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Financial Management

Safe Harbor Statement

The following is intended to outline our general

product direction. It is intended for information
purposes only, and may not be incorporated into
any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any
material, code, or functionality, and should not be
relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The
development, release, and timing of any features
or functionality described for Oracle’s products
remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
Solutions Mapped to Key Metrics






SRM    
CRM     
Supply Chain Planning   
ALM   
EPM      
Lean Manufacturing     
Distribution    
HCM   
Financial Management      
Demand-Driven Manufacturing
EnterpriseOne Financial Management
Financial Management Integration
General Accounts Accounts Benefits of
Ledger Receivable Payable Integration

• Reduce
implementation time
Fixed Asset
Accounting • Eliminate errors
associated with re-
Project Integration Procurement
Costing keying data
(Job Cost)
• Lower costs
Change Contract
Management Management associated with
maintenance, and
Advanced administration
Manufacturing Sales Order Maintenance
Accounting Management Management
Financial Management Overview
• Centralized Entity • Customer/Supplier
Definition & Maintenance Masters
• Line of Business Details • Data Privacy
• Organization Structures • Budgeting/Planning
• Chart(s) of Accounts • Multicurrency
• Financial Reporting • Consolidations
• Compliance
Accts Receivable Accts Payable Adv Cost Acct
• Customer Mgt • Vendor Mgt • Direct Cost
• Invoicing • Vouchers Capture
• Credit & • Payment • Indirect Cost
Collections Processing Assignments
• Netting • Bank/Cash Mgt • Profit Analysis
Organizational Structure
Domestic Company Holding Company • Fiscal Date Pattern
• Base Currency
• Balancing Entity
New York Bicycle Chicago Bike Marketing Administrative
Supplies Warehouse Parts Warehouse Division Division
Business Units:
• Belong to a Company
Business Unit Chart of Accts • Own the Chart of Accts
Category Codes
5000 Revenues
• 30+ Category Codes for
Region Eastern 5005 Sales-Product A Grouping & Reports
Division Central 5200 Sales-Other
Product Parts 6000 Direct Costs
6010 Cost of Sales
Accounts: Acct Category • Store Transactions and
Codes Balances
• Object + Subsidiary or Stat Acct 4200
Chart Fields (Flex Format) Type SG&A • Examples: Actual, Budget,
• Can Have Many Charts
Corp Acct 4210 Consolidation, Alternate
Currency, Units, etc.
• 43+ Category Codes for
Grouping & Reports
EnterpriseOne FMS Differentiators:
User Configurability Ease of Change
Category Codes Company A Company B
• Attached to all master data (Address Book,
Business Unit, Accts, Item, etc.)
• Allow users to configure purpose and values for Business Business Business
reporting and ease of maintenance Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 3
• Can be globally updated
EXAMPLE: Changes to regional rollup does not
require reclassification entries • Data Structure: allows for easy
reorganization (move business unit from one
Subledger company to another, change fiscal dates,
• Allows users to cross reference activity to change base or reporting currency)
something else in the system or a user defined • Account ID: users can completely revamp
value the structure or rollup of their chart of
• Provides additional dimensions without accounts without losing history
increasing chart of accounts
• Category Codes: give users a means to
• Populated manually or through subsystems
organize their data at the master level
• Can optionally be stored as GL balances
EXAMPLE: Expenses paid to a vendor can be
• Processing Options: user configurable
tracked by employee address book number rules that can be changed as needed
Accounts Payable
Why Accounts Payable Matters
Impact of Accounts Payable
Satisfied Suppliers Hard Dollar Savings

 Paying suppliers on-time and  Discounts average 0.8% if

accurately fosters supportive payment is remitted within
supplier relationships 10 days
 Suppliers can have a direct and  For a company with $1.5
positive impact on: billion in annual supplier
Improved purchases this equates to
 Product quality
 Product innovation
Cash $12 million in savings
 Product delivery Flow
Accounts Payable Challenges
 Complex,
payment terms

 Time-consuming
and expensive

 Controlling cash
Complex, Supplier–Specific
Payment Terms
 Complex,
payment terms
2/15, net 45

 Time-consuming
2/10, net 30 £
$ Checks € EFT

and expensive $
US tax codes EFT ¥
invoice Checks
processing NAFTA Bank drafts
2/10, net 30
1/10, net 60
 Controlling cash
Time-Consuming and Expensive Invoice
 Complex,
Processing Costs per AP Invoice
payment terms $8.50
Potential annual
savings of
for a company
 Time-consuming Payment processing 180,000
and expensive invoices

invoice Reconciliation
Data Entry
 Controlling cash
Manual Electronic

Source: Gartner Research

Controlling Cash Flow
 Complex, Balancing
supplier-specific payments, discounts, and
payment terms cash on hand

Available cash
 Time-consuming Discounts

and expensive
invoice 1/10, net 30
processing Payment due

 Controlling cash Prepayment

Amount due upon
Accounts Payable Opportunities
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Accounts Payable Results
Strengthen Supplier • Improve supplier
Relationships responsiveness

