Software Quality Assurance: by Mark J. Tseytlin Sr. SQE, Raytheon Company

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Software Quality Assurance

by Mark J. Tseytlin
Sr. SQE, Raytheon Company

Let’s Get Acquainted…

Instructor: Mark Tseytlin

Phone: 978-440-2098

E-mail: [email protected]

What is Software Quality

What is Quality?

Quality – developed product meets it’s specification

• Development organization has requirements exceeding customer's
specifications (added cost of product development)
• Certain quality characteristics can not be specified in
unambiguous terms (i.e. maintainability)
• Even if the product conforms to it’s specifications, users may
not consider it to be a quality product (because users may not be involved in
the development of the requirements)

What is Quality Management?

Quality Management – ensuring that required level of

product quality is achieved
• Defining procedures and standards
• Applying procedures and standards to the product and process
• Checking that procedures are followed
• Collecting and analyzing various quality data

• Intangible aspects of software quality can’t be standardized
(i.e elegance and readability)

What are SQA, SQP, SQC, and SQM?
SQA includes all 4 elements…
• Software Quality Assurance – establishment of network of
organizational procedures and standards leading to high-
quality software
2. Software Quality Planning – selection of appropriate
procedures and standards from this framework and adaptation
of these to specific software project
3. Software Quality Control – definition and enactment of
processes that ensure that project quality procedures and
standards are being followed by the software development
4. Software Quality Metrics – collecting and analyzing quality
data to predict and control quality of the software product
being developed
Software Development Process

Software Development Process Spiral
Top-Down Design Model IPDS

Software Development Phases

Software Development Cycle
Software Development Phase End product
• Software requirements • SRS, IRS
• Preliminary Design • SDD, PQT/FAT/SAT
Plans & Proc.’s, ICD, IDD
• Detailed Design • PDL, User Manuals
• Code • Code, UT Plan & Proc.’s
• Unit Test • UT Results
• Software integration •VDD
• Software Component Test • PQT Report
• Software System Test • FAT & SAT Reports
• Maintenance and Support • ECP’s leading to updates

Software Development Cycle (contd.)

Maint PD




Integrated Product Development System

Software Quality Assurance

Element I

Software Development Standards

Why are Standards Important?
• Standards provide encapsulation of best, or at least most
appropriate, practice
• Standards provide a framework around which the quality
assurance process may be implemented
• Standards assist in continuity of work when it’s carried out by
different people throughout the software product lifecycle

Standards should not be avoided. If they are too extensive

for the task at hand, then they should be tailored.

SDS a Simplistic approach

In most mature organizations:

• ISO is not the only source of SDS
• Process and Product standards are derived independently
• Product standards are not created by SQA 15
Process Standards
Process Standards – standards that define the process
which should be followed during software development

Organizational Organizational
Quality Manual SD Process STD’s

Project Project SD Process STD’s Project

SQP (SDP, IP, Method Sheets) SCMP

Product Standards
Product Standards – standards that apply to software
product being developed

ISO MIL/ Industry


Product STD’s

COTS Project Product STD’s

STD’s (SDP, IP, Method Sheets)

Quality Models

ISO - 9001 Elements
• Quality System Requirements • Software Quality Responsibilities
• Management Responsibility • Management Responsibility
• Quality system • Quality system
• Contract review • Contract review
• Design Control • Design Control
• Document control • Document control
• Purchasing • Purchasing
• Purchaser supplied product • -
• Product identification and traceability • Product identification and traceability
• Process control • Process control
• Inspection and testing • Inspection and testing
• Inspection, measuring and test equipment • -
• Inspection and test status • Inspection and test status
• Control of non-conforming product • -
• Corrective action • Corrective action
• Handling, storage, preservation, packaging • -
and shipping
• Quality records • Quality records
• Internal quality audits • Internal quality audits
• Training • Training
• Servicing • -
• Statistical techniques • Statistical techniques

Capability Maturity Model KPA’s

CMM Level’s 2-5

CMM Integration Model Architecture

CMM to CMMI Mapping


Documentation Hierarchy

• Documents are not the only tangible way of representing software

products. The working software system is the most tangible way of
representing software products.
• Documents are the best way to ensure software products’ 25
Process and Product Quality
Quality of development process directly affects the quality of
delivered products.

This is the factory approach. It doesn’t work because software is

designed rather then manufactured.

