedules, and costs are reevaluated for final

System Test, Evaluation, and
Stages of System Testing &
Stages of System Testing
& Evaluation
 Analytical
It pertains to certain design evaluation that can be
conducted early in the system life cycle using
computerized techniques to introduce CAD, CAM, CALS,
simulation, rapid prototyping and related approaches.
 Type Ⅰ testing.
It refers primarily to the evaluation of system
components in the laboratory using engineering
breadboards, bench test models, service test models,
rapid prototyping, and the like.
Stages of System Testing &
 Type Ⅱ testing.
1. Environmental qualification : temperature cycling,
shock and vibration, humidity, sand and dust, salt
spray, acoustic noise, explosion proofing, and
electromagnetic interface.
2. Reliability qualification : sequential testing, life
testing, environmental stress screening (ESS) and
test, analyze, and fix (TAAF).
Stages of System Testing &
3. Maintainability demonstration : verification of
maintenance tasks, task times and sequences,
maintenance personnel quantities and skill levels,
degree of testability and diagnostic provisions, prime
equipment - test equipment interfaces, maintenance
procedures, and maintenance facilities.
4. Support equipment compatibility : verification of
the compatibility among the prime equipment, test
and support equipment, and ground handling

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