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The Business Mission and Vision

The document discusses the key differences between business mission and vision statements. [1] A mission statement describes the overall purpose and goals of an organization in serving customers and stakeholders. [2] A vision statement envisions where the organization aims to be in the future and the values that will guide it. [3] Together, well-crafted mission and vision statements provide direction and motivation for an organization's employees and leadership.

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The Business Mission and Vision

The document discusses the key differences between business mission and vision statements. [1] A mission statement describes the overall purpose and goals of an organization in serving customers and stakeholders. [2] A vision statement envisions where the organization aims to be in the future and the values that will guide it. [3] Together, well-crafted mission and vision statements provide direction and motivation for an organization's employees and leadership.

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The Business

Mission and

 “to bring inspiration

and innovation to
every athlete in the

 to be our
customers' favorite
place and way to eat
and drink.

“description of something in the future”

“mental perception of the kind of environment an

individual, or an organization, aspires to create
within a broad time horizon and the underlying
conditions for the actualization of this perception”
Vision Statement

A vision statement answers the question,

“ What will success look like?”

The pursuit of this image of success is what

motivates people to work together.
A Vision provides strong foundation for
developing a comprehensive mission
statement .
Strategic vision addresses the „where are we
going‟ questions and explains the course
and direction chartered by management.
A strategic vision should provide a clear
understanding of what the business should
look like and provide help to take strategic
•Strategic intent should lead to an end.
•That end is the vision of an organization or an individual.
•It is what the firm or a person would ultimately like to
•Should be short and specific.
•It should be based on overall purpose of organization

1. It‟s a blue print the

of the kind of business
organization the management
market is trying to
create and position it would
2. It should be forward looking a provide
strategic course the management will adopt
to help the company prepare the future
3. Specific and provide guidelines to managers
for making decisions and allocating resources
4. Flexible to changing environment
5. Within realm of companies hope to achieve
6. Appeal to emotions and motivate employees
7. Narrow vision, can focus effort and excite
8. May not fit to present circumstance, but
contributes to future. Shows picture of future.
9. Should be easy to explain to all stake holders
and preferably short
Benefits of having a vision
Good visions are inspiring and exhilarating.
Help the organization to prepare for the future.
Clarifies and crystallizes the senior
executives views
about the companies long term direction.
Good vision reduces risk-taking and
Good vision help to motivate
and morale boosting of
 employees.
Good visions are competitive, original and
Good visions represent integrity, they are
truly genuine and can be used for the benefit
of people.
Limitations of a vision statement

 Vague and incomplete

 Not forward looking
 Too broad
 Uninspiring
 Not distinctive

1.Walt Disney vision

Statement :“Make people
Organizations relate their existence to satisfying
a particular need of the society. They do it in
terms of their mission.

Mission is a statement which defines the

role that an organization plays in a society.

It refers to the particular need of that society for

instance, its information needs.
Defining Mission

“essential purpose of the organization,

concerning particularly why it is in existence,
the nature of the business it is in, and the
customers it seeks to serve and satisfy.”

“purpose or reason for the organization‟s


“mission is an enduring statement of

purpose that distinguishes one firm from
other similar firm.”
Different from vision by it is more

“what is
focused on,

our business‟ as
compared to the "where are
we headed‟ or "what
want to become‟ nature
of vision.

1.Declaration of attitude
2.Customer orientation
3.Declaration of social policy
1) Declaration of
Not designed to specific or to have a
concrete end.
Is declaration of attitude and outlook
Is meant to provide motivation, general
direction, an image and a philosophy to
guide the organization
Should be flexible, even vague to provide
room for adapting to changing
environments and ways of operations
2) Customer
Reflects the anticipation of customer.
The operating philosophy of the organization is
to identify customer needs and then provide a
product or service that fulfill those needs.
Should define:
„what organization is and what is aspiring to
„be limited enough to exclude some exclude
some ventures and broad enough to allow for
creating growth
„Have its own identity that distinguish it from
„serve as a framework to evaluate both
current and prospective activities.
„be stated in terms sufficiently clear to
be widely understood throughout the
3) Declaration of
social policy
 Socially oriented policy suggest that
the company takes into consideration
not only profit owed to shares and what
it owes to major stakeholders, but also
seriously responds to responsibilities
towards consumer, environmentalists,
Mission Statement

“A mission statement is an enduring

statement of purpose that distinguishes one
business from other similar firms. A mission
statement identifies the scope of a firm‟s
operations in product and market terms.”
The mission statement of an organization is normally
short, to the point, and contains the following


Provides a concise statement of

why the

organization exists, and what it is to achieve;

States the purpose and identity

of the organization;

Defines the institution's values and philosophy;

1. What is the basic purpose of your organization?
2. What is unique about your organization?
3. What is in your company that will make it stand
out in a crowd?
4. Who are, and who shouldbe,
your principal customers?
5. What are the basic beliefs,
values and philosophical priorities of your
Components of mission statement

