Oncology Outpatient Daily Report: Tuesday, October 2 2018

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Tuesday, October 2nd 2018

Consultant incharge:
dr. H. Rizal Sanif, SpoG (K), MARS
No. Diagnosis ICD 10 New case Old case Procedure ICD 9
Continue radiotherapy
Cervical ca std IV B (pulmon - - -
1 C53.9 - Consultation to 180.9
ary metastase)
Ovarian ca std IC complete t - - -
2 C56.1 - Tumor marker evaluation 184.0
Endometrial ca std IIIC com
3 C54.1 - - - - Pap smear 182.0
plete therapy
Pap smear
Endometrial ca std IIIC com
4 C54.1 - - - - Consultation to interna 182.0
plete therapy + DM t.II
pro VC Laparotomy
NOP multiloculare with kati
Consultation to interna d
k bilateral+ Endometrial hyp
5 D27.9 - - - - epartment 220.0
erplasia DD/ Endometrial
Consultation to anesthesi
Ovarian ca advanced stage c
6 omplete C561 - - - - CT Scan Abdomen Pelvic 184.0
Ovarian ca std IIIC + mild an Pro chemotherapy brexel-
7 C561 - - - - 184.0
emia + leukopenia carboplatin 2nd course
Cervical Ca std IB complete Pap smear evaluation 6 m
8 C53.9 - - - - 180.9
therapy onths later
CIAN incharge
Cervical ca std IV B (
Mrs. IND/44/ radiotherapy
1 pulmonary metastas C53.9 180.9 AM RS
UA/P5A0 Consultation to
Mrs. ROS/46/
Ovarian ca std IC co Tumor marker
2 RA/P0A0 C56.1 184.0 IS RS
mplete therapy evaluation
Mrs. DAR/56/ Endometrial ca std II
3 C54.1 Pap smear 182.0 IS RS
RA/P2A1 IC complete therapy
Endometrial ca std II Pap smear
Mrs. BOI/R52
4 IC complete therapy C54.1 Consultation to 182.0 RS RS
+ DM t.II interna department
NOP multiloculare pro VC Laparotomy
with katik bilateral+ Consultation to inte
Ms. WON/50
5 Endometrial hyperpl D27.9 rna department 220.0 RS RS
asia DD/ Endometri Consultation to ane
al malignancy sthesi department
Ovarian ca advance
Ms. YUL/21/R CT Scan Abdomen P
6 d stage complete C561 184.0 IS RS
A/P0A0 elvic
Ovarian ca std IIIC + Pro chemotherapy
Mrs. SUN/56/
7 mild anemia + leuko C561 brexel-carboplatin 184.0 IS RS
penia 2nd course
Mrs. PAR/53/ Cervical Ca std IB Pap smear evaluati
1. Mrs. IND/44/UA/P5A0
S/ chemotherapy control
Patient come with diagnose cervical ca std IVB (pulmonary metastase). Patient has finished
chemotherapy pacli-carbo 6th series (30-8-18). PA result 1803/A/2018: non keratinizing squamous cell
carcinoma on vaginal biopsy.

Abdominal palpation: flat, supple, symmetric, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), mass (-)

A/ Cervical ca std IV B (pulmonary metastase)

P/ Continue radiotherapy
consultation to radiotherapy  scheduled: November 6, 2018 (25x)
2. Mrs. ROS/46/RA/P0A0
S/ control
Patient come with diagnose ovarian ca std IC with PA result 5440/A/2017= LSIL (low grade squamous
intraepithelial lesion) on cervical; uterine leiomyoma; clear cell carcinoma on ovary II; chronic
salphyingits non specific on fallopian tube I and II.
Lab result (15-8-18)= AFP 2,8; CEA 1,60; CA125 11,70

Abdominal palpation: flat, supple, symmetric, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), mass (-)
Lab result (10-1-18)= AFP 1,71; CEA (result follow); CA125 25,95

A/ Ovarian ca std IC complete therapy

P/ tumor marker evaluation
3. Mrs. DAR/56/RA/P2A1
S/ Pap smear evaluation
Patient come with diagnosis ovarian ca std IIB complete therapy. 7th pap smear result 875/C/2018 (25-
6-18)= No active malignant cells; Degenerative cells caused by chemo radiation effects (+)

