Anggun B.inggris PPoin

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1) Anggun Eka Apriliyani (05)

2) Dwi Oktaviana Sari (12)
3) Nurul Khadliroh (22)
4) Yosefina Gita Kumala (32)
Report is a text which presents
information about something, as it is. It
is as a result of systematic observation
and analysis.
1) General classification: Stating
classification of general aspect of thing;
animal, public place, plant, etc which will
be discussed in general.
2) Description: Describing the thing which
will be discussed in detail; part per part ,
customs or deed for living creature and
usage for materials
Its social purpose is presenting information about
something. They generally describe an entire class of
things, whether natural or made: mammals, the
planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, culture,
transportation, and so on.

Language Feature of Report

• Introducing group or general aspect
• Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc
• Using simple present tense.
Some text types are quite difficult to
differ. Such report and descriptive text
have the similarity in the social function
and generic structure. However if they
are analyzed carefully, the slight
difference between the two text types
will reveal.
General Classification
Indonesia is one of the largest natural habitats for plants and animals.
There are many different plants and animals in each of the islands. Besides,
there are also many differences in plants and animals between west Indonesia
and east Indonesia. Alfred Russel Wallace, a noted biologist thought that the
two types of habitats showed their link to East and West.

In west Indonesia, there are tropical plants and frit similar to those in
countries like India, Burma and Thailand. Here you find plants like teak and
ebony. The animals in west Indonesia also similar to those India, Burma, and
Thailand. There are elephants, tigers, deer, and bears.
In east Indonesia, the plants and animals are similar to those in Australia.
There are many kinds of eucalyptus trees similar to those in Australia. There
are also kangaroos, cockatoos, and cassowaries. All these animals and plants are
not found on the west side of Indonesia.
Many of the natural forests where the animals lived have been destroyed.
The animals have been pushed back and their natural habitats have been
reduced. So, the government has created more than 350 conservation areas.
These areas have been declared as reserves to protect both plant and animal
This text is for question 1 to 4
Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of electricity between a could and the ground, or from cloud to
cloud. A lightning flash, or bolt, can be several miles long. It is so hot, with an average temperature of
34,000° Centigrade, that makes the air the air around it suddenly expand with a loud blast. This is the
thunder we hear. Lightning occurs in hot, wet storms. Moist air is driven up to a great height. It forms a
type of could called cumulo nimbus. When the cloud rises high enough, the moisture freezes. And then ice
crystals and snowflakes are formed. These begin to fall, turning to rain on the way down. This rain meets
more moist air rising, and it is the friction between them which produces static electricity, it discharges
it as a lightning flash.
1. The text tells you about. . . .
A. The description of lightning in general.
B. The type of could
C. The cause of lightning
D. The benefits of lightning
2. If the cloud rises high enough, there will be. . . .
A. Wet storms
B. Snowflakes
C. A loud blast
D. A lightning flash
3. “. . . . ., that the air around it suddenly expands with a loud blast.” The underline word means it becomes. .
A. Hotter
B. Larger
C. Smaller
D. Narrow
4. When does a lightning flash happen?
A. When the rain meets more moist air
B. When the temperature is not hot
C. When the could rises high enough
D. When the could is charged with electricity
This text is for questions 5 to 8
One of the most valuable and widespread plants is bamboo. It is a tall treelike grass. There are
more than 350 species. Most grow in Asia and on islands of Indian and on islands of the Indian and Pacific
oceans. Although bamboo is tropical plant, it can grow in cooler temperate zone.
A single root may produce as many as 100 stems. They are hollow, woody and jointed. The stems are
sometimes 3 feet (0.9 meter) around. Sprouts grow fast, at times 1 foot (0.3 meter) or more day. They
may grow to 30, 50 or even 130 feet (9 to 40 meters) in height. Near the top are many branches. Some
species do not bloom for 60 years or more.
Bamboo products range from food to houses. Asian people usually use the sprouts as vegetables. In
East and Southeast Asia, people use the hollow stems for water pipes and for building bridges and
