Objectives: Chapter 4 Sludge Treatment and Disposal

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Chapter 4 Sludge treatment and Disposal

 to reduce the volume of material to be handled by
removal of some or all of the liquid portion, and

 to decompose the highly putrescible organic

matter to relatively stable or inert organic and
inorganic compounds from which water will
separate more readily.
Sludge treatment processes

Sources of sludge
Primary sedimentation tank
Aeration basin or secondary clarifier
Screening and grinder
Filter backwash water
Factors to consider when selecting
the different treatment processes
Character of the sludge; raw, digested, or industrial
Land availability
Suitability of sludge for disposal by dilution
Local possibilities for using sludge as a soil
conditioner or fertilizer
Capital and operating costs
Size and type of wastewater treatment plant
Proximity of the plant to residential areas and local
air pollution control regulations
Sludge characteristics
The quantity of primary solids, on a dry mass basis, can be determined by
Mp = x SS x Q
where M p = mass of primary solids, kg/d
 = efficiency of primary clarifier
SS = total suspended solids in effluent, kg/m3 and Q = flow rate, m 3/d
Secondary sludge can be estimated by the equation

Ms = Y x BOD5 x Q

Ms = mass of secondary solids, kg/d

Y = biomass conversion factor: fraction of food (BOD5) incorporated into biomass,
BOD5 = BOD5 removed by secondary treatment, kg/m3
Q = flow rate, m3/d
The volume of wet sludge can be approximated by the following equation:
V= M/(1000.S)
Where V= volume of sludge produced, m3/d
M= mass of dry solids, kg/d
S= solids content expressed as a decimal fraction
1000 = density of water, kg/m3
Estimate the sludge volume reduction when the sludge is thickened from 4
percent to 7 percent solids concentration. The daily sludge production is 100 m3
Sludge Treatment Methods
i) Sludge Thickening
Thickening is the process of removing water
from a waste solids stream. It is desirable
because the reduced water content results in
smaller downstream processing units.
Thickening can be accomplished by:
 Gravity thickening
 Dissolved air flotation thickening
Gravity belt (variant can be used to dewater)
Gravity thickening
 Similar to a primary sedimentation basin
 the settling tank receives either primary or primary
and secondary sludge
Gravity Belt Thickener
Gravity Belt Thickener
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
 uses air bubbles attached to particles to cause
solids to rise, rather than settle due to gravity.
Air is injected into the waste sludge just prior to
entering a pressurization vessel
The water/sludge is then released into a settling chamber
at atmospheric pressure.
The excess dissolved air begins to release forming bubbles
The fine bubbles attach to the sludge solids raising them to
the surface.
 Concentrated sludge solids are “skimmed” from the top.
The subnatant is returned to the treatment process
Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) Method
A waste water treatment plant consists of primary treatment units followed by
an activated sludge secondary system. Wastewater treatment plant and sludge
characteristics are as shown on table below.
Determine (a) the solids loading (kg/d) to the sludge disposal facilities
(b) the percent volume reduction by the thickener
Take Y=biomass conversion factor=0.35

Wastewater, treatment plant, and sludge characteristics are as follows:

Wastewater Sludge

Influent SS 200 mg/L clarifier 25 m Primary 5.0% solids

Influent Aerator
225 mg/L 2900 m3 Secondary 0. 75% solids
BOD volume
Effluent MLSS in 3500
20 mg/L Thickened 4.0% solids
BOD aerator mg/L
Flow 19,000 m3 /d .
1)Determine the mass of the primary solids and the volume of the primary sludge
a. Area of primary clarifier = A=3.14xD2/4 =3.14x25 ²/4=491m2
b. Overflow rate= Q/A=19000/491=38.7m/d
c. From Fig .A.for overflow rate of 38.7m/d, SS=58% and BOD5=32%
d. Mass of primary solids required is =Mp = x SS x Q=0.58x0.2x19000=2204kg/d
volume of primary sludge Vp=Mp/1000.S =2204/(1000x0.05) =44.1m3/d
2) Determine the mass of the secondary solids and the volume of the secondary
a) Mass of secondary sludge =Ms = Y x BOD5 x Q=0.35xBOD5 x19000
b) Volume of secondary sludge=Vs =Ms/(1000.S) =884/(1000x0.0075) =118m3/d
3) Determine the total mass of solids and the total volume of sludge to the thickener
4) Determine the total mass of solids and the total volume of sludge discharged
from the thickener to the sludge disposal facilities
a)Assuming negligible solids in the thickener supernatant, the total mass of the solids
in the thickener sludge is 3088kg/d
b)Total volume of thickened sludge =Vthick=M/(1000.S) =3088/(1000x0.04)=77.2m3/d
5) Determine the % of volume reduction achieved by the thickener
% reduction=(162.1-77.1)/162.1 x100 =52%
Fig .A.Suspended solids and BOD removal as a function of overflow rate
ii) Sludge Stabilization
reduce pathogens
eliminate odor-causing materials
inhibit, reduce, and eliminate the potential for putrefaction

 Anaerobic digestion
Aerobic digestion
Lime treatment (rare)
Heat treatment (very rare)
Digestion is a microbiological process that converts
the chemically complex organic sludge to methane,
carbon dioxide, and inoffensive humus like material.
Anaerobic Digestion
Biological treatment of the sludge in an
anaerobic environment
Biological solids are converted to carbon
dioxide , methane gases and water.
Standard-Rate Digestion
High-Rate Digestion
Standard-Rate Digestion