Streamline Invoice • Save time

Processing • Save money

Manage Cash Effectively • Optimize cash

EnterpriseOne Accounts
Payable Benefit
Strengthen Supplier Relationships

1. Support multiple payment formats

2. Honor unique supplier terms and conditions

3. Provide supplier self-service functionality

Strengthen Supplier Relationships
1. Support multiple payment formats
Benefits of
flexible payment
• Honor supplier-
EFT EFT specific preferences

• Incorporate currency
Check and language
Bank • Pay each supplier
Draft uniquely
• Improve supplier
Strengthen Supplier Relationships
2. Honor unique supplier terms and conditions

Supplier A Supplier B Benefits of honoring

Billing Address: Seattle, WA Billing Address: Mexico City, Mexico terms and conditions:
Payment Type: EFT Payment Type: Draft
• Recognize and satisfy
Terms: 2/10, net 30 Terms: 2/15, net 60
Tax ID: 14-5523-64 Tax ID: 38-59356-00
Currency: US dollar Currency: Mexican peso

Notes: Monthly prepayments Notes: Payment to parent account • Build and maintain
efficient, personalized
Supplier C Supplier D supplier partnerships
Billing Address: New York, NY Billing Address: London, UK

Payment Type: EFT Payment Type: EFT

Terms: 2/10, net 30 Terms: 2/10, net 60

Tax ID: 09-574924-1 Tax ID: 32-57483-1

Currency: US dollar Currency: British pound

Notes: EFT on 3rd day of month Notes: Recurring invoice

Strengthen Supplier Relationships
3. Provide supplier self-service functionality

Benefits of supplier
Supplier name self-service:

Open amount • Save time for suppliers

• Facilitate online
Due date resolution issues within
the AP system
Invoice numbers • Improve
• Improve supplier
access to account
EnterpriseOne Accounts
Payable Benefit
Streamline Invoice Processing

1. Leverage automatic processing

2. Support multicurrency and multiple language needs

3. Proactively examine duplicate invoices

Streamline Invoice Processing
1. Leverage automatic processing

Invoice #741 Benefits of

Supplier ID: VA249674 automated
Product: Campo bolts processing:
Amount: 150 boxes
• Save money and time

Payment • Ensure maximum

discounts are applied at
all times
$3.44 • Improve accuracy via
automatic calculation
Data Entry
and application of taxes
and discounts

Source: Gartner Research Manual Electronic

Streamline Invoice Processing
2. Support multicurrency and multiple language needs
Supplier: Beste Maschinenc Teile
Erste Strabe 43 Benefits of
Wurtzburg, Germany
Bank: Erste Vereinigle Bank global features:
Tax ID: 42-60013-D
Payment Instrument: Banks check
Payment terms: 2/10, net 60
Comments to include with
• Incorporate currency,
remittance: Vollstandig gezahlt language, and tax
authority preferences
• Improve
Supplier: El Terminal Corp. Supplier: Erella I Pezzi Meccanici
Plaza de 4 Centrales Un Vicolo Della S4 Vie • Work seamlessly
DF, Mexico Roma, Italia
Bank: Primer Banco de la Bank: La Prima Banca across geographies to
Tax ID:
24-5624-8 Tax ID: 30-10134-2
address specific
Payment Instrument: Cheque de Payment Instrument: Controllo dit supplier needs
banco serie
Payment terms: 1/10, net 30 Payment terms: 1/10, net 30
Comments to include with Comments to include with
remittance: Paguado por remittance: Pagato completamente
Streamline Invoice Processing
3. Proactively examine duplicate invoices

Benefits of
• Quickly resolve and
reduce confusion
duplicate invoices
• Improve monitoring
and control
• Help prevent future
duplicate payments
EnterpriseOne Accounts
Payable Benefit
Manage Cash Effectively

1. Consider multiple variables before authorizing


2. Customize control and payment of each invoice

3. Gain real-time access to supplier information

Manage Cash Effectively
1. Consider multiple variables before authorizing

Discount no
Benefits of
Pay later
offered? considering multiple
• Take maximum
Balance > $5000
Pay later advantage of supplier
< $5000 • Support effective cash
Cash on no
Pay later • Meet suppliers’ terms
and conditions

Pay now
Manage Cash Effectively
2. Customize control and payment of each invoice

Customized Payment Options Benefits of custom

Payment Terms Payment Status
• Due upon receipt • Approved • Facilitate accurate
• Fixed • Hold pending approval payments
• Net • Paid in full
• Proximate date • Retainage • Ensure control
• Split • Withholding tax and efficiency in
• Payment in process AP processing
Payment Instrument Payment Types
• EDI • Standard vouchers
• Check • Split payment
• Draft • Setup recurring
• Print check • Modify and delete entries
• EFT • Assign alternate payee
Manage Cash Effectively
3. Gain real-time access to supplier information

Benefits of real-time
Supplier transaction history: information:

