Philippine Fisheries Code

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Philippine Fisheries Code of


Republic Act No. 8550

Chapters and Articles of the Code

 Chapter 1 – Declaration of Policy and Definitions

 Chapter 2 – Utilization, Management, Development, Conservation and Allocation System
of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
 Article 1, Municipal Fisheries
 Article 2, Commercial Fisheries
 Article 3, Aquaculture
 Article 4, Post-harvest facilities, Activities and Trades
 Chapter 3 – reconstitution of the BFAR and creation of FARMCs
 Article 1, BFAR
 Article 2, FARMCs
 Chapter 4 – Fishery Reserve, Refuge and Sanctuaries
 Chapter 5 – Fisheries Research and Development
 Chapter 6 – Prohibitions and Penalties
Relevant Provisions - Chapter 1

Declaration of Policy and Definitions

Scope of Application of the Code

All Philippine waters including other waters which the

Philippines has sovereignty and jurisdiction
Exclusive Economic Zone
All aquatic and fishery resources
All lands devoted to aquaculture, or business and
activities relating to fishery
Objectives of the Fishery Sector

1. Conservation, protection and sustained management of the

country’s fishery and aquatic resources
2. Poverty alleviation and the provision of supplementary
livelihood among municipal fisher folk
3. Improvement of productivity of aquaculture within
ecological limits
4. Optimal utilization of offshore and deep-sea resources
5. Upgrading of post-harvest technology
Relevant Provisions - Chapter 2

Utilization, Management, Development, Conservation and Allocation System of Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources
Who are Given Section 5 of the Code provides that “the
use and exploitation of the Fishery and
Access fishery and Aquatic resources in the Philippine Waters
aquatic resources? shall be reserved exclusively to Filipinos
Establishment of a Closed Season

 A closed season is a period when the taking of specified

fishery species by a specified fishing gear or specific fisheries
activities is prohibited in a specified area in Philippine Waters
 The Secretary may declare a closed season through public
 The LGUs in consultation with FARMC for conservation
Municipal Waters, Commercial
Fishing, and Aquaculture

Articles 1-3 under Chapter 2

Streams, lakes, and inland bodies of
waters within the municipality;
and marine waters included between
What are Municipal two lines drawn perpendicular to the
general coastline from points where the
Waters? boundary lines of the municipality touch
the seas at low tide and a third line
parallel with the general coastline
including offshore islands and 15
kilometers from such coastline
Jurisdiction over Municipal Waters

 The city or municipality government has jurisdiction over

municipal waters
 They are responsible to do the following:
1. Manage, conserve, develop, and protect fishery and
aquatic resources
2. Enact a municipal fisheries ordinance
3. Enforce all fishery laws, rules and regulations, and
Users of Municipal Waters

In general, municipal fisher folk and their

cooperatives/organization may be the users of
Municipal Waters
The municipal or city government however may
allow small and medium commercial fishing
vessels to operate within the area
What is Commercial The taking of fishery species by passive of
active gear for trade, business and profit
Fishing? beyond subsistence or sports fishing
Persons Eligible for Commercial Fishing

 No commercial fishing vessel license shall be issued except

to citizens of the Philippines, partnerships or to associations,
cooperatives or corporations duly registered in the
Philippines at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital stock of
which is owned by Filipino citizens.
 No person to whom a license has been issued shall sell,
transfer or assign, directly or indirectly, his stock or interest
therein to any person not qualified to hold a license
fishery operations involving all forms of
What is raising and culturing fish and other fishery
species in fresh, brackish and marine
Aquaculture? water areas

Articles 1-2 under Chapter 3

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

 Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) is hereby

reconstituted as a line bureau under the Department of Agriculture
 The functions of BFAR are enumerated in Section 65 of the Fisheries
 As a line bureau, the BFAR shall be headed by a Director and
assisted by two (2) Assistant Directors
 BFAR can establish regional, provincial and municipal offices as
may be appropriate
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Management Councils

 FARMCs shall be established in the national level and in all

municipalities/cities abutting municipal waters
 FARMCs shall be formed by fisherfolk organizations/cooperatives
and NGOs in the locality and be assisted by the LGUs and other
government entities
 There are National Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
Council (NFARMC), Municipal/City Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Management Councils (M/CFARMCs), Integrated Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources Management Councils (IFARMCs)
Fisheries Research and

Chapter 5
National Fisheries Research and
Development Institute

 Under Section 82, in recognition of the importaten role of
fisheries research in the development, management,
conservation, and protection of the country’s fisheries and
aquatic resources, the NFRDI was created.
 Also referred as The Institute
 Primary research arm of BFAR

Chapter 6, Secs. 86 - 128

Enumeration of the Prohibitions

 Fishing in Fishery Reserves, Refuge and Sanctuaries (Sec. 96)

 Unauthorized Fishing or Engaging in Other Unauthorized
Fisheries Activities (Sec. 86)  Fishing Or Taking of Rare, Threatened or Enangered Species
(Sec. 97)
 Poaching in Philippine Waters (Sec. 87)
 Capture of Sabalo and Other Breeders/Spawners (Sec. 98)
 Fishing Through Explosives, Noxious or Poisonous Substance,
and/or Electricity (Sec. 88)  Exportation of Breeders, Spawners, Eggs or Fry (Sec. 99)
 Use of Fine Mesh Net (Sec. 89)  Importation or Exportation of Fish or Fishery Species (Sec. 100)
 Use of Active Gear in the Municipal Waters and Bays and  Violation of Catch Ceilings (Sec. 101)
Other Fishery Management Areas (Sec. 90)
 Aquatic Pollution (Sec. 102)
 Ban on Coral Exploitation and Exportation (Sec. 91)
 Commercial Fishing Vessel Operators Employing Unlicensed
 Ban on Muro-Ami Other Methods and Gear Destructive to Fisherfolk or Fishworker or Crew (Sec. 104)
Coral Reefs and Other Marine Habitat (Sec. 92)
 Obstruction of Defined Migration Paths (Sec. 105)
 Illegal Use of Superlights (Sec. 93)
 Obstruction to Fishery Law Enforcement Officer (Sec. 106)
 Conversion of Mangroves (Sec. 94)
 Promulgation of Administrative Orders (Sec. 107)
 Fishing in Overfished Area and During Closed Season (Sec. 95)

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