Parasitic Architecture

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Parisitic A r c h i t e c t u r e

Rucksak House
Stefan Eberstadt
A parasite is an organism that grows, feeds and sheltered by its host while contributing nothing to the host’s
survival. Therefore parasitic architecture can be defined “as an adaptable, transient and exploitive form of
architecture that forces relationships with host buildings in order to complete themselves.” (definition taken from
Rucksack House is perched on the edge of
parasitic architecture.)
both sculpture and architecture as well as
on the side of a building. Eberstadt’s add- Parasitic Architecture can be thought of as a flexible and sometimes temporary structure that feeds off the
on room is constructed of a welded steel existing infrastructure and build form. A parasite has to work with existing infrastructures and use them to its
cage with a light birch veneered plywood own end but can also be considered as an architectural intervention that materializes and transforms the built
interior cladding. The outside is clad with form. A parasitic construction redefines and reconfigures a built structure and provides a new perspective or
exterior grade plywood with an absorbent orientation to the public and potentially offer a new space.
resin surface punctuated by plexiglas
inserts. The room is suspended from steel
cables that are anchored to the roof or to
the facade of the existing building.
Entrance to the room is gained via an
existing window, and once inside, it is
spacious and naturally daylit.
With 9 sq meters (97 sq ft) of space, the
Rucksack House is open and can be used
for a variety of activities like an extra
bedroom, studio space or a living area.
Built-in furniture makes the space more
usable, but still open. Sections of the
walls unfold, with the help of hidden
magnets, into a desk, shelves, and a
platform for reading or sleeping. The
entire box is mobile and can move as the
resident does to the next dwelling
providing instant add-on space. In 2004,
the Rucksack House was in Leipzig, then in
Cologne in 2005 and then moved to
Bamberg in 2011.
Pavilion in
A r c h i t e c t u r e
In an age of constant change, temporary
structures have a special significance, for they
allow a quick, flexible and usually cost-effective
response to shifting needs. Buildings with a
limited life also afford architects and planners
greater freedom than permanent structures to
explore unconventional spatial solutions, new
materials and forms of construction or to play
with visual ideas.

Black Lodge
Jägnefält MIlton

The Black Lodge will soon offer

travellers refuge along the ragged
Baltic coast of Gotland. Designed by
Stockholm-based architect Jagnefalt
Milton, the Black Lodge allows users to
manipulate the structure depending
on the weather conditions.

During fair weather the sides can be

folded down for greater access to the
outdoors, but during foul weather,
which in Baltic Sea can be often, the
lodge can be sealed up. The circular
hole looks like stylistic touch, but in a
pinch you could probably shoot arrows
out of it.
Pavilion in
A r c h i t e c t u r e
Black Lodge
Jägnefält MIlton
Pavilion in A r c h i t e c t u r e
Forest Pavillion
Jägnefält MIlton
Stockholm studio Jägnefält Milton has designed a The Attefallshus clause means planning permission The leaf-shaped roof will be lifted above the
leaf-shaped pavilion for a woodland site – taking is no longer required for structures with an area platform on a single tapered column, supported by
advantage of a new Swedish planning stipulation under 25 square metres and a height of less than zigzagging cables that can be anchored to the
that allows structures under a certain size to be built four metres, so the architects designed a pavilion ground by attaching a tether to a large boulder.
without permission. within these dimensions. polyurethane sheeting was chosen as the lining for
its waterproof properties

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