Metrology: "Fixed and Deviation Type Gauges"
Metrology: "Fixed and Deviation Type Gauges"
Metrology: "Fixed and Deviation Type Gauges"
IE 225
“Fixed and Deviation Type Gauges”
almomani@2010-Metrology 1
• Some times it is not necessary to know the exact dimensions of a part, and
it is enough to know if the dimensions are within the established limits.
• There are some attribute –type instrument that are designed to check
limits satisfaction called gauges.
• Gauges are designed to gauge only one dimension and indicate whether it
is larger or smaller than a previously established standard.
• Gauges do not determine how much larger or smaller the measured
dimension is than the standard.
• They are relatively inexpensive and easy to use.
almomani@2010-Metrology 2
Plug Gauges
o It is one of the most common type of gauges.
o They are accurately ground cylinders, held in a
o It is used to gauge internal dimension such as holes.
o The plug gauges that are used for cylindrical holes
are two types:
Plain plug gauge having go member on
I. Plain plug gauge one end and not-to go member on the
II. Step-type go, not go gauges other
Min = A
Using plug gauge (GO)
Step 1: to check for the minimum allowable diameter
This is performed using the GO gauge
d1 is made to the desired minimum allowable diameter for the hole in the work
If d1 > d*: the plug gauge will not go inside the hole
Then, the hole is smaller than what it should be. (The component is rejected)
If d1 < d*: the plug gauge will go inside the hole
Then, the hole is larger than its minimum allowable diameter. (GOOD)
Using plug gauges (NOT GO)
Step 2: to check for the maximum allowable diameter
This is performed using the NOT GO gauge
Plug gauge
Work piece d** (NOT GO) d2
d2 is made to the desired maximum allowable diameter for the hole in the
work piece
If d2 > d**: the plug gauge will not go inside the hole
Then, the hole is smaller than its maximum allowable diameter. (GOOD)
Taper plug gauges
• There is a pair of marks etched at the
proper pre-calibrated location.
• The tapered hole is too large if both marks
on the gauge sink down out of sight.
• The tapered hole is too small if both marks
are visible
Taper plug gauges
Method for checking a tapered hole with a plug gauge. If first gauge
mark enters hole, but second not, taper is correct.
Flat plug gauges
This gauge with “go” and “not-go”
members designed to check the widths of
slots, grooves, and channels.
Thickness or feeler gauge
It is used to measure the clearance
between two parts.
Feeler gauge sets contain a fan of
blades or leaves differing from one
another by one thousands or several Typical feeler gauge set which
has blades of various
thousands in thickness. thicknesses
Thickness or feeler gauge
(a) (b)
(*) Wiggle: to move back and forth with quick irregular motion
(**) These conditions may be difficult to distinguish with plug gauge
Limitation on using the plug gauge
(a) (b)
(a) Various hole conditions which may be difficult to distinguish with plug gauge (b) Out –of round hole
If the taper is slight, and if the plug and hole size are close to each other, there can
be some doubt as to the inspector ability to discover the defects.
Limitation on using the plug gauge: Bell
mouth defect
• A flared (expand or open outward)
mouth on a pipe opening.
• It is a defect which occurs during metal
drilling where a twist drill produces a
hole that is not a perfect circle.
Bell mouth defect
Ring gauges
(a) (b) (c)
(a) Go and no-go ring gauge (b) Ring gauge (c) Close-up shot of a diamond-pattern
knurling on a cylindrical work piece.
The ring gauges are used to check the over all outside diameter
of a work-piece
Ring gauges
• The mating part principle was used traditionally to ensure the
correct fitting of the machined shaft and its corresponding
• Ring gauges used the same mating part principle, but they
own advantages that make them more preferable.
• Advantages of using ring gauge:
– More accurate and reliable.
– Made to precise tested sizes.
– Have hardened surfaces, which decelerate the wear rate.
Ring gauges - disadvantages
(a) Ovality in the shape of the work piece cannot be detected by a ring gauge.
(b) Excessive taper in a work piece can be detected by a ring gauge.
• They will accept out-of-round work without a qualm provided the largest
diameter of the piece is within bounds, although such work may not help
to make a satisfactory assembled product.
• The work must be taken out of the machine, and be deburred before an
effective check can be made.
Snap gauges
Snap gauges are the most common type of gauges for
measuring external dimension.
Various type of gauges are available in industry:
o Single purpose snap gauge
o Double end snap gauge
o Progressive snap gauge
These gauges offer two steps of measurement:
o Go
o Not-go
Snap gauge
Various types of snap gauges (a) single purpose snap gauge, (b) double-end snap
gauge, (c) progressive snap gauge
Work that is within specifications must go in “go” section of the gauge, but it
must not go in the “not-go” section.
Incorrect use of the snap ring
Incorrect use:
slide the snap gauge over the work.
Analogy for the improper use: slipping the claws
of a carpenter’s hammer over the shank of a nail
that you want to pull.
In using the snap gauge, we should always Using the carpenter’s hammer
to pull out the nail
remember the concept of the reference point
and the measured point.
Using the snap gauges
Rest the upper anvil as a reference point
on the work piece, and then swing the
gauge, the upper anvil acting as a hinge or
pivot and measure with the lower anvil as
shown in (a).
The complete and true check is considered
technically completed when the anvils
cover the true diameter of the work piece
equally as shown in (b).
True measurement may not be obtained
where one anvil has not brought up fully,
as in (a), or an equal error may be made
where one anvil of the gauge is pushed too Method of applying snap gauge to work-piece, (a)
far as in (c). first step, (b) second step, (c) result of pushing the
The plane of the gauge should be, gauge too far to the work, and (d) correct
measurement is a long line d, not along line e.
perpendicular to the center line of the work,
as in the manner shown at (d).
almomani@2010-Metrology 28
Checking the setting of the snap gauges
Tools required:
Two sets of precision gauge blocks:
I. First set for the prescribed
“not-go” limit of the gauge.