 Single stage process

 Usually heated with external heat exchanger, 35 to 40°C

 Unmixed so stratification occurs

Typical detention times of 30 to 60 days, but up to 90 days

Seldom designed and built today, but many still in operation

Standard-Rate Digestion

Gas storage
Scum layer


Inlet Heater

Actively digesting sludge

Settled solids
Single Stage High-Rate

 Mixing by gas recirculation, mechanical mixers,

pumping, etc.
 Higher loading rates than standard-rate digesters
 Sludge feeding continuously, or cycled at 30 min to
2 hr intervals
 Solids reduction of 45 to 50% (as gas)
 Detention times of 15 to 18 days, possibly less
High-Rate Digestion

High degree of waste stabilization at high organic loading rates

Very little sludge production (< 5% of biodegradable organic matter

being converted to cell material) (10% of aerobic sludge
Easy dewatering of the excess sludge
Low nutrient requirement (10% of aerobic process requirement)
No aeration equipment
Methane production
Probably less sensitive to toxic compounds

Low bacterial yield (prolonged periods of biomass

build-up), thus requiring longer start-up period (8 to
12 weeks).

Temperature sensitive

Inherent process instability

Design parameters for an anaerobic digester
Parameter Standard-rate High-rate
Solids retention time, d 30-90 10-20
Volatile solids loading, kg/m3/d 0.5-1.6 1.6-6.4
Digested solids concentration, % 4-6 4-6
Volatile solids reduction, % 35-50 45-55

Gas production (m3/kg VSS added) 0.5-0.55 0.6-0.65

Methane content, % 65 65

The standard-rate digester volume is determined bythe following equations.

V= (V1 + V2 )t1+ V2t2
where V = volume of the digester, m 3
V1 = raw sludge loading rate; m3/d
V2 = digested sludge accumulationrate,m3/d
t1 = digestion period, d and t2 = digested sludge storage period, d
Example: Designing a standard-rate anaerobic digester

A thickened sludge is to be digested anaerobically in

a standard-rate digester.
The sludge is known to be about 70 percent organic and 30 percent
inorganic in nature. Approximately 60 percent of the organic
fraction is converted to liquid and gaseous end products after
a 30-d period. The digested sludge has a solids content of 5.0 percent
and must be stored for periods of up to 90 d.

Determine the volume requirement for a standard rate,

single stage digester.
Consider raw sludge loading rate=77.2m3/d and digested
sludge accumulation rate is 3088kg/d
The digested sludge consists of solids not converted to liquids
and gases.
Total mass of solids = 3088 kg/d
Organic fraction = 3088 x 0.7 = 2162 kg/d
Organic fraction remaining = 2162 x 0.4 = 864.8 kg/d
Inorganic fraction remaining = 3088 x 0.3 = 926.4 kg/d,
Total mass remaining= 864.8 + 926.4 = 1791.2 kg/d
Digested sludge accumulation rate:
V2 = 1791.2 kg/d = 35.8 m3/d
1000 kg/m3 x 0.05
Determine the digester volume
V=( V1+V2 )t1+V2t2
2 + 35.8) m3/d x 30 d + 35.8 m3/d x 90 d
= (77.2
= 4917 m3
Aerobic Digestion

Biological treatment of the sludge in an

aerobic environment.
Biological solids are converted to carbon
dioxide and water.
Units are usually constructed similar to or
identical to activated sludge aeration basins.
 Volatile solids reduction is equal that obtained


 Lower BOD concentrations in supernatant liquor

 Production of an odorless, humus-like,

biologically stable end

 Operation is relativeluy easy

 Lower capital cost


 A high power cost is associated with supplying the

required O2

 A digested sludge is produced with poor

mechanical dewatering characteristics

 A useful by-product such as methane is not

Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestion Compared
Lime Treatment

The addition of lime to raise the pH above 12

effectively stopping any biological degradation
Lime added before dewatering is lime pre-
Lime added after dewatering is lime post-

Dewatering is the removal of a portion of the

water in order to:
Produce a sludge sufficiently dry to
Landfill the sludge without undue leachate
Reduce trucking costs.
Improve handling.
Enhance composting of the sludge
Dewatering Methods

 Belt filter presses

 Sludge drying beds
Belt Filter Press
Sludge Drying Beds

9 to 12 in. of sand placed over a tile drainage

6 to 12 in. of sludge discharged onto sand bed
Sludge dries by draining water through the sand
Typically 5 to 20 day drying time, excluding
Sludge Drying Beds
Sludge applied to sand surface

6 in. fine sand

3 in. coarse sand
3 in. fine gravel
3 in. coarse gravel
3 to 6 in medium gravel

Drain pipe medium gravel

Use and Disposal of Sewage Sludge Biosolids
The beneficial uses of biosolids include
land application to agricultural lands,
land application to non-agricultural lands,
and sales or give away of biosolids for use on home

Non-agricultural areas may include compost, forests,

public contact (parks, highways, recreational areas, golf
courses etc.).

Disposal methods of biosolids include disposal in

municipal landfills, disposal on delicate sites, surface
disposal, and incineration

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