Organizational Patterns

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The Introduction

Being part of Saliksik 5.0, our objective is to expound our

knowledge by analysing organizational patterns of a specified
The Study
S.B. Adler
Chemical Engineering Department, Case
Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid
Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
Solid State Ionics
Volume 135, Issues 1–4, 1 November
2000, Pages 603-612
Limitation of charge transfer mo
For mixed conducting oxygen elect
The Presentation Paper
MOVE 1: S1
Traditionally, electrochemistry is concerned with charge-transfer
reactions occurring across a 2-dimensional interface

‘Electrochemistry’, is the
subject or topic of the study.

‘Traditionally’, is associated ‘is concerned’ pertains to a

with the idea of relevance. relative and accepted fact
Electrochemistry is concerned with
charge-transfer reactions occurring Simple Present
across a 2-dimensional interface

Electrochemistry was concerned with

charge-transfer reactions occurring Simple Past
across a 2-dimensional interface
MOVE 1: S2
Indeed, at any macroscopic two-phase boundary, the magnitude,
direction driving force for current density can be described
relatively unambiguously

‘relatively’ implies the concept

of frequency under S2.

‘can be described’ indicates Brief but sufficient background

description (generalization). information about the topic.
MOVE 1: S3
As early as 1933 [1], workers began introducing the concept of a
'three-phase boundary' (solid/liquid/gas) in order to allow for
direct involvement of gas-phase species at an electrochemical

This section provides a

previous research citation.

Transitioning from ‘two phase’

into three phase on Sentence
2 and 3
Indeed, at any macroscopic two-phase boundary, the magnitude,
direction driving force for current density can be described
relatively unambiguously

As early as 1933 [1], workers began introducing the concept of a

'three-phase boundary' (solid/liquid/gas) in order to allow for
direct involvement of gas-phase species at an electrochemical
MOVE 1: S3
However, since matter cannot pass through a truly one-
dimensional interface among three phases, concepts of 'interfacial
area', 'current density', and 'overpotential' at a three-phase
boundary lack clear definition.

Connected to previous
sentence as it specifies a
finding – lack of clear
definition. Language Aspect: the word
For example, where exactly is the current flowing from/to,
and what is the local flux density?

Lack Also, if we define overpotential in terms of thermodynamic

of potentials of species outside the interfacial region, what species
and region are we talking about?
n r Although the three- phase boundary concept may serve as a
useful abstraction of the overall electrode reaction, it does not
address these mechanistic questions.
Does not automatically signify as the hint for the
‘As an alternative’ and ‘these; is an
Workers studying gas-diffusion electrodes in the mid-1960s
example of pro-form in language
recognized the limitations of the three-phase boundary
concept [2], [3]. As an alternative, they began to break down aspect.
the electrode reaction into individual steps, some that involve
charge-transfer across a two-dimensional interface, and some
that involve dissolution and diffusion of molecular species in
‘Although’ is a signaling phrase of
three dimensions or across a chemical interface. These and unexpectedness of the idea of
subsequent studies have demonstrated that electrodes with i- existence of examples today.
V characteristics indicative of charge-transfer limitations (eg.
Tafel behaviour) can, in fact, be limited by steps that do not
themselves involve charge- transfer [4]. Although the solid- Sentence 8 is apparently in active
state literature has held on to the three-phase boundary voice that is more recommendable
concept more tightly than the aqueous or polymer literature, rather than the latter.
few examples remain today or solid-state electrochemical
reactions that are not partially limited by solid-state reaction
and diffusion processes. Limitations of charge-transfer models
for mixed-conducting oxygen electrodes
‘Which’ allowed the connection of
sentence forming a relative clause – One example is the 02-reduction reaction on a
under sentence
mixed-conducting perovskite electrode, which
defies rational explanation in terms of interfacial
‘Is’ was used in Sentence 13 as it impedance. In order to incorporate non-charge-
referred to an investigation or an transfer effects, workers often apply an empirical
experiment. Butler- Volmer model (for DC characteristics) or an
equivalent-circuit model (for AC impedance) that
treat non-charge-transfer processes in terms of an
‘this approach’ is the pro-form that
effective overpotential/current relationship [5, 6].
substituted the indicated DC and AC
impedance. However, this approach lacks generality and can
often be incorrect for treating oxygen absorption
and solid-state and gaseous diffusion; which
contribute to the impedance in a convoluted
manner [7].
MOVE 2: 1B
Although such models may provide a useful set of parameters to
'fit' data accurately, they leave the electrode reaction mechanism
only vaguely or empirically defined, and provide little mechanistic

Coherent with showcased

problem in paragraph one.

The word ‘vaguely’ associates

with/indicates lacking or gap Stimulates the need for the
The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for defining
'charge-transfer' and 'non-charge-transfer' processes, and to
illustrate how they are different.

Follows the form of an active

voice – also parallelism.

‘This paper’ lets the readers

know that it refers to this work Used ‘is’ as it refers to what
type of text it is.
‘We’ was used which is not advisable
We investigate why charge-transfer contrary to the use of dummy
models have difficulty modelling subjects.
non-charge- transfer effects, and
walk through several examples
including the ALS model for oxygen The use of active voice is very evident
reduction on a porous mixed- in these move.
conducting oxygen electrode. We
then review a recent study of linear
AC polarization of La1-x Srx CoO3-5
Present tense was used to describe the
(LSCO) electrodes on ceria that situation in a factual manner.
corroborates the ALS model, and
demonstrates the importance of 02
surface exchange and diffusion.
maj This study shows that the
electrode reaction extends up to
finding 20 microns beyond the

s or electrode/ electrolyte interface,

implying that electrode
polarization is better described
by macroscopic thermodynamic
gradients than as an 'over
The Synthesis
Move 1: Claiming Centrality

Step 1: S3 – Claim the Sentence Number

Centrality 1

Step 1: S2 – Making Topic Sentence Number

Generalizations 2

Step 1: S3 – Reviewing Items Sentence Number

of Previous Research 3-4, 8-11, 13-15

Move 2: Establishing the Niche

Step1: A – Indicating the Gap Sentence Number

Move 3: Occupying the Niche

Step 1: A – Outlining the Sentence Number

Purposes 17

Step 1: B – Presenting the Sentence Number

Research 18-19

Step 2 – Announcing the Sentence Number

Principal Findings 20
General Statements

Detail of General

Specific Details


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