Covenant Keeping God

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– I Thess. 5:24

Message delivered at
12 Anniversary Celebration of
of Pastor Stephen Odede
on Sunday 8th July, 2018
Rev. Abayomi Oshin
– I Thess. 5:24
• " He who calls you is faithful, who also will
do it.“ –1 Thessalonians 5:24 (NKJV)

• Appreciation of host pastor and wife for
• Salutation and prophetic declarations
• Introduction of topic and text
• Preview of the outline
– The story behind the letter to Thessalonian
church (Acts. 17:1-9): New Converts under
– The faithfulness of God (Num. 23:19)
– The Call and The Covenant (Matt. 11:28)
– Altar Call
• Biblically speaking, twelve symbolises
perfection of rule and government.
– Before Isaac was born God promised that Ishmael will
have 12 Princes (Gen. 17:20)
– There are 12 sons of Jacob that became 12 tribes of
Israel (Gen. 35:22, Gen. 49:28)
– There are 12 months in the year (Daniel 4:29)
– Jesus Christ called 12 apostles and empower them
(Matt. 10:1, Mark 3:14)
– The book of Revelation talk about the number of the
sealed of Israel as 12,000 x12 (Rev. 7:4-8)
– Rev. 12:1 talked about the sign of a woman with a
crown of 12 stars
– Rev. 12:1 talked about the sign of a woman with a
crown of 12 stars
– The Holy Jerusalem has 12 gates (Rev. 21:12), and 12
foundations (verse 14)
– The Tree of life has 12 fruits (Rev. 22:2)
• While the number 666 is used to represent the
devil and hell, the number 12, 12, 12 is believed
to signify God and heaven.
• The number 12 is symbolic of God’s spiritual
kingdom, both in heaven and on earth, when the
earth and heavens will be created anew.
• We are thus celebrating the establishment of
God’s authority in this ministry today.
Thessalonian Church: Acts. 17:1 – 9
• The church was founded by Paul and Silas
• The Jews stirred up persecution against the
• And Paul had to fled so soon after the church
was founded leaving the new converts in
• The 1st epistle to the Thessalonians was
written out of concern for the new converts
• It was to guide them in the doctrine of Christ
and assure them of His second coming.
The faithfulness of God (Num. 23:19)
• From the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of
Eden the devil has portray God as liar or as
unfaithful. (Gen. 3:1 – 7)
• When the children of Israel cried unto God in
their slavery of Egypt, God called them out, led
them through the Red Sea and wilderness
crushing the enemies for them.
• They came to Jericho and with a shout of praise
they pulled down the wall of Jericho.
• Then they came to Moab and Balak hired Balaam
against them to curse them but what was the
result? Num. 23:19
The Call and The Covenant
• Let us revisit the text of our theme for the
anniversary; 1 Thess. 5:24 “He who calls you
is faithful, who also will do it”
• Preachers preach, Evangelists reach out but
it is God who calls us from darkness into His
marvelous light in Christ Jesus.
• Until we hear Him in us we cannot come to
Jesus, His Christ.
• Paul had through chapters 1 to 5 explain
the doctrine of Christ to the Thessalonians
The Call and The Covenant cont.
• Paul had through chapters 1 to 5 explain
the doctrine of Christ to the Thessalonians
but considering where they were coming
from; world of idolatry and lasciviousness.
• He knew they may be wondering if they will
ever be able to be so godly and holy.
• And that is what Paul re-assured them that
God who called them will do for them cf.
verse 23.
The Call and The Covenant cont.
• But have you answered His call or you are
responding to the call of man.
• Moses said in Numbers 10:29 to Hobab the
son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-
in-law, "We are setting out for the place of
which the LORD said, 'I will give it to you.'
Come with us, and we will treat you well;
for the LORD has promised good things to
• Jesus Christ is saying to you in Matt. 11:28
The Call and The Covenant cont.
• Matthew 11:28 NKJV “Come to Me, all you
who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest.”
• You may have been thinking that forsaking
your old ways would not be easy, that should
not be your concern, He who has called you
will do it.
• Romans 9:16 NKJV So then it is not of him who
wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who
shows mercy.
Altar Call
• Jesus is calling you today, He wants to do you
• He wants to give you rest i.e. peace that money
cannot buy.
• He wants to give you future hereafter which
you cannot attain by your efforts.
• He wants to wash away your sin with His
precious blood shed for you.
• He is calling you now to come and receive
power for the journey of your life.
• Will you answer Him? 13

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