II. Second set for the “go”
Stepped shaft
• Most parts and products are designed with rounded edges and with corners filled
in. WHY?
• Some design for appearance.
• For technical reasons, i.e. in stepped shaft design it is always desirable to have
fillets wherever change in diameter is needed. Sharp edges act as a stress
concentrators and reduce the fatigue life of the rotating shaft.
• Sharp edges become readily nicked and broken.
Radius and template gauges
• Rounded outer edges enable rough handling
of the piece without getting nicked or burred.
• Another example in connection with fillets is
the common fact that the sharp corners or
edges of cutting tools and wheels wear off
Radius and template gauge
• The tools that are used for checking
the radii and fillets.
• Commercial radius gauges consists
of a series of thin steel sheet or
leaves, which are used to check the Radius gauge set for checking both
internal and external radii
Radius gauges
Radius gauge
Use of radius gauge to check various radii found on the work piece
Template gauge
• A pattern or gauge, such as a thin
metal plate with a cut pattern, used as
a guide in making something
accurately, as in woodworking or the
carving of architectural profiles.
• Template gauges are not confined to
small sizes.
This profile or contour gauge can
• Inspectors in aircraft work are familiar make life easier when cutting lines
around difficult shapes
with the man-size sheets of metal with
carefully calculated curvatures profiled
in them to check the contours of wing
surfaces, etc.
Flush pin gauges
• These are practically always single-purpose gauges designed
for control of a particular dimension on a particular
• They are used for gauging work produced in continuing
operations, mass production, or where patches of the same
sort of part are made every so often.
• Flush-pin gauges have one moving part and are used to gauge
the depth of shoulders .
Flush pin gauge Step pin
Dimension to be
Work piece
A type of flush pin gauge being used to check the height of step
• The main section is placed on the higher of the two surfaces with
the movable pin resting on the lower surface.
• If the depth between the two surfaces is sufficient but not too
great, the top of the pin, but not the lower step, will be slightly
above the top surface of the gauge body.
• If the depth is too great, the top of the pin will be below the
surface. 38
Flush pin gauge
Flush pin gauge
Step pin
Dimension to be
Flush pin gauge gauged
Work piece
a Top surface of the gauge body
b Top (upper step) of the gauge pin
c Lower step of the gauge pin
Case (1): if d is within specification, sufficient but not too great, b >a &a≈c
Case (2): if d is too large, b<a
Case (3): if d is not great enough, c >a
Fixed and deviation type gauges
Deviation type gauge
• Those type of gauges determine the amount by
which a measured part deviate, plus or minus, from a
standard dimension to which instrument has been
• The comparators are often calibrated against
standards such as gauge blocks.
• In most cases, the deviation is indicated directly in
units of measurement.
• In some cases, the deviation is within a permissible
(allowable) range.
Deviation type gauges
• These gauges employ mechanical, electrical, or fluid
amplification techniques so that very small linear
deviations can be detected.
• These instruments try to reduce the friction that is such a
problem for the dial indicators.
• Deviation type gauges are available in a variety of
amplifications and sizes.
High amplification mechanical comparator
• Mechanical comparators
• It works on the same principle as dial indicator.
• It is used for taking accurate linear measurements by
comparison with a standard.
• Components:
– Base
– Column
– Adjusting devices
– Gauging head
Mechanical comparator
As the plunger is depressed, it causes the strip to stretch. As the twisted strip is
stretched, it changes the angle of the pointer, and thus the indicated deflection.
High amplification mechanical comparators
High amplification dial indicator
• The most commonly used dial
indicator are graduated, for reading in
0.02 mm (0.001”) and 0.002 mm
• HADI is graduated so that each
divisions equals 0.0005mm (0.00002”).
High amplification dial
indicators (HADL) 46
Mechanical comparator – cont’d
• Any dimensional variations between the part being
measured and the standard against which the
instrument is set is shown on a magnified scale.
• The scale is graduated with a plus or minus inch or
metric units of measurement.
Electric comparator
Electrical Comparator operates on the Principal of the Change of Inductance of a coil by movement of a steel armature,
which is moved by a plunger arrangement in contact with the surface to be checked.
Advantages of electric comparator:
work I. Fast
II. Accurate to 0.003 mm (0.0001”)
Too small
tolerance III. Used in automatic inspection and
control, example micro-switches
comparator for die casting
Pneumatic comparators
• It is a technique of measuring lengths and diameters have
been developed using controlled air pressure as an
amplifying medium.
Pneumatic comparators
• Correlate the flow of air between the faces of the
jets in the gauging head and the work piece.
• The clearance between the gauging and the work
piece controls both the velocity and the pressure of
• The larger the clearance (work piece is much larger
than the gauging head), the greater the velocity and
the lower the back pressure.
• The smaller the clearance, the slower the velocity
and the greater the back pressure.
Pneumatic comparator, flow type
- the float height is essentially proportional to the air that escapes from the gauge head
- a pressure bleed off valve allows changes to the base level for offset
Pneumatic comparators, How does it
• Stage 1 (calibration):
– Place a setting master gauge (1) over the gauging
– Employ compressed air.
– Adjust the pneumatic comparator pointer
(needle) to read zero.
• Stage 2 (measurement):
– Any variation between the size of the master
gauge and the part causes a change in the zero
(1) A measuring device of a standard size that is used to calibrate other measuring instruments. 54
Pneumatic comparators advantages
Simple operation
Relatively low cost
Non-scratching, even of the finest or softest
Low gauge wear.
Minimum skill required.