Process and Product Quality Creative Approach
• Quality Improvement – identifying good quality products,
examining the processes used to develop these products, and then
generalizing these processes so that they can be applied everywhere

Quality Improvement – The Wheel of 6Sigma

Six Sigma

Quality Improvement – Six Sigma Process
• Visualize – Understand how it works now and imagine how it
will work in the future

• Commit – Obtain commitment to change from the stakeholders

• Prioritize – Define priorities for incremental improvements

• Characterize – Define existing process and define the time

progression for incremental improvements

• Improve – Design and implement identified improvements

• Achieve – Realize the results of the change

Continuity and Independence of SQA

• Software Quality Assurance team must be independent in order to

take an objective view of the process and report problems to senior
management directly

• If prescribed process is inappropriate for the type of software

product which is being developed, then it should be tailored

• The standards must be upheld no matter how small the task.

Prototyping doesn’t mean no standards. It means tailored standards.

• Quality is FREE, if it’s Everyone’s Responsibility!

Software Quality Planning

Element II

Software Quality Plan
• Tailoring - SQP should select those organizational standards that
are appropriate to a particular product
• Standardization - SQP should use (call out) only approved
organizational process and product standards
• If new standards are required a quality improvement should be
• Elements - SQP elements are usually based on the ISO-9001
model elements
• SQP is not written for software developers. It’s written for SQE’s
as a guide for SQC and for the customer to monitor development
• Things like software production, software product plans and risk
management should be defined in SDP, IP
• Quality Factor’s shouldn’t be sacrificed to achieve efficiency.
Don’t take the job if quality process can’t be upheld
Software Quality Control

Element III

Methods of Software Quality Control
SQC involves overseeing the software development process to ensure that the
procedures and STD’s are being followed

The following activities constitute SQC:

• Quality Reviews - in-process reviews of processes and products
Reviews are the most widely used method of validating the quality of processes and
products. Reviews make quality everyone's responsibility. Quality must be built-in.
SQE is responsible for writing Quality Engineering Records (QERs) documenting their
participation in these reviews.

• Tests - end-result verifications of products. These verifications are conducted after the
software has been developed. Test procedures are followed during conduct of these
activities. SQE is responsible for keeping the logs and some times for writing the test

• Quality Audits - in-process verifications of processes. These audits are conducted

periodically (twice a month) to assess compliance to the process STD’s.
Quality Reviews
• Peer reviews - reviews of processes and products by groups of people. These
reviews require pre-review preparation by all participants. If a participant is not
prepared, then the review is not effective. This type of review requires
participation of the SQE, moderator, recorder, author(s), and one or more critical
reviewers. All issues found during these reviews are documented on AR forms.

• Walkthroughs - reviews of products by groups of people mostly without

preparation. For example a requirements traceability review is a walkthrough. It
involves tracing a requirement from customer requirements to the test procedures.
All issues found during these reviews are documented on CAR forms.

• Desk inspections - reviews of products by individuals. These reviews involve

people reviewing products by themselves (not in a group) and then submitting
their comments to the author(s). The issues found during these reviews are
treated in informal manner.

• Engineering Dry-run - test conducted by engineering without SQE. These tests
include Unit Tests and engineering dry-runs of the formal tests. These engineering dry-
runs are used to verify correctness and completeness of the test procedures. Also, these
is the final engineering verification of the end-product before sell-off to SQE. All
issues found during these tests are documented on STR forms.

• SQE Dry-run - test conducted by SQE. These tests include PQT, FAT and SAT dry-
runs. These tests are used to verify the end-product before the formal test with the
customer. An SQE is sometimes responsible for writing the test report. However, if a
separate test group is available, then SQE is relived of this obligation. All issues found
during these tests are documented on STR forms.

• TFR - test conducted as “RFR - run-for-record” with the SQE and the customer.
These tests include FAT and SAT. These tests are conducted to sell the end-product off
to the customer. SQE is present at all such tests. All issues found during these tests are
documented on STR forms.
Quality Audits
• SQE Audits - audits conducted by SQE to verify that the process STD’s are
being followed. Examples of these audits are IPDS compliance, Configuration
Control, and Software Engineering Management. All findings for these audits are
documented on QER forms. The results of the audits are distributed to the next
level of management (above project level). If the issue(s) are not fixed then the
findings are elevated to upper management.

• Independent Audits - audits conducted by ISO generalists or other independent

entities to verify that the process STD’s are being followed. These audits are
usually conducted on a division/facility level. The results of these audits are
distributed to upper management.

