Final General Preterm Growth and Development
Final General Preterm Growth and Development
Final General Preterm Growth and Development
Working Experience
Guru Besar Divisi Neonatalogi SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Universitas
Ketua AcademicLeadership Grant (ALG) FK. UNPAD
Ketua Penanganan Bayi Kembar Siam
Koordinator Ilmiah Perinasia Pusat
General Preterm Growth And Development
• Indonesia
• 15.5 per 100 life birth (WHO,
• Learning disabilities,
• Low average IQ scores, ADHD
• Neuropsychological deficits, visual
Greater Organ
morbidity immaturity
• Gavage feeding
• Motility &
Greater nutritional
requirement and IWL reserve
• Preterm birth is defined by WHO all births before 37
completed weeks of gestation or fewer than 259 days since the
first day of a woman’s last menstrual period.
• Preterm birth can be further sub-divided based on gestational
• extremely preterm (<28 weeks),
• very preterm (28 - <32 weeks) and
• moderate preterm (32 - <37 completed weeks of gestation).
Moderate preterm birth may be further split to focus on late
preterm birth (34 - <37 completed weeks).
Fawley G. Special conciderations in the premature and ex-premature infant. Anaethesia and Intensive Care Medicine. 2016
In industrialised countries
- preterm birth is responsible 70% of neonatal mortality
- 75% of neonatal morbidity
- Contributes to long-term neurodevelopmental problems, pulmonary
dysfunction and visual impairments
Gag Reflex
Rooting Reflex Early Intermediate Mature
Coordinate Suck,
Nutritive Suck Swallow, Breathe
TPN for 1-2 weeks as enteral Gradually start breast/ Infant nippling
feeds advance via tube bottle per infant cues all feeds
How fast should the premature infant grow?