•Open amounts • Leverage purchasing

•Invoice, account, and PO power
•Payment history & status • Access timely and
•Voucher detail accurate information
on cash flow, aging,
and discount
Supplier opportunities
Feature and Functionality
Strengthen Supplier Relationships
• Multiple payment methods
and terms
• Multinational currency
• Side-by-side currency
• Online supplier ledger inquiry
• 1099 coding
• Supplier master information
Feature and Functionality Highlights
Streamline Invoice Processing
• Multiple payment methods and • Manual payment processing with or
terms without matching
• Multinational currency processing • Batch upload
• Side-by-side currency comparison
• Online supplier ledger inquiry
• 1099 coding
• Supplier master information
• Multiple voucher entry method
• Duplicate invoice detection
• Duplicate invoice notification
• Multiple language correspondence
• Invoice logging
• VAT, GST, and withholding tax
Feature and Functionality Highlights
Manage Cash Effectively
• Multiple payment methods and • Manual payment processing with or
terms without matching
• Multinational currency processing • Batch upload
• Side-by-side currency comparison • Multiple cash or bank accounts
• Online supplier ledger inquiry • Third-party payee
• 1099 coding • Split and partial payments
• Supplier master information • Supplier totals by general ledger
• Multiple voucher entry method numbers
• Duplicate invoice detection
• Duplicate invoice notification
• Multiple language correspondence
• Invoice logging
• VAT, GST, and withholding tax
Feature and Functionality Highlights
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable
• Multiple payment methods and • Manual payment processing with or
terms without matching
• Multinational currency processing • Batch upload
• Side-by-side currency comparison • Multiple cash or bank accounts
• Online supplier ledger inquiry • Third-party payee
• 1099 coding • Split and partial payments
• Supplier master information • Supplier totals by general ledger
• Multiple voucher entry method numbers
• Duplicate invoice detection
• Duplicate invoice notification
• Multiple language correspondence
• Invoice logging
• VAT, GST, and withholding tax
EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable
Complete Integrated Flexible
• Complete and pre- • Pre-configured, • Business process
integrated set of pre-integrated for changes with no
modular rapid, predictable additional
applications deployment programming
• Built-in industry • Easy to maintain • Scalable to meet
specific functionality and operate with growing operations
minimal IT staff
• Real-time analytics • Modular deployment
and reporting • Integrated user
experience across
applications and
minimizes training
Accounts Receivable
November 2005
Why Accounts Receivable matters
Impact of Accounts Receivable
Customer Relationship
• Process customer invoices
and payments accurately and Customer
in a timely manner
• Recognize customer-specific
processing requests
• Manage customer accounts
across multiple Cash Flow
lines of business
• Minimize impact of damaged • Promptly and accurately
goods, late deliveries, other Credit Cash record cash receipts
• Accurately calculate and
errors Risk Flow apply taxes
and deductions

Credit Risk
• Evaluate credit worthiness rapidly
• Establish appropriate credit limits
Accounts Receivable Challenges
 Complex,

 Time-consuming
and inaccurate
invoice, receipt,
and deduction

 Ineffective credit
extension and
cash flow policies
Complex, customer–specific processing
 Complex,
requirements EFT
CAN$ 2/10, net 30

 Time-consuming $ Checks EURO

and inaccurate US tax codes EFT ¥

Checks EFT 2/15, net 45
invoice, receipt,
and deduction NAFTA peso Bank drafts
2/10, net 30
processing 1/10, net 60 EFT

 Ineffective credit
extension and
cash flow policies
Time Consuming and Inaccurate
 Complex, Invoice Processing
processing Average Cost Average Time
requirements to Process to Process
Manual Invoice Manual Invoice

 Time-consuming 15 minutes
and inaccurate
invoice, receipt, $12.25
6 minutes
and deduction $6
? ?
 Ineffective credit Manual Automated Manual Automated
extension and
cash flow policies
Ineffective use of credit and cash flow
 Complex,
processing Can you effectively balance
requirements cash flow and credit risk?
Cash Flow:
• Collection
 Time-consuming efforts?
and inaccurate • Account
invoice, receipt, • Recognition
and deduction of receipt?

processing Credit Risk:

• Credit worthiness?
• Credit limits?
• Credit extensions?
 Ineffective credit • Late payment
extension and • Fees, notifications?
cash flow policies
Accounts Receivable Opportunities
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Accounts Receivable Results
Manage Customer • Strengthen
Accounts Effectively customer

Streamline Invoice, Receipt, • Save time

and Deduction Processing • Save money

Balance Cash Flow and • Optimize cash flow

Credit Risk • Minimize credit risk
EnterpriseOne Accounts
Receivable Benefit
Manage Customer Accounts Effectively

1. Establish customer-specific preferences

2. Track and analyze customer payment history

3. Support line-of-business processing

Manage Customer Accounts Effectively
1. Establish customer-specific preferences

Customer A Customer B Benefits of

Billing Address: Seattle, WA Billing Address: Mexico City, Establishing
Payment Type: EFT Payment Type: Draft preferences:
Terms: 2/10, net 30 Terms: 2/15, net 60
• Work with each
Tax: WA State, City of Seattle Tax: VAT, NAFTA
customer uniquely to
Currency: US dollar Currency: Mexican peso