1. Product or service
2. Customers
3. Technology
4. Survival, growth & profitability
5. Company philosophy
6. Public image
7. employees
1) Product or service
Invariably includes mention of the product or
service the company offers to customers.
2) customers
Information in the mission statement
describes the profiles of customers and the
organization it services.
3) Technology
Components of the mission statement
generally refers to means of
production, operations and organizational
It include elements such as
equipments, materials, techniques, processes
4) survival, growth and profitability
make a general reference to the
company‟s survival and healthy functioning,
which include growth and profitability.
5) Company philosophy :
It reflects the basic
believes, values, aspirations and ethical
priorities of company that guide the employee
in conditioning organizational function.
6) Public image :
elements of the company deals with how the
company wishes to be viewed by external
To create a positive public image, the mission
statement could explicitly refers to the
responsiveness of the company to concerns
about the company and the society
7) Employees:
To develop a public image a company could
include concerns for recognition of the value of
employees in the statement
Need for an explicit mission
To ensure unanimity of purpose within the
To provide a basis for motivating the use of the
organizations resources.
To develop a basis, or standard, for allocating
organizational resources.
To establish a general tone or
To serve as a focal point for those who can
identify with the organization‟s purpose and
Driving in a wireless world
Vodafone is primarily a user of technology rather
than a developer of it, and this fact is reflected in
the emphasis of our work programme on enabling
new applications of mobile communications, using
new technology for new services, research for
improving operational efficiency and quality of our
networks, and providing technology vision and
leadership that can contribute directly to business
A Vision statement describes what
the organization would like to

A Mission statement describes what the

organization is now.

“What the company is providing to society?”

Example Mission Statements

1.Wal-Mart "To give ordinary folk the chance to

buy the same thing as rich people."
2.Mary Kay Cosmetics "To give unlimited
opportunity to women."

3.3M "To solve unsolved problems innovatively"

4.Google's mission is “to organize the world's
information and make it universally accessible
and useful.”
Diffrence b/w vision and
Mission Statement Vision Statement
A Mission statement talks about HOW you A Vision statement outlines WHERE you want to be.
will get to where you want to be. Defines Communicates both the purpose and values of your
About the purpose and primary objectives related business.
to your customer needs and team values.

It answers the question, “What do we do? It answers the question, “Where do we aim to be?”
What makes us different?”

A mission statement talks about the A vision statement talks about your future.
Time present leading to its future.

It lists the broad goals for which the It lists where you see yourself some years from now. It
organization is formed. Its prime function inspires you to give your best. It shapes your
is internal; to define the key measure or understanding of why you are working here.
Function measures of the organization's success
and its prime audience is the leadership,
team and stockholders.

Your mission statement may change, but it As your organization evolves, you might feel tempted to
should still tie back to your core values, change your vision. However, mission or vision
Change customer needs and vision. statements explain your organization's foundation, so
change should be kept to a minimum.
What do we do today? For Where do we want to be going forward? When
whom do we do it? What is the do we want to reach that stage? How do we
benefit? In other words, Why we want to do it?
Developing a do what we do? What, For
statement Whom and Why?

Purpose and values of the Clarity and lack of ambiguity: Describing a

organization: Who are the bright future (hope); Memorable and engaging
organization's primary "clients" expression; realistic aspirations, achievable;
(stakeholders)? What are the alignment with organizational values and
responsibilities of the culture
Features of an organization towards the
effective statement clients?
Nine Essential Components of a
Mission Statement
1. Customers: Who are the firm’s customers?
2. Products or services: What are the firm’s major
products or services?
3. Markets: Geographically, where does the firm
4. Technology: Is the firm technologically current?
5. Concern for survival, growth, and profitability: Is
the firm committed to growth and financial
Nine Essential Components of a
Mission Statement
6. Philosophy: What are the basic beliefs, values,
aspirations, and ethical priorities of the firm?
7. Self-concept: What is the firm’s distinctive
competence or major competitive advantage?
8. Concern for public image: Is the firm responsive social,
community, and environmental concerns?
9. Concern for employees: Are employees a valuable
asset of the firm?
Evaluating Mission Statements
 Evaluation Matrix
 To determine whether a component is satisfactorily
included in a mission statement, ask yourself:
 Does the mission statement answer the key question associated
with this component?
 Can I/we communicate this component better?
 Simple inclusion of the word customers or employees or
technology is not adequately informative or inspiring.
 Other criteria - clear, informative, inspiring, less than or
equal to 200 words.
 Developing a mission statement is not a once-and-for all
PepsiCo Mission Statement

PepsiCo’s mission is to increase the value of our

shareholders’ investment. We do this through
sales growth, cost controls, and wise
investment resources. We believe our
commercial success depends upon offering
quality and value to our consumers and
customers; providing products that are safe,
wholesome, economically efficient and
environmentally sound; and providing a fair
return to our investors while adhering to the
highest standards of integrity.
Evaluation Matrix of Mission Statements

Concern for
Products Growth,
Organization Customers Services Markets Profitability Technology

PepsiCo Yes No No Yes No

Evaluation Matrix of Mission


Self- Concern for Concern for

Organization Philosophy Concept Public Image Employees

PepsiCo Yes No No No
Mission Statements

Mission Statement:

 Enduring statement of purpose

 Distinguishes one organization from
another in similar enterprises
 Declaration of an organization’s “reason
for being”
Mission Statements

Mission Statements

 Reveal what an organization wants to be

and whom it wants to serve
 Essential for effectively establishing
objectives and formulating strategies

Mission Characteristics

Effective mission statements:

• Broad in scope
• Generate range of feasible strategic
• Not excessively specific
• Reconcile interests among diverse
Mission Components

1. Customers
2. Products or services
3. Markets
4. Technology
5. Survival, growth, and profitability
6. Philosophy
7. Self-concept
8. Concern for public image
9. Concern for employees


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