Strain Energy Method-2

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The principle developed by Johann Bernoulli in 1717 is the most versatile

of the methods available for computing deflections of structures. The term
virtual means 'being in essence or effect but not in fact'. The virtual work
means the work done by a real force acting through a virtual displacement
Principle of Virtual Work
Consider a structural system subjected to a set of forces ( … referred as P
force) under stable equilibrium condition as shown in Figure (a). Further, consider a
small element within the structural system and stresses on the surfaces caused by the
P forces are shown in Figure (b) and referred as .

Deformable body subjected to external force

Let the body undergoes to a set of compatible virtual displacement .These displacements
are imaginary and fictitious as shown by dotted line. While the body is displaced, the real forces
acting on the body move through these displacements. These forces and virtual displacements
must satisfy the principle of conservation of energy i.e.

---------------------------- (1)

---------------------------- (2)

This is the principle of virtual work.

If a system in equilibrium under a system of forces undergoes a deformation, the work done by
the external forces ( P ) equals the work done by the internal stresses due to those forces, ( ).
In order to use the above principle for practical applications, we have to interchange the role
of the forces and displacement. Let the structure acted upon by a virtual force is subjected to
real displacements then the Eq. (2) can be written as

---------------------------- (3)

This is the principle of complimentary virtual work and used for computing displacements.
Consider a structure shown in Figure (a) and subjected to P force and it is required to find the
displacement of point C in the direction specified. First apply a virtual force at C in
the required direction. Next apply the external (real) loads acting on the structures as shown in
Figure (a) with the virtual force remain in the position. The displacement of C in the required
direction be and the internal elements deform by an amount . Using Eq. (3)

---------------------------- (4)
The left hand side of Eq. (4) denotes the external work done by the virtual force
moving through the real displacement . On the other hand, the right hand side of Eq.
(4) represents the internal work done by the virtual internal element forces d f moving
through the displacement .
Since is arbitrary and for convenience let =1 (i.e. unit load). The Eq. (4) can be
re-written as
---------------------------- (5)

where f denotes the internal force in the members due to virtual unit load.
The right hand side of Eq. (5) will directly provide the displacement of point C due to
applied external forces. This method is also known as unit load method.
Similarly for finding out a rotation, at any point of a loaded structure, the corresponding
Eq. (5) will take place as
---------------------------- (6)

where denotes the internal force in the members due to virtual unit moment
applied in the direction of interested .
Application to Pin-Jointed Structures

Consider a pin-jointed structure as shown in Figure 2

and subjected to external force P 1 , P 2 and P 3 . Let the
vertical displacement of point C , is required. Under
the action of the real external load, let the axial force in
typical member be and therefore, the deformation of
the member (L and AE are the
length and axial rigidity of typical member).

Apply a unit vertical load at C and substituting in Eq. (4.12) leads to

---------------------------- (7)
Example 1.
Find the horizontal and vertical deflection at joint C of the pin-jointed frame shown
in Figure 4.14. AE is constant for all members.
Solution: Calculate forces i.e. force in various members of the truss due to the
applied loading. These can be obtained by considering the equilibrium of various
joints as marked in Figure.
The computation of for two desired displacements of pin-jointed frame
are shown in Table 4.2.
Horizontal displacement of joint C

Vertical displacement of joint C ,

For the pin-jointed structure shown in the Figure, find the horizontal and vertical displacement of
the joint D . The area of cross-section, A =500 mm2 and E =200,000 N/mm2 for all the
Solution: The axial rigidity of the members, kN. The
computation of the desired displacements is presented in Table

෍ 5520
The horizontal deflection of = 55.2 mm

The vertical deflection of = - 8.31 mm = 8.31 mm

VIRTUAL WORK : Application to beams and frames

In order to find out the vertical displacement of C of the beam shown in Figure (a), apply a
unit load as shown in Figure (b).

The internal virtual work is considered mainly due to bending and caused
due to internal moments under going the rotation due to the applied
loading. (internal virtual work done by shearing forces and axial forces is
small in comparison to the bending moments and hence ignored). Since the
where is the moment due to applied loading, the Eq.

for the displacement of C will take a shape of

The basic steps to be followed for finding the displacement or slope of a beams and frames are
summarized as
Example: Determine the slope and deflection of point A of the cantilever beam
AB with length L and constant flexural rigidity EI.

Solution: Deflection under the Load - Apply a vertical unit load at point A of the
beam as shown in Figure (b). Consider any point X at a distance of x from A ,

The vertical deflection of point A is given by Figure (a)

Slope at the free end: Apply a unit couple at point A of the beam as shown in
Figure. Consider any point X at a distance of x from A .

The slope at A is given by

Example 4.13 Determine vertical deflection and rotation of point B of the beam shown in
Figure (a). The beam is subjected to a couple at C .

Solution: Vertical deflection of B : Apply a unit load at B as shown in Figure (b).

Consider any point X at a distance of x from C

For (0< x < a + b )

For (0< x < b )

= For (b < x < a + b )

The vertical deflection of point B is given by

(i.e. in the upward direction)

Rotation of B : Apply a unit couple at B as shown in Figure (c). Consider any point X at a distance of
x from C

(0< x < a + b )

(0< x < a + b )
The rotation of point B is given by
Determine horizontal deflection of C and slope at A of a
rigid-jointed plane frame as shown in Figure (a). Both
members of the frame have same flexural rigidity, EI .

Solution: Horizontal deflection of C : Apply a unit load

C as shown in Figure (b).

Consider AB : ( x measured A )
Consider BC : ( x measured C )

The horizontal deflection of point C is given by

Rotation at A : Applying a couple at A as shown in Figure (d).

Consider AB : ( x measured A )

Consider BC : ( x measured C )
The slope at A is given by
Moment diagrams multiplication method for beams and frames

Recall the Eq. (4.15) in which the bending deflection of the beams and frames are
obtained by the integration of the two bending moments variations (i.e. and )
over a length of the members. However, for a uniform beam section (i.e. EI is
constant) such integrals can be readily derived depending upon the various shapes of
the bending moment diagrams. The computation of integral is given in
the Table 4.A1. The various steps for this method for finding deflections of the beams
and frame are:
1. Draw the bending moment diagram of given beam or frame due to applied
external loading (i.e. diagram).
2. Draw the corresponding bending moment diagram due to unit load applied
in the direction of interested deflection (i.e. diagram).
3. Compute the desired deflection by computing the

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