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Chapter -1-
Definitions of Risk
Risk: Uncertainty concerning the occurrence of a loss
Loss Exposure: Any situation or circumstance in
which a loss is possible, regardless of whether a loss
• Objective Risk vs. Subjective Risk
– Objective risk is defined as the relative variation of actual
loss from expected loss
• It can be statistically calculated using a measure of dispersion,
such as the standard deviation
– Subjective risk is defined as uncertainty based on a
person’s mental condition or state of mind

Peril and Hazard
A peril is defined as the cause of the loss
– In an auto accident, the collision is the peril
A hazard is a condition that increases the chance of
– Physical hazards are physical conditions that
increase the chance of loss (icy roads,
defective wiring)
– Moral hazard is dishonesty or character
defects in an individual, that increase the
chance of loss (faking accidents, inflating
claim amounts)

– Attitudinal Hazard (Morale Hazard) is
carelessness or indifference to a loss, which
increases the frequency or severity of a loss
(leaving keys in an unlocked car)

– Legal Hazard refers to characteristics of the legal

system or regulatory environment that increase
the chance of loss.

Classification of Risk
1. Financial Vs. Non-Financial Risks

2. Statistic Vs. Dynamic Risks

3. Fundamental Vs. Particular Risks

4. Pure Vs. Speculative risks

• Enterprise risk encompasses all major risks faced
by a business firm, which include:

– Pure risk

– Speculative risk

– Strategic risk

– Operational risk

– Financial risk

• Financial Risk: refers to the uncertainty of loss
because of adverse changes in commodity
prices, interest rates, foreign exchange rates,
and the value of money.

• Strategic risk refers to uncertainty regarding

the firm’s financial goals and objectives; for
example, if a firm enters a new line of business,
the line may be unprofitable.

• Operational risk: results from the firm’s

business operations. For example, a bank that
offers online banking services may incur losses
if “hackers” break into the bank’s computer.

• Personal risks: risks that directly affect an

individual or family.
• Major personal risks that can cause great
economic insecurity include the following
Premature death

Insufficient income during retirement

Poor health

• Property risks involve the possibility of losses
associated with the destruction or theft of property:
– Physical damage to home and personal property
from fire, tornado, or other causes
Direct loss vs. indirect loss
– A direct loss is a financial loss that results from
the physical damage, destruction, or theft of the
property, such as fire damage to a home
– An indirect (consequential loss) results indirectly
from the occurrence of a direct physical damage
or theft loss, such as the additional living
expenses after a fire to a home.
 Liability risks involve the possibility of being held
liable for bodily injury or property damage to
someone else

 Commercial Risks

Business firms also face a wide variety of pure risks

that can financially bankrupt the firm if a loss occurs.

These risks include:

(1) property risks (2) liability risks,

(3) loss of business income, and (4) other risks.


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