Notes: Monthly bill Notes: Ship to bill to address

improve relationships
• Honor customer
Customer C Customer D payment, conditions
Billing Address: New York, Billing Address: London, UK and terms preferences
Payment Type: EFT Payment Type: EFT
• Incorporate currency,
Terms: 2/10, net 30 Terms: 2/10, net 60

Tax: NY State, NYC Tax: VAT

language, and tax
Currency: US dollar Currency: British pound
authority preferences
Notes: EFT on 3rd of month Notes: Ship to six warehouses
Manage Customer Accounts Effectively
2. Track and analyze customer payment history

Detailed Payment History Benefits of tracking

payment history:
Customer: Hickens Corp. • Improve ability to
Payment History Details efficiently respond to
credit and collection
Jan 15 1% $2,500
Jan 29 1% $10,000
• Improve customer
Feb 15 na $5,400 Detailed
March 6 na $6,000 payment
history by • Identify and reward
June 14 1% $1,200 customer customers who
June 28 na $2,400 routinely keep their
July 6 1% $6,600 account in good
Oct 8 1% $2,500 standing
Manage Customer Accounts Effectively
3. Support line-of-business processing

Customer #643 Benefits of line of

business processing:

Parent Company • Establish a single

customer number to be
• View by consolidated account used by multiple lines-
• View by individual account of-business (LOB)
• Maintain unique
Line of Line of Line of Line of contract, terms and
Business 1 Business 2 Business 3 Business 4 conditions, and AR
Customer 643 Customer 643 Customer 643 Customer 643 balances at each LOB
Terms & Terms & Terms & Terms &
2/10, net 60
2/10, net 30
5/15, net 30
2/10, net 30
• View consolidated
30 day
30 day
30 day
30 day
customer account
60 day 500 60 day 1,000 60 day 0 60 day 5,000 information at parent
Balance $15,500 Balance $7,000 Balance $25,500 Balance $23,000
Status GOOD Status GOOD Status EXCELLENT Status POOR level
EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable
Streamline Invoice, Receipt, and
Deduction Processing

1. Automatically create an AR record for each sale

2. Calculate discounts and taxes

3. Use AR and AP netting

Streamline Invoice, Receipt, and Deduction
1. Automatically create an AR record for each sale

Sales Order #436 Benefits of

Customer ID: VA249674 automating records:
Product: Hexagon Glue
• Save time by
Amount: 150 units
automating AR records
• Reduce errors resulting
Complete AR record: from manual inputs
Customer name • Promptly record any
Price deduction applied by
Terms & Conditions customer
Bill to information • Control adjustments,
Ship to information write-offs, and charge
Taxes backs
Streamline Invoice, Receipt, and Deduction
2. Calculate discounts and taxes
Benefits of
calculations (discount automatic
and taxes applied) calculations:
• Streamline workflow
• Speed invoice
Company User inputs processing
Quantity User inputs
• Reduce errors resulting
from manual input and
8.5% Automatic taxes
2/10, net 30 Automatic
Streamline Invoice, Receipt, and Deduction
3. Use AR and AP netting

Benefits of AR/AP

• Improve efficiency of
AR/AP netting
Toggle between AR and
AP tabs for instant process
access across
departments • Provide visibility into
critical financial data
• Allow accurate bank
account data via a
single interface

Easily select items for

EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable
Balance Cash Flow and Credit Risk

1. Access real-time payment information

2. Establish user-defined credit and collection policies

3. Accelerate collection efforts

Balance Cash Flow and Credit Risk
1. Access real-time payment information

Capture real-time
AR information Benefits of real-time

• Gain accurate picture of

overall cash flow
• Obtain up-to-date
information for rapid
decision making
• Apply data to cash flow
Apply AR to cash forecasting
flow forecasting
Balance Cash Flow and Credit Risk
2. Establish user-defined credit and collection policies

Customer Classification
Benefits of user-
Platinum Gold Silver defined policies:
Credit limit $1,000,000 $500,000 $250,000 • Recognize and treat
important customers
Payment due 60 days 45 days 30 days in timely and
appropriate manner
Delinquent 75 50 30
notes sent at
• Reflect customer
days days days
status with
appropriate customer
service level
fees 100 60 45
applicable days days days
Balance Cash Flow and Credit Risk
3. Accelerate collection efforts

System Action Result Benefits of improved


Alert sent • Minimize time spent

to user working accounts with
EnterpriseOne minimal results
• Send user-defined,
notice sent to delinquent notices or
• Set predefined customer fees
credit and
collection Proactively • Proactively increase
thresholds Increase your cash flow
• Leverage real- cash flow
time information
Feature and Functionality Highlights