Defect Detection
Formal bug finding activities include Quality Reviews and Tests
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e An ts
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a d st ar
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o m s f tw e t de it ftw ftw
Fr Sy So Pr De Co Un So So
At Baseline Capture 0
System Requirements Analysis 0 79
D Software Requirements Analysis 0 0 1
E Preliminary Design 0 6 2 10
T Detailed Design 1 0 0 0 42
E Code 0 0 0 1 2 37
C Unit Test 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T Software Integration 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0
E Software Qualification Test 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
D System Integration 1 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 0
System Test 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Post System Test 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

% De fe cts Originate d in This Phase That We re Containe d By This Phase 93% 33% 91% 81% 86%

% Defects Originated in This Phase Plus Defects

93% 11% 95% 79% 74% 0% 36% 0%
That Escaped From Earlier Phases That Were Contained By This Phase

% De fe cts Originate d In This Phase Out Of All De fe cts 44% 2% 6% 27% 22% 0% 0% 0%

Chart Data Last Updated: 10/3/01

A Bug’s Life
Postponed Rejected


New Assigned Open Resolved Merged Tested Verified

N A Engineer O R M T V
SCCB Engineer Software Lead Tester SCCB
Approves STR Accepts STR Resolves STR Verifies Fix
Plans Merge Agrees Closure

Performs Merge

Software Configuration Management
SCM – activities assuring that software products are properly
identified and their transition is tracked. In many mature
organizations SCM is not part of SQA responsibilities.

• Baseline Identification – identification of initial state of the

• Change Identification – identification of changes made to the
• Change Control – documentation of changes via revision history,
change summary, or using automated development tools
(ClearCase or Apex)
• Status Accounting – reporting changes to others and monitoring
completeness of the project archives
• Preservation – keeper of the software products
Software Quality Metrics

Element IV

Metrics Collection
• Software measurement - the process of deriving a numeric value
for some attribute of a software product or a software process. Comparison of these
values to each other and to STD’s allows drawing conclusions about the quality of
software products or the process.

• The focus of the metrics collecting programs is usually on collecting metrics on

program defects and the V&V process.

• Metrics can be either Control Metrics or Predictor Metrics

• Most of the “Ilities” can not be measured directly unless there’s historical data.
Instead tangible software product attributes are measured and the “Ility” factors are
derived using predefined relationships between measurable and synthetic attributes.

• The boundary conditions for all measurements should be established in advance

and then revised once a large databank of historical data has been established
The Process of Product Measurement

1. Decide what data is to be collected

2. Assess critical (core) components first
3. Measuring component characteristics might require automated tools
4. Look for consistently (unusually only works in a factory) high or low values
5. Analysis of anomalous components should reveal if the quality of product is
Predictor and Control Metrics

Examples of Predictor Analysis:

• Code Reuse: SLOC = ELOC = Ported Code
• Nesting Depth: ND > 5 = Low Readability
• Risk Analysis: # STR P1 > 0 at SAT = Low Product Reliability

Examples of Control Analysis:

• STR aging: Old STRs = Low Productivity
• Requirements Volatility: High Volatility = Scope Creep 44
Software Product Metrics
There are two categories of software product metrics:
1. Dynamic metrics – this metrics is collected by measuring elements
during program’s execution. This metrics help to asses efficiency and
reliability of a software product. The parameters collected can be
easily measured (i.e. execution time, mean time between failures)

2. Static metrics – this metrics is collected by measuring parameters of

the end products of the software development. This metrics help to
asses the complexity, understandability, and maintainability of a
software product. The SLOC size and ND are the most reliable
predictors of understandability, complexity, and maintainability.

The Ilities

The specific metrics that are relevant

depend on the on the project, the goals of
the SQA, and the type of SW that is being

Examples of Software Metric – Chapter 24

Examples of OO Software Metric – Chapter 24

Defect Prevention
Defect Prevention – establishment of practices that lower the reliance
on defect detection techniques to find majority of the bugs

• Lessons learned – learning from other peoples experiences and sharing own
experiences with the other projects
• Managing With Metrics – collecting the metrics, understanding it, and making
changes to the product or process based on analysis. Metrics must be standardized to
be effective.
• Risk Analysis – identifying potential risks and opportunities early in the program
and tracking them to realization.
• Build freeze – no changes are made to the code during formal tests.
• Unit-level testing guidelines – test plans and procedures for each UT
• Baseline acceptance criteria – establishment of closure criteria in advance (i.e. no

The end


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