Introduction To DC-DC Conversion: A Buck Converter or A Step-Down Converter
Introduction To DC-DC Conversion: A Buck Converter or A Step-Down Converter
Introduction To DC-DC Conversion: A Buck Converter or A Step-Down Converter
a buck converter or a step-down converter
the output voltage is less than the input.
• DC to DC Converters convert DC power to another DC power level or
convert voltage/current to another voltage/current
• Batteries are often shown on a schematic diagram as the source of DC
voltage but usually the actual DC voltage source is a power supply.
• DC to DC converters are important portable electronic devices used
whenever we want to change DC electrical power efficiently from one
voltage level to another.
• A power converter generates output voltage and current for the load from
a given input power source.
Types of Converter
• Car battery 12V must be stepped down to 3-5V DC voltage to run DVD/CD player
• Laptop computers or cellular phone battery voltage must be stepped down to
run several sub-circuts, each with its own voltage level requirement different
from that supplied by the battery.
• Single cell 1.5 V DC must be stepped up to 5V operate an electronic circuitry.
• A 6V or 9V DC must be stepped up to 500V DC or more, to provide an insulation
testing voltage.
• A 12V DC must be stepped up to +/-40V or so, to run a car hifi amplifier circuitry.
• A 12V DC must be stepped up to 650V DC or so, as part of a DC-AC sinewave
One method of converting a dc voltage to a lower dc voltage is a simple circuit as shown in Fig. 6-1.
For example,
1. if the output voltage is one-quarter of the input voltage, the load resistor absorbs one-quarter of
the source power, which is an efficiency of 25 percent.
2. The transistor absorbs the other 75 percent of the power supplied by the source.
3. Lower output voltages result in even lower efficiencies.
4. Therefore, the linear voltage regulator is suitable only for low-power applications.
transistor operates as an electronic switch
The dc component of the output voltage is controlled by adjusting the duty ratio D,
di ( t )
In inductors: v(t ) L The current cannot change instantaneously
Buck converter
• Assume large C so that Vout has
+v L – very low ripple
iL I out
i in
+ • Since Vout has very low ripple,
L then assume Iout has very low
V in C V out
iC ripple
The input/output equation for DC-DC converters usually comes
by examining inductor voltages
+ (Vin – Vout) –
i in iL I out
L +
Switch closed for DT V in V out
C (iL – Iout)
seconds –
vL Vin Vout , diL diL V Vout
vL L , Vin Vout L , in
dt dt dt L
for DT seconds
Switch open for (1 − D)T seconds
– Vout +
iL I out
L +
V in C V out
(iL – Iout)
vL Vout , diL diL Vout
vL L , Vout L ,
dt dt dt L
for (1−D)T seconds
The derivative of current in the inductor is a negative constant, and the current
decreases linearly
Examine the inductor current
diL V Vout
Switch closed, v L Vin Vout , in
dt L
diL Vout
Switch open, v L Vout ,
dt L
DT (1 − D)T
Steady-state operation requires that the inductor current at the end of the switching cycle
be the same as that at the beginning, meaning that the net change in inductor current over
one period is zero.
In the steady-state, average inductor voltage is zero and average inductor current must be
the same as the average current in the load resistor
In the steady-state, average capacitor current is zero
Equation (6-12) can be used to determine the combination of L and f that will
result in continuous current.
iL Vout
A / sec
Iavg = Iout
Vin Vout ΔI
Imin A / sec
DT (1 − D)T
Output Voltage Ripple
The variation in output voltage, or ripple, is computed from the voltage-current relationship
of the capacitor. The current in the capacitor is
While the capacitor current is positive, the capacitor is charging. From the definition of capacitance,
Peak-to-peak ripple voltage
A real capacitor can be modeled as a capacitance with an equivalent series resistance (ESR)
and an equivalent series inductance (ESL).
The ESR may have a significant effect on the output voltage ripple, often producing a ripple
voltage greater than that of the ideal capacitance.
The voltage variation across the capacitor resistance is
Most buck converters are designed for continuous-current operation
What is component?
switching frequency
inductance increases
the output voltage ripple ( capacitor)
extend well into the 100s of KHz and into the MHz range.
The Buck Converter Example
Given an input voltage of Vi=12V. The required average output voltage is VO=5V at R=500Ω and the peak-to-
peak output ripple voltage is 20 mV. The switching frequency is 25 kHz. If the peak-to-peak ripple current of
inductor is limited to 0.8 A, determine (a) the duty cycle D, (b) the filter inductance L, (c) the filter capacitor C,
and (d) the critical values of L and C.
a) D = 5/12 = 0.42
b) L = (1 – D)VO / (ΔiL x f) = (1 – 0.42)5 /(0.8 x 25,000) = 145μH
c) C = ΔIL / (8f ΔVC) = 0.8 / (8 x 25000 x 0.02) = 200μF
d) Lcrit = (1 – D)R / 2f = (1 – 0.42) x 500 / (2 x 25000) = 5.83 mH
Ccrit = (1 – D) / (16 x L x f2) = (1 – 0.42) / (16 x 145 x 10-6 x 250002) = 0.4μF
The Boost Converter Examples:
Given a buck converter design with fsw = 200 kHz (TS = 5 μsec), VD = 0.7V, I0(min) = 0.5A , I0(nom)= 10A and D = 50% duty
cycle. Find:
a) VO if Vi = 10 V in continuous mode
b) Inductor L
c) VO if Vi = 10 V in discontinuous mode
a) Vo = Vi / (1 –D) = 10 / (1 – 0.5) = 20V
b) Inductor L
= 1 + {(10 x 0.52 x5µs)/ (2 x 54 µH x 10)} = 1 + 0.012
Vo = 10.12V