Design and Development of Pendulum Operated Water Pump

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The traditional hand water pump may take more efforts, the man who operates
traditional hand water pump has to apply his force continuously on the lever of pump,
due to which man who are using this pump get tired immediately. One important think
of a pump with a pendulum is that the work is alleviated or in simple terms it makes
work rather easier when is compared with a traditional hand water pump. It is due to
this underlined feature which enables the pendulum pump to be used as an efficient
mode in the irrigation of smaller lots, water-wells. By the use of pendulum based
water pumping system we can increase the efficiency of the plant and reduce the
effort, cost of production, production time, and manpower requirement. The research
done fill today is concentrated on the working and effectiveness of the mechanism
only. Considering all of the advantages of the mechanism it was decided to use it for
lifting water with the help of reciprocating pump such that the input to the mechanism
is given by humans which is comparatively less than the effort applied by humans to
lift water using hand pumps directly.
The main importance of a pendulum pump is that the initiation energy for starting the process
of pumping, swinging of the pendulum, is considerably less when compared with the work
required to operate hand pumps. Typical hand pumps require sufficiently large effort and an
average person can use the pump continuously only for a short time, but the pendulum pump
requires only minimum of the effort, because it is only required to oscillate the pendulum and
can maintain these oscillation for several hours, without any fatigue. The advantage of this
invention compared to present hand pump solutions are: less force to start the pump, less water
consumption, and both arms can be used to fetch the water. New and technically original idea
- hand water pump with a pendulum - provides alleviation of work, because it is enough to
move the pendulum occasionally with a little finger to pump the water, instead of large swings.
Using the minimum of human strength in comparison to present classic hand water pumps
enables efficient application in irrigation of smaller lots, for water -wells and extinguishing
fires even by old people and children, which was proved by a large number of interested
future consumers during the presentations.
A research has been done in the past to solve the problems. This thesis is the design of a small-
scale working model of a Pendulum Operated Pump which providing fully pendulum pump
functions along with all the features. Lin et al. [2013] [1] from The State Key Laboratory of
Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, China were acquired experimental
data from the semi-physical test rig and analyzed validate the energy transmission strategy of
dual-medium and Communication Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India presented an
approach for the swing up and stabilization of a rotary inverted pendulum (RIP). RIP system is
an unstable, multivariable, under actuated and highly nonlinear in nature. RIP consists of a
pivot arm; the pivot arm rotates in a horizontal plane by means of a servo motor. The opposite
end of the arm is attached to the pendulum rod whose axis is along the radial direction of the
motor. The task is to design a controller that swings up the pendulum, and keeps it in upright
position. Swing up action is based on the energy principle whereas stabilization pressurize. An
onshore pendulum WEC test rig is built to validate the above proposals.
A hydraulic cylinder is substituted for the wave that exerts force on the pendulum.
Although the force and the output power in the simulation are somewhat different
from those in the test results, the overall tendency is the same, and the dual power
stroke in one period is clearly shown. Rahul Singh and Vijay Kumar [2014] [2] from
Dept. of Electronics uses Takagi Surgeon Fuzzy controller. A mode controller is used to
decide which control action is to be implemented. Mode controller is the third
approximation. In contrast, the traditional linearization procedure is not always
faithful. Alternative characterizations of stability are also presented. They are based
on degree theory and on the algebraic structure of the sympletic group. Basically a
condition check on the angle of the pendulum rod. Finally, MATLAB SIMULATION
results reflect the performance of the RIP system with the stated control actions.
Steps of fabrication of pendulum based water pump is as follows:
1. Collecting the required raw materials.
2. Cutting the metal bars to required size.
3. Fabrication of frame as per the design by utilizing the metallic bars.
4. Fixing of reciprocating pump to the frame.
5. Placing the lever at the correct position.
6. And fabrication of pendulum to the lever end.

a) It can be used where the shortage of power or electricity is a major issue.

b) From experimentation it can be concluded that the system is practically feasible.
c) Implementing a pendulum pump setup that uses gravitational force only
d) Implementing a pendulum pump setup which uses gravitational force only, leads to
large amount of energy
e) This system is more efficient, considering the minimum efforts required.
The oscillation of pendulum has dynamic action of forces. When pendulum is at the
extreme ends, the component of force acting on the lever due to pendulum is minimum
level and lever is at extreme high position on pendulum side due to action of counter
weights. While, when the pendulum is in motion & is at middle position, the force due
to pendulum is maximum level & lever is at extreme low position as forces exceed
that of the counter weights. Repetition of this phenomenon is the principle of working
of the project. Oscillation of the pendulum is the input to the model. These oscillations
will cause the lever to oscillate about its pivot point. The other end of lever as
connected to the rod of the pump; causes it to reciprocate thus giving the pumping
The working of pendulum pump is depends on the main parts like pendulum with suitable
counter weight, main lever, oscillating mechanisms, reciprocating pump, spring. The motion of
pendulum is depends on the effort applied by human being. The pendulum is connected to one
end of lever .when we apply the force on the pendulum then pendulum starts oscillates this
oscillates motion of pendulum transferred to the main lever. The main lever starts oscillates due
to movement of pendulum, the liver is mounted on the top of the frame. The liver is supported
by two pedestal bearing we can say that the oscillating mechanism. The liver oscillates in
which oscillating mechanism. The connecting rod of the piston is connected to the liver the
oscillating motion of liver is transferred to piston rod and then the oscillating motion of liver is
converting in to reciprocating motion of piston. When the cylinder is fully filled by water then
water is goes out through outlet port. Wherewe get the output result of the pump in the form
of discharged water. The downward movement of piston is achieved by the spring. The spring
is located at the end of lever at pump side. When the lever takes upward position then spring
will expand and piston completes the suction stroke .at the next movement of spring is
compression this movement is used to retract the liver. The spring also balances the weight of
the pendulum.

Free of input energy

Low cost automation
Less mechanical movement so loss of friction is less

It can be utilized in remote agricultural areas in which there won’t be any availability
of power.
This pendulum pump can replace hand pump works on with the help of oscillating
motion of pendulum which converted into reciprocating motion of piston for pumping
action it is easy to operate & less effort is required for pumping Due to pumps
portability and lesser weight even handicapped person and children can operate it.
It can be used as a replacement for conventional hand pump.
[1] Y.G. Lin, Le Tu, D.H. Zhang, H.W. Liu, Wei Li, “study on dual-stroke pendulum wave
energy conversion technology”, State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and
Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou310027, China, May 16, 2013.
[2] Rahul Singh, Vijay Kumar, “Swing up and Stabilization of Rotary Inverted
Pendulum using TS Fuzzy”,International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering &
Technology, Volume 2 Issue11 pp 753-759, 2014
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