Half and Full Wave Rectifire

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Half and Full Wave Rectifier

Lab No: 2 & 3


Attaullah Safi
Crystal Diode Rectifiers

 Rectifier: Rectifier is that circuit, that converts

ac to dc.
 The following two types of rectifier circuit can
be used:
1. Half Wave rectifier
2. Full Wave Rectifier
Half Wave Rectifier
 The process of removing one-half the input signal to establish a dc level is
called half-wave rectification.
 In Half wave rectification, the rectifier conducts current during positive half
cycle of input ac signal only.
 Negative half cycle is suppressed.
Half Wave Rectifier
 AC voltage across secondary terminals AB changes its polarity after each half
 During negative half cycle terminal A is negative so diode is reversed biased
and conducts no current.
 So, current flows through diode during positive half cycle only.
 In this way current flows through load RL in one direction.
Half Wave Rectifier

 Disadvantage of Half wave rectifier:

 The pulsating current in output contains ac components
whose frequency is equal to supply frequency so filtering is
 The ac supply delivers power during half cycle only so
output is low.
Half Wave Rectifier
Output frequency of HWR:
 Output frequency of HWR is equal to input frequency.
 This means when input ac completes one cycle,
rectified wave also completes one cycle.

f out = f in
Full Wave Rectifier
 In Full wave rectification current flow through the load in same
direction for both half cycle of input ac.
 This can be achieved with two diodes working alternatively.
 For one half cycle one diode supplies current to load and for
next half cycle another diode works.
Center Tap Full Wave Rectifier
 Circuit has two diodes D1 , D2 and a center tap transformer.
 During positive half cycle Diode D1 conducts and during
negative half cycle Diode D2 conducts.
 It can be seen that current through load RL is in the same
direction for both cycle.
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

 Need for center tapped PT is eliminated.

 Consists of 4 diodes instead of 2.
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
 During period t=0 to t=T/2 D2 and D3 are conducting
while D1 and D4 are in the “off” state.
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
 During period t=T/2 to t=T D1 and D4 are conducting while D2
and D3 are in the “off” state.
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
 Over one full cycle the input and output voltages will appear as
shown in Fig.
 V dc= 2*(0.318Vm)= 0.636Vm
Full Wave Rectifier
 Output frequency of FWR:
 Output frequency of FWR is equal to
double of input frequency.
 This means when input ac completes
one cycle, rectified wave completes two cycle.

f out = 2f in
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