Hematopoietic System

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Hematopoietic System

Kristine Krafts, M.D.

Hematopoietic System Lecture Objectives

• Describe the developmental stages of erythropoiesis.

• Describe the developmental stages of granulopoiesis.
• Describe the differences between red marrow and
yellow marrow.
• List the components of bone marrow stroma.
• Explain the concept of colony forming units (CFUs).
Hematopoietic System Lecture Outline

• Introduction
• Erythrocytes
• Platelets
• Leukocytes
• Granulocytes
• Agranulocytes
Hematopoietic System Lecture Outline

• Introduction
Hematopoietic Tissue

Specialized connective tissue.

Derived from mesenchyme.

Function: produce new blood cells and remove

old ones.

Two types of hematopoietic tissue

• Myeloid tissue (in bone marrow):
produces everything except lymphocytes
• Lymphoid tissue (in lymph nodes, spleen):
produces lymphocytes (different lecture!)
Prenatal Hematopoiesis
Myeloid Tissue (Bone Marrow)

• Bone marrow in adults is found between

trabeculae of cancellous (spongy) bone and in
the marrow canal of long bones.
• Red (hematopoietic) bone marrow is found in
flat bones of skull, vertebrae, ribs, pelvis, and
ends of long bones.
• Yellow bone marrow is found in long bone
diaphyses. It is composed of fibrous CT, adipose
tissue (yellow color), nerves, and blood vessels.
Components of Bone Marrow

• Stroma: a connective tissue network which

supports the blood-forming cells.
• Sinusoids: wide, thin-walled vessels with
discontinuous endothelial cells which allow
new blood cells to gain access to the
• Developing blood cells: red cell precursors,
white cell precursors (except lymphoid
precursors), and megakaryocytes.

Cells Fibers
• Fibroblasts • Type I collagen fibers
• Macrophages • Type III collagen
• Adipocytes (fat cells) (reticular) fibers
• Osteogenic cells
• Endothelial cells
Bone marrow is present between trabeculae of
spongy (cancellous) bones
Bone marrow: trabeculae, hematopoietic tissue and sinusoids

• All blood cells arise from a single type of

pluripotent stem cell (which is self-renewing).
• Pluripotent stem cells divide, forming
committed stem cells, which divide and
eventually mature into red cells, white cells and
• You need growth factors called “colony
stimulating factors” for this process.


Red cells


Hematopoietic stem cell
(self-renewing) Neutrophil

Don’t memorize
these specific
growth factors!
Just know they
are necessary.
Hematopoietic System Lecture Outline

• Introduction
• Erythrocytes
Erythrocyte Maturation

• The main jobs: make hemoglobin and form red

blood cell with no nucleus.
• 2,500,000 red cells released into blood per
• Start with big cell and big nucleus; size of both
decreases as cell matures.
• Also: chromatin starts out “fine” (see-through),
and becomes progressively more condensed
(dark). Nucleus eventually removed.
Morphologic Changes in Erythropoiesis
Immature -----------------------------------------------------------------> Mature
Large cells, Small cells,
gorgeous with red
basophilic (eosinophilic)
cytoplasm cytoplasm

Large, dark blue-
violet- black
blue nucleus
coarser, then
Fine pyknotic
chromatin nucleus
(see (eventually
nucleoli) extruded)

Ortho- Mature
Basophilic Polychromatophilic Reticulocyte
chromatophilic red cell
Proerythroblast* erythroblast
Proerythroblast* mitotic

Basophilic erythroblast process
only 7
Polychromatic erythroblast

Orthochromatic erythroblast non-mitotic


* Kristine’s Mature red cell

favorite cell
Proerythroblast: Big cell, gorgeous sky-blue cytoplasm,
very fine chromatin.
Proerythroblast: WOW.
Basophilic erythroblast: a little smaller, with more
condensed chromatin and darker cytoplasm. Meh.
Polychromatic erythroblasts: even more condensed
chromatin, cytoplasm grey-blue (has a little hemoglobin)
Orthochromatic erythroblast: chromatin very condensed,
cytoplasm is grey-pink-lavender (has more hemoglobin)
Orthochromatic erythroblast extruding its nucleus
Reticulocytes: no nucleus, cytoplasm is still a little more
lavender than mature red cell
Reticulocytes (special stain)
Hematopoietic System Lecture Outline

• Introduction
• Erythrocytes
• Platelets
• Platelets come from giant (up to 100 µm)
nucleated cells called megakaryocytes.
• The megakaryocyte nucleus undergoes
endomitosis (replicates DNA without
undergoing cell division)
• Up to 32 copies of normal DNA!
• Multilobed nucleus
• Small fragments of megakaryocyte cytoplasm
bud off, forming platelets.
Megakaryocyte: huge cell with large, polypoid
multilobed nucleus
Hematopoietic System Lecture Outline

• Introduction
• Erythrocytes
• Platelets
• Leukocytes
• Granulocytes
• Agranulocytes
Hematopoietic System Lecture Outline

• Introduction
• Erythrocytes
• Platelets
• Leukocytes
• Granulocytes
Granulocyte Maturation

• 1,250,000 granulocytes (mostly neutrophils)

released per second into blood!
• Maturation in bone marrow takes about 2 weeks.
• Cells spend a few hours in the blood, then leave
and stay where needed for a few days, then die.
Morphologic Changes in Granulopoiesis
Immature -----------------------------------------------------------------> Mature

Cytoplasm loses its basophilic color. Chromatin becomes more

condensed. Specific granules increase in number.
Myeloblast mitotic




Band cell

Segmented neutrophil
Myeloblast: high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio.
Really fine chromatin (nucleoli visible). No granules.
Promyelocyte: biggest cell of the myeloid lineup.
Lots of azurophilic (primary) granules.
Myelocyte: has specific granules
(and a few azurophilic granules)
Metamyelocyte: nucleus indented.
Band cell: almost a mature neutrophil – just
doesn’t have a segmented nucleus yet.
Neutrophil: segmented nucleus (3-5 lobes)
Hematopoietic System Lecture Outline

• Introduction
• Erythrocytes
• Platelets
• Leukocytes
• Granulocytes
• Agranulocytes

• B lymphocytes develop in the bone marrow.

• T lymphocytes develop in the thymus.
• B and T cells then leave and populate secondary
lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, spleen).
• We’ll discuss these later in a different lecture.
Hematopoietic System Lecture Outline

• Introduction
• Erythrocytes
• Platelets
• Leukocytes
• Granulocytes
• Agranulocytes

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