houses. Short sections serve as pails and cooking utensil. The stems make for walls floors and roofs.
Thinner strips are woven into mats, chairs, cages and curtains. Bamboo fishing rods are made of matched
strips glued together. Slip bamboo is also used for chopsticks and fan ribs. The inner parts of the stems
of several species are made into quality papers.
5. What is the text about?
A. Grass
B. Bamboo
C. Canebrake bamboo
D. A tropical plant
6. Which parts of the bamboo can be used for building houses?
A. Bamboo sprouts
B. Hollow stems
C. Thinner strips
D. Split bamboos
7. “In East and Southeast Asia, people use the hollow stems for water pipes and for building bridges
and houses.” (paragraph 3). From this sentence, we know that. . . .
A. Bamboo has multi-purpose uses in East and Southeast Asia
B. We can find bamboo trees only in East and Southeast Asia
C. In holes in bamboo are used for water container
D. In East and Southeast Asia, the best water pipes are made of bamboos
8. What is main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Bamboo is used for houses only
B. Bamboo is needed in Asia
C. Bamboo is able to be consumed
D. Bamboo is very useful plant.
The water lily is a plant of aquatic family
Nymphaeaceae, and of the genus Nymphae. These
plants are found in fresh, still water throughout the
warm temperate regions. People cultivate this plant.
The plant can grow easily from the seed. It may be
grown in containers or ponds.
The water lily is a beautiful plant. It has round
leaves. The leaves may float or immerse. The flower
has four sepals and many petals and stamens. The
colour of this flower may be white, pink, yellow or blue.
When blossoming. It sometimes smells good. Some
species of this plant open by day and closes at night;
others open at night and close by day. The life span of
the flower is usually there days.
9. What does the text tell us about ?
A. A plant named water lily.
B. A beautiful plant grown in water
C. An aquatic plant cultivated in warm regions.
D. Water lily cultivated in ponds
10. How long is water lily flower usually in blossom ?
A. A day or a night
B. A day and a night
C. Three days
D. More than there days
11. From the text above, we can conclude that water lily cannot live in ….
A. Fresh still water
B. Dry ground areas
C. Wet areas
D. Watery places
12. Paragraph two tells us about ….
A. The shape of the water lily leaves
B. The beauty of the water lily
C. The flower of the water lily
D. The parts of the water lily flower
This text is for questions 13 to 16
Chimpanzees are humans closest relatives compared to any other apes. They like to stay on the ground,
but they climb among trees. Their hands and feet can easily grip branches and object because their hobby
is swinging. Chimps like to search for termites, ants and never refuse of sweet fruits and nuts.
Chimpanzees communicate with each other using a wide variety of sound.
13. What is the favourite place of chimpanzees to stay ?
A. Among trees
B. On branches
C. On the ground
D. On a certain object
14. The following are chimpanzees food, except …
A. small mammals
B. little insect
C. sweet fruits
D. Nuts
15. What does the text tell us about ?
A. Chimpanzees’ physical appearances
B. Chimpanzees habitat
C. The diet of chimpanzees
D. Chimpanzees habits
16. “Chimpanzees are humans closest relatives compared to any other apes “
what does the word “relative” mean ?
A. A thing that belongs to the same groups as something else.
B. The process of comparing two or more people or things.
C. The position of somebody or something in a organization
D. The way people behave in certain group
This text is for questions 17 to 20
Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or people,
they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for sensing the
world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely water, which is why you can look through
Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by a chemical
reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may
glow for scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found
in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in ice waters near the North and
South poles.
17. Which one creates jellyfish’s light?
A. White Blood
B. Nervous system
C. Chemical reaction
D. Salt water
18. Which one is TRUE about jellyfish based on the text?
A. They belong to invertebrate animals
B. They have heads like other animals
C. Their brains help them find the food
D. They cannot live in fresh
19. What is the text about?
A. Jellyfish
B. Kinds of all fish
C. All invertebrate animals
D. Some kinds of sea animals
20. “Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light.” (paragraph 3). The word “glow” in the
sentence means. . . .
A. Move
B. Produce
C. Appear
D. Shine

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