Manage Customer Accounts Effectively

• Business process management
• Multinational currency processing
• Multiple language correspondence
• Customer ledger inquiry
• Enterprise-wide consolidated receivables
• Enterprise-wide customer numbers
• Customer-specific payment and discount terms
• Parent/child account relationships
Feature and Functionality Highlights
Streamline Invoice, Receipt, and Deduction Processing
• Business process management • Charge-back of disputed errors
• Multinational currency processing • Multiple cash application methods
• Multiple language correspondence • VAT on intercompany transfers
• Customer ledger inquiry • Automatic finance charge calculation
• Enterprise-wide consolidated receivables • Automatic interest on invoices
• Enterprise-wide customer numbers • NSF processing
• Customer-specific payment and discount • System-controlled invoice numbers
terms • Recurring payment reminders
• Parent/child account relationships • Bank statement processing
• Multiple voucher entry method • Receipt to general ledger account
• Duplicate invoice notification
• Payment processing
• Customized invoice creation
• Customized statement creation
• Deduction management system
• Rebilling disallowed discounts
• User-defined write-off criteria
Feature and Functionality Highlights
Balance Cash Flow and Credit Risk
• Business process management • Charge-back of disputed errors
• Multinational currency processing • Multiple cash application methods
• Multiple language correspondence • VAT on intercompany transfers
• Customer ledger inquiry • Automatic finance charge calculation
• Enterprise-wide consolidated receivables • Automatic interest on invoices
• Enterprise-wide customer numbers • NSF processing
• Customer-specific payment and discount • System-controlled invoice numbers
terms • Recurring payment reminders
• Parent/child account relationships • Bank statement processing
• Multiple voucher entry method • Receipt to general ledger account
• Duplicate invoice notification • Credit management
• Payment processing • Customized collection process
• Customized invoice creation • Company-specific aging
• Customized statement creation • Detailed online audit trail
• Deduction management system • User-defined algorithms
• Rebilling disallowed discounts • Gain and loss calculation
• User-defined write-off criteria
Feature and Functionality Highlights
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable
• Business process management • Charge-back of disputed errors
• Multinational currency processing • Multiple cash application methods
• Multiple language correspondence • VAT on intercompany transfers
• Customer ledger inquiry • Automatic finance charge calculation
• Enterprise-wide consolidated receivables • Automatic interest on invoices
• Enterprise-wide customer numbers • NSF processing
• Customer-specific payment and discount • System-controlled invoice numbers
terms • Recurring payment reminders
• Parent/child relationships • Bank statement processing
• Multiple voucher entry method • Receipt to general ledger account
• Duplicate invoice notification • Credit management
• Payment processing • Customized collection process
• Customized invoice creation • Company-specific aging
• Customized statement creation • Detailed online audit trail
• Deduction management system • User-defined algorithms
• Rebilling disallowed discounts • Gain and loss calculation
• User-defined write-off criteria
Benefits JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Accounts Receivable
Complete Integrated Flexible
• Complete and pre- • Pre-configured, • No programming
integrated set of pre-integrated for required for business
modular rapid, predictable process changes
applications deployment
• Scalable to meet
• Built-in industry- • Easy to maintain growing operations
specific functionality and operate with
• Modular deployment
minimal IT staff
• Real-time analytics
and reporting • Integrated user
experience across
applications and
processes to
minimize training
Expense Management
Why Expense Management
Corporate Expenses Indirect Spending


Travel and entertainment

Indirect Spending
account for 5% to 20% of
Accounts for 30% to 60%
indirect spending
of corporate expenses
Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2002
Expense Management
 Inaccurate and Challenges

 Time-consuming
and expensive

 Ineffective
preferred supplier
Inaccuracy Caused by Errors
 Inaccurate and
uncontrolled Unintentional Intentional
expenditures Errors Errors
 User error  Fictitious entry
 Time-consuming
and expensive  Late or missing receipts  Mischaracterization
processing  Data entry error  Overstated expenses

 Duplicate entries  Multiple claims

 Ineffective
preferred supplier
Most Common Types of Employee
 Inaccurate and
expenditures 1. Theft of office items

 Time-consuming 2. Claiming extra hours worked

and expensive
manual 3. Inflating expense accounts
4. Taking kickbacks from suppliers

 Ineffective
preferred supplier

Source: Ernst & Young LLP

Time Consuming and Costly Expense
 Inaccurate and
Report Processing
expenditures Average Time to Average Cost to
Enter Expense Report Process Expense
(in minutes) Report
 Time-consuming
and expensive $45
manual 35 to 40
? ?
 Ineffective Manually Automated Manually Automated

preferred supplier

Source: Business Finance Magazine and Aberdeen Group, March 2003

Preferred Supplier Contracts
 Inaccurate and Elements of Effective Preferred
uncontrolled Travel Supplier Contracts
expenditures Visibility
• Frequently used
airlines, rental cars, or
 Time-consuming Visibility • Cities or geographical
regions traveled to
and expensive most?