Abdominal palpation: flat, supple, symmetric, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), mass (-)

A/ Endometrial ca std IIIC complete therapy

P/ Pap smear (8th)
4. Mrs. BOI/R52/UA/P7A0
S/ Pap smear evaluation
Patient come with diagnosis ovarian ca std IIB complete therapy. Pap smear result 902/C/2018 (2-7-
18)= No active malignant cells; Degenerative cells caused by chemo radiation effects (+); atrophic
Abdominal palpation: flat, supple, symmetric, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), mass (-)

A/ Endometrial ca std IIIC complete therapy + DM t.II

P/ Pap smear
Consultation to interna department
5. Ms. WON/50/UA/P0A0
S/ USG result evaluation
Patient come with diagnose abnormal uterine bleeding.
Abdominal palpation: flat, supple, symmetric, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), mass (+) 15X10 cm
RT: good sphincter tone, smooth mucosa, AP right tender, AP left not tender, mass (+) 6x4 cm inferior
adnexa, CD not prominent
USG result (2-10-18)= endometrial thickening susp. Endometrial hyperplasia + uterine adenomyoma;
NOP multiloculare with katik bilateral

A/ NOP multiloculare with katik bilateral+ Endometrial hyperplasia DD/ Endometrial malignancy

P/ pro VC Laparotomy
Consultation to interna department
Consultation to anesthesi department
6. Ms. YUL/21/RA/P0A0
S/ control tumor marker
Patient come with diagnose ovarian ca advanced stage complete therapy
h/ suboptimal debulking laparotomy (3-9-17)  PA result 3794/A/2017= left ovary, infundibulo
pelvicum ligament, right fallopian tube, KGB, omentum + peritoneal fluid not found malignancy cells
h/ tumor removal surgery (Muara Enim, 2-4-17) with PA result 566/DH/2017= yolk sac ovarian tumor.
Tumor marker evaluation:
1 2-2-18 1,88 1,84 10,66
2 3-5-18 1,90 15,1
3 6-8-18 2,10 81,5

Abdominal palpation: flat, supple, symmetric, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), mass (-)

A/ ovarian ca advanced stage complete therapy

P/ CT Scan Abdomen Pelvic

7. Mrs. SUN/56/RA/P6A0
S/ continue chemotherapy
Patient come with diagnose ovarian ca std IV with PA result 3073/A/2018:
A. VC tissue
- low grade serous carcinoma in the right ovary
- non-specific chronic salphingitis in the right fallopian tube
B. I. - ovule cyst nabothy in the endocervix
- uterine adenomyosis
II. Low grade serous carcinoma in the left ovary
- non-specific chronic salphingitis in the left fallopian tubes
III. Sinus histiocytosis in the right inguinal lymph node
IV. - VII. metastase low grade serous carcinoma in ascites, peritoneal, colon and omentum fluid cytology

Abdominal palpation: flat, supple, symmetric, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), mass (-)
Lab result (1-10-18): Hb 9,9; Leu 4100; trombo 196000;

A/ ovarian ca std IIIC + mild anemia + leukopenia

P/ Pro chemotherapy brexel-carboplatin 2nd course

8. Mrs. PAR/53/RA/P1A0
S/ vaginal bleeding
Patient come with cervical ca std IB complete therapy (2015). Currently, patient complains of vaginal bl
eeding (+) since 2 weeks ago, post coital bleeding (+)
h/ ht radical (27-4-2015)
h/ chemotherapy finished 20-12-2015; chemoradiation (35X) 28-12-2015

Abdominal palpation: flat, supple, symmetric, tenderness (-), free fluid sign (-), mass (-)
Speculum examination: normal vaginal stump
Vaginal toucher: normal vaginal stump
Pap smear result (24-9-18)= no malignant cells were found on the preparation; degenerative cells cause
d by chemoradiation

A/ Cervical Ca std IB complete therapy

P/ Pap smear evaluation 6 months later (19-3-2019)

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