manual HRMS
processing Enterprise
Enforceability Negotiations

 Ineffective
preferred supplier Negotiations
contracts • Based on accurate,
• Expenses made under
consolidated data?
• Best possible contracts
• Reasons for exceptions?
Expense Management
EnterpriseOne Expense
Management Results
Improve Accuracy and • Adhere to
Control of Employee corporate policies
Reimbursements • Reduce fraud

Streamline Expense • Save time

Processing • Save money

Increase Bargaining Power • Reduce costs

with Preferred Travel • Improve travel-
Suppliers related services
EnterpriseOne Expense
Management Benefit
Improve Accuracy and Control of
Employee Reimbursement

1. Set up multiple expense categories and

reimbursement policies

2. Leverage built-in control features

3. Define unique per diem limits by city, region,

or country
Improved Accuracy and Control of
Employee Reimbursement
1. Set up multiple expense categories and reimbursement

Benefits of Flexible
• Configure expense
rules to support your
reimbursement policy
• Establish multiple
rules to support
different tracking,
managing, and
reporting criteria
Improved Accuracy and Control of
Employee Reimbursement
2. Leverage built-in control features

Benefits of Control

• Enforce flexible and

customizable per diem
• Increase compliance
with corporate expense
policies and limits
Warning for
exceeding per • Limit opportunities for
diem allowance employee fraud
Improved Accuracy and Control of
Employee Reimbursement
3. Define unique per diem limits by city, region, or country

Pacific Northwest New York City

$70/day $105/day Benefits of Per Diem
• Enforce expense
rules with
specific and detailed
• Control spending by
travel destination

EnterpriseOne Expense
Management Benefit
Streamline Expense Processing

1. Automate and configure the entering, approving,

auditing, and reimbursement of expense reports

2. Leverage built-in integration with core financial


3. Apply employee credit card transactions directly to

expense reports
Streamlined Expense Processing
1. Automate and configure the entering, approving,
auditing, and reimbursement of expense reports
Ave. Cost
Yearly Savings*
Benefits of Automation
to Process
Report • Reduce the time
(dollars) <$5 $96,000
required to process an
expense report
Manual Automated
• Reduce the cost of
processing an expense
Ave. Time
to Process report
Expense • Provide employees with
10-15 1,200 hours
prompt and accurate

Manual Automated *Based on processing

Source: Aberdeen Group & Business Finance Mag, March 2003 200 reports/month
Streamlined Expense Processing
2. Leverage built-in integration with core
financial systems

Accounts Benefits of Full

• Eliminate cost and
errors associated with
duplicate entry
General Expense
Ledger Management • Provide faster
reimbursement cycle
• Reduce costs
associated with
Contract implementation,
Service maintenance, and
Accounting Costing
Streamlined Expense Processing
3. Apply employee credit card transactions directly
to expense reports

Benefits of
Credit Card
Charges Automated
Cdn$200 Credit Charges
• Improve accuracy by
eliminating data
entry errors
• Save time when
filling out expense
EnterpriseOne Expense Management
Increase Bargaining Power with
Preferred Suppliers

1. Track airline, hotel, and car rental usage by

employees by city or region

2. Leverage travel spending information to negotiate

discounts with preferred travel suppliers

3. Ensure employees use and receive full benefits from

preferred travel arrangement
Increased Bargaining Power with
Preferred Suppliers
1. Track airline, hotel, and car rental usage by
employees by city or region
Top Rental Car Agencies Top Frequented Hotels
in the Northwest in Chicago
• Avis • Hilton Benefits of Tracking
• Hertz • Hyatt
• Enterprise • Marriott Spending with
Preferred Suppliers
• Increase visibility into
employee expenses and
travel and habits and
• Provide historical data
for stronger supplier

Top Airlines used in California

• Southwest • Alaska
• United • American
Increased Bargaining Power with
Preferred Suppliers
2. Leverage travel spending information to negotiate
discounts with preferred travel suppliers

Benefits of Better
• Receive larger
discounts from
preferred travel
• Improve travel-
related services
for employees
Increased Bargaining Power with
Preferred Suppliers
3. Ensure employees use and receive full benefits
from preferred travel arrangement

Benefits of Exception
• Automatically collect
documentation when
an employee does not
use preferred travel
• Analyze exception
trends to better
Create Preferred negotiate meaningful
Vendor List
travel related
contracts and
Feature and Functionality
Improve Accuracy and Control of Employee Reimbursements
• Auditing capabilities • Location-specific policies
• Multiple employee • Multi-currency capabilities
• Ability to charge to
• VAT tax calculations multiple business units
• User-defined policy • Automated exception
definitions notification
• Customized • Workflow approvals
reimbursement policies
• Individual or group
employee profiles
• User-defined per diem
Feature and Functionality
Streamline Expenses Processing
• Auditing capabilities • Location-specific policies • Processing of business travel
and relocation expenses
• Multiple employee • Multi-currency capabilities
authority • Consistent user interface
• Ability to charge to
• VAT tax calculations multiple business units • Simplified data entry for
expense reporting
• User-defined policy • Automated exception
definitions notification • Direct employee
• Customized • Workflow approvals
reimbursement policies • Configurable
• Individual or group reimbursement process
employee profiles steps
• User-defined per diem • Ability to import expenses
functionality from off-line reports
• Direct credit card company
Feature and Functionality
Increase Bargaining Power with Preferred Travel Suppliers
• Auditing capabilities • Location-specific policies • Processing of business travel
and relocation expenses
• Multiple employee • Multi-currency capabilities
authority • Consistent user interface
• Ability to charge to
• VAT tax calculations multiple business units • Simplified data entry for
expense reporting
• User-defined policy • Automated exception
definitions notification • Direct employee
• Customized • Workflow approvals
reimbursement policies • Configurable • Ability to track expenses
by travel supplier
• Individual or group reimbursement process
employee profiles steps • Automatic documentation
• Ability to import expenses of preferred supplier
• User-defined per diem
from off-line reports exceptions
• Direct credit card company
Feature and Functionality
PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Expense Management
• Auditing capabilities • Location-specific policies • Processing of business travel
and relocation expenses
• Multiple employee • Multi-currency capabilities
authority • Consistent user interface
• Ability to charge to
• VAT tax calculations multiple business units • Simplified data entry for
expense reporting
• User-defined policy • Automated exception
definitions notification • Direct employee
• Customized • Workflow approvals
reimbursement policies • Configurable • Ability to track expenses
by travel supplier
• Individual or group reimbursement process
employee profiles steps • Automatic documentation
• Ability to import expenses of preferred supplier
• User-defined per diem
from off-line reports exceptions
• Direct credit card company
Benefits EnterpriseOne Expense Management

Complete Integrated Flexible

• Complete and pre- • Pre-configured, • Business process
integrated set of pre-integrated for changes with no
modular rapid, predictable programming
applications deployment
• Scalable to meet
• Built-in industry • Easy to maintain growing operations
specific functionality and operate with
• Modular deployment
minimal IT staff
• Real-time analytics
and reporting • Integrated user
experience across
applications and
minimizes training
Complete Integrated Flexible
• Complete and pre- • Pre-configured, • Business process
integrated set of pre-integrated for changes with no
modular Only Oracle offers a pre-
rapid, predictable programming
applications deployment
• Scalability to meet
• Built-in industry
integrated solution
• Easy to maintain growing operations
specific functionality to maintain
and operate with
• Modular deployment
minimal IT staff
• Real-time analyticscontrol of employee
and reporting • Integrated user
expenses while
experience across
business growth
Advanced Cost Accounting
Advanced Cost Accounting
Traditional Advanced Cost Improved
Accounting + Accounting = Performance

Do you know your Deliver precise, Product Profitability Customer Profitability

real costs by: accurate cost

Net Income

information to:
• Customer? 2 3 4

• Improve visibility A B C
• Product?
• Strengthen fiscal Channel Profitability
• Channel?
accountability Direct
• Facilitate more Internet

informed decision, Profitability

eliminate waste,
and focus  Actively manage customers,
resources products, and channels to
improve performance
Cost Accounting Opportunities
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Advanced Cost Accounting Results
Analyze profitability
Capture Detailed Cost
based on accurate and
complete data

Generate Accurate Cost Analyze profitability at

Assignments any level of detail

Analyze and Evaluate Improve managerial

Profitability decision making
Analyze and Evaluate Profitability Cost

Assignment of Shipping Costs Benefits of Scenario

Identify Generic $525,000
Shipping Costs • Project future results
Assign costs at customer level based on
2 What-If Analysis
based on prorated # of sales orders assumptions Cost
3 Methodology
# of Sales Orders for Customer • Retain integrity of
Total # of Sales Orders original accounting
4 Profitability Ranking
1 2 3 4 • Support better
5 Calculation 50/100 30/100 10/100 10/100 decision making

6 Assignment of Costs $262,500 $157,500 $52,500 $52,500

7 New Profitability
Ranking 3 1 2 4 Cost
Understanding Cost Objects
Automatically collect, track, and assign transaction
revenues and costs to products and customers
Transaction Systems Benefits of Cost
Sales Order Accounting
Manufacturing Transportation • Capture costs at the
Payroll Procurement lowest level possible

Brand Customer • Allocate cost from

• Inventory • Sales every transaction in
• Sales • Transportation
• Manufacturing • Manufacturing detail
• Payroll
Product Line
• Sales • Use automatic journal
• Accounting
• Accounting
• Transportation
• Manufacturing entries to capture
• Procurement detailed product,
Item Number
• Transportation
• Accounting material, labor and
• Payroll
• Transportation overhead costs
• Manufacturing
Understanding Cost Drivers
Cost Driver
Indirect Cost Examples Benefits of cost
Machine Depreciation Machine Hours • Analyze costs at profit
center and cost object
Advertising Costs Product Line Sales level detail

Transportation Costs Sales Orders Shipped • Assign costs based on

business drivers

Factory Overhead Work Order Completions

• Evaluate profitability by
customer, products, or
Warranty Costs Sales Volume channels
Flexible Assignments
Track a single cost driver against multiple cost objects

Benefits of Cross-
Cost Warehouse
Machine Hours Tracking Drivers
Square Footage
• Allocate cross-
department process to
multiple cost objects

• Understand the true

Cost costs of products,
Product Customer Item customers, or channels
Object Family Account Number

Level • Inventory • Inventory • Inventory • Inventory

handling handling handling handling • Utilize flexible reporting
costs costs costs costs capabilities to analyze
• Machine • Machine
Depreciation Depreciation profitability by multiple
Generate Accurate Cost Assignments
Use pre-built and customizable cost drivers to assign
indirect costs back to a customer or product

Manufacturing Accounting
Benefits of Flexible
Marketing Inventory Assignments
• Improve the
accuracy of analysis
Square Footage • Achieve more
Sales Orders
Machine Hours
meaningful and less
arbitrary decision
Customer 04235 Product PM64 Direct Sales making
Costs Costs Channel Costs
Sales $16,000 Inventory $5,000 Sales $12,000
Marketing $10,000 Freight $10,000 Marketing $13,000 • Identify the cost of
Procurement $2,000 Accounting $5,000
Labor $20,000
Cash Management
Short Term Cash Flow Forecasting
 Business Requirement:
 A user-friendly tool for creating short term cash flow
 Enhancement Functionality:
 Cash flow forecasts can include general ledger, accounts
receivable and accounts payable transactions
 Functionality to assign weighting factors to different types
of transactions
 Capability to include or exclude past due documents in
 An inquiry screen to display results and a report output
Cash Type Rules Forms
Work with Cash Type Rules Revise Cash Type Rules
Creating Cash Forecast Report
 Defines the
reporting structure
and format
 Arrange cash type
codes into
 Predefined cash
type codes can be
Viewing Cash Forecast
Short Term Cash Flow
Forecasting ReportSample report
produced from
cash forecast
Planning and Budgeting
Planning and Budgeting Overview
• Forecast up to
15 years • Greatly reduces time and effort
• Unlimited to forecast or budget
• Conforms to today’s stringent
compliance requirements
• Multiple
version • Improved decision-making
• Improved responsiveness to
changing business conditions
Budget and Forecast Tool
• Enhancement: Budget and Forecast Tool
 Business Requirement:
 A budgeting and forecast tool that can easily
generate short or long term forecasts which can
then be committed to the general ledger
 Enhancement Functionality:
 Provide the ability to forecast accounts for 1 to 15
 Provide the ability to run multiple revisions of a
 Provide the ability to upload finalized forecasts to a
user defined ledger.
Creating Growth Patterns
Create fixed or percentage growth patterns

Growth patterns are

user defined and
can be setup for
percentages or
fixed amounts

Each growth
pattern can be
setup with custom
percentages for up
to 15 years
Assigning Growth Patterns to Business

Growth patterns
created in step 1
can now be
assigned to a
business unit and
revision number
Reviewing/Adjusting Forecast Screens
View annual forecast amounts
View forecast by
Uploading Finalized Forecasts to Budget
 Forecasts can be uploaded to
the General Ledger
 The Apply Forecast to Budget Processing
options for
program populates the GL R1407 –
Balance File in a user
Forecast to
specified ledger Budget

 The forecast can now be

included in financial reports
 Review on inquiry screens
 Store multiple revisions in
different ledger types
Financial Compliance
Building Effective Compliance Solutions
1. Systems-based internal controls
2. Automated processes
3. Consistent documentation
4. Ongoing control and monitoring
Solution Highlight: Process
• Manage Modeler
• Visualize
• Change
• Document

• 650+ Built-in
Process Models

Publish and Report

Solution Highlight: Data Change
• Record changes
made to key
database fields
• Security Settings
• System Constants
• Automatic

• Track changes
using custom Review audit and
reports signature information
Solution Highlight: Foundation
• Create/Manage
schedules for

• Automatic
notification of
exception events
via workflow Kickoff Meeting: Account for Asset Process

• Direct integration
to MS Outlook
and Lotus Notes
Additional Internal Controls
• Workflow • Balanced Posting
• Processing Options Requirements
• Application Security • Valid Account Edit
• System Constants • Approval Limits
• Integrated Postings to GL • Credit Limits
• Budget Expenditure • Hierarchical Approval
Approval Routing
• Positive Pay • Posting Approval
• Expense Management • On-Demand Audit Trails
• Integrity Reports • Built-in Balancing Controls
• Batch Controls • Payee Control
FMS Conclusion
• 100% of EOne Customers Use FMS
• EnterpriseOne General Ledger is required by all
subsystems (cannot currently be decoupled)
• Core functionality of FMS is competitive in the
global ERP marketplace
• EnterpriseOne key differentiators are essential
tools for existing customers
 GL Centric Processing
 Truly REAL TIME integration
 Advanced Cost Accounting
 Subledger Functionality
 Organizational and Setup Change Tools

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